Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (21 page)

Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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“What with Jack gone, you’re short a reaper, are you not?” Damon laughed as the blood drained from Mason’s face. “You’ll be glad to know that’s no longer the case.”




Mason was numb, unsure of how he would tell Lilly. She despised being a reaper and now the person she’d loved in life would suffer the same fate as she. Or would she see it as an opportunity to reunite and live the life that had been stolen from them when she died?


Though Lilly said she cared for him, Mason wondered if it would be enough to keep them together. He now regretted all the times he’d antagonized her, all the times he’d put his work first. Would she continue their relations? He wasn’t sure she would, not when she could be with Corwin. Had she not told him that neither he nor Jack would ever compare to what she’d had with her betrothed? Had she not risked it all to spend a single evening in the man’s company? And then there was their child, a link between the two of them that could not be broken.


He could make Corwin’s life miserable—make him regret the day he became a reaper. But what would that accomplish? Not a thing other than to garner her hatred. The thought made him laugh in despair. He’d finally given in to his feelings for her, knowing full well that she could shatter his heart, and now he risked losing it all.


When he arrived home, his footman informed him that Lilly and Pierce were asleep. It was rather late, and upset as Lilly had been, he hoped sleep offered her a bit of peace. Mason found them both in his bed, though Lilly alone was asleep, curled against Pierce’s side with her head on his shoulder, his arm draped across her back.


“How is she?” Mason carefully sat on the edge of the bed, and ran a gentle hand over her loosened curls.


“I plied her with brandy so she’d relax enough to sleep. It took her a while to finally settle.” Pierce reached out and took his hand. “I don’t think I’ve seen you ever look worse. What happened?”


Mason shook his head. “Nelson couldn’t have made my life more miserable if he tried. In the end it was Damon who dealt the final blow. Lilly’s fiancé will become one of my reapers when he crosses over.”


Pierce’s eyebrows shot up, and then he shook his head in dismay. “What will Lilly think?”


“I wish I knew.” Mason ran a hand down his face, weary and exhausted.


“I’m sure we’ll find out come morning. In the mean time, you should get some rest.” Pierce motioned to the spot on the other side of Lilly, the bed large enough to accommodate the three of them. “Or should I go?”


Mason was too exhausted to care and with Lilly’s head on Pierce’s shoulder, he’d rather not wake her. “Stay if you want.”


Mason stripped down to his undershirt and slid in under the covers behind Lilly. With his arm wrapped around her waist, he nestled up against her, their bodies molded to each other. He couldn’t help but wonder how many more nights they’d have together. He told himself it did not matter. He’d spent two hundred years without her and managed just fine. Now was no different.


Yet it was. Even if he’d been fool enough to not admit before now, the truth was he’d fallen for her—fallen in love like a bloody fool. And he’d be damned if he was going to let her slip away.




In the end, Mason had not a chance to tell Lilly, nor get much rest. He awoke at two in the morning, the pull of death tugging at the corners of his mind. Corwin would be dead soon, and it was now Mason’s responsibility to explain his new life to him. It was never an easy transition, though Corwin would have a loved one to cross over to—a rare gift.


Leaving Lilly with Pierce once more, he walked out into the cold of night and sent his carriage into London. He directed his driver down some narrow streets, then opted to walk the rest of the way. Masking his presence, he shifted between the world of the living and that of the dead. The roads were deserted this late at night, so it was with little difficulty that he heard the scuffle. Following the sound, he came upon Corwin and three other men.


Corwin was already bleeding from a deep stab wound, though he was still putting up one hell of a fight. Mason, however, knew how the fight would end, for he’d not be there otherwise. One of the men fell as Corwin fought to survive, but a knife to Corwin’s back left him bleeding from his kidney.


He dropped to his knees, his life draining away as the two men fell upon him like wolves to their prey. It was soon over. One man went through Corwin’s belongings, while the other helped the third back to his feet.


