Juicy: The Complete Series (34 page)

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You’re Not Slick




She was entrapped in my nook. It was the only place women felt safe in my arms. I could tell them the moon was purple,
and they would automatically believe it, when I held them that close to me. I could smell her womanly essence, and she relished in mine.

It felt good
to now be a legal woman and be able to fuck any bitch I wanted to, without them having reservations about my age. Not that I had much of a problem before, but now I was official.

“So, are you going to get up and go out
today?” Superior gritted through her teeth.

“And, do what baby?” I casually scratched my belly and licked my chops.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She rose tersely, pressing her one hand against her tits to keep them from dangling. “Just because we fucked doesn’t mean I didn’t mean what I said, Lex. You’ve got to get a fucking job.”

“I am
girl. I told you I was. Com’ on, don’t fuck up our good mood right now,” I huffed, wondering why she was blowing me with this bullshit again.

“NO. Fuck this. As of right now, you are officially cut the fuck off.” Superior jumped up, frantically snatching up each piece of her clothing.

“What the hell is the problem now? Damn. It seems like nothing I do is good enough for you.”

“Shut up. You don’t get to make this shit about you. This is about me.” She headed for the door, turning back only to shoot me a sinister look.
“I’m getting in the shower to get dressed for work. That rental car has to go back to Enterprise on Friday. If you haven’t found a job by then, your ass is out baby. I love you, but I love me more.”

She darted down the hallway and out of sight as I lowered my head to the bed, listening as the sound of the shower running filled the silence in the air. I just knew getting her pussy dripping would get her panties out of a bunch about that shit. I thought wrong.

She was so pissed at me that she had even set an exact date now. She had been renting cars for me for the longest, since I liked riding that new shit, and it kept people guessing. Now she was threating to take my livelihood away from me, too.

I hopped up from the bed, grabbing a pair of jeans and a long sleeve yellow button down cardigan, sliding them on over my bare, naked body. Pulling part of the sweater down to reveal my right shoulder, I tussled through my dark colored shoulder length bob.

I snatched my keys and wallet off the dresser and headed down the hallway, stopping next to the shower door. I wanted to tell her that I was sorry if I had fucked up her life by bringing her into mine. She wanted more from me than I wanted from myself at this point.

I wasn’t ready to be tied down, not after the shit that I had been through. She didn’t know the feeling any of it, even though she claimed to be sympathetic for my losses.

Downstairs, I walked to the silver Chrysler 300 and revved it up. As I drove on, my prepaid Samsung Galaxy had begun to fire up like it would explode from the amount of calls it was receiving. It was as if Superior had a radar for when I left, and jumped out the shower to hound me. I wasn’t for that shit.

She had gotten her wish and
ran me up out the house, so she needed to deal with it. I wasn’t even going far though, but I bet apart of her knew that anyway. She had caught me twenty minutes away a couple of times before, but she felt salty when she got there and only found us talking on the porch.

Honey was a great listener, something that Superior had forgotten to be. So, I had no doubt in my mind that she was probably kicking herself in the ass about me leaving since she knew where I was going. I pulled to a slow stop in front of a gorgeous, well-maintained bungalow on the corner of 52
and Kolin. I exited the car, checking my surroundings before jotting up the stairs to the front door.

“What are you doing here, Lex?” Honey asked, peeking her head through the screen door before I could even ring the doorbell.

“Damn, girl. You must’ve felt me coming, huh? Felt this pussy licker coming, huh?” I smirked as she opened the door to let me in.

The Latina beauty standing in front of me was a sight for sore eyes. She was so flawless to me; she didn’t even need the mountains of makeup, heavy lipstick, and clip-in weaves she wore. I knew she did it to entice the customers at her
job, but she could work that fat ass and those tiny nipples and do it just the same.

She had nice B cups like me, but ass for days, and the one thing that attracted me to her
was her thick Mexican accent. I loved when she rolled her tongue to pronounce her words. I loved when she rolled her tongue period. She was a shorty just like me but never wore heels.

She thought being short made her even more exotic, and she added to that by getting her beautiful dimples pierced. For a birthday present, she finally jiggled that ass on my face, after months of me grooming and conditioning to get it.

“Naw, I was about to leave and go to work bitch. I gotta pull a double today cause my mortgage is due Thursday. Why the fuck are you here?”

