Kara Griffin - Gunn Guardsmen (10 page)

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Authors: On Highland Hill

BOOK: Kara Griffin - Gunn Guardsmen
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“There is nothing to fear from me. But there are others who would do me harm. Let me retrieve your drink and we shall speak of this again.” Elisa closed the door and leaned against it. Her heart aching for the deep sadness she’d seen in Bree’s eyes when she mentioned Kenneth’s sorrow.

As she made her way through the upstairs hall, she found a maid who directed her to the kitchens. She passed the hall and heard the men speaking, but didn’t pay much attention, and stepped outside.

The early evening air felt cool against her face. She approached the kitchens and heard shouting coming from within. With trepidation, she entered the kitchens and saw an aged man with wisps of white hair sticking out from various places on head. He looked comical and yet formidable. The man shouted to a lad to bring water and then laughed boisterously when he spotted her.

“Aye so the mistress sent someone to spy on me, has she? I told her she needed to get off her wee feet. I assume her husband is home? Nay, I know he is. That’s the only way she’d be out of my kitchens.”

“Good eve, Master Gell. I’m Elisa and her ladyship set me to retrieve chamomile. I want to brew a drink to ease her pain.”

That stopped him dead in his tracks. “Glory be! Are ye saying she’s having the bairn?”

“Not this night. I only wish to soothe her.”

“Och ye had me worried, lass. Lord help us all when that bairn comes. He’s a good size if you haven’t noticed. Don’t know how that slight lass is going to birth ‘em. Here ye are. You can find a tankard and hot water there.” He pointed to a shelf near the hearth.

After brewing the drink, Elisa thanked Gell and went back to the keep, passing by the hall again to take the steps. She noticed the men still in discussion. Hurrying now, she took the steps and entered Bree’s chamber only to find her sleeping. She set the drink on the bedside table and left the chamber.

Elisa wasn’t sure where to go or even if she should ask Kenneth. Not wishing to disturb their conversation, she sat at the bottom of the steps and decided to wait for him there.



Beset with uneasiness, Kenneth watched the entrance for Elisa. He barely listened to the discussion. Unsure of what was to come, this night and all the days to come. He didn’t like the anxiety of it. Not one to be bothered by such concerns for others, Kenneth had only himself to be concerned with. Until now. How was he supposed to act around her?

Grey reached across the table and shoved him. “I called your name four times, Kenneth. Are ye not listening?”

Snickers came from his comrades. Kenneth hunched his shoulder.

“Nay, I wasn’t listening. What were you saying?”

Grey laughed and the others started in on him.

“I know what he’s thinking about,” Colm said.

“Aye, you’re thinking with your prick.” James pounded the table. “I’d be too, if I were in your boots, Kenneth. None of us have had time lately to spend with the ladies… Speaking of which, Laird, can we have the night off?”

Sean surprised him by keeping quiet.

Grey ignored James’ request. “That’s enough. Kenneth doesn’t need this cosh. I’m grateful to Elisa, Kenneth. She got Bree to rest, a remarkable fete. I was saying that we’re all guilty of lying to Elisa. I feel badly about it.”

Kenneth frowned, uncertain of what he meant. “We didn’t lie to her. What are you talking about?”

Grey leaned on the table, his expression severe. “When we told her she would wed a Gunn clansmen. You’re not. I deem you should tell her the truth.”

“To hell with that. As far as I’m concerned, I am a Gunn. Do you deny it?”

“God Almighty, you still won’t come to terms with this, will you? You are a McInnish.”

“Am I no longer welcome here?” Kenneth glared, disgruntled at where the conversation had gone.

Grey grimaced and swiped his hands over his face. “Of course you’re welcome. You’ll always be welcome here. But I cannot allow you to give up your good name in lieu of mine. You should tell her.”

“Nay, I won’t take the name. I’ve disowned it.” Kenneth pounded the table with his fist. “I am a Gunn and that is that. I won’t own to being a McInnish, not now or ever. You know that, Grey. So leave off. There’s no reason to tell her she didn’t wed a Gunn. As far as I’m concerned, she did. She’s here on Gunn land and is safe. Why shake the leaves when you don’t have to?”

“She’s your wife now and I deem it best you be honest with her.” Grey poured more ale in his cup and eyed him skeptically. “You shouldn’t have lies between you. It’ll only make things worse.”

