Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7) (3 page)

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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Blistering water sluiced over his roughened skin, and he closed his eyes, focusing on his future. At no time during his captivity had his will wavered. Now freed of his shackles, sweet vengeance simmered in the shadows. His wolf raged, demanding retribution. Goddess help the predator who’d attempted to break the Alpha. Death would be welcome by the time he’d finished exacting justice.

Chapter Three

Katrina stirred from sleep, her thoughts recalling their escape. Memories slammed into her.
The river.
The ice-cold water had burned her flesh. Struggling for life in the turbulent current, she’d clutched at the sole man who consumed her thoughts.
Jax Chandler.

She had been kidnapped several times over the past three years, and her attackers had threatened that if she pursued Jax, he’d die. The second she’d met the striking Alpha at the holiday party, their chemistry had combusted and she’d suspected he could be her mate. In an effort to protect him, Katrina had immediately returned to Philadelphia. She’d done everything in her power to thwart his advances, but unrelenting, Jax wouldn’t stop calling.

When she’d gone to Tristan for help, he’d misunderstood, believing that Jax had tried to force a mating. The two Alphas had never gotten along, and her request only further incensed Tristan’s animosity toward Jax. As much as she hated the spiraling rumor, it was her brother’s intervention that had temporarily thwarted Jax’s advances. Concerned that Jax would travel to Pennsylvania to find her, she’d left for New Orleans. Putting physical distance between them, she’d hid from the demons. Devastated that she’d shattered his affections, Katrina had taken solace in knowing he’d be safe. Leaving Jax had been the only way to keep him alive.

The familiar sound of a shower pattered in the distance. Katrina jolted upright, and her vision blurred as she opened her eyes. The room spun, and she fell back onto the bed, willing her balance to return.

Katrina’s mind raced in panic. The Alpha would seek answers, angered by what she’d done to him. Worse, she’d be helpless to resist the attraction, and the demons had warned her that bonding would destroy him. A tear escaped her lids as she considered his demise. She refused to let it happen.

Regardless, they’d come for her. It wasn’t the first time. It wouldn’t be the last. Katrina sniffed her palm, scenting the death breeding in her veins. The magick that brought her wolf to the surface had been siphoned once again. Although she’d researched the abductions, seeking a way to eradicate her tormentors, she couldn’t be certain she’d survive long enough to stop them from killing her.

Calling on her wolf, a small rush of her shifter magick flickered and Katrina forced herself to shift. Thankful she’d transformed, she conserved her energy. Allowing herself time to rest, she curled into the sheets and prayed Jax would leave her alone. So tired, she had no strength to fight the Alpha.
Stay awake…stay awake and heal
, she repeated, but it was of no use. The seductive darkness called to her like a comforting angel.
Be strong, little wolf, be strong.

“Katrina, it’s okay to be afraid,” she heard him say as if she were in a dream. “You can shift back now. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” A strong hand stroked over her pelt, and the power of the Alpha flowed through her.

You’ll kill him
, they’d told her.
Bond with your mate, and he’ll die.
Despite what they’d threatened, none of it made sense to her.
Why had they kidnapped Jax?
She’d heard whispers of his name during her beating. They’d wanted her to hear it, she was certain. Nothing was an accident. Every action they took was deliberate, even if cloaked as coincidence.

But as he continued to pet her, she relaxed, destructive thoughts passing like clouds. The warmth of his touch soothed her soul. Her attraction to Jax was so very difficult to fight. For once, she just wanted to forget, to pretend she could have what would never be hers. Deciding to indulge, she leaned into him. Soon enough she’d attempt to escape.

“I know this feels good, but you can’t stay like this forever.”

She gave a low growl in response.

“Hey now, you know that’s not going to work with me. I can see they did something to you…something awful.” Jax hesitated, his voice shaken. He shook his head and continued. “Look, Kat, we can rest for a while like this but sooner or later you’re going to have to tell me what happened, what you know. You and I…”

Katrina looked up to the great Alpha, wishing she’d never let the rumors of what had happened between them persist. No matter her good intention, the hurt and anger in his voice was palpable. Some mistakes in life could not be undone.

“I don’t know why you said what you said to Tristan…shit, I don’t want to talk about this right now. I…” Jax closed his eyes briefly and then opened them, glancing away. “What I need to know is how you got into that pit we were in. I need you to tell me every detail you remember about these assholes.”

Katrina struggled to remain awake as he spoke to her. Whatever energy he’d given to her had been absorbed and she soon lost concentration. Just a few more hours of sleep, and she could run.

“All right, little wolf. I see this isn’t happening now. You can rest, but our time will come,” he promised. “You’re not going back to Tristan until I’m satisfied you’ve told me everything.”

Jax’s words jumbled in her ears. Unable to keep her eyes open, she fell victim to the drugging exhaustion.

Born of an Alpha, her father’s blood ran through her veins. Submission would not come easily for the independent she-wolf. There was only one person she’d ever consider surrendering to…Jax Chandler. It seemed an eternity that she’d denied her carnal craving, but within the safety of her dream, every delicious inch of the Alpha belonged to her. She dragged her tongue over his flesh, tasting her prize. Her wolf rejoiced in response as she owned her mate.

“My Alpha,” Katrina moaned, nipping at his skin. Her nipples ached, brushing over his abdomen. As his hardened cock slid between her breasts, his fingers fisted her blonde locks. The sweet twinge of pain to her scalp reminded her of who controlled her, and she smiled.

