Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (25 page)

Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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Mason would put up some charms. They’d not last more than a few weeks, but if Jack returned while they were still up, they’d be warned. It was unlikely he would return so soon after, but it was still worth a try.


“I’m surprised he came here.” She glanced around the room, her arms wrapped around herself as if she was chilled and couldn’t get warm.


“Perhaps it held good memories for him.” An edge tainted Mason’s voice, even though he knew this was hard on her. It didn’t help that he’d seen her and Jack in their most intimate moments, right here in this room. “If you could look around for anything that seems out of the ordinary, I’d appreciate it. You know him best.”


“Yes. I suppose I do.” Her tone was clipped, a rising tension in the air. “If I had known taking him to my bed would cause such problems, I’d have never done it.”


“I’m surprised to hear you say it. You’ve never seemed to be one for regrets, Lilly.” He stepped to her side and looked into those ice blue eyes, his emotions a tumult. He wanted her—loved her, damn it—yet she could shatter what little peace he’d found in this world, shatter all he’d managed to accomplish.


“I’ve had my share, but then, haven’t we all?” She shrugged and looked away, the distance between them growing, even if she was just a touch away. “You cannot tell me you’ve never regretted a decision you made. With all your years as chancellor? I don’t believe it.”


“As chancellor, yes, of course. But I’ve never regretted taking someone to my bed.” He didn’t want to know the answer, yet he had to ask. “Was I another mistake, love? Now that Corwin’s come back to you, do you wish you could turn back time and make a different decision?” The words stuck in his throat like a piece of days old crust.


She hesitated just long enough for it to hurt, even if she said otherwise. “No. I’d not change our past.”


“And what of the present? Or our future?” He’d not give up so easily. Not when they’d barely had a chance to make a go of it. Holding her face in his hands, his fingers twined in her hair as he brushed his lips against hers. “Will you give up on what we have without giving it a chance?”


He did not wait for an answer, but rather kissed her again, their bodies pressed against each other, his need a hunger only she could satisfy. He was tempted to take her then and there, to create new memories in this place that held only pain for her. Yet he could not. Mustering all his strength, he slowed his kisses even if he could not let her go. When she leaned her head against his shoulder, he held close.


But she did not want to be coddled. Looking up at him, her eyes searched his. “I need to know if I’m merely a distraction for you; an escape from boredom. And I need your honesty, Mason.”


He was dumbfounded. “Have I not told you that I love you? That I want to make this work? I did not speak those words lightly, aye?” Would he ever understand her? Well, it did not matter. There was one surefire way to get his point across so there would be no chance she’d misunderstand him.


“I love you, Lilly.” He buried his fingers in her hair and kissed her velvety lips with complete abandon. His words were no more than a murmur against skin, against lips. “Do you doubt my feelings for you? How can you deny what’s between us?”


“Yes, pet. How can you deny it?”


“Nelson.” The name came out as a deep growl, Mason’s fury barely contained. He pushed Lilly behind him, shielding her. “Are you now following us?” He must have, the coincidence too great.


“You sound surprised. But unlike you, I came looking for clues to Jack’s whereabouts.” Nelson removed his gloves and put them together, a smug smile curling at the corners of his mouth, his eyes filled with snide amusement. “Rather perverse don’t you think; to be carrying on like you were when she’s had another in this very room? My dear, I’ll have to see for myself what all the fuss is about.”


“You bastard!” Lilly lunged for him, but Mason was quick enough to hold her back, though he’d not ever seen her so furious. “You had me reap my betrothed. How could you?”


“Feisty, isn’t she?” A lusty grin spread across his face, his eyes devouring her. “I’d have fun taming that hellcat. Surprised you’ve not already managed it yourself, Archer. Or is it the other way around with you?”


Mason landed a fist in the wall, inches from Nelson’s head. “I swear, I’ll murder you myself if you touch her. Are we clear? Not even Damon would lift a finger to save you.”


