Jasmine (6 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Erotic romance;Romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Jasmine
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“I don’t…I’ve never done it
before. I actually don’t enjoy…I’ve never really liked sex before this.” He
looked up at her when she said that. “I always thought it was sort of a messy
way to get close to someone.”

He’d read her books, particularly
the sex, and he thought maybe he knew why sex had not meant that much to her. She
was a closet sub and most of her scenes said that. He nodded.

“Tonight is about rules. Then
we’ll go over what I want from you as we progress. Are you still with me,

She nodded then spoke again. “Do
you have toys, Nathan? Things that you’ll use on me? Things that you’ll strap
me to?”

“No, not really. I’ve never
found…I’ve been looking for a sub first. I’ve been… I’ll be honest with you,
Jasmine. I’ve spent most of my life, even as a child, either drunk or high on
one form of drugs or another. And before you ask, I’m clean. It seems that a
drunk or addict can’t really have sex well. Probably because we can’t have a
good erection and, when we do, it’s usually short lived.”

“Then how did you, I mean, how did
you know this is the kind of sex you wanted?” Such an innocent question, one
she had a right to ask.

“Because, like you, I was raped. Not
by my parents, but by some of the people who were supposed to treat me. I found
that I liked it. And as I got older, stronger, it was then that I realized I
could tie them down and have my way. I got a bigger satisfaction than when they
tied me down.”

She didn’t say anything. He waited
and watched her face to see if she was sickened by his admission. She only
nodded at him. Nathan felt his breath whoosh from his lungs at her acceptance. He’d
never told anyone that before, not even his own therapist.

Nathan wanted to reward her and he
knew just what to do. He leaned down to her center and inhaled her scent. Heavenly.
He spread her thighs open and watched as her nether lips fluttered. He couldn’t
wait to taste her and ran his tongue deep into her cleft.

“I want you to come as much as you
want while I eat you. I want to taste this creaminess and lick it from you. Understand
me?” She nodded. He pinched her thigh. “You’ll answer me when I ask you
something or I may change my mind.”

“Yes. I understand.” She tilted
her hips up to his mouth. “Please. I beg you.”

He licked her again, ignoring her
clit and not giving her the climax they both wanted. “You’ll clarify what I
tell you so that I won’t have to punish you unnecessarily. And you’ll never beg
me. You will also call me ‘Master’ when you speak to me in the bedroom or when
we are at play. And you will be simply ‘slave.’ Understand?”

“I will call you ‘Master’ and I
will be your slave. I don’t beg and I’ll…” He heard the catch in her voice and
knew that she was enjoying this. “I’ll clarify what you tell me so that you
won’t have to punish me.”

“Good slave.” He suckled her clit
into his mouth; at the same time, he buried two of his fingers deep into her
channel. Her scream of release tore from her throat. He didn’t stop as she
flooded his hand, but continued to drink her juices as she rode his mouth.

Nathan couldn’t believe how
responsive she was. Even when he moved his wet fingers to her ass she moaned. Using
his small finger he plunged inside of her as he fucked her with his tongue. She
came six times quick and hard before he sat up and fisted his cock. When he
asked her for a condom she pointed to the small table next to the bed and he
grabbed one and handed it to her.

“Sheath me, slave. Then roll to
your back. I’m going to fuck you hard.” She dropped the wrapper twice before
she got it open. Then she was trembling so hard she had some difficulty rolling
it over him. Nathan nearly came twice with her fingers touching him so

When she rolled to her knees he
was deep inside of her before she was completely ready for him. He grabbed her
hips and held her tight as he pistoned inside of her. He was so close that he
knew that if she tightened around him again like she had his fingers and tongue
he was going to explode. Leaning down over her, pressing her into the mattress,
he bit her shoulder and felt her come apart. Nathan’s vision blurred as he came.
His entire body convulsed hard over and over as he jettisoned deep inside of
her rippling channel. Then he simply dropped on her and rolled at the last
second, taking her with him. He was tumbling into sleep when he heard her moan
again. Nathan smiled. He’d found his sub.

