Kara Griffin - Gunn Guardsmen (13 page)

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Authors: On Highland Hill

BOOK: Kara Griffin - Gunn Guardsmen
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“Did he hurt you?” his voice was back to normal as if nothing had just passed. He held his hand out for her to take.

She shook her head and looked back to the opening in the floor. “Is he … he dead? I cannot believe you just did that. Did you kill him?”

Kenneth glowered, pulling her upward until she stood next to him. “Nay, but he’ll need to bathe in the loch for a week before he can get close to another lass. He landed in a very high pile of manure. Come, we must leave, we have dallied long enough.” He tried to pull her along.

Elisa didn’t move and released his hand. She was too happy to hear his jest and that he hadn’t killed the man. “Will you bring me back?”

“Why would you want to come back? Most ladies don’t like the stables.”

“For the horses and I’m not like most ladies, Kenneth. You might want to know that now from the start.” Elisa raised an eyebrow, accentuating her statement.

Kenneth looked somewhat bemused and the shine in his eyes alluded to a smile. She thought how handsome he must look when he smiled. One day she verily might see it often.

“We’ll see. But we shouldn’t have stayed this long.”

“Where were you?”

“I was checking my horse. He’s not acting right. I’ll take him for a ride later and give him some exercise. But first I want to get you settled and safe.”

Elisa stepped beside him and they left the stable and walked on the lesser-known path. She smiled to herself knowing she would have to sneak out early in the morn so she could tend to any ill horses. It was doubtful Kenneth would allow her to return to the stables anytime soon. Happily she followed along to what she now considered her prison.





The days drug on and became dark and gloomy. It rained the four days since their arrival at the Gunn keep. Elisa tried to keep herself busy, but there wasn’t much to do within the cottage except pace the floorboards. Kenneth came back on occasion, but didn’t stay long enough to keep her company. She suspected he thought she’d leave and disobey him. At night he would join her in bed, but she was usually already sleeping. In the morn, he’d stay for a few minutes before he set off for his duties. Still he did not reveal much of himself and she was hesitant to ask him about his life.

This day started out with a heavy rain which had subsided. Normally her spirits would be soaring with happiness for she loved this kind of weather. Being stuck inside with Kenneth though, that was another matter altogether. He’d returned because the soldiers training had been postponed due to the torrent. He sat in a chair which flanked a table, his legs stretched out, hands clasped over his stomach, eyes closed. At least someone was content to sit there with nothing to do. She’d had enough boredom to last a lifetime and wasn’t one to stay idle for long.

“Kenneth, are you asleep?”

He opened one eye and peered at her. “Nay.”

“I’ve nothing with which to occupy my time. I’m lonely.” Elisa would have yelled then for he closed his eyes and ignored her. She stepped beside his chair and nudged his foot. “Did you hear me?”

“Aye, I heard you.”

“And are you not going to keep me company?” Elisa went to the door and opened it when he didn’t answer. She stood watching some of the clans’ people near their cottages at the end of the lane. Their cottage was set away from the others, isolating her further. The clans’ people were about their day regardless of the conditions and she envied them their tasks.

“Come away from the door, Elisa.”

“Nay.” She simply wouldn’t allow him to intimidate her. Before she’d realized he’d moved, he stood next to her.

Kenneth pulled her back against him. His mouth, just above her ear ticked her with his breath.

“If you’re bored, I shall remedy that.” He kissed her neck, sending warm shivers through her.

Elisa hoped he would, for she’d go mad with nothing to do.

“Come, I know what we should do.” He led her through the door.

She wasn’t going to bother asking where he was taking her for she was wont to be outdoors. The rain fell in a misty haze now. Still, it was a beautiful day. She loved when it rained hard enough to hear the drops hitting the ground and roof. The sound always calmed her.

Kenneth led her behind their cottage to the lesser-known path. They walked a good while and reached the wall surrounding the keep. He pushed aside a bush and opened a secret gate which led to a wider path that rounded the keep’s wall. Elisa followed and they started down a well-worn wider path where carts made indents in the softened ground. As he led her, she looked at the scenery unsure where they were going. After walking a good distance, she gazed ahead. The ocean stretched out in front of them.

