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Authors: Bringing the War Home

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42, 188–89;
One-Dimensional Man,

213; trial, 227, 236, 266–67

45; “Problem of Violence and the

Meins, Holger, 72, 210, 215, 219–21,

Radical Opposition,” 320n82,

241; death by starvation, 196, 219–

341n194; “Repressive Tolerance,”

21, 230–34, 237;
Herstellung eines

42–43, 124, 304

Molotow-Cocktails/The Making of

Marighela, Carlos, 71–72, 323–24n182

a Molotov Cocktail,
39–40, 219

Marin County courthouse, 178, 181

Mellen, Jim, 36–37, 52; Days of Rage,

martyrdom, 192, 347n99; RAF, 229;

110; leaving Weatherman, 172; mass

Weatherman, 76, 79, 183.
See also

demonstrations, 128; RYM, 46–47,


49, 172; “Serve the People” slogan,

Marx, Karl, 1, 37, 239, 240


Marxism, 9–10, 48, 93; American New

Melville, Herman, 118, 160, 220

Left compared with German, 224;

Melville, Sam/Melville collective, 117–

anti-imperialism, 7, 123–24; Bay

21, 149, 177, 178

Area Revolutionary Union, 158;

Merry Pranksters, 105, 332n2

German New Left, 8, 33, 67, 224;

Mescalaro letter, 263–64, 280

German prisoners, 223; Marcuse,

Meyer, Til, 308

18; and masses, 139, 224; Old Left,

Michigan: Michigan State, 47, 97; Univer-

49; PL, 46; RAF and, 8, 67, 68,

sity of (Ann Arbor), 47, 85, 87, 164.

70–71, 200, 224, 239, 242; SDS

See also

and, 24, 45–46; Tunisian students,

middle class, New Left, 21–22, 47; mass

102; Weatherman and, 54, 55–56,

demonstrators, 126; personal paci-

292, 294.
See also

fism, 160; violent, 2, 5, 12, 84–85,

mass demonstrations, 23, 113–35, 137,

160, 168; Weatherman, 5, 12, 28,

142, 144–48

84–85, 160, 163, 186

masses, 140–43, 146, 165–66, 224–25,

militancy, New Left: antiglobalization

See also
mass demonstrations;

movement, 310–11; importance, 8–

silent majority

9, 86–125, 136; morality and, 86,

Mauz, Gerhard, 265

90–93, 99–102, 121–22, 188–94,

May Day demonstrations, Germany, 131,

251–53; Nazi past linked with, 245–

219, 304

53; pacifist, 103, 121–22; RAF, 8–

May 19th Communist Organization, 298

9, 67–68, 205–6, 245–49; student

May Offensive (1972), RAF, 196, 199,

protests, 26, 30, 41, 42, 47–48; vs.

209–14, 245

Vietnam War, 8, 73, 87, 97, 99–100,



militancy, New Left

105, 151, 160–66, 169, 334n42,

113–32, 136–38, 142–47, 157;

335n65, 337n102; of Melville, 118,

Weatherman, 8–9, 74–119, 124–

149; morality, 12–13, 99, 172, 191–

69, 179–95, 294.
See also

93, 237–44; of Ohnesorg by police,

Left violence

39; Palestinian massacre of Israeli

militant democracy, 276–89, 355nn73,75

athletes, 250, 251; by RAF, 11,

militarism, 8–9, 25, 311.
See also

196–98, 204, 208–11, 223, 233–

bombings; guns; law enforcement;

44, 263, 268, 278–81, 301–5,

Pentagon; state violence; Vietnam

347n114, 348n119; RAF prisoners’


suicides, 11, 197, 198, 220, 222,

Minimanual do guerrilheiro urbano/

223, 228–30, 233–34, 306, 343n3,

Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla

347n114; by Red Cells, 251, 302,

(Marighela), 71–72, 323–24n182

351n184; of Schleyer, 11, 198,

Mitchell, John, 125, 129, 134, 176, 181

223, 234, 238, 241, 243–44, 268,

Mitscherlich, Alexander, 40, 246

278–81, 303; by SLA, 295, 300,

Mitscherlich, Margarete, 246

342n217; tyrant, 238; by UFF, 299;

Mobe, 116, 131, 147

Weatherman and, 151, 160–66,

Moby Dick
(Melville), 118, 160, 220

169, 184, 187–88, 191, 334n42,

Mogadishu hijack hostages, 197–98,

See also

234, 285–86

Möller, Irmgard, 72, 198, 215, 306,

National Guard, 81, 95, 108, 131, 181


The Nationalization of the Masses

Molotov cocktails, 39–40

(Mosse), 132–33, 140

Monhaupt, Brigitte, 215

National Liberation Front (NLF)/

morality, 4, 19, 24, 45; capitalist democ-

Viet Cong, 69, 145; American New

racy, 22; Columbia students, 29;

