Just 2 Seconds (84 page)

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Authors: Gavin de Becker,Thomas A. Taylor,Jeff Marquart

BOOK: Just 2 Seconds
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Section 5

Incidents Added After Analysis

Cases in this section were reviewed and documented after the analysis in the book was completed. They are included here for reference only, and are not divided into categories or types of incident. Case numbers that contain AA (for After Analysis) denote cases that are not included in the statistical analysis.

Date: July 16, 2007
Target: Governor Bill Ritter
Location: Denver, Colorado
Details: Shortly before 2:00 p.m., Aaron Snyder entered the west door of the State Capitol Building. Within five minutes he entered the temporary offices of Governor Bill Ritter, Jr. Snyder was dressed in a black tuxedo and was carrying Remington Hearing Protection in his left hand. He stated, "I am the Emperor and I am here to take over the State of Colorado." Colorado State Patrol Agent Jay Hemphill, assigned to protect the Governor, intercepted Snyder in the reception area of the office, engaged him in discussion, and within a minute diplomatically got him back out the door. Agent Hemphill continued discussions with Snyder for approximately three more minutes. They were standing immediately in front of the glass-windowed door to the Governor's Office at arm's-length speaking in a moderate conversational tone. During the discussion Snyder's comments were disquieting and became challenging. Officer Hemphill became concerned enough that he made a 10-78 emergency alert from his radio (emergency -- officer needs help). Snyder unexpectedly moved back his tuxedo coat revealing a large firearm protruding from his right-pants pocket. In concert with this action, he stated: "No police are going to stop me." Agent Hemphill dropped the pen and notebook he was holding. He drew his service pistol. As Snyder started moving toward him Agent Hemphill commanded loudly: "Stop -- State Patrol -- or I will kill you." Snyder ignored the commands and continued to move at Agent Hemphill. Agent Hemphill fired four shots. Snyder fell backward to the marble floor of the Capitol just to the right of the door to the Governor's office. He was dead at the scene.

Date: September 19, 2007
Target: Parliament Member Antoine Ghanem
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Details: Concerned for his safety, Ghanem arranged a rental car to take him, his driver, and his bodyguard to a meeting. His usual vehicle was used as a decoy. After the meeting, as Ghanem and his bodyguard walked toward the rental car, a car parked nearby exploded. The blast killed Ghanem, his bodyguard, driver, and two passers-by. A sixth person wounded died two weeks later. More than 90 people were injured. Lebanese investigators believe the bomb contained 20 to 25 kilos of TNT and that the device was detonated remotely. The car containing the bomb had been reported stolen and had fake license plates. Security camera footage taken from a nearby bank branch office shows the rigged car arriving about a half-hour after Ghanem arrived.

Date: September 23, 2007
Target: Paul Moravek, Corporate VP
Location: Fullerton, CA.
Details: A BMW automobile and an SUV owned by Moravek were vandalized while parked outside his home. Members of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) later issued a communique that stated: "Remember that we stood in your driveway and watched the flickering blue light from your TV. Remember that we are capable of doing so much more. Tonight we used restraint that we are not convinced you deserve. Drop H.L.S. or there will be a next time."

Date: October 16, 2007
Target: Singer Annie Lennox
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Details: Lennox was performing at a concert when she saw a man in a black cape, platform boots, and gas mask approaching the stage. She reportedly threw down her microphone and fled backstage. The man was removed by security personnel and the concert resumed. She later complained about lax security.

Date: October 17, 2007
Target: CEO Oliver Mace
Location: Nottinghamshire, England
Details: Mace was making a speech at a conference when protesters stormed the stage. One struck Mace in the face with a pie, another locked himself to the podium, and others handed out leaflets to the attendees. They were removed by security personnel.

Date: October 18, 2007
Target: Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
Location: Karachi, Pakistan
Details: Bhutto was riding in an armored bus in a slow moving motorcade. A suicide bomber threw a hand grenade, which exploded in front of her bus. Another suicide bomber then detonated his larger bomb, which destroyed two escorting police vans. There were also reports of gunfire. The attack reportedly killed 140 and wounded 500. Bhutto was not injured. She blamed the government for turning off streetlights, making it more difficult for security guards to spot potential attackers, and suggested that officials did not act on information she passed on about planned attacks.

