Kepler's Witch (48 page)

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Authors: James A. Connor

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Einhorn, Luther:
ad torturam
action by, 298; cases against Katharina, 263–265; fight with Keplers, 267; friendship with Ursula Reinbold, 235–237; Katharina Kepler's release and, 305–306; Katharina Kepler's return to Leonberg and, 280–281; letter to duke of Württemberg, 255–257; questioning of Katharina and, 292; summoning of Katharina Kepler, 237–238; suppression of
Kepler v. Reinbold
, 259–260; testimony given to, 19–20; warning about Katharina, 266

Elizabeth I, Queen of England: flees Prague, 315–316; John Dee and, 181–182, 183; reign of, 49

Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 294–298

ellipses: Kepler's planetary motion and, 177; law of, 172–173

emotional breakdown, 162

See also
specific emperor names: Friedrich III and Graz, 76; imperial cities and, 23, 24

enemies, 35–36

(Kepler), 360

epicycles: Kepler's book and, 84; planetary orbits and, 65, 174

Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy
(Kepler), 323, 325

Epitome Astronomiae
(Mästlin), 323, 325

Erickson, Johannes, 153

Ernest, brother of Rudolf II: death of, 165; in Spain, 160–161

Ernst of Cologne, 219, 221

eulogy, 141–142

Everhard the Bearded, Count of Württemberg, 51

excommunication, 5, 18, 287–288, 320–322

executioners, 316–319

executions, 316–319


Fabricius, Johannes, 279

Fadinger, Stephen, 337

(Goethe), 53

fear, 288–289

Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria: attack on Rome by, 108; banishment of Lutherans, 102–103, 117–118; beliefs of, 159; exemption of Johannes Kepler, 118, 120; forces Protestants to convert to Catholicism, 138–139; Kepler's dedication to, 88; Kepler's essay and, 136, 137; mission of, 113–114; portrait of,
; Protestant faiths banned by, 127–128, 207

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor: beheading of Johannes Jessenius by, 170; Catholicization program of, 333–338; Edict of Restitution and, 361; execution of Protestants by, 316–319; Kepler's illness and, 362–363; Kepler's presentation of
Rudolphine Tables
to, 345–349; loss of king of Bohemia role, 293; money owed to Kepler, 359; occupation of Linz, 333; Protestants of Bohemia and, 294–298; wish to convert Kepler to Catholicism, 358

Ferdinand III, King of Bohemia, 348, 361

Ferdinand II, King of Bohemia, 275–279

Ferdinand II, prince of Habsburg, 50, 77

Feselius, Philip, 179–180

Feucht, Werner, 292

fever: of Barbara Kepler, 222–223; of Johannes Kepler, 148, 150, 151, 152, 362–363

Fickler, Benigna, 119, 342

Fickler, Johann Baptiste, 119

Fickler, Michael, 119

fire, death by, 302–303

Fischer, Balthasar, 114

Fludd, Robert, 203

Forerunner of the Cosmological Essays, Which Contains the Secret of the Universe
See Prodomus Dissertationum Cosmographicarum, Continens Mysterium Cosmographicum,
Forerunner of the Cosmological Essays, Which Contains the Secret of the Universe

Formula of Concord: Kepler and, 212, 213; Kepler's excommunication and, 287–288; Kepler's hopes for position at Tübingen and, 225–226; Kepler's problems with Lutheran church and, 242–251; Kepler's thoughts about, 242

France, 347

Frankfurt Book Fair, 345

Frederick IV, elector Palatine: flight of, 241; predestination and, 213; Protestants gathered around, 207

Frederick, Sigismun, 88

Friedrich III, Holy Roman Emperor, 76

Friedrich V, King of Bohemia: Battle of White Mountain and, 312–313; defeat of followers of, 336–337; flees Prague, 315–316; in Netherlands, 334; time as king, 293–298

