Jane Eyre Austen (3 page)

Read Jane Eyre Austen Online

Authors: Doyle MacBrayne

BOOK: Jane Eyre Austen
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At her four mile mark a dog ran in front of her.  She tried to stop short so she wouldn’t kick it and fell forward instead.  She managed to tuck and roll to the best of her ability and when she stood up, embarrassed and humiliated she turned to see if he had seen her fall.  He had.

He was walking toward her as she desperately tried to brush the debris of nature she had managed to pick up like a giant lint roller.  He reached her at the same time as the dog owner.

“I’m so sorry!  Bad dog, Bradley!  He usually never runs like that. He must have seen a squirrel.” The owner was a woman in her thirties, dressed in yoga pants and a tie-dye polar fleece jacket.

Jane grimaced, “Its fine.”

Gray growled, “It’s not fine.  Are you injured?” Then, turning to the owner, “Why isn’t your dog on a leash?”  He carefully picked a leaf from Jane’s hair and brushed her cheek gently.

“I said I’m sorry.” The woman countered.

He ignored her, “Can you walk?” he asked Jane softly.

She stood evenly on her feet, “Yes, thank you.”  She eyed the woman warily who had pulled a leash from her pocket and hooked it onto Bradley’s collar.

He took Jane’s elbow, “Are you sure you aren’t hurt?”

Jane shrugged, “Other than my pride, I should recover immediately.”

He grinned, “That was quite a roll.  Martial arts training?”

She batted her eyes, “yes, I took Taekwondo instead of contredanse.”

He chuckled, “Come on, where are you headed?”

She pointed, “My car is over there.”

His eyebrows shot up, “Excuse me, did you drive to take a run?”  An amused grin slid across his face.

She nudged his shoulder without thinking, “No. I mean yes, but only because I’m going to the Farmer’s Market.  I usually run in my own neighborhood.”  She looked over her shoulder, “Where the dogs are on leashes or behind fences…”

She looked at him, suddenly aware that she was being so casual with her boss.  And the conversation was normal.  Shocking, she
thought.  She didn’t think she’d ever have the opportunity to have a regular conversation with the man.    Suddenly she wondered why he was even here.  “Do you live near here?”

He nodded and pointed over to the row of beautiful and expensive Victorian homes that lined the park.  “Yonder.  Do you go to the Farmer’s Market every week?”

She shook her head, “No, just when mom asks.”

He nodded, his eyes flicked toward her and then forward, “You live with your mother?”

Ugh, the weight of that question!  Should she tell him her mom was slowly going nuts and shouldn’t be allowed to live on her own?  She simply nodded and remained silent.

“And what has your mother asked you to purchase for her from the Farmer’s Market?” he asked, thankfully changing the subject.

“Flowers and fresh fruit.  She’s giving a party tonight.”  Her face showed pride, “Mom knows how to entertain; I’ll give her that.”

He looked at her thoughtfully, “what about your father?”

“He died six years ago.”

He nodded but said nothing.  “Are you going to your mother’s party tonight?”

“Yes, I’ll be serving mincemeats and persimmons.”

He looked at her carefully, “Is your mother hosting the Lighthouse Fundraiser this evening?”

She looked surprised, “Yes.”  The look that crossed his face made her cringe, “Oh my God!  You’re going to be there, aren’t you?”

He laughed, “Yes, my dear Ms. Eyre, I have agreed to attend.”

Her palm massaged her forehead and she chuckled softly.  Her stomach flipped. Tonight should be very interesting.  His eyes danced mischievously as he watched her squirm uncomfortably under his gaze.  Tonight he was going to see her in her full Regency regalia.















