King Cobra (Hot Rods) (5 page)

Read King Cobra (Hot Rods) Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

BOOK: King Cobra (Hot Rods)
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“Argh. Fine. Fuck. Something. Whatever. Now. Please.” Alanso had abandoned all semblance of grace. Raw desire ripped through the glade. The threat of a forest fire was high as he scorched everything, and everyone, around him with his passion.

“A little treat to warm you up.” A smile tipped up one corner of Links’ mouth. “Ronnie is great with his tongue.”

“Down there?” Alanso’s eyes widened.

Eli would have chuckled if he weren’t so afraid of ruining the moment or causing an accidental misfire. Riding the edge of arousal, he couldn’t take much more stimulation. The sights and sounds were nearly enough alone.

“You have no idea…” Phil petted Alanso, keeping him mostly in place when Ronnie’s tongue licked a path from his balls to his ass.

Dios Mío! Dios! Dios!
” To hell with stealth. The park rang with Alanso’s prayers. For more, Eli was sure.

Moist slurps accompanied the stream of mangled Spanish spilling from the guy who surrendered to his fantasies. So fast and furious, Eli couldn’t keep up. He got the gist of the litany as Ronnie wiggled his face between those tight cheeks.

“I can feel him getting harder, Links.” Phil paused his manipulation of Alanso’s cock. The skin there had passed blush and moved on to an almost-painful-looking purple. “Don’t disappoint him. He’s not going to make it much longer.”

“Go ahead.” The man nodded to Ronnie. “Work your pinky in him.”

“No. Bigger.” Alanso gasped.

“Fine. You stubborn little
.” Links shook his head with an affectionate grin on his face. “Give him your middle finger, Ronnie.”

Alanso grunted when the man between his legs wasted no time in complying. A hiss escaped his clenched jaw and the white teeth he bared.

“Take it.” Links didn’t cut him any slack. “You’re going to get what you wanted. And then some, I think.”

There it was again, a peek in Eli’s direction.

Stopping then would have been impossible. He choked up on his cock and refused to break his stare. Not from Links and certainly not from the gorgeous sight of Alanso’s awakening.

“Damn, he’s tight.” Ronnie grunted. “Been a long time since I had an ass like that.”

“Hey.” Phil shot him a glare.

“No worries, I like your ass plenty.” He beamed up at his partner. “In fact, I’m about to show you how much. Give me two minutes.”

“More like thirty seconds,” Links amended.

“If that.” Phil returned his attention to Alanso. He waited until Ronnie signaled him with a nod.

“I’m in as far as I can go.” He glanced up at the other two guys. “Gotta really work.”

“Good.” The encouragement spurred all three men to please Links more. “Ronnie, fuck him. Nice and slow. In and out all the way. Phil, lean in closer. You know you like a nice facial. I bet this is going to be the best you’ve had. Start tugging on him. Just a little.”

Alanso made noises Eli had never heard from him. Not even the time an entire case of motor oil had toppled from a cabinet and smooshed his hand between it and the frame of a vintage Corvette, breaking several bones in the process.

“That’s right,
.” Surprisingly tender, Links encouraged Alanso to surrender. “You’re safe here. Let it all out. We understand. No one’s going to make you hide again, are they?”

“No!” Alanso roared into the night.

Phil’s hand rippled along the shaft in his grip and Ronnie went double time.

They all held their breath for a split second. Then Alanso exploded. He screamed, “Eli! Sally!”

And those two little words ripped Eli apart from the inside out.

He shuddered and his cock lurched. His balls felt as though they might flip inside out, they drew so tight to his frame.

The iron tang of blood flavored his mouth. He kept silent despite the tsunami of pleasure, longing and fear laying waste to everything in its path, leaving his insides hollow. His future uncertain. Jet after jet of come poured from him, shooting hard enough from his dick to get lost in the brush.

They came together, even if Alanso didn’t know it.

