Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (16 page)

Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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“Lilly… you do not mean that.” She could not. For the thought of not having her in his life was suddenly unbearable. “If you did, then you’d pull away when I kissed you like this.”


He bent his head to hers and kissed her, a sweet soft kiss that built upon the next so that their passions grew, and she was once again enveloped in his arms. He fisted her hair and pulled her head back as he nipped at her neck and she wrapped her arms around him to hold him close.


Mason freed the robe from her body, so she stood before him naked. By the gods, she was beautiful, and he’d be damned if he was going to let her get away.


“You’re mine, Lilly. Just as I am yours. Do you hear me?” He scooped her into his arms and laid her upon the bed, before making quick work of his own clothing. “Say it, Lilly. Tell me you’re mine, or I swear I’ll make you scream it.”


Her eyebrows perked at that one. “Is that so? You know I don’t do well with ultimatums, Chancellor.”


He saw her mood shift as a teasing smile tugged at the corners of her lips, the playfulness he loved fighting its way to the surface. It was the one thing he had going for him—she could never stay angry or upset with him for long.


“And I don’t do well with being ignored.” Mason grabbed her ankle and yanked her towards him, before flipping her onto her front and exposing her perfectly round arse. “Spoilt indeed, my dear.”


Lilly started to scramble away as realization dawned upon her pretty face, her eyes wide with not only panic, but excitement. “You wouldn’t dare!”


“Would I not? I gave you a choice, my dear, and it would appear your decision’s been made.”


She pinned him with a steely glare, but it did nothing to deter him. They’d played this game before, and he knew her protests would soon give way to sweet sounds of pleasure. The thought made his groin ache with need.


“Come here, my love. You know there’s no escape.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him, nipping at her beautifully rounded arse cheeks. She yelped in response, squirming in futility. “Not that you’d really want to put an end to our fun.”


“You’re such a bastard, Mason.” She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he was far stronger than her. It took little effort—motivated as he was—to pin her to the bed with perfect access to his target, her body trapped under his arm while his body lay next to hers.


“Perhaps. But it’ll be this bastard who’ll leave you quivering and satisfied.” She struggled to get free, but she was trapped under his arm while his free hand caressed her round cheeks.




Mason took pleasure in the fact that she did not deny or argue the point. But not quite as much pleasure as when his hand gently slapped her arse and sent her squirming under him with a renewed energy. He’d not laid a heavy hand, though it was just enough for there to be a flush of red against her porcelain white skin. “Did you enjoy that, love?”


She did not answer him, and he understood that asking her to verbalize her needs or desires was more than her proper upbringing would allow. Yet the way her arse twitched as if searching him out, was answer enough. With the next slap, a sharp moan escaped her lips.


“Will you not say it, Lilly? Does your heart not beat faster when I’m near? For I do not mind telling you that you make my heart race like no other ever has.” His hand fell across her arse again, and she let out an anguished whimper.


“Why do you toy with me, Mason?” She looked over her shoulder at him, and what he saw left him shaken. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were red with unshed tears.


It felt like the floor was pulled out from under him. “I had not meant to hurt you.” His heart was shattered to think he’d caused her pain with his stupid games. He gathered her in his arms and held her to him. “I’m so sorry, love. I’m an idiot.”


But she was not content to sit there and be coddled. She struggled free of his embrace. “Damn you, Mason.” She blinked away the tears that threatened to escape. “My arse is just fine if that’s what you’re worried about.”


He shook his head in exasperation. “I don’t understand—and ‘tis your fault, since you refuse to tell me.”


He sighed, unsure of what was happening between them. He then took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, before pulling her close. She rested her head on his shoulder and he held her there, confused, not knowing what to say to make things better between them.


“I want only your happiness, love, but I cannot help you if you’ll not speak to me and let me know what’s bothering you.”


She looked up at him, and cupped his face, her hand warm against his skin. Covering her hand with his, he kissed her palm and then her lips. “What does it matter? As chancellor, your life is complicated and there is no place for me in it.”


It was not what he expected. “Lilly, I’ve been chancellor since the day you met me. There’s something else going on—something you aren’t telling me.”


She pursed her lips for a moment and then shook her head. “What do you want me to say, Mason? That I fear you’ll break my heart? That I care more than I want to? That I am a fool?”


He was all at once happy to hear of her attachment and hesitant, for he too had been pushing away his feelings for her. What would happen if he let down his guard and opened himself to the possibilities she had to offer? He knew she was right—his life was complicated. However, if ever there was ever a reason to take a risk, she would be it.


“You are no fool, my love.” He brushed her cheek and then nuzzled her, the pounding of his heart deafening. “For you, I would risk it all.”


“Would you really? For I’m not sure I believe it, even if you do.” She slowly closed her eyes as if it were too much to bear.


There was so much at risk. He could lose it all so easily. If he held back even a little, she would sense it and it would be over between them. His pulse raced at the thought of what he’d have to confess to keep her, and it left him more than a little queasy.


“I’ll admit, that may not have been the case in the past. But now? Other than my wife, you are the only one to capture my heart.” Her eyes searched his as if looking for the truth. “Do you believe me, my love?”


“I think I do.” Her words eased some of the tension tightly coiled within him, but he could see the discussion was far from over. “However, it changes little of our reality, Mason. I do not doubt you have good intentions, but as chancellor, I’ll only put you in a difficult situation. Is it really worth the trouble I’ll cause you? I cannot deal with another heartache when this life is difficult enough.”


He could not imagine being fool enough to break her heart, when he’d be lucky to have her. “I know you’re scared to trust me, to trust what we can have together, but I swear, I’ll not hurt you, Lilly.”


