Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7) (4 page)

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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“What the hell are you talking about? You were just all over me five minutes ago and believe me, the way it felt…you weren’t exactly killing me. What is going on with you?”

Katrina registered the disappointment crossing Jax’s face, his lips drawn tight in anger. He’d never forgive her for what she’d done and she didn’t blame him.

“Alpha,” she began, and lowered her eyes in submission. “I’m grateful you saved me but I have to go.”

“No fucking way, Kat. Not this time. I feel like I’m going crazy here. You and me…Jesus Christ, what you told Tristan. And then just now, you weren’t faking that. You may have been sleeping but that was real. What the fuck is going on?”

“Nothing. I need to do this on my own and you can’t help me. The longer I’m around you…”

“What? Please enlighten me, would you? What the hell do you think is going to happen? You could have been killed back there, and I saved your ass. You’re in the middle of New York. Where exactly are you going to go?” Jax sat up and raked his fingers through his tousled hair.

“I don’t know. I just know I have to get out of here. You’re in danger as long as I’m here.” Katrina pushed off the bed to leave and Jax leapt onto her. His body crushed against hers as he pinned her arms down against the mattress. Like a startled rabbit, she froze. The warmth and strength of her Alpha emanated from his skin to hers and she fought the arousal that she’d buried.

“No running,” he told her, bringing his lips within inches of hers. “I will never hurt you, little wolf. But I’m done playing games. You. Will. Not. Leave.”

“Jax…” Katrina’s chest rose, her eyes locked on his.

“We need to work together to defeat these demons, witches. Whatever the hell they are, I cannot allow you to go alone. Tristan hasn’t protected you.” His forehead pressed to hers. “I don’t know why you said the things you did.”

“You’ll never know how sorry I am.” The whisper passed through her lips, finally a truth. “I don’t ever want to hurt you again. Please.”

“Don’t fight me, Kat. This thing between us…”

“That night at the party…” Katrina struggled to continue as the heat grew between her legs. Ever since that night, she’d kept track of the Alpha, followed him on social media, cried herself to sleep knowing she’d be alone forever. Watching him from afar through a looking glass while he’d dated woman after woman had crushed her heart.

“Your body knows mine, little wolf.” Jax leaned in to sniff her neck, his tongue darted out along the hollow of her throat. He growled as she turned her head in submission, giving him access. “We can’t ignore this. No fucking way. Do you know why I’m Alpha?”

“You’re strong.” Katrina ached in desire as he slid the tip of his tongue along her skin. Her chest heaved for breath; she couldn’t resist him. Her body lit on fire as his lips pressed to her neck.

“Raw instinct. Knowing when to trust what your gut is telling you. And do you know what it tells me about you?”

“What?” she moaned. Her skin broke out in gooseflesh, his warm breath on her ear.

“When I wake up with your sweet body against mine, you tasting of my flesh, calling my name…that is as real as it gets. But at the same time, I cannot ignore what you’ve done. Accusing me of forcing a mating? Tell me, why does a wolf do such a thing?” Jax whispered. “I should hate you, despise you for what you’ve done. But I don’t. No, I believe this is a puzzle. None of it makes sense right now, but I will have answers. I always get what I want, Katrina.”

“I had to protect you. You and Tristan have never got along, you know that. I needed you to leave me alone, and he misunderstood what I told him. But I swear to you, I never meant to hurt…” She shuddered in arousal as he took her earlobe between his teeth. Katrina cursed her body as she arched up into him. “Ah…Jax.”

“This is why I’m Alpha. Instinct tells me I can’t ignore this. There’s something between us, a reason we’re brought together. You and I have things to work out, and you’re staying with me for as long as it takes.”

“Please, Jax. I’m not good for you,” she protested. Her heart fluttered as Jax raised his head to pin her with his gaze.

“What secrets are you keeping? Your lips may lie.” His knees pressed her legs open, and he settled between them. “Hmm…your body tells me the truth.”

“I want to tell you, but…please…” Katrina tilted her hips upward, his hardened dick prodded her belly.

“Tell me you’ll stay, help me find who did this to you…to me…my pack.”

Katrina registered the desperation in his words. The desire to be with Jax was overwhelming. Any rational arguments had been slayed by the primal attraction that sizzled over her skin. Her spiraling thoughts justified reasons to stay within the arms of her Alpha. Jax had unlimited resources at his disposal to research the dark society. If they went to New Orleans, it could buy them the time they needed to discover a way to destroy them. Before she had a chance to think any further about the implications, her heart had won the argument.