Chapter 6


Alyssa watched her brother. There
was something different about him today. She’d been trying to remember if it
was a haircut, or maybe he’d gotten a new suit, but he was walking around the
office as if he had springs on his feet. She smiled when he seemed to stop in
mid-step and smile before moving on. Whatever had put that bounce in his step
and the odd smile on his face, she was happy for it.

“Mrs. Waite, there’s a call for
you on line two. It’s Mr. Jacobson from the Atlanta office. He wants you to
tell him what the numbers mean for the account down there. He seems to think
there has been a breach of some sort.”

Alyssa looked at her assistant,
Mable. “Did he say which account?” She nodded and handed her a note. Alyssa
brought the account up on her computer before she opened the line. She
scribbled a small note telling Mable to get her brother and Drew. “Mr.
Jacobson, it’s Alyssa. How’s it going besides this number issue?” She couldn’t see
anything, but continued to look. Sometimes it was just an accounting error of
only a few pennies that had her accountant calling her and asking her to clear
something up. She went down the long column of numbers to see if she could
recall anything that might have changed.

“It’s fine, Mrs. Waite. I just…I
know how you don’t like mistakes on the money that goes out so I keep a close
eye on it for you. But this is a little more…well, Mrs. Waite, I was really
surprised by this one.”

Her office door opened and both
her brother and Drew walked in. She smiled when she saw that even with a call
to the office Nathan still looked happy. She put the phone on speaker and told
Mr. Jacobson who was in the room with her.

“What accounts are we supposed to
be looking at, Tim?” Nathan asked. “Maybe that’ll narrow down what we’re
looking at.”

“It’s that project that you are
working on, Mr. Howard, the Madison Avenue project. There is a large…well, a
very large sum of money going out that I have no receipt for. And I’ve looked
several times for it. You’re usually so very good at giving me all those at the
end of the week both in email and in the courier package that I get. I’ve

Alyssa knew that if he was allowed
the man would over explain everything. She was glad when Drew cut him off early
this time. He would give her a headache in no time.

“Give me the date. I have it
pulled up on my laptop along with Alyssa’s computer. And if you have a sum,
that’ll help as well.” Drew reached into her small refrigerator and took them
all out a bottle of water before he continued. “Also, do me a favor and close
your door, please. We don’t need everyone knowing what we’re doing.”

Alyssa smiled. She knew that the
man was hopping up to do so. He seldom remembered to eat much less close his
door when talking to her. It wasn’t as though she was worried about being
overheard, but she knew that she, as well as Drew, seldom watched their
language when they were into something.

Nathan pulled his chair around to
her side of the desk and they watched as the files flew by. When they’d gotten
to the correct entry she frowned. A knock at the door had Nathan going to it
and coming back with his own laptop. He moved back to where she was sitting and
the three of them looked at the different entries.

The one from the accountant, the
one on Alyssa’s computer, said there was a debit of eight thousand four hundred
twenty-three dollars and twelve cents paid out to TMP, or The Madison Project. On
both Drew’s and Nathan’s it said twenty-three dollars and thirteen cents. A
difference of eight thousand four hundred dollars.

“I didn’t take that,” Nathan said
quickly. “I wouldn’t cheat you, you have to believe me.”

“Of course you didn’t. What a
stupid thing to say. Mr. Jacobson, we have a slightly different amount at this
end. Do you have a receipt for twenty-three dollars and some change?” She
clicked at the top of the column that listed where the debits were going to and
put the list in alphabetical order rather than date. She watched as both Drew
and Nathan did the same.

“Oh yes, ma’am, I do. It is marked
with Mr. Howard’s initials just as he always does. But…well, Mrs. Waite, the
money is missing as well. The difference, you see. If it were a mistake that
way, we’d have the monies, but someone took the entire amount.”

Alyssa moved back from her desk to
let Nathan have access to her computer. He was making notations on hers by
highlighting several different entries while Drew was clicking on them and
reading the receipts.