She shook her head and looked away. “How can you be so sure? What if you realize I’m more effort than I’m worth?”


The thought of what she was saying was inconceivable. “Not even what I had with my wife can compare to what I have with you. Do not misunderstand me. I loved her dearly, but our marriage was typical of its time and we abided by the constraints society dictated. We barely knew each other or our true selves when we first married, and though we grew close, too much of what we had together was built around the façades we maintained for propriety’s sake.”


He took a deep breath and held it while building the courage to tell her all he’d kept hidden. As he spoke the words, it felt like all of time stood still. “I love you, Lilly—like I’ve loved no other. I’ve never had to be anyone but my true self in your presence, and you’ve always accepted me for who I am.” He then laughed. “Granted, you’ve also hated me on more than one occasion, but I’ll not hold that against you.”


She held his gaze, her eyes hopeful. “You really think this can work between us?”


He leaned in and kissed her. “I do. But the question you should be asking yourself is do
think it will work?”


It felt like hours passed while he waited for an answer. And then she said the words that released his soul in flight. “I do, for I’m afraid I’ve been fool enough to fall in love with you.”


His heart swelled, and they sealed their new found honesty with a kiss he could lose himself in for an eternity. When he finally managed to pull himself away, a teasing smile sprung to his lips.


“Well, then. Where were we?” He flipped her back over onto her stomach, as she squealed playfully, her arse once again exposed. “I do believe I’m going to enjoy myself, love.”


“Bastard.” But there was no heat in her voice, just affection.


“Aye. That I am.”






Chapter Sixteen




September 8
, 1888




Jack found himself wandering towards Spitalfields Market. There were only a few hours of darkness left, before the sun would rise to start a new day. If only it were that easy to leave yesterday behind.


Pulling his collar up against the wind, Jack kept his pace brisk, knowing it would not be long now. It was always the same; a tug, not unlike the pull of death—of a reap. It could not be ignored, for to do so would be denying a part of him—a part abandoned and neglected for far too long.


There weren’t many people out on the streets this late at night, but Jack still kept to the shadows. He then saw her as she passed under the gaslight. She appeared to be in her forties, of stocky build and dark wavy brown hair. After putting some distance between them, he followed after her.


She would be the one.






Chapter Seventeen




Lilly stirred awake as a pounding noise broke her slumber. Mason was already on his feet, pulling on a nightshirt as he padded to the door. He stepped out into the hall, and though she could not hear the words exchanged, she knew it could only be something of importance, early as it was.


It was not long before he returned. “That was Pierce. There’s been another murder. You’ll need to get dressed.” As Mason’s lieutenant, Pierce kept him apprised of anything important, mentally receiving information that may concern Mason as chancellor.


“Another? Are we sure it is Jack?” It felt like she’d been punched.


“I’m afraid so, love. It’s like the others.” He pulled a shirt from his wardrobe and put it on as she slipped out of bed. “Pierce is waiting to take us to where the murder occurred.”


She chose a comfortable gown of dark blue linen that was easy to get into, not wanting to bother with a maid. Her hair was still loose, but she quickly gathered it and pinned it up.


“Ready?” Mason offered her his hand, and she took it, happy to have the contact. “I’d like to warn you that Nelson will likely be there, though if we’re lucky, we’ll get there before he does.”


The thought of Nelson sent a shiver down her spine, the matter made worse by knowing she could not avoid him. Mason must have sensed her apprehension, and ran a comforting hand down her arm.


“I’ll do what I can to keep you safe, love.”


She nodded, even if her gut still churned with unease. Mason would have little say in keeping Nelson or the Elders from her, and with yet another murder, they’d be desperate for any information that might lead to Jack. When Damon and Nelson had forced their way into her head, it felt as if her mind was being raped, and it was not something she was in a hurry to repeat.


Pierce waited for them in the front entry, ready to go. His normal spirit was dampened, and the only acknowledgement he gave them was a grim look. They said little during the ride, their mood somber and tense.


Having already seen the two previous murders, she knew to expect a horrific scene—and knew to expect Jack’s energy. Never had she been more wrong about a person, and it shook her to the core. Prior to these events, she had thought herself a good judge of character. But now, she knew not if she could trust her judgment of people. How many more mistakes had she made, misplacing her trust—and still oblivious she had done so?


Mason gave her hand a squeeze as they approached Whitechapel. She looked at him and managed a small smile, knowing he worried about her. However, her thoughts still haunted her. If ever she were right about someone, she hoped it would be about Mason. Though she’d given in to her feelings mere days ago, she would be heartbroken if she’d made a mistake in trusting him with her heart. He made her happier than she’d been in a long time.


He interrupted her thoughts. “We’re not far from where they found her, so we’ll stop here and walk the rest of the way.” He then turned to Pierce. “I’ll need you to survey the area and make note of all the details, while we deal with the reenactment.”


The police were keeping passersby at bay, though it was still early, and it appeared word had yet to get out. Soon enough the crowds would gather. Pushing her fears away, Lilly braced herself for what would come. She could not see the body from where they stood, but she held her head high as Nelson approached, already on the scene.


“Now I see why you weren’t at your home when I sent for you.” He turned from Lilly to Mason. “Nice of you to fetch her for me, Archer.”


“She’s staying with me. If you have a problem with that, then scurry off and speak to the Elders. You need not worry about the work that needs to get done here—I’ll take care of the investigation if you have more pressing matters.” Mason kept a firm hold of her hand and, ignoring Nelson’s glare and curses, moved them towards the body.

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