Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Come for me, Miss Coben. Come for me now.” Buried against her neck, Jack’s lips lifted to whisper out his very first command. It was one she had no problem obeying when he shifted his fingers, rubbed them up against the sweetest spot, hidden deep inside her pussy. Instantly her body jerked under the racing lash of rapture.

Kathy couldn’t stop the shriek that escaped any more than she could control the sudden spasming convulsions that engulfed her body. The book she’d been clutching so tightly a second ago slipped free and went crashing down in the gap it had created. She barely noticed until Jack cursed and jerked back, leaving Kathy shuddering against the shelves.

“Is everything all right here?”

Trapped between the orgasm still rocketing through her body and the sudden commotion of the book crashing to the ground, Kathy didn’t comprehend the situation until Sherri’s smug voice sent a sheet of ice water raining over the fires burning through Kathy’s body. Then in a flash, the reality that she was at the library, at work, and had allowed Jack to—
Oh, God.
She wasn’t wearing any panties.

“Everything’s fine. Miss Coben just had a moment.” That amused comment had Kathy’s frantic gaze lifting from its search for her lost underwear to focus on Jack’s.

Still hungry, there was a gratified confidence that reminded her of the biggest mistake she’d made. Seventy-two hours—there was no way Kathy would walk away unchanged. It would be the price she paid for messing with Jack, but then and there, Kathy swore a vow that Jack would pay, too.

That’s exactly why she stiffened up, plastering herself even harder against the shelf digging into her back as he bent to retrieve the book. She couldn’t breathe knowing his mouth was mere inches from where her pussy still throbbed with pleasure. Pleased but not satisfied, her cunt began to ache anew at the very thought that terrified her mind.

“I believe you dropped this.” Jack straightened to hold out the bait Kathy began to suspect he’d used to lure her into this corner.

“I believe that’s the book you were looking for, Mr. Daniels.” The reply would have come out a lot smoother if her voice had any strength to it. Instead of sounding like the accusation Kathy wanted, the breathless words made the statement come out way too suggestive.

Jack smirked, forcing her to take the thing. “I think I’ll finish reading it later.”

As much as Kathy might have wanted to respond, she got stuck watching him saunter away. Damn, but the man looked good going.

“I think that’s the book I intended to read.”

Sherri’s sharp comment had Kathy’s gaze jerking in her direction to find the woman had sidled up alongside her. There was no way that the other woman could miss Kathy’s condition or fail to guess at the cause. That didn’t mean Kathy had to stand here and be humiliated.

“Help yourself.” Pushing off the bookcase, she shoved the book at Sherri, pausing only a second before following Jack’s example and walking away. “It’s a little short for my taste.”

Chapter 5


What the hell had he just done? Jack asked himself as he stormed back across the parking lot. He’d come here to threaten and intimidate that woman into telling him just why she’d manipulated him last night into a drunken interrogation. More than that, he’d come to find out what the hell he’d told her. Unfortunately none of those memories had been jarred loose when Kathy had rounded the corner and slammed all those luscious curves flat against him.

Jack swore she did that on purpose as he swung himself up into his battered truck, another thing she owed him an explanation for. No woman rubbed against a man like that and didn’t know what she was about. She’d done it to him again, and apparently she’d done a really good job last night. Unless, of course, he’d hallucinated all the memories that had flashed through his mind in a lewd torrent. They made Jack hard in an instant—hard and more than willing to go for another round.

This time, though, he’d be in charge. That thought put a smile on Jack’s face as he considered what it would take to make Kathy talk. Hopefully she wouldn’t give in too soon, because Jack really wanted to watch all those luscious curves swinging as he spanked that ass. Once those soft globes were tanned red, he’d mount that sassy vixen and ride her until she told him every one of her dirty little secrets.

Jack grunted, shifting in his seat as he glared at the library. The sun reflected off the mirrored glass, blinding him, but Jack didn’t care. All he could see was the visions dancing through his mind of Kathy, stripped naked and spread out for his pleasure. Something deep inside Jack’s gut told him that Kathy liked getting spanked—that it made her cry out and spread her legs wider in blatant invitation for a more intimate caress.