All along, Alanso shuddered. His body jerked as though he’d been electrocuted. He shouted, cursed, prayed, gave thanks and supplied inarticulate expressions of his ultimate relief.

The sight brought Eli to his knees.

His head hung. Moisture scorched his eyes.

He’d reduced his best friend to yielding to a stranger’s touch. This couldn’t possibly be right. And now he’d probably fucked things up beyond repair. Struggling to get his breathing under control, he listened to the men emerging from their trance, less than ten feet away.

“I wondered for so long. But shit, I never imagined it could be
good.” Alanso threw one arm over his face. His chest billowed as if he’d unloaded the entire week’s supply shipment by himself, in record time.

If Eli didn’t know better he might have thought he saw the sheen of tears in Al’s eyes before he obscured them.

“Welcome to our world.” Phil rubbed Alanso’s shoulder. “You did great for your first time. If you find yourself in the neighborhood again…”

Eli regained his feet and took a few steps forward, unable to stay away.
. Next time it would be his finger in Alanso’s ass. Or better yet, his cock.

“Thank you,” Alanso murmured. He deflated as if every bone in his body melted in the wake of his release. How tightly had he been strung that Eli hadn’t even realized…

“So, who’s Eli?” Phil asked quietly. “And Sally?”

“Huh?” Alanso peeked from below his arm, blinking out of his daze.

“You called for them when you busted.” He smiled softly. “Whoever they are, I hope they figure out how lucky they are before it’s too late.”

“I know.” Eli cleared his throat.

Alanso shot up like a rocket. He scrambled to draw his clothes into place.

Links, Phil and Ronnie formed a wall between him and Eli. The man could win over even the toughest crowds in a matter of minutes. Jesus, he was amazing. And he didn’t get it. Never had fully.

“It’s okay, guys. He’s a friend.” Alanso cleared his throat. “My best friend.”

Eli hated how Alanso cowered when he approached. He didn’t hesitate to offer a hand. He hated looming over the guy.

When Al’s chocolate gaze flicked upward from Eli’s boots, it paused. His pupils dilated even further than the night had mandated.

Eli glanced down and spotted a thick, pearly strand of come he must have launched onto the thigh of his jeans.

Alanso reached up. He hesitated, as if Eli might run again, before touching the tip of one finger to the wet line. He swiped a trace of the fluid from the leg of Eli’s pants and brought it to his mouth. A purr escaped from his throat as he tasted Eli’s desire.

“Can we talk about this at home?” Alanso gained his feet and stared directly into Eli’s eyes. He didn’t blink once as Eli tried to put everything he felt into words yet failed miserably.

All he could do was nod his head.

When a couple of creases appeared at the corners of Alanso’s eyes, Eli reacted on instinct. He thrust his hands out and cupped the shorter man’s cheeks. He drew the guy to him and crashed their mouths together.

Their teeth clicked once before they found their rhythm, both used to leading. Alanso whimpered into Eli’s mouth. He couldn’t help but try to soothe the frantic questions he’d unintentionally inspired.

Eli forced himself to slow down. For Alanso’s sake. He used every sliver of self-control he had to harness the energy sparking between them as if they stood at the center of an enormous Tesla coil.

Tempering urgency with richness, he glided his mouth over Alanso’s.

The vague mint taste didn’t stop Eli from detecting the distinct zest of his best friend. Or the delicious flavor of the promise they sealed with their very first kiss.

How different it was to make out with a guy. This man.

And yet the same.

But way better than anything he’d felt before.

They made a few more passes of lips over lips. Until Eli’s lungs burned and the edges of his vision turned blacker than the night could account for.

Reluctantly, they split. Alanso’s mouth made one last bid for attention, nipping Eli’s lower lip as he retreated.

They stared at each other.

“I’m sorry,” Eli breathed against Alanso’s mouth, hating the remnants of latex he tasted on his friend’s lips. “I’ll make this right. I swear.”

Hijo de puta
, you’d better,” Alanso snarled before stepping away, a glint of mistrust in his eyes.

