Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10) (24 page)

BOOK: Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)
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I don’t worry about the rest of my family. I’m being granted permission to see Tamsyn and nothing is going to stop me. We’re in an elevator when he first begins speaking. “She hasn’t woken up yet. The doctor just came in and said he expects it any time. They’re monitoring her brain activity and so far it’s strong. He says it’s common for head injury victims to take their time waking up.”

“How did you manage to get me access? They said only family.”

“The nurse gave us a bag of Tamsyn’s belongings she had on her. There was a ring in a box with a letter.”

I shake my head. “It’s not what you think.” I haven’t asked his permission, nor are Tamsyn and I back together. “It’s my way of telling her how I wished we could be.”

“Nonetheless, we told the nurses you were her fiancé. Skip the logistics, Josh. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Tamsyn cares deeply for you. She’s been struggling since the break up. Your family is always kind to her. She speaks highly of everyone, including you. She’d want you to be here when she wakes up.”

‘Thank you, sir. I appreciate this.”

“Are you going to tell me how this happened?”

Of course he wants to hear it from me, though I know my family has already talked to them. “Do you remember Olivia Parish?”

“Yeah, she was Tamsyn’s best friend.”

“She was, but Liv was also my first love. She’s the reason we broke up. She did everything in her power to push Tamsyn out of my life against my wishes. When your daughter left I made it clear I wasn’t interested in Liv. She’s gone crazy. She ran Tamsyn down with her car and crashed into a building. They flew her to the trauma hospital. Apparently it’s life threatening.”

“So all of this is over jealousy?” He’s as shocked as I am.

“I know. It’s hard to wrap your head around. I’m finding it difficult to understand it myself. All I wanted was a life with your daughter. I never asked for this.”

He nods. “Let’s pray she recovers, Josh. I hope they both do.”

“Yeah, I know it’s insensitive, but Liv did this to herself.”

“I’ll handle Olivia Parish. If she really did drive into my daughter, I’ll be forced to contact the authorities.”

“I’m aware, and I support the decision. I want this to be over with. Tamsyn doesn’t need a target on her back for loving me. It’s ridiculous.”

“Yes, it certainly is.”

We’re on the top level of the hospital. He guides me through a corridor and then a security door. When we step into the room it takes my breath away. She’s hardly recognizable. Her mother is perched next to her with tear-filled eyes. She comes over in my direction and puts her arms around me. “You must be worried sick.”

“Thank you for this,” I say as I get to the bed and immediately grab Tamsyn’s limp hand. I can’t take my eyes off of her. She’s got stiches on her temple and some dressing to cover the wound. They have her hooked to monitors. Her head is wrapped in gauze. She’s got scrapes down her arm, and that’s just what I’m able to see. “God, how could this happen?” I whisper.

“She’s going to wake up. Talk to her. We need to remind her that’s she safe and loved so she comes back to us.” Her mom is crying as she explains.

I nod, fighting back my own emotions. “Whatever it takes.”

I hear her dad from behind us. “Millie, let’s step out for a few minutes and grab some coffee.”

She accepts his offer and leaves me in the room alone with Tamsyn.

For a few minutes I stand there staring at her. I can feel tears trickling down my cheeks, but don’t bother wiping them when I know they’ll be replaced by more. It’s difficult to talk to her with my lips trembling as I begin. “Please wake up, babe. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I can’t go on without knowing you’re going to be okay. When I close my eyes I can see my future and you’re in it with me. I need you so damn much.”

I fall against the bedrails and close my eyes to alleviate some of the stinging. Then I hear a cough. I peer up and see her struggling to open her eyes. My hand courses over the side of her face that isn’t injured. “Tamsyn. Can you hear me?”

She’s staring at me, but saying nothing. I wait until she attempts it. “Josh.”

“Oh my God. It’s me, babe. It’s me. I’m right here.” I’m holding her hand tightly, squeezing it to let her know I’ll never let go.

“Hurts,” she manages.

“I know. Don’t try to move. You’ve got some broken bones, but you’re going to be okay.”

She almost smiles, but then says something that shocks me. “Livvy.”

I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it.”


“We don’t know anything. They flew her out. Cammie is on her way there.”


“Don’t you dare apologize. Liv did this. It’s not your fault. You should have been with me the whole time. She did this to us.”

“Love,” she stumbles. “I love you.” It’s the clearest thing she’s said to me.