“What you mean what I’m doing here? Shit, in a minute, this is about to be my new home.”

“Don’t play with me, Lex. We both know that you ain’t never gon’ leave Superior, and I’ve made peace with that along time ago. So, if you came for some pussy, I ain’t got time right now.” She licked her plump lips, only making me want her feisty ass more. “I should’ve known better than to fuck you at the club last night.”

“Com’ on now. I fucked you,
and I knew she was there. You think I give a fuck about how she feels? I’m feeling you girl. I want you,” I told her, walking up to wrap my hands around her waist.

“Well, that’s my place of business. I’m never doing that again.
Know that.” Honey swooped up her Birkin satchel and tossed it on her arm, allowing it to rest right at her elbow.

“Baby, if I’m living here, you can get it morning, noon, and night.” I kissed her forehead, sweetly.

“Yeah, when you not cheating on me,” she mumbled.

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Lex, if you did it to her, you will damn sure do it to me. Okay? I’m stripper. I’m not stupid.”

We laughed at her reference. I didn’t think all strippers were stupid, but I did think they were gullible as hell when it came down to a
motherfucka’ giving them good sex. I had become a legend at The Lab, and all the females wanted to see what I was like.

It was Superior’s fault to brag, so in my eyes; she sent them to me. I had to prove my worth to their asses. There were two more strippers that I had fucked at the club, but fortunately for me, one got killed by a stalker and the other quit cause she got pregnant. So, I was basically starting over on a clean slate.

“Girl, she nags me. All she does is nag and nag talking about I need to go get a job and shit. Don’t nobody wanna hear that shit,” I snapped, plopping down on her plush, white sofa.

“That wouldn’t be a bad idea, Chica. How else
you gonna take me out, you know?” Honey smiled, busting out those pearly whites.

“Shit, girl you can feed me right here.” I smirked, wiggling my finger for her to come closer.

“Lex, you know I don’t cook…oh.” A casual grin filled her face, almost turning her cheeks blush red.

Her steps were labored as if she was trying to resist the temptation of coming to me. She
chucked her purse on the sofa as she mounted my lap, shoving her cleavage in my face. I was drowning in her Juicy Couture perfume; loving every bit of the sweet smell and the flavor it gave my senses.

My hands had a mind of their own as they ventured around to her backside, squeezing a chunk full of ass. If it weren’t for the sensual way her lips sucked on my neck, I might have been able to notice the shadow cast behind her. My eyes focused in on the dark figure then blinked a few times to recognize Superior standing there breathing like a raging bull from the sight.

“Get the fuck off my bitch,” Superior demanded as she pulled Honey by her clip-ins, tossing the ones that came out onto the floor.

“Oh no, get your bum ass out of my house,” Honey roared back, before gaining her balance and turning to scratch Superior’s eyes out.

“The door was open as your legs always are, hoe. So, if you want me to leave, then make me.” Superior reached from heaven to smack Honey and when her hand met her face it made a sound that could be heard there, as well.

I wasn’t about to get in the middle of that shit this time. Last time I did, it only ended in me getting my little ass whooped by both of their asses. Naw
fuck that. This time they would both have to fight it out, and I would holler at the winner later. I inched around the confrontation; tiptoeing to the front door as the women battled it out on each other. They threw blows at each other so swiftly as if they already knew each other’s moves.

“And, where the fuck do you think you’re going? You ain’t slick, Lex. I swear I’m so sick of this shit you do to me. Everyday all day it’s the same thing,” Superior barked, shoving me into the big screen TV behind me.

“Aye, don’t put your motherfucking hands on me. Alright?” I didn’t even bother entertaining her loud tone, keeping my eyes on the sunlit exit.

“And, I’m not about to be fighting this bitch over you every single day,” Honey huffed as she got up off the floor, straightening her hair in the process. “Besides
that shit wasn’t all that magical as you claimed it to be anyway.”

“Awe bitch, you
wasn’t saying that shit when you was trying not to scream in the VIP room though.” It took everything in me not to whack the shit out of her ass for trying to defame my skills like that.

“It really isn’t,” Honey repeated.

“Shut the fuck up. You’re just mad ‘cause you just got your ass whooped,” I taunted.