Jack’s fingers curled as he remembered how wet and tight her pussy was when it clamped down in release. Something told him he’d known that before Kathy’s hot, little cunt had spasmed all around his fingers while he had her pressed up against a bookcase. It might be wishful thinking, but he had a faint memory of ordering Kathy to ride his fingers while he watched her come apart. Why he hadn’t ordered her to ride his dick instead when it ached so badly, Jack didn’t know. That was something he intended to correct.

It would have to be later, though. Jack shook his head, trying to shake every lewd thought and idea from it. There would be no seventy-two hours of mindless sex if he didn’t close this case. In order to do that, somebody had to sit Kathy’s ass down and get some answers out of her. He couldn’t do it. Jack couldn’t even think about talking to the damn woman without her turning his head in the wrong direction. It might pain Jack to admit it, but he needed help, and he obviously couldn’t take his concerns to his team. That only left one option.

Locking his gaze on Collin’s black Jeep, Jack realized he might just be able to solve two problems with one solution in more ways than one. Not only could Collin keep Kathy distracted, but he could start training the little miss. That way when Jack’s seventy-two hours came up, he wouldn’t have to waste his time teaching her to obey on command. Perking up at that happy thought, Jack relaxed for the first time that day.


* * * *


“Well, I guess Mr. Daniels did find you,” Sarah Anne murmured suggestively as Kathy passed her. She turned with Kathy as they both retreated behind the front counter. “Nice hickey.”

There would be no point in responding to that. Anything she said would only encourage Sarah Anne to ask questions or make more jokes. Instead, Kathy let her expression be her answer. Slapping her purse back down on her desk, she pointedly waited for Sarah Anne to get it all out of her system.

“I guess it’s not going to help your day to hear that Sherri just went flying out of here. She was on her cell, and I could swear I heard her say, ‘You’re not going to believe what I just saw.’”

“I don’t think my day can be helped,” Kathy muttered miserably, falling into her seat. If Jack had wanted revenge, he’d gotten it. Kathy’s reputation had probably just turned from wild child to loose skirt, a rank Kathy had worked hard to stay above all these years. So much for that effort.

“Oh, come on,” Sarah Anne cajoled, sidling up next to Kathy’s desk. “It isn’t that bad. Every woman in this town might put you down, but you and I both know they’ll all be wishing it had been them.”

“No,” Kathy sighed. “They won’t. God, I feel sick.”

“That’s strange.” Sarah Anne tilted her head to give Kathy a quick perusal. “Because you kind of look like you’re glowing.”

“I need to take an early lunch.” What Kathy needed was a shower and a fresh pair of panties, but she couldn’t be that blunt with Sarah Anne.

“Oh, honey.” Sarah Anne dropped a comforting hand on Kathy’s shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze. “I think, maybe, you need to take the rest of the day off.”

“No.” Kathy shook her head. As nice as that sounded, she wouldn’t abandon Sarah Anne. “I couldn’t leave you here alone.”

Sarah Anne snorted. “Like you’re going to be any help around here today. Given the way Sherri rushed out of here, I’m expecting there to be an avalanche of gossip hounds flooding in within the next half hour.”

“Thanks,” Kathy bit out, hoping Sarah Anne took the hint.

“We don’t need to have the cops come out.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” At least, Kathy hoped not.

“Oh, I don’t know. There could be quite a mob, and you know how these ladies get. It could be—”

“I think I will take the rest of the day.” Kathy gave in, not wanting to imagine whatever horrid fate Sarah Anne could envision for her. Still she hesitated before reaching for her purse. “Maybe you want to go get lunch before I leave?”

“Danny’s bring it,” Sarah Anne assured her. “Probably coming to see if the rumors are true, too.”

“Great.” The last thing Kathy needed was Sarah Anne’s lovesick cousin hanging all over her while she tried to fend off all the gossips. “You know, you could have warned me.”

“Warned?” Sarah Anne blinked innocently. “You mean like he’ll be here in five minutes?”

“Shit.” Snatching her purse up from its hiding place under the counter, she paused only long enough to give Sarah Anne a hard look. “I owe you.”