“I love you too.” I’m smiling, my face soaked in tears. “I love you so damn much, woman. God, I thought I lost you.”

A doctor comes in the room and writes something in his chart. “There she is. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?”

“She said it hurts.”

“Well, unfortunately in her condition we’re not able to give her anything stronger.”

“Her condition. What do you mean?”

Her parents come into the room at the same time I inquire. Instead of the doctor answering, her father says it. “She’s pregnant, Josh.”

“What?” I can’t believe it. “She never said a word to me.”

“She’s not that far along, maybe two months. There’s a good chance she didn’t know.”

Two pregnancies. I feel like I’m going to vomit, and while I try to wrap my head around it, my cell phone starts to ring in my pocket. I look to Tamsyn before leaving the room to answer it. “I’ll be right back.”

I peer down at the phone and see it’s my sister. “Cam, what do you know?”

“She’s alive, Josh.”

“And the baby?”

The line is quiet. “I’m sorry, Josh. The nurse said Wes asked them to do an ultrasound. There’s no baby.”

“What do you mean?”

“She must have miscarried.”

I don’t want to be happy about this, but I do feel relieved. I close my eyes and try to take it all in. “Is she awake?”

“No. They have her heavily sedated for the pain. How is Tamsyn? Have you been able to see her?”

“Yeah, I’m in the ICU now.”

“Did you know?”

She doesn’t have to say it. “No. I literally just found out.”

“You really need to learn to use protection.”

“Cam, please don’t start right now.”

“Have you spoken to Tamsyn?”

“A few words.”

“Give her time before you bring up the baby. Her body is stressed.”

“That’s the thing. I’m not worried about it. I’m not even that freaked out.”

“And Liv?”

“Tamsyn’s parents are pressing charges. She’ll probably be facing attempted murder.”

“Wow. I can’t blame them.”

“Karma is a bitch. She tried to take out Tamsyn to keep us apart. I don’t know her anymore, and I certainly didn’t want to raise a kid with her. It’s hard knowing a part of me is gone. I’ll always wonder if it was mine, but I need to take care of Tamsyn. She’s my first priority.”

“Tell her I’m thinking about her. I’ll call Mom so she can let everyone know she’s awake. You can tell them about the pregnancy. I’d rather not be involved in that conversation.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, thanks. How’s Wes?”

“He’s doing better. His grandfather is here with us. The doctor thinks Liv will be able to move to a regular room after the allotted time needed for observation. They are watching for infection. It’s all standard procedure.”

“Let him know I asked.”

“I will, Josh. I love you.”

“Thank you for everything, Cam.”

“I’d do anything for my family. No need to thank me.”


When I go back in the room with the news I have, I struggle to come to grips with it. I’m still going to be a father. Unlike Liv’s pregnancy, I know this baby is mine. I join her parents who are getting more out of her than I did. They scoot aside so I can let her know I’m back. “Hey there.”

She smiles, and when I see it I know we’re going to be okay.








Chapter 31



It’s Christmas day and I’m celebrating it in the hospital. Josh hasn’t left my bedside, not even to shower at home. They’ve moved me to a private room, and his parents brought him clothes so he was able to change and get cleaned up without leaving. I’ve been resting a lot, emotionally exhausted. He naps when I do, and sometimes steps out for something to eat, but always comes right back.

We haven’t talked about Livvy. I had to ask his mother when Josh wasn’t around. According to Amy, Livvy is being charged with attempted murder, reckless endangerment and destruction of property over five hundred dollars. Even with the money her family has, no judge is going to let her get away without some kind of punishment. I feel sorry for her, that her expensive education and classy upbringing didn’t leave her with better morals.

It’s still early in the morning. My mind is on a pregnancy I never expected, and the one that will never be again. I don’t know what to think or feel. I know I should have remorse, but there is a child growing inside of me that we made out of pure love. He would have never given me space had we known. He would have insisted and hunted me down until I gave in.

Josh is putting the recliner back in the upright position, while I sit up and play around with my hospital food. “Your mom is bringing you breakfast, just send that shit back.”

“I feel bad. It’s wasteful. You eat some.”

“I’m not eating that. I’d starve before I ate plastic eggs.”

I sit my fork down. Something else is bothering me. I’m stuck in this bed and didn’t have a chance to get him a present. He’s never mentioned the ring he gave me or what it implies, so I’ve acted like I forgot, until it’s staring me in the face again.