Date: October 19, 2007
Target: Comedian Bill Maher
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Details: During the show "Real Time with Bill Maher," protesters in the crowd interrupted Maher, ranting about a "9-11 conspiracy." Maher attempted to respond, but became angry when the disruption continued. Standing, he shouted, "Do we have some fucking security in this building or do I have to come down there and kick his ass?" As security personnel moved in on the protester, Maher ran to the seats and helped push him out of the studio. Several other protesters stood and began shouting and were also removed.

Date: October 21, 2007
Victim: Deputy Mayor S. S. Bajwa
Location: New Delhi, India
Details: Bajwa was reportedly attacked by a gang of Rhesus monkeys on the balcony of his home. He fell to the ground, sustaining serious head injuries, and died at the hospital. Monkeys overrun many buildings in India, and people are often scratched or bitten by them.

Date: October 22, 2007
Target: Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Location: Manhattan, New York
Details: Bloomberg was walking along a subway platform, accompanied by several aides, plainclothes police bodyguards, and uniformed transit officers. As they prepared to board a train, an "emotionally disturbed" man attacked one of the transit police officers. A second uniformed officer and two of Bloomberg's bodyguards reportedly subdued the man. The man was taken to Bellevue Hospital for a mental evaluation. Two officers sustained minor injuries and Bloomberg was uninjured. Bloomberg reportedly often takes trains to avoid traffic.

Date: October 24, 2007
Target: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Location: Washington, DC
Details: Rice had entered a hearing room on Capitol Hill to testify on foreign policy. A female protester with red paint on her hands to simulate blood suddenly confronted Rice at the witness table, calling her a "war criminal." She held her hands in Rice's face until her bodyguards took the protester away. Capitol Police removed several additional protesters who were seated in the audience.

Date: November 6, 2007
Target: Afghan Lawmakers
Location: Pul-i-Khumri, Afghanistan
Details: Hundreds of children had crowded outside a factory to greet visiting lawmakers when a suicide bomber set off his bomb, killing 77 and wounding 100. Six lawmakers were killed and 2 were wounded. A U.N. report later released stated that up to two-thirds of those killed or wounded were hit by bullets fired by panicked bodyguards for the lawmakers after the bomb went off. Survivors stated that bodyguards fired into the thick smoke for up to five minutes after the blast.

Date: November 19, 2007
Target: Governor Ghulam Dastageer
Location: Zaranj, Afghanistan
Details: Dastageer had just arrived at his office when a suicide bomber set off his device at the gate outside, killing Dastageer's son and 6 bodyguards. Fourteen others were wounded, including police and civilians.

Date: November 19, 2007
Target: Congressman Wahab Akbar
Location: Manila, Philippines
Details: Four people were killed, including Akbar, and a dozen were wounded, including two lawmakers, when a motorcycle bomb exploded at one of the entrances to Congress. Though others were killed, police said it was a plot to kill Akbar. They reported the motorcycle bomb was remotely detonated by a mobile phone when Akbar stepped out from the building and was waiting for his car. Philippine security forces arrested four suspects.

Date: November 22, 2007
Target: Queen Elizabeth
Location: Kampala, Uganda
Details: The Ugandan government claimed they foiled a plot to attack Queen Elizabeth and others. They claimed Al-Qaeda terrorists planned to pose as TV crews and smuggle explosives into the event in broadcast vans. No further evidence has been made public, and British authorities did not ever comment on the story. The appearances by the Queen in Uganda were completed without incident.