“I guess this means we won’t be seeing you again.” Phil kicked a rock idly.

“I hope not.” Alanso grinned and fist bumped Links before jogging up the hill toward his bike. He called over his shoulder, “Thanks.”

Eli groaned. It was going to be a long ride home, watching that tight ass fly down the road in front of him.

Chapter Five

Alanso swung his leg over his bike and clomped up the metal stairs at the rear of Hot Rods without waiting for Eli to park his Cobra in the personal bays the rest of the group reserved for their rides. His bed called loud and clear. Given the chaos of his thoughts and the ragged emotion chasing on the heels of his experiment, he thought it’d be best if he avoided a confrontation tonight.

God only knew what he’d say when all of his insides were laid bare. He felt like he was turned inside out and everyone could see his guts, what made him tick and the dumb hope causing his heart to pound.

He had to think.

Or maybe getting in his head too much was the fucking problem. Deliberating hadn’t done him any good over the past several months.

Seriously, there was no mistaking the tongue Eli had shoved in his mouth before spinning on his heels and commanding Alanso home.

But he hadn’t been exactly affectionate either, had he?

Begrudging intimacy wasn’t going to cut it anymore. He refused to settle. Or walk around feeling like he’d done something wrong.

Links had it right. Alanso didn’t plan to hide ever again.

Except maybe just this one night. Until he figured out what to say to the five guys and one smoking hot woman staring at him as he opened the door to their common room a teensy bit too fast. The knob slipped from his grasp, allowing the door to hit the wall as he flew inside. A black-and-white picture of their first restoration job fell off the wall. The glass cracked as it hit the hardwood floor they’d installed a few years ago.

Just like that, something inside him shattered along with it.

His eyes flickered first to Sally. Worry lines around her pretty green eyes only amped him up more. This tension between him and Eli had affected the entire group in some way. From where he lounged on the couch beside her, Carver put his hand on her shoulder.

The movie they’d been watching droned in the background.

Roman, Holden, Kaige and Bryce set their cards on the table despite the large pot resting between them. Big, usually quiet, Bryce broke the silence. “You okay, Alanso?”


Roman’s eyes widened and Holden scooted his chair around so he could catch the show too. In an instant, Sally rose and started to cross the sweeping area. The second floor of the garage was enormous. A complete blank slate had allowed them to slice the space into the rooms they needed to house them all while leaving a big-ass kitchen and this common ground.

Fortunately, the size of the living room gave Alanso opportunity to evade Mustang Sally’s outstretched arms. He put a beat-up leather recliner between them.

“Don’t.” He shook his head. She couldn’t touch him after where he’d been. What he’d done.

Tears shimmered in her eyes, obscuring jade behind pools of crystal. “What happened? What’s wrong? Where’s Eli?”

Relief washed through the gang when the door opened for the second time in as many minutes and their King Cobra came home.

“Who broke the picture?” He stepped toward the shards on the floor. Would he sweep them up? Alanso didn’t think he could. None of them could put it back together now. It was too late. The damage had been done.

“I did.” Alanso didn’t recognize the tone of his own voice. “Leave it. I’ll get it before I head out in the morning.”

“What?” Sally rounded the chair. “Where are you going?”

Alanso kept pace, never letting her close the distance. “It doesn’t matter. But I’m tired of pretending to be something I’m not just to fit in.”

Sally propped her hands on her hips. She looked damn cute when she got pissed. Not that it happened often. “The hell’re you talking about? Did
tell you to get out?”

She jabbed a finger in Eli’s direction.

“You know better than that, Sally.” Eli’s response came quiet yet sure.

“Shut up.” Her snap at the garage owner raised a few brows in the room. “You’ve fucked up enough already, haven’t you? Somebody damn well better tell us what’s going on. Keeping us in the dark is a shitty thing to do. Since when do we hide stuff from each other? Afraid we’re going to kick your ass, Eli? I’m starting to think you really deserve it.”

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