Jamie Hill Triple Threat (15 page)

BOOK: Jamie Hill Triple Threat
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She hung up and smiled at the thought of Jack playing in the snow with the boys. The image had her humming to herself as she chopped vegetables for a salad. She decided to make some pasta to go with it, but she could do that while they were playing outside.
did not ‘do’ snow.

Jack and the boys definitely ‘did’ snow. She agreed to sit outside and watch for a while, until Jack started throwing snowballs at her. Then she had to retreat inside. She started making the pasta. She glanced out periodically and saw they'd used most of the snow in the backyard and rolled it into three balls for a snowman. She chuckled as they used rocks and leaves for the eyes, nose and mouth. Jack stuck a little stick out of the snowman’s mouth, so he looked like he was smoking.

“Very funny,” she called out the back door.

He grinned. “I think he looks great!”

She looked Jack up and down and replied, “He is great.”

He smiled at her again, and
’s heart melted. She had it bad for him. Just a flash of that smile was all it took to prove it.

“We’re freezing.”
stomped his feet before he came inside.

“Leave your shoes by the door there,” she told them, and they all peeled out of their over-clothes.

“Ooh, you
cold.” She held her hands over
and Mark’s ears. “Even with your hats on, your ears are bright red. Go wash up in the bathroom, and I’ll give you some hot chocolate instead of milk with dinner, okay?”

“Yep,” Mark agreed, and led his brother to wash up.

“What about me?” Jack came up behind her.

“You want hot chocolate, too?” She turned around to face him.

“Not really, just something to warm my hands up.” He stuck his hands under her sweater and grabbed her bare stomach.

“Jack!” She jumped at his freezing touch. “Weren’t you wearing gloves?”

“Of course, but I took them off and stuck my hands in the snow so I could do this.” He pulled her close to him and slid his hands around to her back.

“They’re warmer now,” she confessed as she snuggled up to him.

“Too bad.” He nuzzled her neck. “I didn’t get the chance to put them where I really wanted.” He ran one hand up her stomach to the bottom edge of her bra.

stepped back and pushed his hands down. “Um, I don’t think so.” She smiled. “You’re heading into dangerous territory there, buster.”

“Dangerous, you say?” He grinned and took a step closer. “I’m intrigued.” His hands went back around her waist.

pushed him away again and said, “I mean that once you get started, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to want you to stop. And since you’re not willing to take things to the next level…”

He grabbed her wrists and pressed his body up against hers. “I may have reconsidered my position on that subject. I’ve been doing some thinking today.”

“Oh yeah?” she whispered, their faces just inches apart.

“Yeah. In fact, I haven’t thought about much else. Which is precisely the reason I
want to go to bed with you.”

She smiled and looked deep into his eyes. Yesterday there had been reluctance and regret there. Today
saw something different. Something that looked for all the world like pure, unadulterated desire. “So what made you change your mind?”

He touched one hand to her cheek. “I can’t stand the idea of you thinking I don’t want you. I
want you—like crazy—and I’m ready to prove it.” He kissed her lightly.

returned the gentle kiss and then pulled away. “What about your conflict of interest? You’re still working my case.”

He ran a hand through her hair. “I think I can handle it.” He leaned in and kissed her earlobe. “I want to do so much more to you than just ‘work your case’.”

“Oh yes…” she whimpered as she felt his tongue circle the inside of her ear. She was ready to lose herself in the moment when the boys returned to the kitchen.

Jack released her and stepped away quickly. “You said something about hot chocolate?” He smiled, looking so devilish and incredibly handsome
almost swooned.

Instead she gathered her wits about her and replied, “Uh, yeah. So are you having any?” She went for the milk and cocoa.

“No, thank you.” He grinned and stood between her and the boys so she could regain her composure. He whispered, “To be continued…”

cleared her throat before she muttered, “Damn straight,” and they grinned at each other. “No cocoa?”

“No.” Jack reached up to a high cabinet and pulled a box out. “I believe I’ll warm up in another fashion.” He opened the box and removed a bottle of whisky, then got a small glass out and poured himself a shot.

Mark and
looked at the box and Mark said quietly, “Daddy said never to touch that box.”

“What box?” Jack sipped his drink and looked at the boys.

They stared at the box of Crown Royal.

Jack and Crystal exchanged glances. He asked carefully, “Your daddy had a box like this?”

They both nodded.

“Just like this one?” Jack asked again.

Mark nodded again. “I remember the crown on it. He said
to touch it, and he hid it in the bathroom.”

Jack looked at
again. “Pretty expensive stuff for a man with no money.”

She frowned slightly. “I never saw him drink anything like that. It was always just beer, and usually cheap beer at that.” She shrugged.

Jack turned from the boys and asked her quietly, “Why would he hide it in the bathroom?”

“Sounds weird, I agree.”

“Did you ever see it?”

“Nope.” She turned back to the children. “Okay, fellas, the cocoa’s ready and so is dinner. Help me with this, would you please?” she asked Jack.

He knocked back the rest of his whisky and took the salad from
’s hands. “Looks good. Hop to it here, kiddos. I’m hungry.”