Josh sits the open box on my food tray and looks right at me. “It’s been two days. Are we ever going to talk about why you came to the ranch that night?”

“I wanted to see you.”

“Because of my present?”

“Because I can’t accept such an extravagant gift.”

“Either way you’d be wearing it. I just figured to get it out of the way sooner than later.”


He leans in and kisses me on the side of my cheek. “I’m in no hurry, but one day you’ll be my wife. If you’re not ready to wear the ring, we’ll put it away for safe keeping, but it won’t be returned, not unless you decide I’m not the man you want.”

I giggle. “You know that’s never happening, right?”

“Yeah. I do now.”

It’s quiet for a few seconds. “I don’t have anything to give you.”

“You’re alive,” he corrects. “You’re having a baby, and I know it’s mine. If that’s not enough, I’ll be happy with your heart. That’s all I want for Christmas.”

“I’m pregnant.” I say it as a statement. “I always took my pills. I mean, I missed and did it the next morning a couple of times, but I never completely missed.”

He’s laughing at me. “You know what, if you were anyone else I’d be pissed, but hearing that you’re carrying my child gives me fulfillment.”

“We haven’t been together that long, Josh. It’s too soon.”

He waves his hand. “Nonsense. There’s no rules. You lived with me for a time. You know what to expect.”

“The doctor says it’s still early. I could miscarry too. We have to prepare for anything.”

“You won’t, but if something happens and I’m wrong, we’ll try again later. I’d rather be young and get to enjoy our children then to be too damn old to do anything with them.”

“Them? Our children? Like plural?”

“Yeah. Our plural children. Why? Is that a problem?”

I shrug. “It’s a bit terrifying.”

“I’m not afraid of anything as long as I have you by my side.”

I take the ring out of the box and hold it out for him. “It would be a waste to keep it stored away. What will it hurt to wear it?”

He smirks, takes the ring, and slips it on my left hand finger. “It’s just a ring.”

ring, Josh. You’re crazy.”

“I’m nostalgic. It’s Christmas. Besides, it’s a promise. By wearing it you promise to be mine. If something changes you can take it off.”

“I doubt that will happen.” I hold up my hand and stare at the sparkling jewels. “I feel bad for feeling happy.”


“Because my happiness means someone else is miserable.”

“She’s getting help,” he says. “They’re doing a psych evaluation on her this week. Wes said they hired a good lawyer, and even they said she won’t get off scott free. She’s going to have to do time, at least in a medical facility.”

“What happens when she gets out?”

“We don’t need to worry about that now.”

“I trust you, Josh.” I never thought I could again, but everything has changed. It’s not about his gift, or what I’ve been through. It’s because I know without a doubt that he’s loyal to me. If this were Shaun, I’d consider an abortion, but with Josh the thought never crossed my mind. It’s not the best time, in fact it’s awful, but we’ll get through it.

“I talked to your parents last night. If you’re up for it, I think you should move back into the farmhouse. We should be together.”

I nod. “Okay.”

“Wow, that was quick.” I can tell he’s pleased. “My mom will be thrilled.”

“I lied to you,” I begin. “I told you I was seeing someone.”

Josh snickers and comes in for a kiss. He stops before our lips make contact. “I know you lied.”


“I went through your phone.”

“Seriously,” I manage to get out before we kiss.

“Yep. I was going to let him know you were already spoken for, but there was no mystery man, not even on social media.”

“Josh, really?”

“Your password is my gamer name. You’re so predictable.”

“Smart ass. How do you think I came up with the idea?” He knows it’s true. I checked the night of the accident in my office. His password is still my gamer name.

The room begins to fill, and after a few minutes I realize that they’ve all brought gifts and food, and my parents. Jax comes walking in with a small decorated tree, while Jake carries huge bags of wrapped boxes. There are babies and juices, and I swear I smell bacon being carried in, followed by a couple nurses lending some extra chairs. I turn to Josh in shock. “What’s all this?”

“You couldn’t come to us for Christmas, so everyone is bringing it to you, darlin’.”

I start to cry. It’s beautiful and thoughtful, and so much more than I could ever ask for. Josh leans down and whispers in my ear. “All the presents are for you.”


I peer down at my hand for a second. “I don’t know what to say.”

