Kalon (Take Over) (7 page)

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Authors: T.L Smith

BOOK: Kalon (Take Over)
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“I wouldn’t have hesitated to shoot him if she wasn’t there, so I’m
pissed she was there.”

“Just don’t kill her before you get the chance to know her.”

nce we pull up at the house, I run straight in and find her out back lounging around the pool with Hunter. I slowly walk over and get right in her face.

“Don’t you ever go behind my back again! Next time I
shoot you where you stand.”

She looks a bit shocked at first, and then shakes that off and comes straight back in my face.

“If you would’ve let me
help, I wouldn’t have had to go behind your back.”

My blood is boiling and before I can stop myself, I hit her straight in the nose. She stumbles backwards and grabs hold of her face. She looks at me in utter shock. She removes her hands from her now bleeding and possibly broken nose, and charges at me. I hear, “oh,
,” coming from Hunter, just as she reaches me. She doesn’t get the chance to lay a hand on me. I have her flipped to the ground as soon as she swings a fist. I twist her arm, not to break it, just enough so she doesn’t move. Just as I’m about to talk I’m hoisted from behind and thrown over someone’s shoulder being carried away.

I recognize that leather smell anywhere, and start to yell at him to put me down. He does. He throws me in the pool. Once I come back up for air, I see him remove his shirt, which shows his defined upper body and when he turns around I see his MC tattoo across his shoulder blade. He jumps in after me and swims across to me. I look around for Carmen and notice she isn’t there anymore.

“Lover boy took her inside,” he says, obviously answering my thought.

I look back at him and realize how close he’s standing to me. We are so close I can feel his breath on my skin. I notice his beautiful green eyes lusting over something he definitely can’t have.

“How come him and not me?” he asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“There was never a choice, Hunter,” I tell him honestly.

“You never looked at me the way you look at him when he enters a room. He steals your thoughts. It’s like you only train in on one thing, and that’s him.”

I can see how hurt he is, and I don’t know how to explain to him that it was never a choice.

“What you and I had was different, Hunter. We were just sex. Yes, there may have been some feelings there, but we had too much going on to deal with them.”

He looks down at the water and then back to me.

“It was never just sex for me. I told you once I’d stop it all if I knew I could have you.”

He did tell me that, and at the time, I thought he meant sex with other women. His father’s club means too much to him to give up.

“I never wanted to be an old lady Hunter. I’m more than your
toy. Stefanos gives me more. He
what I need.” I place my hand on his shoulder, lean in and kiss him on the cheek, and start to make my way out of the pool.

“I could have been what you needed, Kalon, and so much more.”

I don’t look back at him. I don’t want to give him hope, because there is absolutely none to give.

Once I open the door, I see Stefanos standing there. He looks pissed, which I don’t understand.

“Go to your sister and look after her,” he instructs and storms off out the front door, slamming it on his way out.

I have no Idea what just crawled up his ass and died. Did he not hear me talking to Hunter? He’s acting like I have betrayed him.

I finally find what room Carmen is in and surprise, surprise; it’s the one right next to mine. She sees me come in, looks away quickly and then goes back to her cell.

“Carmen, you can’t do what I do. It’s no place for a girl,” I tell her, trying to make her see reason. She gives me her best
‘you’ve got to be kidding’

“What do you think you are, Eliza? You
girl, last time I looked.”

“Yes, but I’m not like most. I’ve seen the bad and the good, and I accept the bad.
, I thrive on the bad. Carmen... most people wouldn’t be able to live or sleep with the knowledge of the things I’ve done, seen or been through. This is not something you want.”

I watch as she shakes her head in disagreement. I realize pretty quickly she isn’t going to budge.

“This isn’t all guns and rainbows, Carmen. You could get kidnapped, tortured, or raped, amongst other terrible things. Trust me when I say, you don’t want this life.”

“Has anything like that happened to you?” she asks, looking like my words are finally sinking in. I think back to when they held me hostage. They beat me and stabbed me. I shake that thought from my mind and look back to her. I lift my shirt and show her the marks that still mar my body. I watch as she takes it in and shakes her head, like she’s trying to disagree with what’s in front of her.

“When did this happen?” she asks in a shaky voice, looking back up into my eyes.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine and still alive. But you wouldn’t be.” I pull my shirt down and walk out of her room and head straight to mine, hoping Stefanos will be back soon.

t’s late when a noise wakes me up. I feel his side of the bed and realize he never came back. I sit up and turn on the lamp and notice him sitting at the end of the bed watching me.

“You know my heart and soul only bleeds for you?”

I nod my head and keep my eyes trained on him.

“I saw you kiss Hunter in the pool. I heard him call you his Kalon again and you did not correct him,” he states.

So, he did listen, but obviously he only heard what he wanted to hear - the last part.

