Juicy: The Complete Series

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The Complete Tale




The Complete Series


Copyright © 2014
Black Cherry Publishing






This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to            actual events, real people, living or dead, organizations, establishments or locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by   information storage and retrieval system, without the          written permission from the publisher and writer.

Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication, and may no longer be valid.





Giving honor to God; who is the head of my        household. Thank you to my family; I will love               you all until the end of time, you are the air that I breathe.

To my friends; thanks for keeping me afloat when               I thought I would sink.

To my fans and many followers; I love you all more
than words can say. Thank you for the love and support you deliver each day!


To my cover model of this series, Siobhon “Lovesem” Georgy, thanks for doing your thing on the photos. You rock everyday! To my fans and many followers, I love you all more and more each day. Thank you for the love and support you deliver each day!


To book Siobhon “Lovesem” Georgy for cover modeling contact
[email protected]



For More Titles by Nicety

Check Your

Kindle, Nook, Amazon, &

Barnes & Noble


Like Flies to Honey, Parts 1&2

Candy Shop

Back 2 Business (Candy Shop Part 2)

Beautiful Nightmare

Killing Me Softly

Orally Yours

Money Is King: A Tale of Greed

Money Is King 2: Secrets

Money Is King 3: The Last Straw

Money Is King: Mink’s Story

Juicy Pandora’s Box

Juicy 2: Getting Even

Juicy 3: Lexi’s Story

Bonnie & Shine: An Epic Love Tale

Sexual Misconduct

Vicious Ambitions: The 1
Wife Secrets Novel

Limousine Confessions




“Live your life like it’s golden. For tomorrow is never promised today.”



Juicy: Pandora’s Box

Chapter 1- Fed Up



Her pussy throbbed as hard as her heart thumped. The heavy panting she released made her dizzy and light headed. She ran her fingers up across her full breasts
, and then down in between her legs, loving the feeling of the penetration moving inside of her. Her legs were cocked up in the air, pointing straight, as if she was a ballerina. Then they retracted as she began to tremble.

She exclaimed
, needing and desiring more, “Give it to me, baby. Yes! Yes!”

She licked her index and middle fingers leaving them nicely moist and moved them down to her clitoris, rubbing it profusely and forcing it to become erect. Her other hand forced the penetration harder and harder as she struggled to cum in a haste. Time was running out. If she didn
’t burst now, she never would. She moaned wildly hoping to help the cum release, but it was no use. The timer had buzzed and it was all over. She looked down at her failed pussy and began slapping it.


Pandora awoke on the couch in a hot sweat. She looked around realizing that it was merely a dream. Not only was she still at home, but she was also still alone and still a virgin.

’m tired of being the goody two shoes. I need some dick dammit
,” she thought as she slammed her hand against the couch angrily. She rose, turned on the stereo, and then cranked the volume up as high as it would go.

"She ain
’t fucking with you ‘less you got a lot o’ money..."

Power 92 blared throughout the Beverly area home and Diamond
’s “Lotta Money” prompted Pandora to bob her head and sing along. It was the summer anthem and everybody seemed to be listening to the same station as it blared through her open windows as well. She looked at the clock on the Comcast cable box realizing she didn’t have much time left. The house was usually spotless on a daily basis, but, for some reason, her father wanted it to be immaculate every day. He checked the dust content like clockwork on the mantle. It was where her beautiful mother’s urn sat, with her life size picture adorning the wall above. Her name was Vivian.

Pandora dusted carefully around the urn and along the rest of the mantle. Then she pressed her lips against her mother
’s picture, kissing it.

“Love you, ma,” she said as she grabbed the broom and continued to do her chores.


Vivian was a beautiful, exotic, Jamaican beauty queen and model. She was an orphan in Jamaica and at sixteen she fled to the states with some friends as stow-a-ways on a boat. They were so frail from malnutrition that no one even saw them hiding behind the small wooden barrels. When she reached America, she lived on the streets wearing tattered clothes and shoes, which she often stole from the back of thrift stores. She worked in a sweat factory in Miami for two years for chump change before being discovered by a modeling agent.

“Hey, girly. Your face is really pretty,” the older woman said while smoking on her cigarette and sipping her latte.

“Eh. Tell me something I don
’t know,” Vivian replied, having heard it all before.

