Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (20 page)

BOOK: Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Still she wouldn’t have traded that moment with him for anything, even if the man was a vicious tease. He toyed with her, letting his fingers and lips dance with ticklish lightness over her skin when she burned with a need for a much harder caress. Even when his thumb brushed over her clit, it was more a flick than a rub, just enough to send a sharp jolt of ecstasy rushing through her as a grim reminder of what she could be feeling.

“Are you sure you don’t want to tell me about Benny George?”

“This isn’t fair,” Kathy complained, knowing she couldn’t win this fight. With her body stretched out on a rack of pleasure too painful to be endured for much longer, Kathy knew she only had seconds before the desire to give in became a demand. Not that she could think of anything other than the rapture defeat would bring, then Kathy couldn’t think at all.

Giving her just what she desired, Collin’s thumb pressed down in a grinding rub that circled around and around her swollen clit, picking up speed with each pass. Kathy shrieked as her whole body shuddered with the sudden, hard rolls of pleasure racing through her. Instinctively her thighs clamped down on the hand Collin had buried between her legs. He retaliated almost instantly by plunging three thick fingers deep into her spasming cunt. With her legs locked tight over his wrists, his fingers felt deliciously full as they stretched the sensitive walls of her pussy.

Kathy gasped, bucking as she began riding his hand. Collin fed her frenzy, fucking her with hard thrusts of his fingers while his mouth dropped to torment the puckered tips of her breasts. He wound her up so tight, Kathy felt on the verge of crying the need for a release had become so painful. She knew what he wanted, what he waited for, and no longer had the control to deny him.

.” Packing so much emption into the one little word, Kathy voice became a twisted cry that matched the desperate arch of her back as she tried to force him to give in to her command. “I can’t take any more.”

“And I’m still waiting to hear why you went to Benny George’s,” Collin retorted, sounding all too indulgent for Kathy’s peace of mind. He was gloating, leaving her no reason not to snarl. Just because she caved didn’t mean she had to like it.

“This isn’t going to work,” she warned him. “You can make me beg and plead and get me to tell you all my secrets, but that isn’t going to stop me from waking up tomorrow morning and going back to helping my friend. You know why?”

“Sure.” Collin’s hands stilled as he waited for her gaze to finally focus on his curious one. “Hit me with it.”

“Because Jack can’t handle this case. He’s out of his element and his league. He might be big and scary, but it takes
to solve these kinds of problems.” Kathy warmed to her topic, finding the fires of her arousal quickly shifting into annoyance. “You can’t solve this case without

“You two can’t even find the right path to follow without me leading you to it, because people like Benny don’t talk to arrogant pricks wearing badges. All they do is lie to them. It’s like a sport, playing with cops, proving how
they are.”

“Is that a fact?”

Kathy squealed, leaping from Collin’s lap in startled fright as that hard question cracked over her shoulder, coming from the very large and clearly pissed-off DEA agent filling out her back door.

Chapter 13


“So I’m dumb, is that it?”

“I didn’t say that.” Technically Kathy hadn’t, and she’d go to her grave arguing that point. As pissed as Jack looked, that might be a trip she’d be taking very soon. If she was going down, she would do so with her chin held high. After all, groveling probably wouldn’t save her anyway. Better to go out with dignity.

“In fact—” Kathy planted her feet and tried to pretend like she wore more than a pair of panties. It helped to cross her arms over her chest and at least hide her hard nipples, especially seeing as how they still glistened with a rosy glow from Collin’s kisses. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t mention your name at all. I was just explaining to Collin that—”

“—you know this town,” Jack cut in, stepping forward with every slowly drawn word. “That you knew Will and you’re smart enough to get worried when things get out of hand, aren’t you?”

“I’m not worried,” Kathy rushed to assure him, not wanting either man to know of the butterflies beginning to twirl through her stomach. Despite her words, her feet shuffled backward, giving in to the instinctive need to retreat from Jack’s advance.

“Sure you are,” Jack contradicted her, not looking the least bit pleased by his own assertion. “You’re a smart girl, Kathy, and a resourceful one. Smart enough to know when a plan’s gone awry and resourceful enough to use…
means necessary to cover your ass.”