Jane headed home with three dozen white roses in the backseat of her Jetta, as well as three bushels of apples, a bushel of oranges, and a bushel of lemons.  Her mother was thrilled.  They were able to make lemon tarts and apple turnovers and have them out of the oven cooling before two.  Her mother had decorated the house beautifully; the best linens were out, and although she was disappointed they had stainless steel instead of silver, she understood that sometimes economy was necessary.  There were two legs of lamb roasting along with a large roast beef and twenty pounds of potatoes.  Susannah who lived in the guest house out back was making green beans and a cold asparagus soup to accompany the meal.  There would be a buffet, followed by an auction in the ball room.  Her mother had filled an interesting niche in the area for catering offering a beautiful setting and excellent food, with staff dressed in the Regency Era, and all speaking in their parts.  Sometimes the guests also came dressed in costume, but usually, like tonight, they dressed in tuxedos and evening gowns.

With an hour to go, Jane went upstairs, showered and was thankful for present day hair straighteners and curling irons.  She pulled the hair on her crown back into a loose bun and braided the wisps that remained.  She tucked them back carefully, pinning them, and then added her pearl clips.  Finally, after she had decided it was perfect, she used her hair spray.  She hated the stuff, but she would be busy tonight and she didn’t want her hair to fall down into the pastries. 

She lightly applied makeup
- no powder, just blush and mascara.  She put on a cream silk empire waist dress that had gold and blue trim and complemented her brown hair and grey eyes nicely.  She finished with a thin strand of pearls around her neck.  Slipping on cream mules, she headed downstairs.  She desperately hoped her mother wouldn’t make her wear gloves.  Her hands sweat when she wore them, and she found it difficult to hold on to the plates.  Her mother looked lovely, this was her element.  She wore an emerald green dress with her silver hair piled becomingly on her head.  Her mother had slipped into this world after her father’s death.  Jane recognized her mother’s need to live in a simpler time, and usually Jane could get her to snap out of it and become lucid when she needed her to, until lately.  Lately her mother was having a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy.

Susannah and James had come to live with her parents eight years ago, inhabiting the guest cottage in back.  James was a second or third cousin of her father’s and they maintained the property.  It was Susannah’s suggestion that they turn it into a bed and breakfast, and it probably saved her mother’s life.  If her mother remained occupied, her brain functioned better.  Susannah watched over her mother during the day, and Jane took the nights.  Susannah and James moved into the house the four years Jane was at college, but now they seemed relieved to have their own home and some privacy again.

When the first guests arrived Jane kept to the kitchen, replenishing plates as needed.  Susannah urged her out, asking her to collect dirty plates and glasses as they were running low.  Always the good daughter, Jane chided herself, as she picked up a basket and did as asked.

Susannah stopped her, “Hang on, put on a mask.”  Jane went over to a drawer that held several decorative masks and found a blue and gold one.  With Susannah’s help she slipped it over her hair and pinned it in place.  Perhaps she would be lucky and not be recognized by Mr. Poole.

She made her first run through the party without running into Poole.  Relieved, she returned with the basket and Susannah sent her out with a plate of pastries.  She placed them on the dining room table and stepped back, bumping into a guest.

Looking down at the floor she saw black shoes and tuxedo pants, “Excuse me, sir.”

“Ms. Eyre, you look lovely tonight.” His voice sent shivers down her spine.  She turned and caught his gaze, those large brown eyes looking at her forcing her to grin stupidly back.

“Thank you sir.  You look quite handsome yourself.” she murmured.  And he did!  The man could fill a suit nicely. Jane realized she was staring, and not politely. 

“The color becomes you Jane,” he said quietly.

Her eyes widened, and she felt her pulse thrumming wildly.  She curtsied quickly and turned toward the kitchen.  She had no idea how to respond.  Was he flirting?

Susannah glanced up as she entered, “Why you are so flushed Jane?  Are you well?”

“Oh Jesus Sue, we’re in the frickin’ kitchen,” she blurted.

Susannah snorted, placing a hand on her hip, “What the hell happened, Jane?”

“My boss is out there. It’s just awkward, that’s all.”  She watched as Susannah returned to stirring a custard sauce on the stove.

“Do you want me to take over out there?” Susannah asked gently.

Jane rolled her eyes, “No, it’s ok.”  She looked at the pot, “You know I’ll burn that.”