When they’d started out with his
project Nathan had suggested that they scan each receipt and attach it to the
entry. That way they would be able to see just what they’d purchased or paid
with a simple click without having to dig through boxes and files of them. It
had worked out well. And now it was helping them in ways she was sure her
brother had thought of as well.

“Mr. Jacobson, let me call you
back. Don’t do anything just yet until you hear from me. I’m sure you know that
we’re looking into this.” She nodded at Drew to disconnect the call when Tim
said he’d be waiting for her. “You know that he won’t leave his desk until I
get back to him, right?”

Drew laughed. “Yes. And if I know
him he’s right now staring at it willing it to ring back.” Drew leaned back in
his chair. “This isn’t good, Alyssa. So far Nathan has found seven errors—”

“I swear to you I didn’t do this,”
Nathan said with slight panic in his voice. “I wouldn’t bite the hand that
feeds me and I certainly wouldn’t steal from my own family. Alyssa, you have

“That’s enough,” she said to him
gently. “It never occurred to me that you did this. And I knew that you were
keeping a good accounting; that’s why I asked you in here. Had I thought you
were stealing from me I would have simply had Drew come in. Now, let’s see what
we have.”

They worked on it for nearly three
hours. They found more than two dozen mistakes. Not all of them large, but the
totals were staggering. Nearly four hundred thousand over the past six months.

“I can put a freeze on the account
and that way nothing else can go out until you sign off on it,” Drew said as he
put down his fork. They’d ordered in when it looked like they were going to be
here for a while. “It’ll stop money from going out without verification, but it
still doesn’t tell us who it taking it.”

“Do you think it’s someone in the
office in Atlanta or up here? I’d hate to think it was someone who worked with
Tim. He takes great pride in the fact that he has the best team in the
company.” Nathan tossed his own fork into his now empty plate. “I think we need
to call in someone who knows a bit about computers to see where the money is
being taken from.”

Alyssa looked up from her egg
roll. “We can do that? Find the person from a computer expert? How, and do you
know anyone?”

She knew her brother knew a great
many people with less than pristine backgrounds. She’d been surprised and a
little overwhelmed by the information he had. First, by what he knew, and
secondly, by who he’d gotten if from. It seemed to her that the places he’d
been had been little more than places for the very wealthy to get together and
teach each other how to become richer.

“Sure. The addresses from where
the changes were made should be easy enough to follow. We just have to hunt
that down and see where it’s located. We can tell if it’s in-house or if
someone has hacked our system.” She must have looked confused because he
continued. “The address of the computer is the Internet protocol address or
Each computer has a specific one attached to it. And each time someone makes an
entry or, in this case theft, they are essentially leaving their fingerprints
for us to find. I know this guy…well, a couple of them, and I’ll give them a
call. See what they can find before we do something like piss off the person at
the other end.”

Alyssa agreed to let them come in
and see what they could do. She didn’t even tell Nathan to be careful. She knew
that he would. Drew called Atlanta back and told him that they were going to be
a couple more days before they could give him an answer on the money. Then they
told him to not say anything to anyone, especially his staff.

“You don’t believe it’s one of
mine, do you, Mr. Miller? I have worked with these individuals for years and I
would trust them with my life.”

“It’s not your life we’re
concerned with right now, Tim. It’s Mrs. Waite’s money. Just keep this to
yourself and act as normal as you can. We’ve got someone working on it from
this end and I promise you that we’ll keep you informed.”

They left her office an hour
later. Nathan had called in his expert and Drew asked to do a background check.
Nathan agreed, but told Drew not to be surprised by what he found. The name was
enough to make her rather uptight lawyer burst out laughing.

“Really? He’s a computer hack?”
Drew asked Nathan on their way out the door. “I would have thought with his
family’s money he wouldn’t need to cheat the system.”

“Well, when your family cuts you
off and you feel as if they owe you…well, Daniel thought it was partly their
fault for him being a drug addict anyway so he simply helped himself to
whatever he wanted when he wanted it. Unlike me. My mother was more than
willing to keep me high. When I got out she simply hooked me up with another
drug dealer and went about her happy little way.”

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