King Cobra (Hot Rods) (8 page)

Read King Cobra (Hot Rods) Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

BOOK: King Cobra (Hot Rods)
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“Wait, how could you tell?”
And doesn’t it freak you out?
he wanted to add.

“It’s obvious from the complete comfort they’ve always had around each other. Plus the way their wives folded right into that bond. Even if that weren’t enough, it would have been impossible to ignore right about the time James and Neil blabbed everything to me. They were worried when all the other guys had found a woman that the crew wouldn’t get together anymore.” Tom waved a hand in the air. “Like the guys would be able to stay away after so many years together. I remember the days of being twisted up so tight you can’t think straight, but seeing it from the outside… Yeah, a whole lot of drama over nothing. When it’s right, it’s right, and that’s all that matters in the end.”

“Oh. Well, fuck.” Eli started to laugh. “I guess this might be easier than I thought to tell you, then. Maybe.”

“Just spit it out already. Is it you or Alanso who’s fooling around with Sally and making his best buddy jealous as hell?” Tom didn’t usually gossip, but he scratched his head as he asked.

Eli closed his eyes, took a deep breath and borrowed a page out of Alanso’s book. He’d fucking put it all right out there to the Hot Rods before. Eli admired him a little more after tonight. “Actually. It’s Alanso and me who’ve kind of tangled it up a bit. Not as much as he wants, though. Not yet.”

“Oh.” Tom paused for a second. He blinked. “I see. I guess I don’t quite understand why you boys are fighting then.”

“That’s all you’re going to say about it?”

“I don’t think I’m ready for details just yet.” Tom chuckled. “Gotta give a guy a minute to work things out first. I’m not surprised you two love each other. Just not sure I figured you’d jump straight to that without easing your way in first. For so long I’ve wondered about Sally, I guess I didn’t see it. Actually…something happened when you went out there to help the crew. After the accident. Didn’t it?”

Eli swallowed hard and nodded.

“This is starting to make sense.” Tom tapped his fingers on his knee slowly. “I’ve been trying to figure out what changed. I thought maybe seeing their close call reminded you of your mom. That maybe you’d realized you don’t get all the time in the world to waste, so you’d decided to make a move.”

“Actually, I think that’s kind of what happened to Alanso. Yes.” Eli sighed.

“But you’re being stubborn, aren’t you?” Tom grunted. “It’s all coming clear now. You dumbass. You pushed him away?”

me to be gay?” Eli jumped to his feet, flinging his hands in the air. “Is everyone losing their fucking minds around here?”

“I love you no matter who you decide to be with, Eli.” Tom also stood. He might have been an inch or two shorter than his son, but there was no mistaking his ranking in their family. “I don’t think things are as simple as terms make them out to be. You’ve got something with those kids. It’s been there since the beginning. Who am I to say what’s right or wrong? It is how it is.”

“But it’s never been like
before.” Eli paced the modest living room. “Why now?”

“Maybe you weren’t ready.” Tom caged in his son, dropping his hand on Eli’s shoulder. “You’ve done a hell of a lot of growing up over the past ten years. Built your business, your friendships. You played around enough to know what you like. And you’ve helped them all get to a somewhat normal place. That took a long time. A lot of healing had to be done. I think somewhere, deep down, you know the gang is ready to take this next step.”

“You get that I don’t just want Alanso, right?” Eli clenched the fireplace mantle so hard his knuckles turned white. “I have no idea what exactly this is going to look like when it’s all said and done, but I think it’s bigger than him and me. Yeah, you’re right. I have a major thing for Sally. I’m pretty damn sure Alanso does too.”

“Dream big, son.” Tom grinned. “But maybe you’d better start with Alanso if things between you are spiraling out of control. No more of this fighting. I hate to see that. It bothers all of you kids. Sets everyone on edge. They’ve had too much misery already in their lives to borrow more from you. Hell, you two are practically an old married couple anyway. Just without the sex. Might as well add the benefits.”

“And I think that’s where I draw the line when talking to my father.” Eli was attempting to be mature about this, but he hadn’t even slammed a shot or two before coming over here to dull the awkwardness. What had he been thinking?

“Yeah, me too.” Tom nodded. “But I did win that round of chicken.”

Eli laughed. He went with his gut and turned to hug his dad. “Thank you for understanding. I do know how lucky I am, by the way.”

“So do I.” Tom clutched him hard enough to crack a rib. After all he’d been through it would have been easy to turn sour, angry at the world. Yet he never had. He’d held tight to the good times he’d had and the legacy his wife had left. Because of him, the Hot Rods all had a home. “Now get the hell out of here so I can go to bed.”



Eli flung his arm away from where it’d been curled over his face. It was no use. He couldn’t sleep. Hadn’t managed to stop thinking about what he’d seen at Chestnut Grove for more than three milliseconds since he climbed into bed. Especially since he knew Alanso was right there on the other side of the wall that was bookended by the headboards of their beds.

Plus, by some miracle, not only his friends but also his father approved of the dangerous liaison he’d plotted and replotted during the endless hours of darkness. With the first rays of morning that beamed through his window, Eli saw clearly what he’d like to do.