He looked at Mason’s fist and turned back with a scoff. “She’s not your One, Mason, and until that day, you’ve little say in what I can or cannot do in my role as chancellor. Are


Lilly stepped out from behind Mason, defiance in her stance, her head held high. “Do the Elders know of your role in my betrothed’s death? I wonder what they truly think when you haven’t come any closer to finding Jack, and another woman’s been murdered with you at the helm. You are lead in this investigation, are you not? Yet you’d rather cut short the lives of those not ready to die.”


By the gods, Mason couldn’t have loved her more than in that moment, yet it was stupid for her to draw Nelson’s anger upon herself. She’d only come to harm taking on a man like him.


“You’d be wise to watch your mouth, girl. Perhaps what I need is more information on Jack—and you, pet, have years of memories for me to rifle through. Shall we get started?” Nelson took a step towards her, but Mason moved between them.


“Don’t you dare touch her. The Elders would never approve such extreme measures.” His heart raced in panic, for the truth was they’d likely let Nelson do as he wished if it meant catching Jack.


“Wouldn’t they with yet another woman dead and Jack still eluding us? Her cooperation, as well as yours, was guaranteed by the Elders. How happy do you think they’ll be if I have to bother them with this matter?”


If Nelson took Lilly, she would be at his mercy, the pain unbearable. Yet if Mason stood in Nelson’s way, Mason would find himself before the Elders and in a most unfavorable position. His mind raced for a way to hold the bastard off and keep Lilly from his clutches. “I’ll go through each and every memory with her, but you’re still not touching her. When I’m done, I’ll send you my findings.”


“Is that so? Have you forgotten that you still answer to me where this case is concerned? If I need her for anything at all, then she’s mine to use as I see fit. Mine, Archer—and you’ll only make matters worse for her if you stand in my way. I need not explain the consequences of her refusal—or yours—do I?”


There was only one thing Mason could do to try and keep her from harm—and the one thing that would also keep her from straying to Corwin. He tried to think of an alternative, but there was nothing else that came to mind. There would be consequences for him, her wrath and that of the Elders, but it’d be worth it in the end if she was safe and in his arms.


With his heart racing and his face numb, he spoke the words that would keep her safe—words that would change everything. “I claim her as my One.”


Nelson’s eyes narrowed in fury. “You wouldn’t dare.”


“I believe I just did.”


Mason pulled out a pocket knife, unfolded the blade, and ran it across his palm. He ignored the sting of the cut, and turned to Lilly. Panic already consumed her, as she gasped for breath, her eyes wide. Whether she was scared of the knife or because of the action it signified, it mattered not.


“You need to say it, Lilly. You must.” He quietly pleaded with her, for if she didn’t do her part, then Nelson would have his way with her.


“Mason…” She shook her head, disbelief in her eyes.


“Don’t you dare say it, girl.” Nelson was livid, and it was his anger that seemed to convince her, her eyes filling with panic.


. He’ll show you no mercy.” Mason brought her hand to his lips, willing her to say the words, for he could all too easily imagine what Nelson would do to her. “There’s no other way, love.”


When she nodded, he took her hand and lightly ran the blade over her palm. She flinched at the pain, but she did not pull away when he pressed their palms together, so their blood became one. “Lilly, you need to say it.”


And so she spoke the words, her voice faint, broken. Words that changed the very air around them, changed their present and their future. Words that bound their hearts and souls together as husband and wife.


“I claim you as my One.”






Chapter Twenty-Four




Lilly was numb with disbelief. She took the whiskey from Mason and drank it, but the burning heat did little to extinguish the panic bubbling inside her. She looked down at the dried blood that tainted her palm, the cut already healed.


“I know you’re upset about this union, but you may dissolve the marriage after a year and a day, if you so choose.” Mason paced the floor of their small room at the local inn. Running a rough hand through his hair, he looked like he’d lost all sanity. “There was nothing else I could do. Do you not understand what he would have done to you?”