The woman snarled not impressed by Vivian
’s cockiness. “What would you say if I told you that I could make you a star?”

“I would say get lost, bitch,” Vivian replied
as she rolled her eyes and walked past the woman, causing them to butt shoulders.

She was a very sassy smart aleck teenager
. Being on her own forced her to have her guard up all the time. Men and women tried her at every given moment, but she was very high-strung and wasn’t having any of it. If she needed to fight to the death, she did what it took to save her ass.

’s my card.” The woman handed her card over with jittery hands, nervous from Vivian’s words. She wanted to sign the next hottest thing with high cheekbones, curvy hips, and mellifluous skin, but she didn’t know that she was getting a feisty bullfighter. “Call me tomorrow. If you’re interested, you could come by the office and we’ll get you started.”

’ll see.” Vivian played it cool. She didn’t want to seem too anxious just in case the woman was real and she needed to negotiate a deal.

She had to admit being approached with something like that excited her. Seeing her face on the cover of a magazine would have been her greatest accomplishment ever, since leaving her homeland. The next day, Vivian signed a six-figure deal with Elite Model Management and the rest was history.



Pandora quickly swept the very little trash of dust underneath the couch and tucked the broom and dustpan away in the pantry. She looked around making sure nothing was out of place and that everything was spotless. The dishes were cleaned, dried and placed in the cabinet. The pillows were straightened on both leather sofas and the trash was taken out. The keys and doorknob began to jiggle at the front door as she stood in the middle of the hallway with her head down and arms crossed behind her back. She waited on the figure to emerge from around the corner of the wall.

s soon as it did, her heart dropped.

, Pastor,” Pandora said, never once looking up into his eyes.

“Is everything clean?”
He looked directly at the mantle where the remains of his wife sat.

The pastor wasn
’t really a pastor at all. He had recently been practicing to become one at their church on 76
and Halsted. He hadn’t been ordained yet, but he demanded that people addressed him as such. It was one of his many hustles. Vivian met him on location one day when she was shooting a spread for a magazine. At the time, he was a production assistant and was too cute for words with his long dark curly hair and his baby face. He always wore white tees and jeans, which gave him this thug-like appearance. That drew Vivian in immediately. His persona intrigued her, along with his chestnut eyes and small nerd-like physique. He was perfect in every way to her.

Soon after they began to fool around
, she became pregnant. But they never married, which left him frustrated and penniless when she died. She had paid for the house before she died, but the upkeep of it was breaking him. Now he was a skinny beer bellied, gray haired 42-year-old drunk who had financial problems, worked odd jobs to get by and sought becoming a pastor as an answer to his prayers. He felt the church would take care of all of his needs and expenses, and it would be a cakewalk to get the funds he needed to stay afloat.

“Yes, sir
,” Pandora answered, hoping everything was to his liking.

The pastor inspected further
, rubbing his finger across the kitchen countertops and checking the refrigerator for one thing moved out of place. Then he returned back to the living room and made sure that the flowers on the urn were turned towards the sun just like he liked it. Vivian loved the way painted glass looked in the sunlight, so he kept her urn facing flowers out.

“Very good, Pandora. Very good.” He
said as she plopped down on the sofa. He dropped his workbag on the floor like it was nothing. He kicked his smelly shoes and socks off, which left the stench of hot garbage to fester in the room. “Where are your sisters?”

“They are still at the grocery store picking up the items on shopping list
.” Pandora lied as she covered her nose.

Her sisters
had already brought the food home and had left back out to watch the ballers play basketball at the court up the street. They weren’t watching for the game, though. They were watching for the sexy bodies and flashy cars that those niggas stunted in. The neighborhood dudes their age were too young minded and never had money to spend, but the high rollers didn’t care about spending money. Diamond was seasoned in the game and now she was putting Lexi up on it.

Pandora was amazed
that the pastor hadn’t seen them on his walk home from the bus stop; especially since the park was directly across the street from it. They knew what he would do if he caught them, but they always took that risk in order to do what they wanted. Pandora didn’t like the fact that her identical twin, Diamond, was twenty four minutes older than her. Diamond sure wasn’t playing the role of a big sister. Pandora wanted Diamond to be more responsible around the house in order to take some of the burden off of her. Yet, Diamond’s rebellious side took over and was rubbing off on their younger sister Lexi really fast.