Corwin appeared at Mason’s side, confused by the sight of his dead body in the alley. He looked around, his gaze finally settling on Mason. “Am I… am I dead?”


“Yes—and no.” Mason let out a deep sigh. “You’ll need to come with me. I’ll explain everything.”


“And if I don’t?” Corwin took a step back, ready for another fight.


Mason laughed, for it was up to him to complete Corwin’s transition to reaper. He’d like nothing more than for Corwin to choose death, even if it meant Lilly would grieve him. Better that than have to witness their reunion.


“Stay here then and welcome your finality.”








Chapter Twenty-One




Lilly was pulled from her fitful slumber to find Mason by her side. Her mind immediately went to Corwin, guilt overwhelming her once more. “Were you able to stop it?”


“No, love.” His words broke her heart and the tears spilled over. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her tears away. “Hope is not lost, though I don’t know how to tell you this.”


The worry in his eyes sent her mind racing. “What? Mason…” She was slipping into a torturous madness that stripped her of any coherent thought, her mind spinning around each possibility.


Mason kissed her, a sweet lingering kiss that slowed the insanity and calmed her. He pulled away and took her in for a long moment, before speaking with a sigh. “He’s waiting for you, love. Damon’s solution to Corwin’s death was to make him a reaper.”


His words left her dizzy, one thought after another battering her brain. She then focused on the one thing that mattered. “He’s here?” Her fingers knotted around the fabric of his shirt. “When did he die?”


“Only an hour ago, though I’ve yet to tell him about you.” Mason held her to him, though she could not escape her grief.


It was all her fault. How would she explain her role in his death? Would he ever forgive her? Because of her, he’d now be a reaper, bringing death to the unsuspecting, and living the hell she kept trying to escape.


“Come, love. I’ve left him with Pierce, and you know what he’s like. If there’s anyone who can make Corwin’s transition a little easier, it’s you. He’ll be happy to see you, especially when he realizes who you are.”


The thought that Corwin would know her for who she really was—his betrothed—gave her a glimmer of hope. She was barely dressed and could only imagine what she looked like after the tears she’d shed. Yet it did not matter. She ran her hands through her long locks to try and smooth them. “I’d like to see him.”


Mason stood and grabbed her dressing robe from the end of the bed, holding it out for her to slip into. Though he did his best to keep his emotions from showing, Lilly could see the worry in his eyes. Here she thought he would be the one to break her heart. And now? She did not know what to think or how to feel. Mason could have tried to keep Corwin from her, for the world of reapers was vast. Yet here he was, bringing them back together.


She held his face in her hands, his stubble rough against her palms. “Thank you, Mason.” She then kissed him like they were the only two people in the world.


He pressed his forehead to hers, his hands on her hips. “I love you, Lilly.”


Her heart ached, her emotions a tumultuous mess. She wanted to tell him that she loved him but she could not find the words. “Mason… you know how I feel about you.”


“But this changes everything.” The resignation in his voice killed her.


“I wish it didn’t, love, but I can’t ignore what I once had with Corwin. I’m sorry.” She could not lie to him. Despite all their difficulties, her feelings for Mason were genuine, though she knew not how she felt about Corwin. “It’s been ten years though. My feelings for him may be nothing more than a romantic reminiscence for what once was.”


Mason gave her one last kiss. “Let’s find out then.”


She took Mason’s hand and he led her down the stairs and into the sitting room. Her heart nearly stopped for Corwin still looked like he always had, his transformation not yet complete. Mason let her go and she crossed to where Corwin stood, by his side once more.


“Miss Hancock? What are ye doing here?”


Confusion lined his face, as Lilly fought the urge to throw her arms around his neck and never let him go. His voice still held onto the slight Scottish lilt that always melted her heart. Though he was a highlander by birth, his education and travels had been varied, the Scots faint as a result.