“I’ll tell her eventually. I do want to be honest with her. Do we know if any of Alexander’s men saw you return?” Kenneth had to change the conversation. He didn’t want to discuss the McInnish clan nor the fact that he’d lied to his wife. The latter matter would eventually rectify itself.

“Aye, Duff pointed him out and we saw him leave when we crossed the bridge which is why I stayed by the gatehouse longer than usual. He got a nice long look. I wanted to ensure he saw we were alone.”

Kenneth took a drink of his ale, considering that fact. “Soon Alexander will come here to inquire himself or to demand that he question Elisa. That is, if he finds out about her. Will you go to Donal’s and lie?”

“Nay, I’m not going anywhere. Not with the condition my wife is in. She’s close, Kenneth, and it concerns me. Many ladies lose their lives during birthing. I’m glad Elisa is here. Do you deem she’ll assist Bree if she needs it? She seems to have experience.”

“Elisa says she does. I’m sure she’ll be glad to help. It should be of some comfort to Bree. We ought to let the king know we haven’t found her. Shouldn’t we send someone to relay that fact?”

“Alexander will come of that I have no doubt, whether we send a message or not. I suggest you keep Elisa hidden. Use the cottage Bree and I occupy when we want to be alone.”

Kenneth agreed with a nod. “I’ll keep her out of sight.”

Colm laughed. “Aye, that won’t be too hard to do.”

“I don’t expect we’ll be seeing much of Kenneth, at least for a few days.” James hooted and spilled his ale when Kenneth shoved him.

He gave them glares of displeasure at their banter. Even if Alexander believed Grey, there were others who would need to be dealt with. “We still need to be concerned about Domhnall. It won’t take him long to figure out that we took her.”

“Nay, it won’t. We’ll consider that when and if we need to,” Grey said.

Kenneth didn’t like hearing that because Grey was likely to suggest something drastic. After chugging the last of his ale, he rose. “Where do you think she is? Grey, you’ll need to fetch her.”

“Married for less than one day and already you’re trying to give me orders. She’s probably with my wife, who I hope is in bed. God help me. Come.” Grey finished off his ale and set the cup down with a bang.

As they approached the stairs, Kenneth saw his sweet wife cuddled next to the wall on the bottom step fast asleep.

“At least my wife obeys and awaits her husband. When is the last time Bree followed one of your orders? Ah, Laird, a wee pissed about that?” Kenneth glowered when Grey gave a look of disgust and struck his jaw with his fist. “Damn me.” He rubbed his jaw. “I don’t think any of us should jest with Grey. He’s beset with worry these days.”

To which his comrades laughed.

Kenneth took Elisa into his arms. She snuggled contentedly against his chest, swinging her feet over his forearms and her arm hooked around his neck. He liked the way she trusted him. There was something in her trust that affected him.

She opened her eyes and looked to Grey. “I put a drink to soothe Bree next to the bed. Make sure she drinks it if she awakens.”

“I will, and thank you, Elisa.”

“Make her stay in bed. I don’t think she has much longer. Mayhap a few days.”

“Aye, that soon? I hope she doesn’t have much longer. I’m not sure I can take much more. Be off men. Duff set the sentry so you can rest this eve.” Grey took the steps.

The implication wasn’t lost on Colm, James or Sean. They left the hall hastily before Grey changed his mind.

“Where are we going?”

“Home.” Kenneth wouldn’t say much more.

“And where is home? Do we need to ride again? I sincerely hope not.” She moaned unhappily.

Kenneth shook her when he turned her to fit through the exit. “Just a wee walk.”

“Very well. Wake me when we get there?”

Elisa set her arms around his neck and lowered her head to cuddle on his shoulder. She felt good in his arms. Kenneth took his time walking along the trail, enjoying the solitude of the night. Most were abed or indoors except for the few groups of sentries he spotted making their rounds. It seemed odd to be carrying a woman, but it did please him. A wife, damned me, I have a wife.

Kenneth wasn’t sure if he should proceed as a normal husband would and bed her or if he should give her time to adjust to the idea of being his wife. Should he expect her to perform her wifely duties? She made no promises. But neither did he.

When he reached the end of the lane, he spotted the cottage. Upon entering, he found it clean and well kept. Bree continued to use it when she wanted to be alone with Grey. As laird, he was often kept busy with duties and frequently disturbed. It was the only place they could be alone. All were forbidden to intrude except in cases of emergency.