“I do everything backwards, Tamsyn. I know the ring should come with a proposal, but as long as you’re wearing it and everyone knows you’re taken, I don’t care how long it takes for that answer, because I know one day you’ll be as ready as I am.”

“My answer will be yes. I just want to be with you, Josh,” I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Whatever the future holds for us, we’ll go through it together. You and I are two of a kind, and soon will have a very full, extremely messy full house.”





I’m released from the hospital three days after Christmas. In the time I’ve been indisposed, Josh has gone and moved all my things back to the farm house. Amy’s made sure I’m comfortable by picking up some extra pillows until my broken and tattered body heals.

All of my presents from Christmas have been added to the existing ones that remain under the tree. The kitchen is full of leftover pies, and I’m sure if I look in the refrigerator I’ll find even more food.

It’s nice to be able to wear normal clothes, but I’ve borrowed one of Josh’s shirts since it’s easier to put over the large collar I have to keep on for several more weeks.

After my parents leave, and it’s been a few hours, I ask Josh to take me for a walk. It’s important for me to visit the spot where it all happened.

He holds my hand as we come up on the damaged building. A tarp hangs over the exposed side where the car went through it. The gravel is still kicked up from Livvy’s rough driving. I keep it together, closing my eyes and recapping those moments where everything changed. I thought I was going to die. She wanted me gone. It’s awful.


Josh squeezes my hand to remind me he’s with me.

“I think I need to see her,” I announce.

“Yeah right. That’s not happening.”

“Josh, I need to see her. We used to be friends. It’s not just about you.”

I can tell he doesn’t want it to happen, but concedes with my wishes. “It’s a terrible idea, but whatever.”

Liv isn’t released from the hospital until the day before New Years. She’s been taken to a women’s facility for further mental monitoring. We meet Wes in the lobby and he takes me back to where visitors are allowed to be. Then we sit and wait.

She’s limping when she comes in, her hand on her stomach as if she’s still pregnant. She sees me and looks to the floor. Josh reaches for my hand. I can tell he’s ready to attack her, so I hold onto it tightly.

Livvy speaks to her brother. “This couldn’t wait?”

“Tamsyn wanted to speak to you, Liv.”

She looks at Josh for a second and then me. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Are you?” I ask.

“I know what I did was wrong. If you came here to rub it in, don’t bother.”

“I came here to tell you that I forgive you.”

Livvy glances at my hand as I speak and sees the ring I’ve yet to take off. She crosses her arms over her chest. “Wow, is that what he buys you when you almost die? That’s why you forgive me right? It got you the guy.”

“What? No. That’s not it at all.”

“Save it. You have everything. You don’t even appreciate it. That should be mine.”

She stands and begins to back away. “They say I’m nuts now. Are you happy? I lost my baby and my internship. I’m probably going to jail. Of course you forgive me.”

I grit my teeth and do my best to keep it together without pouncing on her.

Josh on the other hand, well he’s just Josh. “You owe her an apology. She’s come out here today to speak with you. Give her some respect, Liv. This is your doing.”

“I’d rather rot in a jail cell than spend another second looking at the two of you. Go on. Get out of here. Have a great life. I hope you choke on your so called happiness.”

Wes pleads with her to reconsider, but I stand and pull Josh to do the same. “We’re done here. She’s right. It’s time we move on with our lives.”

We’re halfway to the parking lot before he stops me. “You could have told her about the baby.”

“Yeah, but it would only be spiteful. I’d never use a child for revenge. She’s going to have to pay for what she’s done. I’d rather keep our pregnancy out of her business.”

“Well, was it worth the trip?” He inquires.

“Yeah. I got to look her in the eyes and show her that she can’t break me. She’ll never have the luxury of interfering again.”

“What now?” Josh asks.

“Now we go home. It’s time we got back to our lives. I think there’s a new game in your room I’d like to check out.”

“Our room,” he corrects.

I snicker. “Okay, our room.”

He opens the truck door for me and helps me inside. “What do you think about getting our own place?”

“Like moving out?”


“Where?” I’m kind of nervous. I don’t want Josh doing this just because I’m pregnant. It wasn’t planned.

“Somewhere on the family property, or close like Jake and Jax have done. We could build something and add on space if we need more later.”

“So we’d be close to family?”


“I’ll follow you anywhere, Josh. I never should have left you.”

“You did what you thought was right at the time, even if it hurt like hell.”

“It’s not what I wanted.”

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