Fromond, Jane, 183

, 6

Frundsberg, Georg von, 108

Fugger, Georg, 218


Gabelkover, Hieronymous, 299–300

Galilei, Galileo: charges of heresy, 15; Collegio Romano and, 113; discoveries of/telescope of, 214–222; Kepler's defense of, 126; Kepler's search for job and, 226; mathematics teacher in Pisa, 50;
Mysterium Cosmographicum
and, 115, 118; mythology of, 3, 4–5; opinion of astrology, 79; tides and, 187; trouble of, 84; view of astrology, 179

Galilei, Vincenzo, 326

gallows, 317

Gasthaus zum Engel (Inn of the Angel), 25

geocentric system, 60, 61–62

geometry: harmony and, 327–328, 329, 331–333; Kepler on, 126; Kepler's love of, 308; Kepler's polyhedral hypothesis, 80–84; rules universe, 218

Gerlack, Superintendent, 73

Germans, 171–172

See also
specific cities of: as part of Holy Roman Empire, 23–24; witch mania in, 232–235

God: astronomy/astrology and, 43; Kepler's astronomy and, 82, 83, 91–93; Kepler's belief in harmony and, 125–127; Kepler's beliefs about, 350–351; Kepler's pursuit of, 120; Kepler's relationship to, 54; Kepler's search for, 84; Kepler's work about, 3; models of universe and, 62–63, 66–67, 124; studies and, 40–43; war and, 335

Gödelmann, Johan Georg, 198

godparents, 203

Goethe, 53

Gonzaga, Farrante, 111

gravitation, 186–187

gravity, law of, 94

Graz (Austria): banishment of Lutherans, 117–118; history of, 75–77; Kepler as mathematics teacher in, 71–84; Kepler on move to, 47; Kepler's exemption/return to, 118–122; Kepler's visit to, 152–153; Lutheran persecution in, 116–117; position offered to Kepler, 68, 69; Protestant faiths banned, 127–128; Protestants forced to convert to Catholicism in, 138–140; trouble in, 102–103

Great Britain, 49

Greeks, 59

Greene, Robert, 50

Gregorian calendar, 97–98

Gregory, David, 5

Gregory of Tours, Saint, 97

Gregory XIII, Pope, 97, 113

Grienberger, Father, 119

Grüninger, Erasmus, 320–321

Güglingen: Katharina Kepler jailed in, 298–299, 301; Katharina moved to, 292

Güglingen Tower, 292, 298–299, 301

Guillén de San Clemente, 183

Guldenmann, Melchior, 93–94

Guldin, Paul: on conversion, 354; friendship with Kepler, 336; hope to convert Kepler to Catholicism, 350, 352, 353

Gültlinger, Donatus: testimony of, 19–20; Ursula Reinbold and, 236

Güstenhofer, Philip Jakob, 181


Habsburgs: Catholics
Protestants and, 207; Friedrich V and, 293–298; Graz and, 76–77; madness amongst, 159–160; Prague and, 172; Second Defenestration of Prague and, 275–279

Hafenreffer, Matthias: cold to Kepler, 213; Kepler's excommunication and, 287, 288, 321–322; Kepler's Graz appointment and, 72; Kepler tries to reconcile with, 320; Kepler
. Zimmerman, 56; taught Scripture, 55

Hall, Asaph, 222

Haller, Frau, 261–264

Haller girl, 261–264, 284

Haller, Jörg: described, 261; Katharina Kepler and, 255–256, 257; Katharina's estate and, 267

Halley, Edmond, 5

(Shakespeare), 135


Harmonice Mundi, Harmony of the World
(Kepler), 2; excerpt from, 307–308; Kepler begins work on, 125–127; Kepler's work on harmony in, 326–333; Kepler works on, 320, 322–323

harmonic law, 328–329

harmony: Kepler's astronomy and, 65; Kepler's beliefs about, 125–127; Kepler's search for, 58–59; Kepler's work on/beliefs about, 326–333

Harmony of the World
See Harmonice Mundi, Harmony of the World

(Ptolemy), 328

Hausen[scaron]ild, Dr., 318

Hayes, Catherine, 302

Heerbrand, Jakob, 55

heliostatic universe, 59–68

Henry VIII, King of England, 111

heresy: Kepler accused of, 288; Protestants works as, 127–128

Herodias, 52

Hettler, Joseph, 203

Hitzler, Daniel: Kepler and Communion, 243–246, 248; Kepler's excommunication and, 287, 320; Kepler writes to, 336; portrait of,
; in prison, 333