He looked around at the cottage and saw the bed beyond the entrance. Settling Elisa in the center, he tore a tartan from his chest and covered her. The bed was large enough for the two of them. Why shouldn’t he join her? Kenneth went to close the cottage door. He set a fire in the small hearth and lit a few candles around the cottage so if Elisa should awaken, she could see.

Hesitantly, he stood beside the bed. Elisa’s bonny face relaxed in sleep. He liked the way her mouth slightly opened. Her chest moved lightly with breath. She sleeps.

Kenneth never wavered with a woman before and he wasn’t sure what stopped his action now. She’s your wife. That alone gave him reason. But Kenneth was tired from the journey and needed sleep. He began removing the tartan from his waist, and then his shirt, boots until he stood in his braies. Pulling back the covering, he slipped into bed.

Once he settled himself, he used the tartan to cover himself for her modesty’s sake. Kenneth was about to drift off when her hand touched his chest. That slight touch set him afire and instantly awakened him. Her fingers drew a scorching trail, making it hard to concentrate on anything but her touch. A deep need began burning inside him and yet he didn’t move and swore to all that was holy that he wouldn’t.

That battle was lost on him when her leg flanked his. Kenneth rolled to his side and pulled her close. His hand cuddled her waist. He would just hold her for a while. She mumbled something in her sleep and called his name. With his face beside her neck, he brushed his lips against the delicate skin. She smelled nice, as if she’d spent the day in a field full of wildflowers.

He hardened with desire. As much as he tried to abate it, passion flowed through him, fueling his need to do more. He wanted her as much as he needed to draw breath.

“Kenneth,” she whispered. “I’m hot.” Elisa sat up and kicked aside his tartan. “I need help.” She tried to remove her overdress but got caught up in it.

He took hold of the fabric and yanked it over her head. After throwing it to the floor, he lay back upon the bedding, staring at the rafters and thatch above. Willing himself to think of anything but the sweet, soft body next to his, so he wouldn’t do something he’d regret. Her body taunted him, called his hand to touch her, it lay there willing him to do something sensual.

“I’m still hot.” She continued to remove the rest of her garments until she was clad only in her shift. “That is better.” Elisa lay back with a thud, her elbow striking his thigh, her long locks now free of their ties and cascaded her face.

Kenneth groaned, unable to resist the thoughts filtering his mind. Her body was luscious. Her breasts full and flushed, and more than what he’d hoped for. She was perfection. The thin fabric of her shift left little to his imagination. He resisted groaning when he envisioned taking hold of her and loving her properly.

“Elisa, move over or I won’t be able to help myself.”

She sat up again, her hair flowing over her shoulders. A dark curl reached his shoulder and caressed him when she bent over him. “Do husbands kiss their wives goodnight?”

“I don’t deem so.” He tried to sound unaffected, but damnation his entire body tensed with agony. How he didn’t take her in his arms and ravish her, he didn’t know.

“Will you kiss me?”

“If I do, I won’t be able to stop. Do you understand?” Kenneth watched her, waiting for an affronted reaction. But she wasn’t outraged at all.

“Aye, I do. And I’m willing to risk it. I like the way you kissed me before.”

“That wasn’t much of a kiss.”

“It wasn’t?”

“Nay,” he said.

“Will it make you happy to kiss me again?” Her voice was akin to a caress, delicate and gentle.

Kenneth thought that an odd question, but he answered anyway. “Aye, it would make me very happy.”

“Shall I close my eyes?”

“If you want to.” Kenneth set her back upon the bedding and splayed his hand over stomach. Using his elbow to hold himself up, he leaned forward to kiss her. Her lips met his before he could make contact. At first he was content to feel her silky lips against his. Then his desire urged him to kiss her deeply. He slipped his tongue into the depth of her mouth and tasted the sweetest nectar. After a few minutes of uncontrolled yearning, he drew back, bringing his breath under control.

“Where did you learn to kiss like that?”

She opened her eyes and gently touched his face with her fingertips. “From you.”

“You’ve never kissed another?”

“Nay. Does that displease you?”

“Hell no. I like it.” Kenneth pulled Elisa into his arms and began the sensual assault he’d been thinking of since he’d joined her in bed.

His hands roamed her supple skin, gently caressing and stopping to massage her sensitive spots. He heard her gasp when he brushed the delicate area of her inner thigh. A smile came to him, knowing she was going to be a sensuous lover.

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