“Yes.” She closed her eyes, the word barely audible on her lips.

As his mouth captured hers, her wolf cried in celebration. Her tongue swept against his as she reveled in the moment she’d dreamed about for years. Never had she imagined it would be under these circumstances. Rescued and enchanted by the Alpha, Katrina lost herself in his touch. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him toward her.

“What is it about you?” Jax asked, sucking her bottom lip.

“I’m sorry…” Katrina gasped as he kissed her again, this time with a passion that speared through her from her head to her toes.

Consumed by lust, she was barely aware of the footsteps coming down the hallway. As Jax tore his lips from hers and shoved her to the back of the bed, she panted for air, her chest heaving.

“Stay back,” he warned.

A creak of the door was all the warning she had before it flew open, strangers looming in the hallway. As the Alpha shifted into his powerful black wolf, Katrina’s eyes lit in reverence. The majestic beast snarled, its tail up, standing tall in a show of aggression.

Katrina attempted to shift, but her magick faltered; a flicker of her wolf appeared only to disappear. As the intruders approached the threshold, she scanned the room for a weapon. Wrapping her fingers around the base of a brass lamp, she ripped its cord from the wall. Katrina didn’t hesitate as she launched the heavy object at the red-haired stranger. The base nicked him in the head and he fell to his knees.

“Jesus Christ, Jax. Get your girl under control,” he called, holding a hand to his bleeding scalp.

“Katrina?” She froze as she registered the sound of the familiar voice.

Jax flashed to his familiar form, towering above them all. His loud growl blasted through the room, silencing the din.

“Finn, rise,” Jax commanded. “What’s he doing here?”

“Saving your sorry ass,” Jake quipped, lifting his gaze to meet Jax’s.

“Watch your words, wolf,” Jax warned.

“Are you hurt?” Jake asked, his voice tense.

“I’m all right,” Katrina replied, giving him a small smile. The last time she’d been in Louisiana, she and Jake had grown close, becoming good friends. Although Katrina considered going to him, she cautiously remained on the bed, her focus drawn to the angry Alpha.

“Stay back,” Jax snarled. He eyed the wolf, assessing the situation.

“It’s, um…it’s okay, Jax…” Katrina regarded his pensive expression, but continued, hoping to soothe his concern. “I know Jake. We’re friends.”

“What the hell happened?” Without asking for the Alpha’s permission, Jake intrepidly crossed toward Katrina.

Jax stepped to block his path, and Katrina reached for his hand. Running the pad of her thumb over his palm, she attempted to assuage the protective Alpha. She suspected Jax remained unaware of their connection, yet his actions spoke volumes.

“He won’t hurt me.” She lifted her gaze to meet Jax’s, noting the vulnerability in his eyes.

“Jax. Please. It’s okay. We’re just friends. I’m not leaving you.” As the words left her lips, she knew she’d said it in all honesty. She’d have to tell him sooner or later about the prophesy. If they completed the bond, he’d die, but it was a conversation to be had in private.

She smiled as Jax leaned in and brought her hand to his cheek. The soft skin of his lips at her palm tickled her skin and she gave a small laugh.

“I need to talk to Finn,” Jax told her.

Katrina nodded in acknowledgment and wrapped the sheet around her body. As he dropped her hand and stepped aside, her eyes never left his. Her heart pounded, the loss of his touch leaving her with an odd sense of emptiness.

“How did you end up here? Did he hurt you?” Jake glared at Jax as he passed to his right.

“I’m okay. Really, Jake.” Katrina assured him as he wrapped his arms around her. “Jax helped me escape.”

“Not again?”

“Yes, again.” Jake had seen her struggle to shift on more than one occasion and was one of the few people she’d confided in about the abductions.

“We’ve got to get you out of here. Somewhere safe. I’ll take you back to Logan…protect you. You should have never left New Orleans.”

As Katrina pulled out of his embrace, she shook her head.
No more running.

“I’m going to stay with Jax.” She tried to ignore the look of surprise on Jake’s face as she spoke, and although scared about hurting Jax, she couldn’t leave him again.