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Realizing that he was talking about something else completely, Kathy knew when to be insulted. “You think
involved? Because let me tell you something, Mr. Crankyass, if you believe that, you are
stupider than dumb

“Or maybe I’m just not as blinded by a nice set of tits as you’d like me to be.”

“Ha!” Kathy matched Jack’s arrogant snarl with a dismissive shout that carried her forward with her rising indignation. “What about last night? Or have you forgotten, Mr.
DEA Agent,
that you sold the candy store for a taste of

“Oh, sweetness,” Collin groaned, his gaze fixed on the puckered tips she proudly thrust outward. “You really shouldn’t be flaunting those perky tits unless you intend to offer up that wet pussy along with them.”

“Fine,” Kathy snapped, not even pausing to consider her actions. Jerking her sodden panties right off, she slapped them against Collin’s chest. “There you go. You can try as hard as you want to fuck the guilty confessions out of me, but you won’t get shit! Because I’m innocent.”

“You don’t look it,” Collin assured her, clearly enjoying his long, slow perusal of her body. “Come on over here, sweetness, and let me see if you blush like a good girl should.”

Kathy slapped away the hand he tried to lasso around her wrist, escaping by backing quickly away. She might have agreed to let them try to fuck her into submission, but she still didn’t know if she actually meant it. Even if she did, her temper dictated that she make their job as difficult as possible.

“And what does it say about you, Collin, that you’re willing to stick your dick into a murderer? Because that’s what Crankyass over there is accusing me of.”

“I didn’t accuse you of anything,” Jack snapped at that bait. “But I can’t afford the luxury of assuming you’re telling me the truth. I need proof, proof I can take back to my superiors because shockingly they now think you’re making a move on me to get insider information.

“Apparently, they think you’re working for Will’s accomplice.” Jack paused, his lips tipping up slightly as he clearly enjoyed adding on an insult. “I tried to tell them that you were just a ditz with a nice rack who thought she was Nancy Drew, but they need proof.”

“Oh, do they?” Kathy stepped back, pushed beyond her limit by his superior attitude. “And I assume they’re out there watching right now, waiting for their proof.”

That brought a quick frown to Jack’s features before he shrugged it off. “There’s probably somebody out there watching, but—”

“Well then—” Kathy shoved Jack out of her way as she began her determined march toward the back door. “Let’s go give them their proof.”

Behind her Collin
Jack as he did what he did best—gloated. “Dude, man, you pissed off the naked lady.”

“Shut up, Collin.” Jack sounded close, his footsteps beating a heavy thump right behind her.

“I’m just saying,” Collin called out as Kathy wrenched open the back door. “I had her wet and begging. You got her about ready to flash the whole neighborhood. If you step out of that door, sweetness, I’m going to take that to mean you’re an exhibitionist, and you don’t want to know what kind of fun I’ve been waiting to have with one of those.”

Kathy paused, to glance back over at Collin, recognizing his satisfied tone for what it was. The man was daring her and already plotting how to escalate the situation. Now she had to go out that door. With one brave step she made it over the threshold and not a foot more before Jack latched onto her.

“Enough!” Grasping her by the waist, Jack picked her right off her feet with that command. “You want an audience while I interrogate you, fine. You already have one.”

Taking only half the steps she’d needed to cross the kitchen, Jack dumped her back on her feet right between Collin’s legs. A thick arm looped around her waist, pulling her back down onto his lap. Before she could even think of a response to Jack’s highhandedness, Kathy found herself back in the very position she’d started, with one of Collin’s hands buried between her legs while his erection pressed between the cheeks of her ass from behind. Only this time, Jack watched as Collin’s fingers slipped between the plump folds of her pussy.

“Now,” Collin breathed out, strumming his thumb over her clit. “Where were we?”

Nowhere Kathy had ever been. Overwhelmed by the lust-tinged waves of aggression thickening all around her, Kathy found herself caught between two of the largest, hardest, most drop-dead gorgeous men she’d ever met. She didn’t remember to object or fight or even answer Jack’s accusation as Collin began to stroke her pussy back into a fevered pitch of longing.