“I’m so done. You can come and get your shit from my house,
and you better return that car Friday or else I’m reporting it stolen.” Superior waved her hands in the air before storming to the front door. “And as for you bitch, this shit ain’t over.”

“Oh, it
ain’t never over, trick. I’ll see you at the club. You know what this shit’s about,” Honey countered.

“Superior, wait,” I hollered after her.

“Superior wait? You still running up after that bitch after all this?” Honey shook her head. “Leave, Lex. Don’t come back to my house again, or I’m calling the cops.”

I stared into her watery eyes knowing that she was serious. I had not only fucked up with my dip off, but also with my main chick,
and they were both kicking my ignorant ass to the curb. I wasn’t worried about the pussy though. That came a dime a dozen. But, to get in a female’s head, to allow me into her panties took time and talking that I didn’t have time to use right now.

As I scampered out the door and to the car, I thought about all the ways that shit could have ended differently. If Superior would just be cool about certain shit and quit trying to wife me, we wouldn’t even be going through this shit. There was no way I was going to her
place to get those clothes. I already knew how everything would go down if I went there, and I wasn’t about to set myself up like that. She would be cleaning that shit off her front lawn herself.











3 days later, Friday night




The dressing room was packed with funky pussy bitches trying to freshen up, and get ready for their next spot on the stage. I couldn’t even believe that I was working with some of these nasty chicks from the way they had that room lit up. Women could be so nasty at times that it was a shame. You would think that being that we danced around naked for men all night that they would take better care of their hygiene, but these bitches didn’t care one bit.

There were glittery thongs, colorful bikinis, and empty cans of Summer’s Eve spray everywhere
and no one thought to pick up after themselves. They knew better than to ask me for my shit though. I’d be damned if I lent them anything only never to see it again.

I stood at the entrance staring at the big screen monitor in the corner of the dark, red hallway. It flicked every other minute, simultaneously between the two poles on the stage. Jesse, the owner of The Lab, said it was so that we could watch the other girls while they were on stage and learn to one up our game when we got out there.

He was an older Arabian guy with a scruffy, salt and peppered beard, who had a fetish for thick black girls. The darker the skin the better you were, in his eyes. If you didn’t have a thick ass waist or at least some D cup titties, he was not giving you a spot on the stage. You had to walk the floor and make your money waitressing. It was the most bogus job up in the place, seeing as though the tips were very minimal.

girl.” Mindy popped her gum in my ear, as she slapped me gently on the ass. “Don’t tell me you still thinking about Lex’s ass, still.”

Mindy was one of the few lighter women that made it through Jesse’s preliminary hearing. He called it his equal opportunity hiring when he hired outside of the
sistahs. She was thick as hell and used to work at The Factory before she came here.

She had been working here longer than most of us, nearly eight years, and had become Jesse’s right hand bitch. Whatever the girls needed, she got it for us, no sweat. She looked out for us like a den mother, even though she was only like thirty years old.

“Girl, shut your white ass up.” I playfully tapped her on the arm. “But you ain’t never lied though.”

“I told you from jump that you made a mistake falling in love with that little girl. Fuck the fact that she just turned eighteen, boo. She’s still got milk behind her ears.” She rotated her hips before leaning against the wall in front of me, playing with my long, curly, brown, and red Malaysian silky.

“I know, but I fell in love with who she was not how old she was. I couldn’t help it. I’m gone for her.”

“Well, where is she now? Why she ain’t here with you, fighting for you, and doing what she need to do to get you back?”

“I don’t know. But at least I know she’s not with no other bitches, though.” I smirked. “She looks like shit too.”

“How do you know?” Mindy looked confused.

“’Cause she’s been sleeping in the rental car I got for her ass. She’s been parking around the corner from my building. I guess cause people in the area know the car, and won’t call the cops on her. I’ve been driving past her every day on my way to work. But, today she was gone. The car was due back today, so maybe after that she will come home to me and get her shit together.”

“Hmm. Well, I wish y’all the best of luck. But all I’m going to say
is, don’t get your hopes up, boo. You’re too pretty to be waiting around for some broad to get her shit together. You could have any bitch or dude you want. Why waste your time worrying about one?” She continued to pop her gum as she rolled her eyes towards the screen. “Oh, see that hoe done stole my move. See, I told Jesse to take this motherfucking screen up outta here. I ain’t got time for hoes to be trying to be me and shit, especially not this new bitch. I don’t know her like that.”