Susannah grinned, “Yeah, I thought I’d throw you a bone anyway.”

Jane filled two pitchers with fresh lemonade and brought them out to the dining room.  James was now making the rounds picking up plates.  Her stomach flew up to her throat when she realized her mother was talking animatedly to Gray Poole. 

Concerned her mother would say something completely inappropriate, she made her way over to them both.

Her mother looked up, “Jane, why did you not tell me you work with this fine gentleman?”

Jane curtsied to her mother, “I am sorry, Mother. I thought I had mentioned it.  Mrs. Fairfax is also in his employ. She recommended me for the job.”

Her mother clapped her hands, “Oh, Mrs. Fairfax
! A fine, fine woman.  You, sir, must be a great man to have such fine employees.”

He nodded his head, “Thank you dear lady.  I have enjoyed the company of your daughter immensely.”

Her mother’s brow furrowed, “Jane, you have been in his company?”  She looked terribly confused.

Jane shot a look to Gray and he quickly added, “I misspoke Mrs. Austen. I meant at my business.”

Her bewildered look remained and Jane gently touched her shoulder, “Mother, Susannah asked for your help with the custard.”

“Oh, of course.  It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Poole.  I do hope to see you again.”  She curtsied and left.

Jane held Gray’s gaze waiting for him to comment on her mother’s odd behavior.  Thankfully he said nothing but instead picked up her hand.  “If there were a band tonight, I would ask you to dance, Ms. Eyre.”

She relaxed and cast her eyes downward, “That is very kind, sir.  I am sorry if my mother disturbed your evening.”

“Not at all, she enhanced it.”  He gently squeezed her hand, “Like her daughter.”

“I’m sure I don’t deserve your flattery.”  Her eyes glanced up to a woman in a blue cocktail dress who was watching them carefully. “I believe you have an admirer, sir.”  Her eyes still held the gaze of the woman.

He turned his head toward the woman and back, “I don’t believe it’s the admirer I seek.”  She felt herself flush.  Groaning inwardly and wondered if there was a pill or something that would stop her constant blushing.  He chuckled softly, “Tell me, Jane. Do you think I have an admirer that is deserving of my affections?”

“I wouldn’t know,
sir.” she responded tartly, her eyes twinkling. 

He was ridiculously handsome and Jane realized he was teasing her.  This was not flirting for him, this was merely playing.  Clearly, he found her amusing and nothing more.

He grinned and pulled her toward him, wrapping his arm around hers and escorting her around the room.  “Really, Ms. Eyre?  I believe a woman of your accomplishments should be able to recognize a worthy suitor.”

She tilted her head, “Am I limited to the women in this room, sir?” 

“No. If you wish we can take a turn in the ballroom.”  He led her through the doorway and they ambled slowly among the crowd. 

She sighed, “I do not believe I know you well enough to assist you in your endeavor.”  She looked across the room, and while the normal city socialites were there, she couldn’t see him dating any of these women.  Or was that jealousy?

“I believe you know me better than most, Ms. Eyre.”  He suddenly seemed serious and she felt her pulse quicken again.

She arched a brow, “Perhaps I do.  I am afraid that I do not see a woman worthy of your singularity.”

He stopped. “Singular?  In what way?”  She cringed, her tongue working faster than her brain, once again.  “Sir, I did not mean to offend.  I find you an enigma -- brilliant, kind, caring. And yet you seem to remain closed off to others.” 

“I am not offended. Relax my dear, Ms. Eyre.  I am quite closed off; I am amazed that you perceive me to have so many good qualities.”  He began walking.

She smiled slightly, “As I stated, my dear sir, I do not know you well.  However, I have benefited first hand your kindness this very morn.”

He grinned as they walked for a while in silence.  “So you do not see an appropriate suitor for me here then?”

“Appropriate?  Why sir, this room is filled with appropriate suitors.  What is your wish?  Blonde?  Brunette?  Trust fund?  Perhaps you prefer a woman who manages her own holdings?”

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