Left and, 12, 24, 49, 52–53, 61–62,

fascist sexual, 244; Israeli-Palestin-

107–8, 110, 119, 123–30, 137–39,

ian issues, 69, 251; and militancy,

150, 170, 183, 331n75; flags, 61–

86, 90–93, 99–102, 121–22, 188–

62, 119, 123, 126, 128–29, 130,

94, 251–53; murder, 12–13, 99, 172,

150; German New Left and, 34,

191–93, 237–44; pacifism, 90–91,

66–67, 69, 73, 204, 210, 219; Ho

100, 121–22; RAF, 12, 13, 17, 18,

Chi Minh, 1, 123, 172; successful

41, 43, 64, 73, 202–3, 207, 212,

resistance against U.S., 8, 12, 53,

233, 238–44, 251–53; revolutionary,

150, 290, 331n71

56; Schmitt on, 284; Vietnam, 8,

National Security Agency, U.S., 296–97

11, 73, 99–100, 121–22, 202–3;

Native American prisoners, 300

Weatherman, 11, 12–13, 17, 18,

NATO, RAF bombings, 301–2

52, 73, 75, 86, 90–93, 98–101,

Nazism/fascism, 3–4, 32; FRG conti-

See also

nuity with, 13, 31–35, 39, 197–

Moratorium, vs. Vietnam War, 115–16,

202, 227, 233, 239–49, 255, 260,

124–25, 144

268–75, 289, 303–4, 307–8; Ger-

Morgan, Robin, 169

man militant democracy and Nazi

Mosse, George, 132–33, 139

past, 276–77, 287–89; “good

Moylan, Mary, 178


magazine, 149

silence/self-justification, 6, 31–34,

Müller, Gerhard, 208, 215, 347n114

41, 85, 98–100, 120, 244–53, 289,

Munich Olympics, Palestinian massacre

303–4, 350n167; Israeli, 251;

of Israeli athletes, 250, 251

vs. Jews, 40, 247, 251; of leftist

murders: Altamont, 161, 168–69; Ameri-

violence, 14–15, 39, 240, 242, 255,

can New Left’s first (Madison, 1970),

263, 280, 281–83, 308; Marcuse

178, 195; of BPP by police, 154–57,

leaving Germany during, 18; RAF

159, 162, 275, 318n41, 333n15,

bombings old headquarters of, 213;

334n40; Brinks robbery (1981),

RAF family histories with, 31–32,

193–94, 299, 300–301, 342n217;

63–64, 245–53; RAF-Palestinian ties

by German police, 208; by J2M,

and, 69–70, 250–51, 252; Schleyer,

196, 233, 237, 239–40, 274; Mai

197, 199, 282, 342–43n2; sexual

Lai massacre, 145, 194; by Manson,

morality, 244; U.S. compared with,



6, 98–99, 326n85; Vietnam War

71–72, 177, 323–24n182, 338n147;

related to, 34, 99–100; violence

mirroring/challenging state violence,

against protests in era of, 326n85.

39, 73, 168, 170, 186–87, 235, 242–

See also
Hitler, A.

43, 254–55, 273–74; by National

Nechayev, Sergei, 189, 193

Guard, 131; psychoanalysis of, 167–

Negt, Oskar, 214, 274

71, 246–53; resistance ethic and, 10,

Netherlands, guerrilla groups, 244

42–43, 87–88, 100, 102, 237–41;

Neufeld, Russell, 52; arrest, 333n13; and

split over, 3, 7–9, 84–90, 103–4,

BPP, 154, 155–56; indicted, 339n164;

113–31, 135, 144, 188–92, 212–13,

leaving Weatherman, 180; and PL,

235–44, 331–32n86; Vietnam War

46; and Third World revolutions,

mass demonstrations and, 114–35,

52, 54; and townhouse explosion,

145, 146–47.
See also
arsons; bomb-

180, 339n161; Weatherman cultish

ings; guns; hijacking; kidnappings;

qualities, 60; and Weatherman

militancy; morality; murders; riots;

message, 78; and WUO, 154, 157,

robberies; terrorism


New Mobilization Committee to End the

Newerla, Armin, 269

War in Vietnam (New Mobe), 116,

New Left, 313n1; American/German

117, 118, 124, 126, 129, 130, 131,

New Left compared, 5, 6–7, 10–


18, 21, 224, 290–91, 308–9; vs.

“New Morning—Changing Weather”

individualism, 9, 57–58; language

(WUO), 182–88, 340n172

of, 88–89, 96, 97, 104–5, 161, 164–

Newton, Huey, 37–38, 97, 163, 179,

65, 194, 325–26n51; militancy im-


portant to, 8–9, 86–125, 136; vs.