We laughed as she pulled me in for a hug, forcing me to sigh in sadness. “Girl, I just don’t know why I can’t stop thinking about her.”

“Cause your heart and your pussy ain’t caught up with your brain yet, boo-boo. You gon’ be alright. Now gone out there and get a few table dances and make momma some money.” Mindy slapped me on my ass harder this time.

“Thanks Min.”

My four-inch heels clacked up the stairs and into the main room. The lights were dim on the floor, but lit up like the sun on the stage as the girls popped their booty meat around for the thirsty tricks raining money. Most of them were focused in on the girl-on-girl show in the middle of the stage, not realizing that girls actually fake those on stage. Jesse didn’t allow us to get too dirty and nasty for them motherfuckas in the open or else they’d never pay to be disappointed with the same in the VIP rooms.

“Aye, you
seen that Honey?” Jesse snatched my arm up gently as he walked through the main door.

“No, Jesse. Not
today I haven’t.”

“Eh. When you see her let me know. I’ve got a bone to pick with her.” He sucked his teeth and rubbed his beer belly. “I saw her on the tape giving up the goods in VIP the other night.
Now, I ain’t running no whorehouse up in here, see. She gon’ learn today. You don’t follow the rules; you will be fined. I don’t care if you ain’t made payout or not, you hear?” He focused his attention on the booty popping happening on the stage. “I ain’t charging enough to giveaway booty and she better not be skimming money off the top.”

“Well, I don’t know what she’s doing. I’m not her damn momma.” My neck popped in between my words as I turned to strut away, feeling myself.

“Aye, aye. What’s your problem tonight? You on the rag or something?” He asked as his unibrow curled over.

“Ew, no. You know I call off on those days. I’m just tired. That’s all.”

“Not all of you all call off on those days. You better believe I know.” He sucked his teeth again. “Well get on and shake that fat ass.”

“Yes, Jesse.”

Disgusted, I walked off, headed for the motorcycle club that had come in a few minutes after Jesse. They came in every Friday and spent more money than any of us could count. I wanted to get to them before any of the thirsty hoes got to them, because once they chose their few, they wouldn’t pay anyone else any attention.

Hell, I was even thinking about going home with the cutest one tonight. I needed any kind of distraction to keep my mind off of Lex’s ass. The perfect dick in my tight pussy and a few shots of Patron would make the night complete.

“Hey, doll. Can I get a dance?” Officer Jacobs waved his fan of money in my face.

“Uh, um…”

“Com’ on girl. You want me to pull out my mortgage money, too? I came here to spend my money tonight and who better than the prettiest girl here?”

Alright, officer. But just for a minute, okay?” I tried not to look too revolted, but felt it was inevitable.

“Do it like you want it. Like you want this dick inside you.” He slapped my ass with the money before stuffing the entire wad in my G-string. “Now I just paid you $5000. I hope I get a little bit more than just a few minutes.”

I turned, bending my ass over into his face. My eyes bulged at the sound of how much he was spending on me. That was about three nights of work all for a little table dance. I couldn’t believe it, and even though I knew Jesse would be watching, I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of trying to tax me for the shit.

I took a considerable amount of the wad and slid it underneath my wig cap, fixing it back discreetly. I shook my ass so
mutherfucking hard for him, I thought it would come off. I lucked up dancing for Officer Jacobs, since the motorcycle club would’ve probably only gave me about five or six hundred.

Officer Jacobs was getting drunk beyond his ass, steady ordering drink after drink. I never knew he was so loaded. It was weird especially for a cop’s salary. He came in every weekend for drinks and table dances, never
stepping foot towards the stage.

He would always spend a couple of twos and
fews, but never any hardcore dough like this. He was a sexy young cop too, standing no more than 5’9” and weighing maybe about 220 pounds firm. He probably could have bench pressed me with no problem.

He was always very clean shaved and dressed, and was always very respectable. I didn’t see a wedding ring, but at The Lab, most of the men that came up in there took theirs off at the door in order to feel like they were single again.

