Kindle Paperwhite for Dummies (11 page)

Read Kindle Paperwhite for Dummies Online

Authors: Leslie H. Nicoll

Tags: #Computers, #Hardware, #Mobile Devices, #General

BOOK: Kindle Paperwhite for Dummies
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If you have a Wi-Fi –only Kindle Paperwhite and are not in an area with a Wi-Fi hotspot, you can’t connect to the Kindle Store.

Search icon

When you tap the search icon, the screen displays a Search page. Use the onscreen keyboard to type a search term in the search field.

To the left of the search field is a drop-down menu. (The menu says My Items if you’re on the Home page.) Tap the arrow to display your menu choices: My Items, Kindle Store, Dictionary, and Wikipedia. Within a book or a periodical, you can also restrict your search to just the book or periodical. To search the Kindle Store or Wikipedia, the device must be connected to Wi-Fi.

Menu icon

The Menu icon is probably what you tap most often when using your Kindle Paperwhite. We discuss specific uses of the Menu icon throughout this book — turning on and off the wireless, finding the settings on your device, or reading annotations and notes. If you’re wondering how to do something, no matter what it might be, tap the Menu icon first. To close a menu, tap the X in the upper-right corner.

Font icon

The first icon on the secondary toolbar is the Font icon. Tap the Font icon to access the following useful features:

Change the font size and the typeface by tapping the options in the first section shown in Figure 3-5.

Line spacing:
Tap the boxes to choose tight, average, or wide line spacing.

Tap the boxes to change the width of the page margin to wide, average, or narrow.

Close the menu by tapping the X in the upper-right corner.

Figure 3-5:
Tap the Font icon to change the appearance of text on the screen.

Go To icon

The Go To icon displays a menu that allows you to quickly navigate through a book. Your options are Cover, Beginning (the first page of the first chapter), Table of Contents (from here, you can tap and move to individual chapters), End (the last location in the book), and a specific page or location. Navigating through a book using the Go To icon is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4.

X-ray icon

Tapping the X-ray icon displays a list of words or characters that appear in the page, chapter, or book, along with a frequency graph. (For details on the X-ray feature, see Chapter 9.) The X-ray icon appears dimmed if the feature is not enabled in the book you’re reading.

Toolbars when viewing periodicals

Within a periodical, such as a newspaper or a magazine, the toolbars are a little different. The main toolbar still contains Home, Back, Light, Search, and Menu icons, but the Store icon is replaced by the following two icons:

Cover view icon:
Tap this icon to see the list of sections with photographs, as shown in Figure 3-6. Note that the toolbars for periodicals is displayed

Section view icon:
This icon displays a hierarchical, text-based section and article listing, as shown in Figure 3-7. At the bottom of the screen are navigation arrows.

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