Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7) (7 page)

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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The door creaked open, and Katrina jumped. She cursed her jittery nerves, but her attention was soon distracted by the laughter of a female. Katrina turned to find the source running her hands over Jax’s forearms. Her wolf snarled, and she fought to maintain an impassive expression as they entered the office. Jax faced Katrina, his eyes locking on hers. In a suit and tie, he was every bit as spectacular as he’d been raw and naked in the bedroom. For a brief second, she imagined tearing off his tie, ripping the buttons off his shirt so she could continue what she’d started in the cabin.

Katrina swore she felt his fierce beast growl. With her palms flattened against the window, she struggled to stand as his power washed over her. She couldn’t be sure if he was deliberately exerting control or if somehow, in her weakened state, she was unconsciously absorbing his magick. She sucked a breath, and blinked, attempting to remain upright.

“Katrina, hey.” Jax reached for her arm, and slid his hand behind her back, supporting her. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

As the warmth of his breath brushed her cheek, Katrina thought she’d melt. The draw of the Alpha was impossible to fight. As Jax set her down into a chair, he broke contact. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she inhaled, attempting to regain her composure.
I can’t do this
, she thought.
I need this man, in my life, in my bed.
None of it made any sense, she knew. She had to confess everything before she gave in to the urge to run out of his office.

“I’m okay,” she managed, staring up into his blue eyes.

“Jax,” the woman interrupted, annoyance in her tone.

“You scared me,” he admitted, never taking his sight off Katrina.

“Jax,” she repeated, louder this time. “The upcoming photo shoot. Are we going with five girls or

“Later,” he dismissed her.

“But sir, the models will be here in an hour.”

“London, go find Adam. He’ll help you with the details. You’re ready to prep this one on your own. I’ll be down in an hour.”

“But I thought

“Discussion’s over. Go find Adam. Now.”

His focus on Katrina never wavered as he sat on the edge of his desk. Katrina unconsciously reached for his hand, the urge to touch him overwhelming.

“Yes sir.” The staccato beat of heels echoed in the distance, and Katrina startled in her seat as the door smacked shut. Although the woman hadn’t slammed it, she’d closed it with enough force to make a point, demonstrating her irritation. Katrina fought the envy that flittered in her mind.

“What’s wrong?” Jax asked, his tone soft but firm.

“I’m fine.”

“No. More. Lies.”

Katrina shuddered as his voice boomed around her, his power washing over her like a tidal wave.

“I told you before.” She lowered her eyes. While she didn’t intend to imply submission, her body hummed with the energy of the Alpha. Breathing deeply, she sought to control what was happening to her. “My magick…they’ve stolen it. I can’t…please stop.”

“Stop what?” Jax asked as he walked to the bar. He retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator, opened it and offered it to Katrina. “Drink this.”

Katrina defiantly met his gaze, her lips pursed in anger. How could he not know what he was doing? She’d known Tristan could release his power on a whim, influencing the pack.

“It’s overpowering me…your energy.”

“Drink it.” Jax nodded, waiting on her to obey. “Not a request.”

Katrina brought the rim to her lips and did as he told her. Jesus almighty, if she’d felt better, she’d have knocked this Alpha on his ass. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t gone head to head with Tristan on occasion. Torn between ripping off his clothes and dousing him with the contents of the bottle, she silently counted to ten.

“Your energy. Control it,” she told him in the most even tone of voice she could conjure. “I don’t know what’s going on. I told you…they’ve done something to me.”

“I’m not deliberately sending it to you, Kat.” A curious expression crossed his face as if he didn’t believe her. “I’m not saying it’s not possible. I’m saying that I’m not trying to hurt you. Believe me, if I were forcing it on you, you’d know it.”

Katrina’s eyes flashed in recognition of his threat. Today, they’d have it out and one way or another, she’d move on.

“Why are we doing this here?” Katrina scanned the room, and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve been at your house for days and I’ve barely seen you.”

“Because.” Jax paused. As he rounded behind her, Katrina stilled, frozen like a frightened deer. The wolf towered above her, the heat of his body emanating onto her skin. Firm hands rested on her shoulders, and she closed her eyes, as he continued. “This is where I attend to my business matters, and as much as I want you for pleasure, and make no mistake, I do…you’re currently business. You see, negotiations are a tricky thing. Much like poker, the players conceal their weakness, their strengths. At home, you have me at a disadvantage. I seem to have trouble controlling myself around you.”

