Kepler's Witch (47 page)

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Authors: James A. Connor

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Achilles, Friedrich: hunting party of, 236; Katharina Kepler's arrest and, 265; Luther Einhorn and, 260

Adelberg (Germany), 44–46

Adolphus, Gustavus: attack on Regensburg, 364; invasion of Germany by, 361

ad torturam
(capital crime), 298

alchemists: distinction between scientists and, 178; fate of, 180–181; in Prague, 177–178

alchemy: Edward Kelley and, 184; Kepler's suspicions about, 203

Analytica Posteriora
(Aristotle), 57

angels, 182–183

Anhalt-Bernstein, Christian, 312, 314, 315

anima movens
(spirit of movement), 94

Anna Marie, Archduchess of Austria: death of father, 162; marriage to King Philip II, 161

Aquinas, Thomas, 44

archpresbyter, 117

area law, 184

Aristotle: Kepler's study of, 57–58; model of universe, 60, 61–62, 63–65; planetary orbits and, 137, 173–174

art, 111, 171.
See also
museum (

Assyrians, 303

Astonomia Nova
(Kepler): Kepler's work on planetary motions and, 173–177; laws of planetary motion in, 172–173; as modern text, 178

astrologers: as meteorologists, 233; in Prague, 177–178

astrological calendars, 325–326

astrology: astrological calendars of Kepler, 325–326; astronomical clocks, 51–52; horoscope for Heinrich Kepler, 115; Kepler as astrologer in Tübingen, 56–57; Kepler's advice to rulers, 224–225; Kepler's beliefs about, 178–180; Kepler's horoscope, 31–33; Kepler's predictions in Graz, 79–80; Kepler's readings for Albert von Wallenstein, 354–358; Kepler's view of, 42–43; at Lutheran school in Graz, 78; medicine and, 136

astronomers: accounting for appearances, 173; practiced medicine, 179; protectiveness of observational data, 153–154

Astronomiae Pars Optica
(Kepler), 172

Astronomia Nova
(Kepler): contents of, 185–187; obstructions to publication, 205–207; publication of, 211; quote from, 47

astronomical clock: importance of, 51–52; in Prague's Old Town Square,
; at Tübingen,

Astronomia Nova
(Kepler), 185–187; Copernican model of universe and, 124–125; Galileo's discoveries, 214–222; God and, 40–42, 43, 91–93; harmony and, 332, 333; Kepler and Brahe collaboration, 130–131, 150, 152–154; Kepler and Galileo, 4; Kepler on inclination towards, 47; Kepler on stars, 167; Kepler's book published, 93–96; Kepler's polyhedral hypothesis, 80–84; Kepler's preoccupation with, 88–89; models of universe, 59–68; motion of moon, 136–138; planetary orbits, 172–177

Auersperg, Dietrich von, 203

Augsburg Lutheran, 54–55

Augustine, Saint, 246–247, 350

Aulber, Johann Ulrich: capital crime charge and, 298; Katharina Kepler's sentence and, 302, 304; Katharina Kepler's trial and, 299; release of Katharina Kepler, 305

aurum potabile
(liquid gold), 178, 184

See also
specific cities of: Counter-Reformation in, 333–338; Kepler sent to, 68

autopsy, 177–178


Babylonians, 302, 303

Baden, Margrave Georg Friedrich, 117

baptism: Catholic church and, 350; children baptized in Catholic faith, 127; Kepler and, 351

Bartsch, Jakob: on Kepler, 362; marriage of, 360

Barvitius, 163–164

Battle of White Mountain: described, 311–316; solved Protestant rebellion, 333–334; Thirty Years' War and, 241

Bede, Venerable, 97

Benatky Castle, 128, 129–133

Bernegger, Johann Matthias: invitation to Kepler, 362; letter from Kepler to, 339;
Rudolphine Tables
and, 345

Besold, Christian: accusations against Katharina Kepler and, 280–281; work on Katharina Kepler's case, 301

Besold, Christopher, 67

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 125

Beutelsbacher, Benedict: Katharina's potions for, 28; testimony of, 20–21

Bible, 37, 40–41

Bidenbach, Dr., 281

Billj, Hildebrand, 362, 364

Binder, Georg: arrest of Katharina Kepler and, 291; distance from Katharina, 292; Katharina's estate and, 267; marriage to Margaretha Kepler, 204