She’d yet to find her voice, for she knew not what to say. How would she explain this to Corwin? She’d not had him back more than a day or two, and now she was married to Mason—after refusing Corwin’s proposal no less. She wasn’t even sure what being married meant in this world. It was one thing to take a man to her bed when she had no commitments, but this was different.


He knelt before her and took her hands in his. “Lilly, please… will you not say something? Anything. I cannot bear the silence.”


“What is there to say?” She felt numb. Numb and helpless.


“What would you have me do?” His voice sounded strained, and for the first time since this all started, she wondered what consequences Mason would have to face.


“And what of the Elders? You’ve now crossed them in order to offer me protection. What of your safety?” She cupped his cheek as she looked into his hazel eyes, his stubble rough against her hand. What would they do to him?


He kissed her palm. “Don’t worry about me, love. I’ll manage, aye?”


“You should have let me go with Nelson.” Though she spoke the words, she knew it was nothing more than false bravery, the threat now gone. She pulled him onto the bed to sit by her side.


“Lilly, do not even jest. You have no idea what that bastard would do to you. You’d not survive it.” Mason shook his head, his gaze cast downward, deep in thought. “I’d not forgive myself if you came to harm, love, especially when I’m the sole reason you’ve been dragged into this mess. If Nelson weren’t trying to provoke me, you’d not be in harm’s way.”


He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her—their first kiss since he declared her his One. Oddly enough, it felt different.


After her death, she’d not thought she’d ever marry. Yet here she was, now married to Mason, of all people.


Panic sparked like a flame to a dry field. “I don’t know if I can do this. Our entire relationship has been one of uncertainty. I’ll not deny that I have feelings for you, but I’m not ready for this.”


“If this is about Corwin, then he’d want to keep you safe, above all else. And if he doesn’t understand, then he’s not half the man you thought him to be.” Anger and jealousy both tainted his tone, only making her feel worse.


“Mason, up until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t even sure we should have any relations at all, let alone get married.” She fought back a wave of emotions and panic. “And yes, this is also about Corwin. I only just got him back, and now… this.”


Mason clenched his fists, his words clipped. “So you’d rather have that bastard torture you with unbearable pain than be married to me. That’s always good to know.” He started to pace the room again, every movement tense, as if he might put a fist through the wall at any moment.


“You know I meant nothing of the sort.” Lilly stepped in his path so he’d be forced to stop and look at her. “But there’s more to this than our relations, Mason. This marriage may have saved me from the pain Nelson would inflict, but what of the consequences you’ll now face when the Elders find out you’ve gone against their orders? How am I supposed to live with what you’ll bear on my behalf?”


“Lilly…” He closed the distance between them, pausing before reaching out to brush her cheek. “Do not worry about me, love.”


“How can I not?” She covered his hand with hers, and then leaned forward and kissed him, just a brush of her lips. Her heart raced—with all that had happened, and with all that was to come. “What are we going to?”


He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked away. “The way I see it, you have two choices. You can let that bloody Viking console you and treat you like a child, or you can give this marriage a try as my equal.”


She could have screamed. “Why must you be such a bastard, Mason? It’s always one extreme or the other with you.” She paced the floor burning up her anger before returning with the hope of making him see sense. Grabbing his hand, she pleaded with him. “I just want to take things slow and continue down the path we were on. I do love you, Mason, but I’ve yet to sort out how I feel about Corwin, and I cannot marry you when I’m still unsure.”


He laughed and brought her hand to his lips. “I hate to tell you, but you’re already married to me, whether you like it or not. A year and a day, love.” His smile then faded, twisting her heart in knots. “As for whether or not you want to treat this like a real marriage, that’s your choice. I’ll not force you into my bed, Lilly. But let me make this clear—whatever you decide, this needs to look like a true marriage to anyone looking in from the outside. If the Elders think it’s a farce, we’ll all pay the consequences.”

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