“You told me you love me, and I believe you. I just don’t think our love is equal,” he says.

I go to say something, but he starts back up again.

“You make me want to kill, when there is no reason to kill. You make me want to scream at you and tie you to a bed to make you realize your love for me is as strong as mine is for you. I need you to see it! I need every last piece of you! No matter how broken or small that might be. I need it to survive!”

My heart just broke. I have no words for him. I thought the love I gave him would be enough no matter what size it was. I always thought when something is so broken, how can it love? Obviously I was wrong, because I think he just stole that last piece of my heart that I was holding onto.

I look down and then slowly look back up. I know he’s waiting for me to say something. I’m just finding it hard to form words. I need to clear up Hunter first.

“Hunter asked me how come I chose you.” I watch his face tighten at the mention of his name.

“I told him there was
choice to make. He asked me why I never looked at him the way I look at you when you enter a room. Did you know I did that?” A slow smile touches his lips, but he lets me continue. “Did you know from the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you’d be trouble. Little did I know that trouble was stealing my heart.”

He stands up and I think he’s going to leave, but he doesn’t. He undresses and climbs in the bed with me, pulling me as close as humanly possible to his body.

be my wife one day. When that day comes, if anyone so much as looks at you in the wrong way, they won’t be breathing afterwards.”

I fall asleep, wrapped in his arms by the comfort of his words.

We wake to yelling going on downstairs. I have no idea who it could possibly be, though I’m guessing Carmen is involved somehow. Stefanos pulls me to him and won’t release me from his grip. I manage to wiggle free and jump out. I watch as he turns his fine ass body around so he’s lying on his back, with the blankets no longer covering him. All I can think about is sliding down on his rock hard cock. He sees me looking and thrusts his hips upwards. I laugh at him. I start to walk over to him, when I hear more screaming going on. I sigh, turn away and head downstairs.

As soon as I’m in the kitchen, I find the source of the screaming and an unexpected person. I see my father standing there, shaking his head at Carmen. I wonder what they’re talking about. I don’t waste any time, and walk straight over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He does the same to me, leans down and places a kiss on my head. I pull away slightly and look up at him. He looks better, healthier than last time I saw him in the hospital. It makes me happy to see him looking well again.

“Krinos, I’ve missed you,” my father speaks to me in Greek. I notice Carmen isn’t happy.

English people, not all of us know what you’re saying,”
she yells.

I look at my father, roll my eyes and break away from him.

I turn to my sister. “Why the hell are you yelling, Carmen?” I ask as she pulls a face.

“Father told me I need to go home. He won’t even let his own daughter stay in his house. Of course, you are the exception.”

“It has nothing to do with that. Stop acting like a spoiled brat. Think about what we spoke about last night.”

“I should still be able to stay, Eliza. This is my home as much as it is yours.”

She has a point there, so I don’t argue with her. “If you are thinking of doing something stupid like last time, Carmen, I will kick you out myself.”

She huffs and mutters, “Fine,” before she takes off up the stairs.

I turn around and see my mother and father looking at me with wide eyes.

“So, you better not have anymore kids hiding up those sleeves of yours, otherwise I might kill myself. She is by far more than a handful.” I lean over and kiss my mother and head back up to my room where I find Stefanos still laying naked and ready for me. What a perfect way to relieve my stress.

unter stops by with some new information. He’s found a way I can reach Alberto with only a few of his guards around him. When my father spots Hunter, he makes his way over to him. They have a chat. I look Hunter in the eye while my father’s back is turned, and point toward the back when he’s finished. It doesn’t take him long to catch up to me at the pool house. He takes a seat in front of me and starts telling me the best course of action.

“Every Wednesday night Alberto goes to the strip club. He stays there for few hours before he ends up leaving with a girl. They arrive at the same hotel he goes to every week and he doesn’t leave until the next day. I think this will be your best opportunity to capture him.”

“Okay, so I have two days to get everything organized. You’ll get what you need, once I have him,” I say and stand to walk away. I don’t see any point in making small talk with him anymore. I’ve told him how I feel and there’s nothing I can do about it.

As soon as I step through the doors I see Stefanos standing there. He grabs me when I enter, pulls me to him and kisses me hard on the lips. He kisses me like he’s proving something, though there is nothing for him to prove, because like I’ve told him, I’m completely his.

Stefanos and I, plus a few of my men, are on our way into a bad part of town to meet a buyer. He’s a gang member and possibly one of our best buyers. The neighborhood is not something I’d usually step into without being loaded with guns and a vest. Mainly because it’s more dangerous than most of the others. But because we come here to see Marcus, no one ever bothers us. He’s the king in these parts. The one person you don’t want to trifle with. I must admit he even scares me, just a bit. I’ve seen him angry and I’ve seen him elated. Neither is a pretty sight to withhold.

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