New York: bombings, 91, 117–21, 149,

Old Left, 22, 49, 87, 111; optimism/

173–75, 180–81, 185–87, 294;

sense of possibility, 8, 54, 98, 290–

Columbia University, 25–26, 28–30,

91, 293, 308–10; vs. the system,

94, 148–49, 335n76;

24–25, 38, 42, 43–44, 68, 94.

103, 129, 133, 134, 159; Harlem, 25,

American New Left; German

177; Panther 21 trial,

New Left; ideology; international-

149, 174, 184–86, 340nn180,181;

ism, New Left; New Left press; New

UFF robbery, 299; Weatherman

Left violence; nonviolence; revolu-

collective/townhouse explosion

tionary politics; underground

(March 1970), 10, 13, 151–52, 172–

New Left Notes,
49, 50

92, 203, 291, 295

New Left press:

New York Times,
120, 175

(France), 234.
See also

9/11, 4, 19, 311, 316n20

leftist press; underground press,

Nixon, Richard, 86, 159, 163, 176;


Cambodia bombings, 131, 145,

New Left violence, 2–19, 65–66, 151–

178; Nazi link, 98, 99; and Vietnam

95, 314n3; American, 3, 7–18, 21,

War, 116–17, 124–45, 330nn66,67;

36, 51, 61, 74–195, 208–11, 243,

Watergate, 293

294–99, 308–9, 310–11, 314nn3,5;

National Liberation Front

antiglobalization movement, 310–

(NLF)/Viet Cong

11; civil rights movement and, 22–

nonviolence: civil rights movement, 22;

23, 35–36, 99; ethics of, 188–94,

ethic of ultimate ends, 91; feminist,

212, 237–44; excesses and limits

179; gay rights, 179; Marcuse on,

of, 151–95; fascist, 14–15, 39, 240,

42–43; New Left’s grass roots, 37,

242, 255, 263, 280, 281–83, 308;

87–88; New Left split over, 3, 7–

German, 6–18, 21, 38–44, 65, 70,

9, 84–90, 103–4, 113–31, 135,

194, 200–253, 301–6, 310–11,

144, 188–92, 212–13, 235–44,

314n3, 359n59; German state re-

331–32n86; RYM II, 61, 103; Viet-

pression against, 14–15, 254–89,

nam War protests, 5, 23, 90–91,

303–4, 351–52n1; impact on policy,

113–35, 137, 142–46; Weatherman,

143–47; Italy, 174–75, 244, 355n68;

117, 183, 187; white guilt and, 90–

language of the system, 43–44; limits

See also

imposed by Weatherman, 12–14,

Notes on Committed Youth

182–95, 203, 294; manuals, 39–40,




Oakland: BPP, 91, 339n156; Stop the

American police; German police;

Draft Week, 25

informants; law enforcement

Ochs, Phil, 125, 147, 167

political violence, 314n3; Cuban revolu-

Ogilvie, Richard, 81

tion, 57, 79, 314n3; in democracies,

Oglesby, Carl, 24, 55

2, 5–6, 9–10; German anarchist,

Ohnesorg, Benno, 39, 40, 73

203–4; international, 178; as lan-

Olympics, Palestinian massacre of Israeli

guage, 43–44, 89; rape as, 163;

athletes, 250, 251

symbolic, 186, 199, 202, 206, 229,

One-Dimensional Man
(Marcuse), 45

See also
militancy; militarism;

Ono, Shin’ya, 76, 79, 89, 91, 109, 112,

murders; New Left violence; non-


violence; revolutionary politics;

OPEC attack, Vienna, 268, 351n184

riots; state violence; terrorism;

Opsahl, Myrna, 300

Vietnam War

optimism, New Left, 8, 54, 98, 290–91,

politics of location, 225–26

293, 308–10

Pontecorvo, Gillo, 38

(WUO), 294

Ponto, Jürgen, 197, 234, 235, 303, 305

otherness, New Left, 169–70

possibility, New Left sense of optimism

Oughton, Diana, 46–47, 173–74, 175,

and, 8, 54, 98, 290–91, 293,



outsiders, New Left, 164, 169–70

postmodernism, 309–10

Potter, Paul, 23, 24

pacifism: bombings, 121–22; Dellinger,

poverty, U.S., 21, 22, 23, 27–28, 44, 45

103, 188, 195; Flint War Council

Power, Kathy, 178

and, 160, 161; as luxury of privi-

Powers, Thomas, 175

lege, 189; militant, 103, 121–22;

Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary

morality, 90–91, 100, 121–22; per-

(WUO), 291, 292,

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