Hoffmann, Johann Friedrich: Kepler's stay with, 150; letter to Kepler from, 156; ride to Prague with Kepler, 128–129

Hohenberg, Herwart von: congratulations to Kepler, 156; as godparent, 203; Kepler chronology work and, 125; Kepler's exemption and, 119; Kepler's inquiry about work, 136; Kepler's letter about Lutheran banishment, 117, 118; letter from Kepler about astronomy, 176; letter from Kepler to, 102–104; loan of
(Ptolemy), 328

Holland, 298

Holy Roman Empire, 23–24

Holywood, John, 97

homosexuals, 112

Horky, Martin, 215

See also
astrology: for Heinrich Kepler, 115; of Johannes Kepler, 31–33, 35–36

Horst, Gregor, 342

Hospitale de Santo Spirito, 110

human beings, 126

Hungarian spotted fever, 222

Hus, Jan, 157

Hussite Carolinum University, 276

Hussites, 157–159


icosahedron, 81

Ignatius of Loyola, 160

indulgences, 112

infinite cosmos, 60

Inn of the Angel (Gasthaus zum Engel), 25

inquisition, 243

intellectuals, 87–88

Isabel of Spain, 165


Jacob and Rebecca, 37

Jaeger (Kepler's cousin), 73–74

jailing: of Katharina Kepler, 291–292, 298–299, 301; time for Katharina Kepler, 305

James I, King of England: Friedrich V and, 296; John Dee and, 183

Jaroslave of Martinic, 277–279

Jessenius, Johannes: autopsy performed by, 177–178; execution of, 170, 318–319; friend of Kepler, 198; Kepler and Tycho Brahe and, 132–134

Jesuits: banished from Prague, 294; calendar and, 97–98; Collegio Romano of, 113; founding of, 112; friendship with Kepler, 198, 336, 346; hope to convert Kepler to Catholicism, 139–140, 322, 349–351, 352, 353; Kepler's exemption and, 119; Lutheran school in Graz and, 77; in Prague, 158; in Sagan, 359

Jesuit schools, 127

Jesus Christ, 44

Jews: attacked in Prague, 210; conversion to Christianity, 171; expelled from Rome, 113; of Prague, 172; Second Defenestration of Prague and, 279

Johannes Kepler Gesammelte Werke
(Caspar), 6

Jörger, Helmhard, 240

Juana “the Mad” of Castile, 159, 160

Julian calendar, 97

Julius III, Pope, 112

Jupiter: Galileo's discovery of moons of, 214; Kepler's love of geometry and, 308; Kepler's observation of moons of, 219–220; motions of, 174, 186; orbit of, 80–81


Kabbalah, 166

Karlova Street, 170

Kelley, Edward: arrival in Prague, 181; life of, 182–184; at Prague Castle, 165–166

Kepler, Anna Maria, 361

Kepler, Barbara: children of, 202–204; complaints about Tycho Brahe, 153; death of, 226; illness/death of, 189–190; illnesses of, 222–223; inheritance of, 121; leaves Graz, 140; life in Prague for, 150; marriage problems with Johannes Kepler, 196–202; money of, 239; move to Prague, 147–149; travel of, 204

(Caspar), 6

Kepler, Christoph: birth of, 45; distance from witchcraft trial, 292; Haller girl incident and, 263; Katharina in Heumaden and, 266; Katharina's estate and, 267; as pewterer, 28; protection of family fortune, 300; Ursula Reinbold and, 232, 236

Kepler, Cordula, 254

Kepler, Fridmar, 254, 339

Kepler, Friedrich: birth of, 202; death of, 223, 224; father's love of, 204; godparents of, 203

Kepler, Heinrich (brother of Johannes Kepler): father attempts to sell, 26; in Prague, 204; problems of, 28; statements against Katharina Kepler, 282, 286

Kepler, Heinrich (father of Johannes Kepler): abandonment of Katharina, 16; absence of, 26–27; Kepler's boyhood and, 39; Kepler's education and, 38