“Where are we? This looks nothing like the coast near my home.” Elisa was awed by the vastness of the waters visible.

“Your clan resides on the western lands and is rockier. We’re as far east as can be.”

Elisa took off her slippers as soon as her feet touched the sandy smoothness before her. She always loved being near the water at home but was often punished when she was a child for spending too much time daydreaming about the lands that lie somewhere out in the deep ocean.

Autumn wasn’t far off and yet the sands still warm from the mild summer. Though it was dreary and foggy, the beach held such rugged beauty. Elisa took Kenneth’s hand and smiled as he led her toward the water.

“I thought you might enjoy being outside, but we can go in if you want. You can swim?”

“Oh, aye, certainly. I learned at an early age.” She watched as he began removing his clothing, first his shirt and then his tartan and boots. He stood in his braises and turned to look at her. His well-muscled torso held her entranced. Kenneth appeared to get much exercise. She couldn’t take her eyes off his brawny chest and when he turned his back showed more musculature. Elisa would be happy to stand there and watch him.

“Are you coming in or not?”

She nodded and began removing her overdress. Added to the growing pile of garments, she continued to remove all but her shift, which she kept on for modesty’s sake.

Kenneth had already gone into the water and swam a good distance before Elisa entered. She slowly walked into the water, believing she might cut her foot on shells or other rubbles. But the sand beneath her feet was smooth. At home she had to be careful as there were many shells and rocks to which could cut one if they weren’t careful. Waves crashed against her as she tried to pass the surf and get to the deeper depths.

When she reached the water at her chest, she dunked her head and swam under the water. It felt wonderful to wet her hair and body. Kenneth approached and pulled her into his arms.

“Are you cold?”

“Oh, nay. The this feels wonderful. It is a bit chilly but I haven’t swum in such a long time. I wouldn’t care if it was freezing. Thank you for bringing me here.”

Kenneth allowed her to spend more time in the water. He left her and spread his tartan on the sand to lie upon.

Elisa was too caught up, floating and enjoying the water, to notice how alluring he looked lying there. But when she’d had enough and was walking out of the water, shyness came upon her. She’d never been so forthright with a man before, and hadn’t undressed in front of one. Still, he was her husband and she tried not to let her nervousness show.

“Lie beside me, Elisa.”

She did as he asked and used her overdress as a pillow. The sky above swelled with thick clouds and yet no rain fell, only the light mist they’d contended with most of the afternoon.

Elisa didn’t know what to say to Kenneth and the awkwardness kept her silent. She wanted to ask him many questions, but she wasn’t sure if she should pry. Mayhap she should allow him to speak of his past on his own, when he was ready. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the ocean and light breeze.

Kenneth took her leg in his hands. Without opening her eyes, she concentrated on his touch. He gripped her calf and she moaned when he rubbed the bottom of her foot. Then his lips caressed the sensitive skin by her ankle and top of her foot. She gasped at the sensation. A tingling began and increased when his hand smoothed her calf and behind her knee. Elisa opened her eyes and found him kneeling beside her.

His dark eyes watched her intently. A rush of warmth overcame her and she drew a deep breath. Kenneth continued to use his hands on her body, stroking her skin with caresses meant to drive her wild with wanting. The front of her knee tickled and she tried to push him away, but he gazed at her with a devilish glint in his eyes.

Kenneth took his time, ensuring he’d massaged every inch of her body. Elisa lay lethargic, enjoying the sensations his touches invoked. A flame of desire built within her and she hoped he wanted to enter her as he had before. Dare she ask him to?

Elisa longed to encourage him without having to speak the words and decided to give as good as she’d gotten. She knelt and pushed him to a lying position so she could reach him. Unsure of herself, she didn’t let that stop her as she began rubbing his muscular shoulders. His skin felt like hot steel, for her hands warmed as she stroked him. Her fingers trailed the light smattering of hair down his chest. She’d never seen a man’s chest before and became captivated with its contours and the way his muscles flinched in his stomach when she grazed a sensitive area.