She looked over her shoulder at Mason and Pierce. “Could we be alone, please?” Mason nodded and left the room. Pierce followed suit and closed the door behind them.


“I dinna understand.” He shook his head and looked to Lilly for answers. He then blushed as he took in her attire, before looking away.


She gathered her robe around her, suddenly feeling naked. “Did Mason and Pierce explain that you’re now a reaper?” When he nodded, she continued. “You’re appearance has yet to change, but it soon will. You’ll then be able to walk amongst the living and not be recognized as the man you once were.”


Lilly took his hand in hers and led him to the sofa. She had to tell him the truth, for she could wait no longer, the ten years apart, ten too many. “Corwin, it’s me… Lilly. My appearance changed after my death just as yours soon will.”


His eyes searched her face as if looking for the woman he once knew and loved. “It cannot be. We’d met just the once seven years back at a dinner and dance. Lilly—she’d already died.” He shook his head, looking confused.


“I couldn’t stay away. When I found out you were in London, I had to see you even though it was forbidden. I know I look different, but it
me.” She had to convince him she had once been his betrothed.


“You asked me to marry you in a field of heather.” She looked down at their linked hands. “We were to be wed once you returned from a year at sea—and I spent our last night together in your arms.”


“Is it really…?” There was now hope in his voice, in his green eyes. “Lilly, is it you?”


“It is.” She pulled back her sleeve to reveal the crescent shaped birthmark—the one she also carried in life.


He pulled her into a tight embrace, and then, just as she had played it in her mind a million times over, she kissed him and he kissed her back, stealing her very breath and setting her heart aflame.


Though his kiss finally slowed to a stop, he still held her close. “By the gods, I missed ye, Lilly.”


“And I you.” She held onto him, taking in his scent, memories flooding her head. As a sea merchant, he always carried the scent of the ocean on him.


He cupped her cheek, his skin hot against hers. “Ye ne’er left my thoughts or heart,
mo chridhe
. And though our night together wasna proper, unmarried as we were, I must admit the memory of it kept me going through the years.”


“Did you not marry?” Surely he must have, for she’d died over ten years ago.


“Busy as I was at sea, I’m afraid I ne’er did find anyone. Not that any of them could compare to ye, my love.” He brushed her cheek and kissed her once more. “Did ye marry? Or is it not something a reaper does?”


“Things are different here, and though reapers do marry on occasion, it doesn’t often happen, given that we’ll live many a lifetime.” She wanted to tell him about their child, yet it would be too much all at once, and she knew not how he’d respond. They had nothing but time now, and it was best she not overwhelm him.


“I’m sorry if I disturbed yer rest.” He glanced at her robe and touched her loose hair, shaking his head. “It canna be proper that I’m here with ye in yer home, and unchaperoned no less. I dinna want to risk yer reputation, aye?”


Lilly blushed, for though she could let him think this was her home, he would find out before long. “Corwin… in this world we’re not bound by the same rules of society. This is not my home, love.” Lilly groaned at the thought of explaining her relations with Mason. “It belongs to Mason—the man who was with me.”


“Oh. And ye were sleeping here, unmarried and in a man’s home? Society’s rules may not apply, but what of decency and respect for your good name?” He shook his head as if trying to comprehend it all. “I’m sorry, Lilly. I dinna mean to criticize, but ‘tis a bit of a shock, aye?”


“Things are different here and it’s a lot to take in all at once.” Lilly thought back to her first days as a reaper. Mason had been so patient with her as he explained the new world she would live in. “I’m sorry to say there’s even more to come.”


As if on cue, Mason knocked once before letting himself in. “Perhaps it’s best if we let Mr. MacKenzie get some rest so he can finish his transformation.”


She looked over at Mason ready to plead her case. “I don’t want to leave him yet. We’ve had barely any time together.”


“Lilly, you’ll have an eternity now. He needs to finish crossing over completely.” Mason then turned his attention to Corwin. “Mr. MacKenzie, are you ready?”

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