Katrina’s hips straddled his leg as she slowly grazed her lips over his skin. She sought relief for her aching pussy, writhing against his knees, her wetness spreading over his skin. The scent of his masculinity drove her further, her mouth teasing down the muscled ridge leading below his abdomen.

“No, no, no, little wolf.” A low growl warned her to stop. Her teeth met his skin in response, unwilling to accept his dismissal.

“Not today, baby,” the commanding voice ordered. Katrina sucked a breath as her head was tugged upward by the strong hand wrapped around her hair. “As much as I want you, it’s not going to be like this. Call me old-fashioned, but I like my women lucid.”

Her eyes flew open in shock as she woke, stunned to see Jax smiling down on her.
What the hell did I do?
She’d thought it all an erotic dream, but as his dick prodded her chest, she realized what she’d done. Katrina attempted to push away with her arms but he held tight.

“Jax,” she breathed. “I’m sorry. What did I…oh, Jesus.”

“You can call me Alpha.” His smile turned cold and Katrina’s heart pounded in her chest. She could sense his anger. “I want answers.”

“Jax…” she began.

“Alpha.” His voice boomed throughout the room.

“Let me go…Alpha,” she demanded under her breath. Her hand caught his wrist, tearing it away.

Rolling over onto her back, she pulled at the sheets, attempting to conceal her bare skin. Jax made no move to stop her but neither did he cover his own nudity. Her eyes skimmed over his chest down to his erection and then back to his eyes. She turned her head away, her cheeks heating in embarrassment. Not only had she almost sucked his cock, she’d been unable to resist ogling his gorgeous male form. She’d never seen him nude before, hadn’t recalled what he’d looked like when he’d stripped in the woods. But the memory of her night with the charismatic Alpha had been permanently etched in her mind.

As surprised as she’d been to wake with her lips pressed to his flesh, the burning desire for him never faltered. She could escape, move a thousand miles away and the yearning for Jax would never cease. It was a nightmare she couldn’t shake. The only resolution was finding a cure to her affliction…one she’d either find or die trying.

Jax shifted onto his side, and Katrina’s eyes flashed to his. As much as she wanted to hide, she owed him the truth. Her stomach churned; she was terrified he’d never believe her excuse for why she’d rebuked his advances, for the rumors that had started.

After she left for New Orleans, Jax helped Tristan locate a wolf that had attacked his mate, and the two Alphas had come to a truce. By the time she returned to Philadelphia rumblings about Jax Chandler had ceased within the Lyceum Wolves. She’d decided at that time not to reopen old wounds, and didn’t discuss it further with Tristan.

“You ready to try this again?” he asked, bringing her thoughts back to focus. His piercing stare bored into her, the power of the Alpha filtered throughout the room. “What happened to you?”

“It’s complicated.” Katrina rolled over to face him, curling onto her side.

“I want to talk about what happened in that prison. I want to know what those things are and why you were there.”

“But what I just did…” Katrina’s eyes fell to his chest but she refused to look any lower. She averted her gaze, and took a deep breath.

“Oh, don’t you worry, Kat. We’re going to discuss that, too.” He shot her a wicked smile that quickly faded. “But right now, I need to know what I’m dealing with…those things…”

“Demons.” Katrina’s voice cracked. At the mention of the creatures, she fought the threatening nausea, the stench of their putrid breath fresh in her memory. No matter how many times they came for her, she never got used to the abuse. “I’m not sure exactly what they are. Maybe they’re not demons per se. Sometimes…the magick…it feels like witches. I don’t know for sure.”

“In the days, weeks…shit, I don’t even know how long they had me…I just know they looked different. The one that lured me,” he paused as if he were embarrassed to admit what he’d seen, then continued, “it came to me in Finn’s night club. I thought it was you.”

“It looked like me?” she asked, surprise in her voice. Guilt rolled through her at his confession. They’d used her to lure the Alpha.

“Yeah. The strength of these things,” he sighed. “That night, she was stronger than a human. They used silver to take me down, keep me down. My power had no influence on them.”

“It doesn’t,” Katrina interrupted. She tucked the covers under her chin and stared blankly ahead. “That’s why I think it’s some kind of magick. They want our power.”


“I think so.” A tear rolled down her cheek and she didn’t move to wipe it away. “Usually, it’s just me. The times they’ve taken me…”

“Wait, are you telling me they’ve taken you more than once?” Jax’s voice grew soft and he slid his hand across the sheets toward Katrina.

She nodded in silence.

“Jesus Christ. Does Tristan know?”

As Jax’s fingers touched her cheek, Katrina began to softly cry.
My fault. I should have been smarter. I should have figured out a way to kill them by now.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay. I swear to you.”

“No, Jax. You don’t understand.” Her wet lashes fluttered open and she licked her lips. “These things. There’s something about me they want, they’ve always wanted. I’ve been trying for so long to make it stop. You don’t know how hard I’ve tried over the years.”

“Years?” He shook his head in disbelief.

“Yes, years. A couple now. Their power is stronger every time. They’ve stolen…” Katrina sucked back a sob. “My magick. In the woods, you saw what happened. Something’s happening to me. I’m not right. And my wolf? She’s slowly dying. If I don’t find a way to kill them…I’m going to die.”

“No, that can’t be.”

“Yes.” Katrina shoved up to sit, and brushed both hands over her face and through her hair. She took a deep breath and blew it out, distraught with the agonizing situation. “Look Jax, I’ve got to go. Just being here now with you is putting you in danger. I’m like poison to you.”

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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