She reached his thighs and slid her hands along the muscular limbs. Elisa wanted to be brave and touch his midsection, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. She didn’t know how Kenneth would react should she wantonly touch his manliness.

His legs were far longer than hers and took a while to reach his knees and then his feet.

Elisa grew bold. She set her hands on each side of his face and gazed at him. He was so handsome and she was happy to know he was hers. Without any resemblance of shyness, she leaned forward and kissed him. Her lips brushed his in a modest kiss.

“I do so enjoy kissing you, Kenneth.”

Kenneth pulled her toward him and her breasts pressed his chest. The awareness of her body against his caused a gasp for she’d been catapulted to desire. She wanted him, craved his body, and wished he took her small gestures as a signal.

He rolled her beneath him and their legs entwined, and he continued to kiss her. She enjoyed his kisses, but longed for something more. Tearing her mouth from his, she swallowed her breath and watched him.

His gaze heated her insides.

“Kenneth, please.”

“What do you want, Elisa? Tell me.”

“This is no time to jest.” She pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I want you, like before.”

“I never would have guessed.” He flashed a grin.

Kenneth kneeled between her legs, he’d removed his braises and his manliness jutted out. Elisa’s eyes widened for she’d never seen a man’s … manly parts before. But she was too far gone to care about what it looked like. She wanted to feel it inside her and experience the sensations he’d created on their wedding night.

He took a few moments to fondle her womanhood, and Elisa scrunched her eyes closed. She’d be screaming with frustration if he didn’t enter her soon.

“Kenneth …”

“Impatient, aye? Watch me, Elisa,” he said, his voice deepening.

He must have known she was past the love play. His member entered, filling her, making her legs tremble with sheer delight. She moaned and squeezed his arms, holding him still until she could handle the penetration.

Kenneth didn’t wait long before he began moving within her. Elisa huffed each time his body propelled her a few inches upon the cover. It was all too marvelous to take time to think about. She held her legs outward, giving him space to move easily. As he glided into her, she met his thrust. Vibrations flowed through her, making her inhale and revel in the intensity of it. Elisa didn’t want him to stop, and when he tried to pull away, she used her legs to keep him there.

“Don’t leave me.”

“I was going to switch positions,” he explained, when she wouldn’t release him.

“Oh,” Elisa shook her head. “Nay, this feels too … good.”

“Hold on to me, love.” He thrust hard and fast.

The torment kept up and she thought she’d die from the pleasure. Elisa’s mind spiraled into anarchy of unimaginable sensations. She gave over to the feeling and cried out hoping the bliss never ended. Kenneth kissed her deeply as he too must have been experiencing what she was.

Elisa continued thrusting her hips meeting his, until Kenneth moaned and kissed the side of her neck. His hips moved swiftly against hers until he stilled and groaned, pleasure rapturing him.

They lay together on the covering for a while without speaking. Elisa was content to stay where she was and didn’t wish to move. Lovemaking was exhausting and she could verily fall asleep. But instead, she watched Kenneth.

He calmed and touched her face after a few seconds of awkward silence. “You have beset me …” He didn’t continue and she wondered what he was going to say.

Kenneth rose and walked into the crashing waves and swam out far.

She sat up and watched him before she joined him a few minutes later. Using the water, she bathed and tried to free her wavy hair of its tangles but it was futile. What a mess she must look. After leaving the water, she began dressing.

Kenneth joined her. He’d donned his shirt and braises, then wrapped his tartan about his waist, and belted it. He kept his boots off and toed the sand, watching the surf.

“What has you so enthralled, Kenneth?”

“I was thinking, is all.”

“I sense a deep sadness within you. Do you wish to talk about it? If you have secrets, I shall keep them.” Elisa hoped he would be forthcoming. She didn’t wish to pry, but desperately wanted to know how she could help him.

“Nay … I have no secrets. All know. I … I sometimes think about my brother Greer.”

“You miss him.”

“He’s dead.”

“I’m sorry, Kenneth.” A peculiar silence came over them, and Elisa didn’t know what to say to make him feel better. She was at odds with herself because usually she knew how to ease others and always had words to comfort. He’d rendered her inept. “Has he been gone long?”

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