Katrina gasped as his lips brushed her ear, her nipples stabbing through the silk.

“I…” At a loss for words, she opened her eyes, afraid to make a move.

“That’s right, my sweet little wolf, you’re in my world now. And while I still find it difficult to resist you, I will have answers. The truth. All of it.”

Jax stood and walked away, leaving Katrina’s body on fire with arousal.

“My company. My office. My rules. I can’t tell you how much I’d love to punish you for your indiscretions. Ah, to spank your ass while you scream for mercy….well, that does sound lovely. Not today, though.” He smiled and sniffed the air.

Katrina tightened her legs together, aware he’d scent her desire. It wasn’t as if it was a secret she was attracted to him, but hell, just imagining his firm hand on her cheek, the loud slap to her flesh, provoked wetness. Embarrassed by her own fantasy, she averted her gaze.

“You are a naughty one, aren’t you?” he teased knowingly. “Don’t you worry, I promise someday, just not today. No, today is for discovering truth.”

Katrina fought a small smile, wanting so badly to take him up on his offer. But if they made love, it would only be a matter of time before their instinct drove them to mate.

“Feeling better?” He raised an eyebrow at her and extended his hand. “Take it.”

Jax was in his element. Katrina knew not to test him as she placed her small hand in his. He led her around the large black desk, and while curiosity urged her to ask what he was doing, she resisted talking.
Answers. The truth. It’s all he’s ever wanted.
He’d either believe her or not, but the exhaustion of protecting him could no longer be sustained. One thing was certain; challenging the Alpha wasn’t in her best interest.

“Like this,” he told her, reaching for her hips.

Her face registered surprise as he backed her up against the edge. When his firm hands went to her waist, she held her breath.

“Up you go. Business first, then play.”

“What are you doing?” Katrina’s hands went to his shoulders as he lifted her up onto the flat surface.

“Very nice.” He gave a wicked grin as he ran his fingers down her arms. His soft touch left a trail of delight on her skin. Taking her wrists, he carefully set her palms flat onto the surface so she leaned back at an angle. Katrina went to move, and he placed his hands on top of hers. With a tilt of his head, he warned her. “Don’t move.”

“What are you doing? Why am I on your desk?” Katrina’s pulse raced as he sat back into his chair, studying her like she was on display at a museum.

“I’m leveling the playing field. Something about you,” he drawled. Removing his suit jacket, he hung it on the back of his chair. “It distracts me. I simply cannot have it. I won’t fall victim to the half-truths that spill from those luscious lips of yours. No, I can think of much more pleasant things that should be coming out of your mouth.”

“Jax…” A picture of Jax’s chiseled abdomen flashed into Katrina’s mind. Recalling how his cock pressed to her skin, she imagined sucking him down her throat. A new wave of desire rushed over her, and her face flushed.

“That’s right. I’m very much looking forward to having you on your knees.” He smiled as if he’d read her mind. “But first, we talk.”

“What are you…?” As his hands glided over her thighs, her skin rippled in gooseflesh.

“We shall start at the beginning. Why, dear Katrina, did you tell your brother that I tried to force a mating?” Jax pinned her with his stare, his voice low and firm. Despite the lingering fingertips atop her knees, Katrina heard this question as an order; the request came from the Alpha, not a lover.

“I already told you the truth. I asked Tristan to help me keep you away. You wouldn’t leave me alone. Once you called him, it just confirmed it. He was angry at you, and it all just spiraled out of control. I’m sorry I let it go so far, but I was trying to protect you,” she explained, her body tense with arousal. He silently listened without interrupting, so she continued. “These…demons. The things that have taken me. It’s happened six times over the past three years. At first,” Katrina paused and looked out the window. A firm hold on her chin directed her gaze back to Jax and her heart raced. “They told me that my mate, an Alpha…that I’d kill him. What they’ve done to me, they’ll take it from my mate too. They’ve been waiting, hoping for it to happen.”

Katrina lifted her hands, and was swiftly reprimanded.