Binder, Margaretha.
See also
Kepler, Margaretha: letter to Kepler about Katharina's situation, 7, 9, 326; loyalty to mother, 292; marriage of, 28, 204; protection of Katharina, 300

biographies, Johannes Kepler, 6

birth: of Anna Maria Kepler, 361; of Christoph Kepler, 45

birth of: of Friedrich Kepler, 202; of Johannes Kepler, 23; of Katharina Kepler (daughter of Johannes Kepler), 254; of Ludwig Kepler, 202–203; of Sebald Kepler, 254; of Susanna Kepler (daughter of Johannes Kepler), 116, 202

Bocskay, István, 208, 209

Bohemia, 293–298

Bohemian Brethren: banned, 208; struggle for power in Prague, 157–159

Bohemian Brethren in the Bohemian Confession, 158

Bohemian Estates: choice of Friedrich V for king of Bohemia, 293–298; rebellion of, 333–334; Rudolf II and, 209, 210, 211; Second Defenestration of Prague and, 275–279

Book of Concord, 55

Book of Nature, 88, 91

Bourbon, duke of, 108, 109

Bragadino, Marko, 181

Brahe, Georg, 343–345

Brahe, Tycho: collaboration with Kepler, 152–154; comet of 1577 and, 25, 26, 49–50; death of, 155–156; feud with Ursus and Kepler, 122–125; fight with Kepler, 132–134; house in Prague, 169; illness of, 154–155; as imperial mathematician, 148; invitation to Kepler, 128–129; Kepler as assistant to, 150–151, 152; Kepler's collaboration with, 129–133; Kepler's eulogy on death of, 141–142; Kepler's letter to, 149; meeting with Rudolf II, 163–164; model of universe, 60, 186, 187; motion of moon and, 137;
Mysterium Cosmographicum
and, 115, 118; portrait of,
; rights to publish work of, 205–206;
Rudolphine Tables
and family of, 156–157;
Rudolphine Tables
, printing of, 343–345; work to secure Kepler's position, 134–136; wrote horoscopes, 79

Brahe, Tycho, Jr., 343–345

Braunschweig, Christian von, 334, 347

bread and wine, 44.
See also

Brengger, Johan Georg, 167

Brenner, Martin, 138

bride, 74–75

Bruno, Giordano, 167, 214

Bucquoy, Charles Bonaventure de Longueval, Count of, 313, 314

Budova, Václav, 276, 277

Buonarroti, Michelangelo: painting of Sistine Chapel, 111; Paul IV and, 112

Bürgi, Jost, 198

burial, 116


Caesar, Julius, 97

calculus, 323–324

calendar: astrological calendars by Kepler, 325–326; debate over, 97–98

Calvinists: doctrine of Communion, 213; Friedrich V and Elizabeth as, 296; Kepler accused of being Calvinist, 242, 248–249; Kepler and, 44–45; Kepler's ideas as heresy, 225; Kepler's refusal to condemn, 58; Lutherans and, 55; sermon against, 39

camera obscura
, 138

Canisius, Peter, 158

capital crime (
ad torturam
), 298

Carolinum university, 158

Caspar, Max, 6

Catherine of Aragon, 111

Catholic church: banishment of Lutherans and, 117–118; on Counter-Reformation path, 112–113; Ferdinand's Catholicization program, 333–338; Ferdinand's mission and, 113–114; hope to convert Kepler to Catholicism, 349–354; Johannes Pisorius and, 198–199; Lutheran attack on Rome, 107–112; Lutheran church and, 37–38; obedience to, 242; Protestant faiths banned, 127–128; Protestants forced to convert to Catholicism, 138–140; Weil der Stadt and, 24

Catholicism: hope to convert Kepler to, 119, 322, 349–354; Protestants forced to convert to Catholicism, 138–140, 359

Catholic League: at Battle of White Mountain, 311–316; formation of, 208

Catholics: Battle of White Mountain, 311–316; Counter-Reformation in Prague and, 157–159; Friedrich V as king of Bohemia and, 293–298; Kepler accused of siding with, 248; Second Defenestration of Prague and, 275–279; tensions with Protestants, 207–211

Cawches, Kathleen, 302–303

cemetery, 55–56

Cemetery of St. Peter, 363, 364

charlatans: John Dee and Edward Kelley as, 181–184; in Prague, 180–181

Charles, Archduke of Austria, 77

Charles Bridge, 170, 171

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor: attack on Rome and, 108; Lutherans and, 107; visit to Rome, 111–112

Christianity: astrology and, 44; authority in, 246–247; as cause for war, 335; Kepler's beliefs, 39–40; split in, 321–322

Christian IV, King of Denmark, 337

circle: harmony and, 331–332; Kepler's abandonment of, 177; planetary orbits and, 173, 175

City of God
(St. Augustine), 350

Clavius, Christoph: calendar and, 97–98; Copernican universe and, 63; friendship with Kepler, 119