“Now hold on one fucking minute.” Jake’s voice grew louder. “First of all, Tristan is your Alpha. Second of all, you know you’re safer in New Orleans with us. Look, I know this assho…” His eyes darted to Jax and he rephrased. “This Alpha. He likes to shoot off orders like he owns the entire world. You have a home and it’s not here.”

“Jake, please. I know I said I’d…”

“You’ll never be safe here. They’ll come again. You know it’s true.”

“She stays with me,” Jax asserted.

“Alpha, I think we’d better talk,” Finn interrupted. “We’ve been searching for you for over a month.”

“They’re here,” Jax commented. “You,” he pointed to Finn, “come with me. Jake stays.” His eyes focused in on Katrina who held the covers against her chest. “Do not leave the cabin. This is none of your concern.”

Katrina sensed their presence.
Although they weren’t of her pack, the hum of their magick grew thick in the air. Instinct told her to go with Jax, but his command to remain with Jake took precedence. Before she had a chance to speak, the Alpha shifted, and within a blink of an eye, he’d gone out the door.

You’ll kill him
, they’d told her. For so long, she’d believed their words. Deliberately avoiding Jax, she’d thought she’d protected him. Katrina brought her fingers to her mouth, his searing kiss lingering on her lips, and she began to question everything she’d thought to be true. No matter her fear, her heart had won; she’d chosen to stay with the one man who she believed was her mate.

Chapter Four

Jax pushed thoughts of Katrina to the recesses of his mind as his pack came into view. He’d expected the infighting. A wave of agitation rippled through his psyche, confirming the instability. He scanned the woods but didn’t sense any intruders or newcomers to their clan. Yet as he transformed, he took notice of several young males stepping closer, tipping their hands in confrontation.

He waved Finn behind him, happily surprised the experienced wolf had stepped in to lead. While they’d been close at one time, their lives had taken separate paths. Jax had recruited Finn to work with him at his magazine, ZANE. A photographer, he’d been an integral player, creating high profile spreads that brought a unique perspective to the publication. Although talented, Finn chose to leave New York City. He’d gone to Ireland to settle a dispute within his mother’s pack. Upon returning, he’d refused to return to ZANE, giving up his artistic passion. Jax had argued with Finn, insisting he was throwing away his life, but supported him when he’d created a New York City night club that catered to supernaturals.

As he looked into the eyes of his old friend, Jax recognized the blood-thick loyalty that stood the test of time. He considered everything that had transpired over the years, their friendship and the greater good of the pack. Prior to his abduction, Jax had been devastated by Nick’s death. He’d grown despondent and refused to name another beta. He couldn’t fathom another wolf taking his best friend’s place. Yet as Jax stood before his pack, he reached inside himself, drawing on the wisdom that only an Alpha could possess. It was his duty to protect his wolves, no matter what turbulence affected his own life. With the decision made, he’d bury the pain and announce his edict.

“Agrestis Wolves, I stand before you today as your Alpha,” Jax addressed them. He waited patiently as they flickered back into their human forms. A glint of moonlight appeared as silver shadows on their skin. “You are not without your leader.”

“You were captured?” a voice called out.

“Yes, I was attacked, but I prevailed and stand before you today.” Jax sought to ease their concerns, mindful they’d be shaken. It wasn’t as if dangerous supernatural beings didn’t exist, but it was rare one was powerful enough to kill an Alpha.

“And what about Nick? He’s dead. You didn’t protect him,” he charged.

Jax’s eyes flickered red with rage as the brawny wolf, Arlo, spoke Nick’s name. On the verge of losing his temper, the Alpha forced his pulse to steady. Jax had long recognized Arlo’s antagonistic nature, but this was the first time he’d been aggressive enough to challenge the Alpha. As the pack stirred, Jax sensed their acceptance of the defiant wolf. In the Alpha’s absence, he’d assumed a position of authority.

“Shut the fuck up about Nick.” Jax’s voice boomed throughout the forest. Several wolves reverted to their animal form out of fear, cowering in submission. “What happened in New Orleans was a battle. People die in battle.”

“Maybe you should care a little more about what happens here in your own pack,” Arlo countered. He stepped forward, fisting his meaty hands. Dirt clung to his sweat-covered flesh.

“We’ve gotten along without you,” Easton, a second wolf, yelled. He, too, eyed Jax and made a move toward the porch.

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