After dinner Jack collected fingerprints from the three of them, then settled the kids in front of the TV. He told
, “I need to bring in some stuff from the truck. Want to help me?”

“Sure. We’ll be right back, boys.” She followed Jack to the garage and watched him pull a box and a full black trash bag from the back of the Explorer. “What on earth?” she asked.

He handed her the box. “Playstation and games. I thought the boys might get bored if this drags on for a while yet. I didn’t want to bring it in earlier, because I knew they’d be excited to play it right away. I wanted to make sure they got outside for some fresh air.”

She leaned back against the workbench that lined the front wall of the garage and looked at him.

“What?” he asked.

She smiled. “For a man who never made time for children, you sure are a good daddy.”

He smiled back. “I never said I didn’t want any, only that it hasn’t happened for me yet. And the more time that passes…” He shrugged. “I may have to settle for being a good uncle.”

“Never settle, Jack. Go after what you want.”

He leaned against his truck. “Good advice, except when it comes to having children. That takes a little more planning and foresight.”

She smirked. “I didn’t exactly have a lot of time to plan, did I?”

He looked at her thoughtfully. “Do you want kids, Crys? I don’t think I ever asked.”

“Well, sure,” she said hesitantly. “If I could afford them, that is. But not in a place like that apartment I live in.” She glanced around.
Definitely in a place like this

Jack hitched the trash bag up and around in front of him. “Well, you’re not living there anymore. The damn doors were wide open
, and it was in even worse shape, if you can believe that. I think I got the last of your stuff. Some clothes, a few pictures that weren’t shredded, and some pots and pans. Your dishes were smashed.”


Jack reached in the top of the bag and pulled out a small black box. “I did manage to rescue these.”

Crystal set the Playstation box on the workbench and walked over to him. “My grandmother’s earrings?”

He opened the box and nodded. He handed it to her, and she brushed tears from her eyes as she took it. “They’re beautiful,” he commented.

“My grandmother was beautiful,” she murmured. “These always make me think of her.”

Jack set the bag down and reached for
. “Something’s wrong here. I’ve had you alone for ten minutes and I haven’t kissed you yet.”

She smiled up at him and let him wipe the rest of the tears off her face with his thumbs. He released the clip confining her hair, and fisted his hand in her long red tresses. His other hand slid down her back and pressed her body close to his. He brought her mouth to his gently. Their kiss was tender and light. The little moan in the back of
’s throat had Jack’s body stiffening against hers. They pressed into each other as their mouths opened, deepening the kiss.

Her hands roamed over his back and neck lightly. He let go of her hair and ran his hands down her back, cupping her butt and pressing her firmly against his erection. “I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured, his mouth nibbling and sucking her neck.

“God Jack,” she whimpered as his kisses heated her skin. “I feel the same way. I want to be

His hand slid under her sweater and cupped her breast, and she didn’t pull away this time. His finger flicked lightly over her nipple, hardening it. Jack groaned and his mouth dipped lower to taste the taut nub that was straining to be released from its confining bra.

There was a noise from the doorway and Devon called, “
, are you out there?”

They startled and pulled apart,
yanking her sweater down quickly. Jack rubbed his hands over his face.
smiled ruefully at him. She turned to
. “I’m right here.”

“What are you doing out there?” he asked.

Jack cleared his throat. “Getting you a surprise. But first I had to smooch on
a little bit.”

“A surprise?”
hopped up and down.

“Yep.” Jack touched
’s cheek with one finger, and they both smiled. She adjusted her bra and reached for the box while Jack lifted the bag, which he set in the corner of the dining room for her to go through later.

was still hopping up and down as he told his brother. “Jack brought us a surprise!”

“What is it?” Mark looked at them.

“Well,” Jack took the box from
and set it on the sofa. “I thought you might like a Playstation, since there’s not a lot to do here.”

?” Both boys hollered and hopped up and down.

Jack looked at
. “I guess I thought right.”

She nodded and smiled as he unpacked the box and hooked the game up.

As the boys stood back watching, Devon confided to Mark, “Jack was smooching on

“Really?” Mark made a face. “Gross.”

Jack laughed and stood up. “Give it a few years, boy. You’ll figure out the attraction.”

The attraction to the Playstation was obvious and instantaneous. They let the boys play until nine-thirty since they wouldn’t be going anywhere the next day, then dragged them away from the game, into showers and bed. Zeus made no pretense about sleeping on the floor. He hopped right up between the boys.

passed out hugs and kisses, and both boys reached out to Jack for hugs as well. She thought he looked a little shaken as he pulled their door mostly shut and turned in the hallway to face her.

“They’re getting attached to you,” she told him quietly.

“And you,” he agreed. “Whenever you’re not in plain sight, they’re looking for you and asking where you are.”

“Time’s not going to make it any easier…” she trailed off.
If they have to say goodbye to me.
At that point, she thought it might break her heart, too.

“I know. I just don’t know what else to do.” He rubbed a hand over his eyes.

She smiled hopefully. “I can think of a couple things.”

He returned the smile and nudged her up against the wall. “Oh, so we’re going there, are we? Well, I know what to do if we’re going there.”

groaned as his thigh pressed up between her legs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her forehead into his chest. “Take me with you… wherever you want to go.”

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