“Oh, yes. You were about to tell me about Benny George.”

“Benny?” Jack repeated the name, directing a hard look over her shoulder at Collin. Before he could answer, Kathy told him all he needed to know.

“Is just as innocent as I am.”

Kathy gasped out that assurance, fighting for her breath as Collin began feathering butterfly kisses across her nipples. The man was pure evil and way too talented with those damn fingers of his. The wicked tips of his fingers traced the slick line of cream flowing from her spasming pussy all the way down to where it puddled, dampening his jeans and lubricating the clenched opening of her ass.

“You can either tell us what you and Benny George talked about or I can devour this sweet meat right here.” Collin fed a knuckle’s worth of his thick finger into her ass, leaving no doubt to what he was referring to.

Kathy wasn’t a virgin in any regard, but hadn’t found ass fucking to be worth repeating. In fact, it had been unpleasant enough for her to squirm at the very feel of Collin’s finger stretching her muscles. Groaning over the friction her small motions caused, Kathy couldn’t deny the pleasure that streaked through her any more than she could the nervousness still holding her muscles tense. Not that she’d allow either emotion to show as she answered Collin.

“We talked about the stupidity of cops.” Kathy not only dared to taunt them, but brazenly offered a smug smile with that statement.

“What about the stupidity of pissing off a bunch of cops?” Jack snapped back instantly, clearly not amused. “Did you ever discuss that?”

“Nope.” Kathy forced her grin wider even as her nails bit deeper into her palm. “That never came up.”

In retaliation for her insolence, Collin stretched her ass wider around a second blunt fingertip. The sharp twinge of her muscles being forced wide didn’t diminish the sudden flare of delight that seared through her. A responding bolt of pleasure spasmed through her pussy as Collin’s other hand came up to boldly cup her cunt. He pressed down hard, splitting her slit open and leaving the sensitive nub of her clit vulnerable to the hard, grinding caress of his palm.

“What was that?” Collin asked, not sounding the least bit overwhelmed by lust.

As much as Kathy would have liked to respond with a sharp retort, all she could do was moan as he pumped his fingers deeper into the clenched channel of her ass. The slow stroking set afire nerve endings Kathy hadn’t known she had. The flames licked outward, making her ass burn even as her pussy convulsed with molten want.

“Oh, sweet meat, you moan so pretty.” Soft and velvety, Collin’s tongue traced a shiver up her neck to wash her ear in the husky heat of his breath. “I bet you beg exquisitely.”

The pleasure consuming her momentarily deprived Kathy of the ability to think, much less speak. That fact didn’t go unnoticed by Jack, who directed his ire over Kathy’s shoulder to his partner.

“I want
, Collin. You can make her scream afterward, but until then I need her coherent.”

“I guess you get a reprieve.” Collin sounded truly disappointed as he settled back into his seat. “But not for long. Now go on and give Jack his answers before he sees the wisdom of taking you up on your offer to fuck them out of you.”

Instead of lashing back with the sharp retort that example of male arrogance deserved, Kathy bit her lower lip and whimpered as her whole body shuddered at the pleasure his retreating fingers treated her to. Pressing into the tender walls of her tight channel, Collin dragged his fingers out of her ass slowly enough to have her wishing for more before they popped free.

Thankfully his other hand didn’t abandon the heated folds of her cunt. Maddeningly, though, Collin lightened his touch until just the tips of his fingers brushed in a whisper-soft caress along her creaming slit. Occasionally, one blunt tip would catch on the opening of her spasming pussy, teasing her with a slight press and hint at what was to come. Kathy’s thighs tightened around his hand, her hips lifting in a silent plea for a deeper caress.

All her wantonness earned her was a husky chuckle. Collin toyed with her, leaving her strung out on the same tightwire he’d had her dancing on while she fed him. It went to prove that despite his smiles, he was every bit as dangerous as the pissed-off DEA agent glaring down at her. Collin was certainly as single-minded as his partner.

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