Date: December 27, 2007
Target: Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
Location: Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Details: Bhutto had finished addressing a rally of Pakistan People's Party (PPP) supporters and was leaving the scene in her armored Toyota Land Cruiser when the attack occurred. Bhutto was standing through the sunroof of the vehicle when an attacker fired three two shots at her. Another attacker then detonated an explosive device next to the vehicle, killing himself and 20 other people. At least 40 people were injured. Bhutto was declared dead at the Rawalpindi General Hospital. Initial reports indicated she had been shot in the head. Then her death was blamed on her hitting her head on a metal crank for the sunroof when she fell through the opening. Pakistani intelligence officials blamed the attack on al-Qaeda terrorists. Disputes as to the cause of her death and who was to blame still remain.

Date: December 31, 2007
Target: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Location: Decorah, IA
Details: A man with a knife was arrested outside a campaign headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate Clinton. The man was charged with carrying weapons and third-degree harassment. He reportedly entered the headquarters, pulled out a hunting knife, but no direct threats were made. He left before police arrived and was arrested on the street outside.

Date: January 8, 2008
Target: President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Location: The Maldives
Details: Gayoom had just gotten off a boat on an island and was shaking hands with supporters, when a man lunged at him with a large kitchen knife. A boy scout grabbed the knife as the assailant tried to strike, suffering a serious cut to his hand. The man had hidden the knife in the national flag of the Maldives. The attacker was arrested. The president was unhurt, although his shirt was spattered with blood.

Date: January 8, 2008
Target: Minister D. M. Dassanayake
Location: Ja-Ela, Sri Lanka
Details: Dassanayake was killed, along with one of his bodyguards, and 10 others were wounded by a roadside bomb planted by suspected Tamil Tiger rebels. Local television broadcast footage of the minister's Toyota Land Cruiser, its windows shattered, sides peppered with shrapnel sprayed by the Claymore fragmentation mine, blood smeared on a rear passenger door, and in a pool on the ground.

Date: January 12, 2008
Victim: Senator Barak Obama
Location: Chicago, IL
Details: The Gulfstream jet carrying Obama struck a parked Cessna 208 plane while taxiing at Midway Airport in Chicago. The plane carried Obama, nine other passengers, and two crew members. There was minor damage to the wings of both aircraft, although no one on either of the planes was injured. Inside Obama's plane, the hit was so small that no one realized they had clipped the other plane's wing until someone on the plane, looking out the window, noticed the swipe. The plane, because it was taxiing and heading to park, was not under the control of air traffic controllers at that point.

Date: January 16, 2008
Target: Singer Britney Spears
Location: Mission Hills, CA.
Details: Four paparazzi were arrested for reckless driving while chasing Spears' car. Los Angeles police officers reportedly observed several cars following a white Mercedes-Benz. The cars were following Spears' car too closely, traveling at unsafe speeds, and making unsafe lane changes. Officers stopped the Mercedes, interviewed Spears and released her, but the four photographers in the cars chasing her were booked for investigation of reckless driving.

Date: January 18, 2008
Target: Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
Location: Washington, DC
Details: Michael Gorbey was detained by Capitol Police as he carried a loaded shotgun and a sword in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building. In his backpack was the title for a 1981 Chevrolet pickup, which was parked illegally between the Capitol and Union Station. After spotting propane tanks and wires in the pickup, officers called in the Capitol Police bomb squad. The squad reportedly did not find any immediate danger. Thinking the vehicle was not a danger, police seized it and moved it to a Government Printing Office parking lot off North Capitol Street. Three weeks later, officers returned with a search warrant to look for papers and other items as part of the investigation. They found a bomb wrapped in clothing behind the driver's seat. It was identified in court documents as being made of a can of gunpowder duct-taped to a box of shotgun shells and a bottle containing buckshot or BB pellets. Gorbey, who was initially detained for carrying a loaded shotgun near the Capitol, is now facing charges of planning to set off a bomb. According to court records, Gorbey had been in and out of prison since 1991 and had been convicted of larceny, domestic violence, and illegally possessing firearms and drug paraphernalia. At the time of his arrest, he had in his backpack or in the truck numerous documents, tapes, and disposable cameras that he said contained evidence of "wrongful doings" by police officers and government agents. Gorby reportedly told police he had a meeting with Justice Roberts and was carrying the shotgun for protection. Authorities said Gorbey did not have such an appointment.

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