Juicy: The Complete Series (41 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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She was a woman in love with a chick who had no intentions on loving her back, and for that I was the biggest bitch in the world. Inside, I never really cared about her feelings before, but now all I wanted to do was apologize to her a million times. But, I knew the best apology I could give her was to respect her wishes.

“Come on girl,” I said, wrapping my arm lovingly around Superior’s neck with one hand and sliding the note in my pocket with the other. “Let’s get this shit on and
poppin’. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I may have an idea of who did this shit to me.”












Time is up




“I’m so glad we’re back together baby. I missed you so much.” I turned my brand new key in the door of my apartment, holding the door open for Lexi.

“Well, we need to get a few things in order before we call it official, but we are definitely moving in the right direction.” She turned and looked at the debris outside the door. “Um, what are all those bags doing in the hallway? Is that nasty trash?”

“One might say that.” I side eyed that shit out there. “So, talk to me. Do you really think that Jesse had something to do with Mindy’s murder?”

“Hell yeah. She used to tell me all the time how he hated how she had gotten too cocky around his business. She would always want to know every detail about what was going on at the club. Not to mention, he had accused her of stealing from him so many times that she quit counting,” Lexi rambled through potential motives of Jesse while I kicked off my jumpers and poured me a large glass of chilled red Moscato.

“I just can’t see it though, Lex. I’ve never known him to be a violent man. She’s never even told me about him raising his hand to her at all.”

“Okay? So, what does that have to do with him murdering somebody in the heat of passion?”

“But, think about it. If somebody was just trying to get rid of her, they had an ample amount of time to do it when you weren’t around. Why would they wait until you were there and why would they leave you a note?”

“I don’t know. I don’t fucking know. That’s why I accused you and Honey’s ass.”

“But, you was wrong for that, though,” I simpered.

“No, I wasn’t cause y’all was straight crazy, fighting and doing all kinds of crazy shit. So, what the fuck was I supposed to expect?”

She was right about that, but I would be damned if I admitted it. My thick waist plopped down on the sofa next to her while taking a big gulp of my wine. I leaned my head on her shoulder, and swallowed the liquid enjoying its cool flow down the back of my throat.

Lexi wrapped her arm around me, stroking my hair sensually. Simply being in her arms made my life feel complete. I didn’t know how we were going to get her out of this predicament she was in, but for the moment
that was the very least of my concern. For now, I wanted to give my baby just what every convict needed after they were first sprung from the joint. I mounted her, straddling her legs and gyrating my hips, as I got ready for the fantastic rodeo.

“What are you doing, girl?” Lexi licked her lips.

“What does it look like I’m doing baby?”

“It looks like you getting something started that we don’t need to be doing right now, Jasmine.”

“Hmmm. What have I told you about calling me that? You know that’s not what you call me.” My eyes cut sharply to her.

“No, your name is Jasmine and at the very most I will call you Jazzy, but that’s it.” Her expression was so serious it slapped the sneer clean off of my face.

, since you’re supposed to be my girl, I will not tolerate you seeing this bitch anymore. Tonight is the night you stop…or else.”

Lexi and I were startled shitless. Andrew raised his hand to her beautifully brown face as he quickly moved towards us on the sofa, pausing in mid-air. The look on his face was nothing shy of sinister and evil. This was a sign of him that I had never seen before. His eyebrows curled over, devilishly.

I guess he thought he was a man who could be feared by all, for his huge stature and bold physique. With my hand pressed against her chest, I began to feel her heart pump faster. She was beginning to perspire on her forehead, as well. She sat perfectly still with me on her knees as we watched him back slowly up off of us. There was the stench of alcohol in the air so strong that it almost made my stomach churn.

              “What the hell? How the hell did you get in here?” My heart felt like it would jump out of my body.

“I guess you thought you were slick, huh? Thought you could lock me out of my own shit.” His face was blank. “Tell me you didn’t mean it, baby.”

“Andrew, you’re fucking cra—“

“Tell me!” he screamed, incisively.

“You can’t tell me what to say, Andrew. You really need to get a grip on things. And for the last time, we aren't in a relationship. I don't love you. You can't just force something on somebody that they don't want.” I was done and tired of entertaining his bullshit.

Rage filled his eyes as the truth about my feelings resonated in his head. Andrew stumbled backwards drunkenly after he had heard those words. It was like somebody knocked the wind out of his sails. He was in love with me that deeply, no matter what I did or how I acted.

It was the one thing that scared the shit out of me about him. We could tell that he was growing increasingly angry with us, especially with my booty nicely planted on Lexi's thighs. She had her hands on my waist showing no
signs of removing them.

“You don’t love me? Huh? Do you want to destroy this shit between us so badly? Huh? Think about what you will be missing out on. That bitch is nothing but a worthless piece of shit. Can she afford you a five star mansion, a few mink coats, and shopping sprees in foreign countries?”

Andrew was vexed. He had me fucked up if he thought that I was going to just feed off into his crazy shit. Since he had a little money, he figured he could run me, but what good was that if he didn't have my heart? He didn't get the fact that I was never into him like that and all of the money in the world wouldn't force me to.

He raised his hand up to me again like he wanted to beat me down like a dog. Lexi slapped his hands away from my face. The look on her face as we stood
could have started a fire right there in the room. She waved her hand wildly in his face.

“It is over dude. Why the fuck can’t you understand that?” Lexi snapped.

“I didn’t ask you shit, cunt. Stay the fuck out of this,” Andrew spat as he pointed to her.

“Make me,” Lexi smiled, crossing her arms.

“You’ve got a big mouth for someone who’ll be going to jail pretty damn soon.”