Kepler, Heinrich (son of Johannes Kepler), 115–116

Kepler, Hildebert, 254

Kepler, Johannes: accusations against Katharina and, 280–281; accusations/court action against Katharina, 13–18; at Adelberg school, 44–46; Albert von Wallenstein's patronage of, 358–360; appeal to duke about Katharina, 290; area law formulation, 184; arrival in Prague, 150–151;
Astonomia Nova
work of, 185–187; astrological readings for Albert von Wallenstein, 354–358; astrology and, 177, 178–180, 181;
Astronomia Nova
, obstruction to printing, 205–207;
Astronomia Nova
publication, 211–212;
Astronomia Nova
quote, 47; astronomy and God, 91–93; attack on Prague and, 210; birth of, 23; birth of Anna Maria Kepler, 360–361; boyhood of, 36–38; calendar debate and, 96–99; children of, 202–204; collaboration with Tycho Brahe, 152–154; Copernican model of universe and, 59–68; Counter-Reformation in Prague and, 158–159; courtship of Barbara Müller, 89–90; death of Barbara Kepler and, 226; death of daughter Katharina Kepler, 319–320; death of Friedrich Kepler and, 223–224; death of Margaret Regina Kepler and, 326; defense of Katharina Kepler, 299–301; enemies of, 35–36; excommunication from Lutheran church, 287–288, 320–322; exemption/return to Graz, 118–122; family of, 24–29; Ferdinand's mission and, 114; fight with Tycho Brahe, 132–134; Galileo's discoveries/telescope, 214–222; gossip about Katharina and, 260; handwriting of,
Harmonice Mundi
, 125–127, 307–308; harmony work of, 326–333; horoscope of, 31–33; house on Leonberg market square,
; illness of Barbara Kepler, 222–223; illness of/death of, 362–364; as imperial mathematician, 156–157; journal excerpt, 229, 339; Katharina Kepler's release and, 306; Katharina's move to Linz and, 265; Katharina's trial/sentence and, 301–302;
Kepler v. Reinbold
, 268–269; at Latin school, 38–43; leaves Graz, 140; leaves Prague, 239; in Leonberg for Katharina's defense, 268–269; letter from Kepler to Johann Matthias Bernegger, 339; letter from Kepler to the Senate of Leonberg, 7–10; letters to Johann Georg Brengger, 167; letter to duke of Württemberg, 268, 271–272; letter to Michael Mästlin, 85; letter to Tobias Scultetus, 189–190; letter to unknown nobleman, 227–229; Lutheran persecution in Graz, 116–117; Lutherans banished from Graz, 117–118, 127–128; marriage/family of, 114–116; marriage of daughter, 360; marriage portrait of,
; marriage problems with Barbara Kepler, 196–202; marriage to Barbara Müller, 96, 99–100; marriage to Susanna Reuttinger, 254; as mathematics teacher in Graz, 71–84; motion of moon theories of, 136–138; move to Linz, 239–240;
Mysterium Cosmographicum
dedication, 87–88;
Mysterium Cosmographicum
publication, 93–96; planetary orbits and, 172–177; Prague Castle and, 165–166; Prague residences of, 169–170; presentation of
Rudolphine Tables
to Ferdinand II, 345–349; pressure to convert to Catholicism, 349–354; problems with Lutheran church/accusation of heresy, 242–251; Protestants forced to convert to Catholicism, 138–140; publishing of, 324–325;
Rudolphine Tables
publication, 341–345; search for new position, 212–213, 225–226; search for new wife, 251–253; travels of, 204–205; travel to Güglingen, 292; travel to Prague, 147–149; at Tübingen University, 49–59; Tycho Brahe and Nicholas Reimarus Ursus, 122–125; Tycho Brahe, hopes to
secure position with, 134–136; Tycho Brahe's collaboration with, 129–133; Tycho Brahe's death and, 155–156; Tycho Brahe's invitation to, 128–129; war/troubles in Linz and, 333–338; wine cask measurement work by, 323–324; witchcraft and, 259–260

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