“Yes,” Sarah Anne agreed instantly. “And you can pay me back by going and finding that man and living up to everybody’s wicked expectations.”

Go find Jack and live it up? Kathy would have laughed if she hadn’t feared it would come out sounding hysterical. So she kept her response to a smile and escaped out the back door and to the little alleyway where the employees parked.

Rushing home, she tried not to make any eye contact with anybody she passed on the street. It went against her grain to ignore people, but right then she felt somewhat like a hunted criminal. Locking herself away in her house, Kathy acted like one, making sure all the blinds were closed and the phone off. In the moment, it felt like the right thing to do, but an hour later, freshly bathed and calmed, Kathy started to feel a little foolish.

It was just sex, after all. Not even consummation—not technically. Kathy expected that would change in the near future. She’d promised Jack seventy-two hours, and she wouldn’t back down from that pledge. Actually, given how good he was, Kathy was kind of worried he’d be the one to renege. She could already hear the excuses. He had his case to solve. Then once it was over he’d probably have to be debriefed or some shit, which would take him away, never to return.

If she really wanted him, Kathy would have to make the most out of her next opportunity to take advantage of Jack. She assured herself there would be opportunity because she didn’t plan to back off in pursuit of the missing money. No doubt, Jack wouldn’t take her involvement well. He’d probably feel the need to show up again and personally put her in her place.

Well, maybe Kathy would surprise him and be the one to put him in his place. Even as that thought formed, an idea took shape that brought a smile to Kathy’s lips.


* * * *


Collin stretched back in his seat and tilted his head so he could study Kathy Coben’s little house from a different angle. It didn’t look any better no matter how he tilted his head. In the harsh light of day, the old stone box looked bleak and depressing. Of course, it didn’t help any that Kathy had crunched her front step with Jack’s truck.

That had been entertaining to watch, though most of the fun came from knowing Jack had finally met his match. With her Bugs Bunny-style ingenuity, only Kathy could be declared victor of round one. Given how Jack had flown out of the library that morning and then come begging Collin to keep Kathy “entertained,” Collin could only assume Kathy had won their second round.

Losing twice to the same female in less than twenty-four hours had to burn, especially given that Jack had never been defeated by a woman before. The fact that she’d taken down the master made Collin kind of eager to meet Miss Kathy Coben and find out how well he fared against her so-called charms. He’d also like to know what the hell she was up to.

Collin didn’t need Jack ordering him to stick to Kathy like white on rice. He’d already been planning to. Collin had meant what he’d said earlier. He’d come to cover Jack’s back. Clearly, no matter what else she might be, Kathy Coben was a distraction for Jack, making her dangerous.

Of course, blind loyalty didn’t pay the bills or fund the resources to back Collin’s endeavors. Those two things came from Amos, meaning Collin couldn’t avoid answering his cell when it lit up with Amos’s number.

“Yeah?” Collin answered, not bothering with a more formal greeting. It would be wasted on Amos. The man wasn’t known for his manners.

“Hitchens?” Amos’s rough voice barked through the receiver. “Where you at?”

“Sitting in Humble,” Collin replied, leaving it simple. He hadn’t agreed to work for Amos yet, and wouldn’t be sharing information freely.

“You talk to Jack yet?”



“And”—the jerk of Kathy’s door opening had Collin fumbling with his phone while he tried to straighten up and talk at the same time—“it’s just like I told you before I left. It’s going to take some time, convincing, and quite possibly a miracle to get him on board.”

“Miracles happen every day, Hitchens.” The words might have been optimistic, but Amos’s tone was downright grumpy. “You just have to have hope. Like I got hope that you’re going to help solve this case before my clients’ patience and money wears out.”

“I’m trying,” Collin assured him, turning over the Jeep’s engine as Kathy trotted over to her little compact and slid in behind the wheel.

“Well, even if you fail at that, I got something you could use to brighten my days with.”

Collin smirked at that thought. He didn’t think Amos ever relaxed enough to have a happy day. “Yeah?”

“Nick Cooper came home.”

It took Collin a second to digest that simple statement, his mind distracted by pulling out behind Kathy as she backed her car into the street. Even when Amos’s words made some sense, they still left Collin confused.

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