“I’m not going to jail. I’m going to find the son of a bitch who killed Mindy to frame me, and when I do that motherfucka’ is going down so hard it’s going to make your head spin.”

“Oh, my God. You couldn’t be more pathetic could you?” Andre snarled through his teeth. “I killed Mindy’s old prostitute ass.”

“Huh? Why would you do that?” I gasped, feeling like the walls were closing in around me.

“She needed to take one for the team. She was a slut who deserved it anyway. I did the world a favor,” he sniggered.

“Did the world a favor by killing an innocent woman? You’re a fucking cop for Christ’s sakes,” the words erupted from my lips.

“Yeah well, it was the only way I could get little Miss Hot To Trot out of our lives for good. See, you were supposed to realize that she was toxic for you while she got locked up for most of her natural born life. You weren’t supposed to go flying into her fucking arms.”

“Why didn’t you just kill me, jackass?” Lexi questioned, sarcastically.

“Because that would’ve been too easy, and my princess here needed to learn that she can’t trust everybody that licks that pretty little clit of hers. Besides, I figured making you rot in prison knowing that we were off living the good life would be far more painful.” He was acting frantic like the psychotic sicko he was. “We would’ve been sunning on a beach somewhere by now. But it’s never too late.”

“Really? How’s that working out for you when she’s going nowhere with you,” Lexi countered.

“Oh, it’ll work out because I never make the same mistake twice.”

“What the fuck? Don’t do anything stupid, Andrew.” I tried to calm him, even though it looked like veins were popping out of his sweating neck.

“You weren’t supposed to survive that drive-by either, but rest assured you won’t get out of this apartment alive.” A grin spread across his face.


              Something in Andrew’s mind had to snap. He leaned back on the wall, trembling a bit with his head hung down in disbelief. He slowly reached around to his back and pulled out a cop issued Glock. He tapped it against his forehead lightly while releasing a perfuse burst of tears.

It was like he didn’t know what he wanted to do with it, but it seemed
having it in his hand made him feel like he had control over this situation. The room filled with nothing but his wincing before he looked up drenched in a complete nervous sweat. He grabbed his head, rubbing it feverishly as he debated on what to do.

“You can’t have her. I love you. I love her. Can’t you see that baby? I’ve got the money for us to live happily ever after and everything. But I don’t want to build our relationship on a lie. I’ve got something I need to tell you.” He continued to beat the gun against the side of his face. “It’s not lottery money. It’s blood money.”

“What? So, you’re a dirty cop. You’re a dirty cop who wanted me to run away with you.” I shook my head.

“Interestingly enough, I was just on my
beat as usual and I was approached by a man who needed help finding out who killed his brother. I think you may know him, Alexis. Tino was more than willing to pay top dollar for the blood of the Burden sisters, when he found out they were the whores who took his only family from him.”

“You son of a bitch,” Lexi growled.

“Oh, don’t be like that. I wasn’t the one who ended their lives, but I’ll take that cash, though. When I followed you all, you were already on the brink of destruction. So, when I got ready to put bullets in your fucking skulls, two of you had already foiled those plans for me. But that only left one more. And, that’s where my baby came in at.” Andrew moved in, pulling my hair and pressing my body close to his as I cringed in horror.

“You…you used me to get to her?” I sobbed dryly.

“Don’t act so surprised, baby. You were using me, weren’t you? Now we can use each other together with nothing or no one standing in our way. No more lies. No more secrets.” He licked my face with his breath smelling like old cow shit.

“You won’t get away with this shit, you asshole,” Lexi egged him on.

“Won’t I?” Andrew yanked the radio out of his pocket and put it to his lips. “Dispatch, this is Officer Jacobs. I’m at 5702 S. McVicker, and I need a bus.”

“What are you doing, Andrew?” My lips felt dry as I spoke.

“I’m doing what the fuck I should’ve done in the first place. I’m going to kill Alexis Burden.” His smile was creepy.

“You don’t have the balls to shoot me. You’re a coward and everything you’ve done up to now has been a bitch move. You don’t fucking scare me, bitch,” Lexi continued to push him on.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, pulling away from him.

“Because you belong to me. And, I always get what I want,” he confessed.

“No, you dip shit. She belongs to me.” Lexi rushed Andrew, grabbing the hand his gun was in.

I moved out of the way just in time, ducking so as not to get hit
myself. Lexi was struggling to snatch the gun, since Andrew used his large stature over her to his advantage. I jumped in trying to help, but was constantly pushed and shoved out of the way by the both of them.

They were trying to protect me,
and I was trying to help her. I ran towards my bedroom searching through the closet for my small black bat. Snatching it up from the floor, I ran frantically back to the living room and began beating Andrew in his kneecaps.

The man went down hard, but also swinging; still refusing to release the gun from his fingers. My arms rose high in the air then came down hard, beating him with the bat like there was no tomorrow. I beat every inch of him, every part I could think of got a beating and if I could’ve reached his dick that would’ve gotten it,
as well.

We were winning. He was
becoming weak, giving up his strength in the fight and laying his head on the carpet. I couldn’t stop beating him, though. The burst of adrenaline flowing through me wouldn’t allow me not to continue to seek the revenge that I so desperately needed for fucking Lexi’s life up.

I smiled at her as she shook her head at me telling me not to continue any further. I stopped abruptly looking down at Andrew’s mangled,
bloody face, thanking God that he was still breathing. Lexi went for one last try at the gun, but when she did, he yanked away, raised it up in the air, and shot me in my shoulder.

“Baby. Baby. What the fuck have you done?“ I could hear Lexi’s voice as I collapsed to the floor like an old bag of bones.

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