Lexi was only
two years younger than them, but she was a pistol. She was hot headed just like their mother and didn’t take shit from no one. It was a hard subject for all of them to talk about, but their mother died struggling for fourteen hours trying to bring Lexi into the world. She was able to give Lexi one smile before she collapsed on the delivery table. Doctors revived her and she remained brain dead for two weeks before their father decided to give up and cut the life support. It was hard for him to let go, so he had her cremated and began drinking to keep his sanity.

The girls were the spitting images of their Jamaican roots
, with their honey brown skin and high cheekbones. The twins had long dark hair with golden brown eyes and bodies made like goddesses. They stood about 5’3” and were known as the “lil’ bits” of the neighborhood. It was weird to them how they scarfed down everything in sight but never gained a pound. The bulk of it went inside of their pants to their thick waists while the rest ended up in their 32C cups. Lexi, though still a teenager, was busting out all over like she was fresh out of a hip-hop music video. She was slightly taller than them, standing 5’5”, but she wore flats so that she could look shorter. The attention her sisters got for being short made her want to be recognized for the same cuteness. She had ass for days and a D cup rack that made grown men stop to drool. Her hair was long, but she cut it into a layered bob once she got wind of Toya’s bob on BET. With her angelic face and thick dark makeup, it fit her perfectly.

"Get me a beer
. Then get in here and read the word with me," the pastor demanded.

Pandora rolled her eyes and smacked her lips as she trotted towards the kitchen
. She snatched the ice cold Bud out of the refrigerator. She was tired of listening to his wannabe gospel scriptures. Everybody was. He would always open the book pretending to read from it but he was actually free styling the words, which didn’t make a lick of sense to her. The whole time he spoke she would only be wondering why the hell her sisters didn’t have to listen to that shit.

Reluctantly, s
he plopped down next to him handing him the beer.

As he spoke and sipped his beer
, he paused gazing up at Vivian, cutting her a quick smile. Missing her was like missing a heartbeat; unbearable. She had been gone for so long, but his yearning for her smell, her touch, and her being never went away. He let out a small sigh as he took another sip of his beer and ran his fingers slowly down the front of Pandora’s tied up tank top. He reached for her right breast, twirling his fingers around her nipple. Pandora became aroused and confused all at the same time. He had never touched her this way, so she wasn’t sure what to make of it.

s a tingling feeling came over her, Pandora meekly asked, "Dad, what are you doing?" The pastor yelled, snapping abruptly. "DAD?! Is that what you call me? Dad? I’m a pastor and you will not disrespect me."

He stood releasing the thick leather belt from his pants
and raising his hands straight up in the air. Then he delivered a mighty blow right on to Pandora’s legs. She screamed higher than the clouds as she dropped to the floor on her knees, curling up while he ravaged her back. She balled up tightly, praying for it to end, but it seemed it never would.

"You will learn respect!
All of you will learn!"

Pandora yelled but her cries went unnoticed.
"Stop! Please just stop!" Her coco brown skin began to turn red as welts formed across her back. Diamond and Lexi returned home storming in the house, rushing to the living room to see what she had done to make him mad. There was no question as to what he was doing since they had all been in that position many times before with the pastor. His anger superseded any good they had ever done. Nothing made him happy. But after searching through a box of old letters her mother had marked and stored away for her right before she died, Diamond had learned the truth, and hid it from everyone else. She felt it was her mother’s way of connecting with her even in death.

Lexi screamed,
"Pastor, leave her alone!"

He didn
’t hear anything past the voice of his own rage. Lexi and Diamond both rushed him. Lexi jumped on his back and Diamond threw blows aiming for his dick, but as he was fighting back, she only reached his stomach. He swung Lexi’s thick frame around roughly, sending her flying into the fireplace and making the urn fall down on top of her. She sat on the floor with tears in her eyes that refused to fall and covered in Vivian’s ashes. Everyone paused unable to move any further. All they could do was stare at the mess they had all created and what was left of their dearly missed mother.

Pandora screamed wildly
, “Look what the fuck you did!”

She slowly crawled over to her sister
, trying to scrape the ashes from her skin and hair.

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