Clementinum university, 158

Clement VII, Pope: attack on Rome and, 107–109; death of, 111

astronomical clock

Code of Hammurabi, 303 “Cognition of Torture” sentence, 302, 304–305

Collegio Romano, 113

Colonna, Cardinal Pompeo, 110

comet of 1577: illustration of,
; Kepler's viewing of, 25–26; Tycho Brahe and, 49–50

Communion: Calvinist doctrine of, 44, 58; Kepler and, 213; Kepler denied, 243–251

connaturality, 92

Connor, James A., 1–6, 364

Conversation with the Starry Messenger, Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo
(Kepler), 126, 216–218

Copernican universe:
Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae
(Kepler), 323; Galileo and Kepler, 115; illustration of,
; Kepler takes on position of, 59–68; Tycho Brahe and Nicholas Reimarus Ursus and, 122, 123

Copernicus, Nicholas: Brahe and Kepler and, 124–125;
Epitome of Copernican Astronomy
(Kepler), 325; fame of, 4; Kepler confirmed, 3; Kepler's book and, 95; Kepler's discovery of, 58; Kepler's public argument for, 71; Kepler takes on Copernican position, 59–68; model of universe and Kepler, 186–187; planetary orbits and, 174, 175;
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
, 14, 66

Corraducius, 135

Corvinus, Matthias, 76

Cosimo II, grand duke of Tuscany, 219

cosmology, 59–68

Council of Nicea, 97

Council of Trent, 112

Counter-Reformation: in 1588, 50; banishment of Lutherans, 117–118; Catholic church set on path of, 112–113; Catholic/Protestant tensions, 207–211; Edict of Restitution and, 361; Ferdinand and, 113–114; Ferdinand's Catholicization program, 333–338; gathers force, 55, 99–100; hope to convert Kepler to Catholicism, 322, 352–353; Kepler's
Counter-Reformation, return to Graz and, 118–121; Kepler's visit to Graz and, 152; in Linz, 333–338; Lutheran persecution in Graz, 116–117; in Prague, 157–159; Protestant faiths banned, 127–128; Protestants forced to convert to Catholicism, 138–140

Crick, Francis, 92–93

Crucius, Martin: on Kepler, 95; as Kepler's professor, 56, 58–59

Ctirad, 195

cube, 81

Curtius, Albert, 336, 346, 349–350

Czechs, 171, 172


da Ceri, Renzo, 109

David, 74–75

death: of Barbara Kepler, 190, 226; of Friedrich Kepler, 223; of Johannes Kepler, 363–364; of Katharina Kepler (daughter of Johannes Kepler), 319–320, 328; of Katharina Kepler (mother of Johannes Kepler), 306; of Kepler's children, 254; Kepler's thoughts on, 185; of Margareta Regina Kepler, 326; of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, 293; of Maximilian II, 161–162; of Regina Ehem, 268, 326; of Rudolf II, 211; of Tycho Brahe, 155–156

debates, 58

Deckers, Johannes, 336

Dee, Arthur, 183

Dee, John: career of, 181–183; at Prague Castle, 165–166; as universalist, 178

delle Bande Nere, Giovanni, 108, 109

denunciations, 55

, 50

depression of Johannes Kepler, 342–343, 348, 362, 363

De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
(Copernicus), 14, 66

Descartes, René, 311

devil, 234

Devin (Women's Castle), 194–196

Dialogo della musica antica e moderne, A Dialogue on Ancient and Modern Music
(Galilei), 326

Dietrichstein, Adam von, 160

Dietrichstein, Ludwig von, 203

(Kepler), 220–221, 222

Dípold of Lobkovic, 277–278

disputations: Kepler's love of, 58; Kepler's
, 67–68

Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo, Conversation with the Starry Messenger
(Kepler), 126, 216–218

dodecahedron, 81–82

Dohna, Baron Christopher, 297–298

Donauer, Sigmund, 363

Donäuworth (Germany), 207–208

Don Carlos, Prince of Spain, 161

The Dream, or Astronomy of the Moon, Somnium seu Astronomia Lunari
(Kepler), 67–68, 360

d'Urbina, Gian, 109–110

Dürer, Albrecht, 288


earth: in Aristotelian universe, 64; in Copernican model, 66–67; gravitational theory of Kepler and, 187; in models of universe, 60–61; planetary orbits and, 174–175

Edict of Restitution, 361 Èernín, Divi[scaron], 277

Ehem, Philip: death of Regina and, 268, 326; estate and, 239

Ehem, Regina.
See also
Kepler, Regina: death of, 268, 326; money from Barbara Kepler, 239

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