“Do. Not. Move,” Jax ordered as his hands moved to her knees. Katrina’s heart slammed against her ribs as he spread her legs. His fingers lingered on her inner thighs, but all the while, he never took his eyes off hers. “You have one chance to set things right with us. This is it. Don’t you dare lie to me.”

“I’m not,” Katrina protested. She refused to cry, no matter the desperation that bubbled in her chest. “I know you think I’m crazy. Why do you think I haven’t told anyone? Tristan suspects I’ve lost my mind.”

“That doesn’t make sense. He’s your brother. Why doesn’t he know what’s going on with you?”

“It’s not like Tristan can’t feel if I’m in trouble, but every time they took me, I wasn’t gone for long. I never had trouble shifting. I’d recover quickly. This time, though, things are different. It’s a total loss of time…loss of magick.”

“If you never lied to Tristan about me, why let the rumor continue? How exactly could you protect me by staying away from me?”

“Because, Jax…” Katrina shook her head, exhausted with keeping secrets. “You’re an Alpha. You are

“Are you trying to say that we’re mates? How would you know for certain? We’ve never made love.”

“Between my father and Tristan, I’ve attended summits, met nearly every standing Alpha in the country. It wasn’t Logan. I mean, I spent enough time with him when he was my brother’s beta. No…the night we met…”

“The party?”

“Yes. I’d known about you for some time.”

“You stalked me?” he asked, amusement in his question.

“Not really.” Katrina rolled her eyes, a small smile formed on her lips. “Maybe a little cyber stalking, okay? But what was I supposed to do? Put yourself in my shoes. You know how it is for wolves. We have no idea who our mate is, let alone if we’ll ever even meet them. And then this ‘thing’ tells me I have one and that when I meet him, I’m going to kill him. I suspected it was you. There’s part of me…I still don’t know for sure.”

“Let me get this straight, some sicko abducts you, beats you, steals your magick and you believe some mumbo jumbo they tell you?”

“And this is exactly why I didn’t tell you.” Katrina seethed. She’d had enough of his games. If he didn’t believe her, he could go to hell. She’d find a way to kill these demons on her own. As her hands flew up off the desk, he struck as fast as a cobra, snatching her wrists out of the air. Desperate, she screamed at him. “You want the truth? I’ll give you the fucking truth. I didn’t stop Tristan when he misunderstood. I let them continue believing the lie so you’d stay far away from me. That night at the party? I wanted you so bad I couldn’t breathe. But I left anyway. I did all this to save you from me…me, the person who will ultimately kill the great Alpha. The one who might be my mate.”

“Put your hands back where I told you, now.” Jax loosened his hold, returning her hard glare.

“Make me,” she challenged.

“Hands on the desk,” he growled.

“I’m only doing this to prove a point.” Katrina yanked her arms away from him and set her palms flat. “Do not misread this as my submission.”

“Believe me, little wolf, when you submit, we’ll both know it.” Jax slid his hands underneath the hem of her skirt, slowly grazing his fingers up to her hips. His expression softened as he spoke. “This thing between us…ah, Kat. I wanted you too. And when I thought you’d lied. I was so angry. Confused. I’ve dated a lot of women, but that night…it was like there was no one else.”

“Jax…” Katrina licked her lips, recalling his searing kiss. She could no longer abide her craving for the one man she’d gone so long without. But neither could she give in to him without him acknowledging the truth, believing her words. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to be with you. I’m sorry I left. I really am so sorry, but…I don’t want to hurt you…I won’t hurt you. I don’t know why this is happening to me. But I’m trying to fix it…looking for a way to stop them.”

Jax paused, his eyes locked on hers. Katrina’s stomach fluttered as she waited on his words.

“I sure as hell wish you’d told me what was happening instead of running. But are we really mates? Meant for each other? There’s only one way to find out. You know it. And I know it.” Jax’s lips hovered inches over her knee, his warm breath on her skin. “I should send you back to Tristan, but I just can’t.”

Katrina hissed as his lips brushed her inner thigh. She knew why he wouldn’t let her go; for the same reason she hadn’t run. As the tip of his nose edged under her dress, she took pause, aware that she wasn’t a hundred percent certain he was indeed her mate. After all she’d done to protect him from the curse, what if she was wrong?

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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