I took my bikini top off letting my nipples bounce coolly in Officer Jacobs’ face. “So, you took out some of your 401k or something to spend that kind of dough, or what?”

“Hmm. Wouldn’t you like to know
baby?” he hummed, sticking his tongue out to get a small taste of my skin.

“Ah uh. No licking, Mr. Officer. You know the rules.” I waved my figure to him letting him know he was being a bad boy. “I know they look tasty but no, no.”

“Man, if I had a wife like you at home, I’d always come straight home to you.” He licked his lips, staring at me like I was a juicy well-done T-bone. “What is it that you need to make you happy, baby? What can I give you?”

“Shh. Just watch me.” I smiled, hoping he would shut the fuck up.

“I’m serious. I will give you the world girl.”

“Thank you.” I turned back around, sitting my ass on his lap popping wildly while rotating my hips.

For the next fifteen minutes, I tried to drown out his eager advances. He was talking marriage like he had never seen a fat ass before. The nigga was drooling over my shit like most of the wild dogs in heat that came in here. But, he was feverish and sweating like it was a hundred and two degrees on the floor.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head, hoping like hell for 3am to hurry up. Jesse always brightened up the floor five minutes before closing to let the
thirsties know it was time to get the hell out of here. Officer Jacobs made deep moaning sounds behind me as if we were already fucking, when I turned my attention to the front door.

Lexi came strolling in, looking around lazily. She looked like she hadn’t slept, ate, or bathed in days. I could see her scratching her stomach nonchalantly, as if she was back on the drugs again, although it could’ve been the dirt from lack of washing her skin.

Her hair was mostly frizzed, as well, and she ran her fingers through it trying to make it look more presentable. In the darkness, no man would’ve even cared what she looked like. But, she couldn’t have been here for that. She had to have been looking for me. But, I was in no mood to entertain her apologies. And, I’d be damned if she embarrassed me, yet again, in front of my coworkers.

“Officer, give me a sec. I need to go handle something really quick. I’ll be right back.” I caressed his cheek softly, before marching straight up to Lexi. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Look, I ain’t come here to fight with you, a’ight?” Her breath smelled of forty tons of cow dung.

“Ew,” I covered my nose with my hand. “Then, what are you here for?”

“I needed to speak to…I mean I came to…”

“What are you stuttering for? What do you want?” My impatience almost festered into anger as I crossed my arms and curled my lips.

“Hey, bitch. What’s going on?” Mindy stepped in front of me with her back damn near booting Lexi out of the conversation. “Do we have a problem here?”

“No, no Min. I’m just trying to find out why she’s here,” I replied, bringing my tone down a notch.

“Oh, okay. Well, why don’t you go on back to your customer and I’ll take care of her for you.” Mindy shot me a deadly look, one I had never seen before. “Go on.”

She slapped my ass casually as I turned and headed back towards Officer Jacobs, who was seemingly bouncing with joy of my return. My heels strutted back in front of him as my body swayed and moved to the music. My body was on him, but my mind was on her, Lexi, as I watched the two of them talk from afar.

I couldn’t hear shit they were saying, which pissed me off to my core, but at least I couldn’t hear shit Officer Jacobs was saying either. I was too busy straining my hearing towards the front door. I looked at him briefly, every few seconds noticing his lips moving, but not giving a damn about what was coming out.

A few minutes later, Lexi was smiling and covering her mouth nervously as Mindy put her arm around her, before escorting her to the back.

They walked off happily. I knew Mindy would never do that to me. She would never sleep with Lexi. I trusted her. But then again, I couldn’t put that kind of shit past anybody, especially since I had made the mistake of letting everybody know how good Lexi was with her head between my thighs.

Everybody was probably itching for a chance to try her. I could only hope that Mindy had just as much respect for me as I did for her. Just as my insecurities were heightening, it came to me that Lexi might have been finally doing what I had been begging her to do for the longest time. It brought a slight smile to my face because I knew she couldn’t have been doing it for anyone else but me.

My baby was really about to get her shit together so that she could win me back. At that moment, I hopped on Officer Jacobs’ lap, happy as ever, allowing him to feel my happiness in my movements. He grew as ecstatic as I was, even though his happiness was directed to my body and mine was directed towards her. Grinning from ear to ear, I gyrated knowing that my baby came up here to get herself a job.

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