Hell, it’d be impossible to miss the tent made by his sheets over his rock-solid erection.

He could slip through the adjoining bathroom he and Alanso shared, into the dusk-shrouded midst of the other guy’s lair. After pulling back the black silk sheets, he’d tuck himself in to steal some of his friend’s warmth.

Sleepy, Alanso wouldn’t stand a chance at resisting. He adored morning sex.

Of all the Hot Rods, he was one of the few likely to invite a woman to stay overnight. Probably because he liked opening his eyes and seeing his date hadn’t left.

Eli slapped the mattress a few times, gearing himself up to action. Just when he had committed and kicked off his blankets, the rush of water hitting the tile of their shower stopped him short.

What the hell? Alanso didn’t open today. Or ever, really. The rest of the guys knew he preferred a lazy start to the morning and left him to the late shift most times. Eli generally stayed the whole day, opening and closing, no matter how often they told him to get the fuck out of his own business to enjoy some time off.

Truth was, when you loved what you did, and who you did it with, it hardly felt like a job at all. This—making things right with the guy who mattered most to him—was hard work. And he was prepared to do whatever it took to fix the damage he’d inflicted.

He staggered into the bathroom, surprised by how stiff he was. Christ, he’d had massive hangovers less painful. Had he lain there completely tense all night?

The running shower made wet noises as Alanso got clean. The splashes guaranteed Eli had to use the facilities before confronting his friend.

This was familiar ground. Ten years of sharing a bathroom meant someone often had to take care of business while the other was occupied in the shower. Usually it was the other way around. Eli preparing for the day while Alanso relieved himself of some of the beer they’d chugged the night before then stumbled back to bed for another nap.

“Hey.” Eli tried not to startle Alanso as he made his way to the toilet. He wondered if Al was imagining his hand holding his dick when he didn’t answer immediately.

“Look who it is… Asshole, party of one.”

Eli didn’t laugh along. The truth stung.

“Didn’t hear your alarm go off. Thought you were still sleeping,” Alanso finally responded. “Was it the shower that woke you? Sorry.”

“Nah.” Eli didn’t bother with pajamas so it wasn’t more than ten seconds before he tugged back the curtain and joined his partner in the shower, despite the sputters of outrage coming from the shorter man’s luscious mouth. “I haven’t really been to bed. Couldn’t manage to doze off with the memory of your mouth on that dude’s cock.”

“Disgusted you that much, huh?” Alanso glanced away or he might have spotted Eli’s hard-on. Even the chilly secondary splash from the shower spray didn’t wilt the damn thing.

“Hardly.” Eli had done so much harm. He knew one thing that would convince Alanso he was serious about changing the course he’d taken so far. “I think you should be on the lookout. My dad is likely to pay you a visit today.”

“Why?” Alanso’s breathing grew faster. He ignored the droplets forming on his mocha skin, streaming down his bald head, the powerful cords of his neck and onto his chest. The barbells in his pebbled nipples decorated his pecs, making Eli long to lean forward and lick them like Phil had done the day before.

They stared into each other’s eyes. “I told him about us.”

“You did
?” Alanso might have slipped and cracked his thick skull open if Eli hadn’t lunged for him when he jerked. He banded his arm around Alanso’s trim waist and tugged him close until they aligned, torso to torso. “Is he going to ask me to leave?”

“Jesus. Would you quit that? He’s not your mom. He won’t ever abandon you.” Eli grabbed Alanso’s chin with his free hand and angled the guy’s face toward his. “No one thinks less of you for being honest about what you want. I should have done the same. A long time ago. My dad had it right. There’s a reason I’ve never had a girlfriend. I couldn’t stand the idea of anyone replacing you in my life. You were right last night when you said I didn’t deserve you. But I’m asking you to give me a chance anyway.”

“Cobra?” Alanso blinked up at him, crystal drops decorating his long, dark lashes.

“Yeah.” He couldn’t help but grind his cock on Alanso’s hip. The guy was powerful. Stocky and tenacious. He reminded Eli of a pitbull. The possibility of that much strength focused on him…it had his engine revved in no time.

“As much as I’d kill for what you’re offering—”

“What? You’re still turning me down?” He drew away far enough to really scrutinize Alanso’s expression as best he could in the dim light of the shower area.

“Maybe. I need to ask you something first.” He plucked the shower gel from a rack in the corner of the enclosure and lathered up his palms. When he smeared bubbles all over his torso, Eli thought he might choke on his own tongue.

“Spit it out already.” Eli couldn’t wait much longer. Either to fuck or to know the offer was really off the table for good.

“Not to sound greedy, but…”

“Oh. That.” Containing his grin would have been impossible. “Yeah, I plan to live it up, Alanso. I don’t know who might be in or how the logistics will work, but, yes, I want what the crew has and I’m willing to do what it takes to sell our Hot Rods on the arrangement.”

Come mierda!
” His head fell back, knocking into the tile hard enough to alarm Eli. “You’re not fucking with me, are you? Please, don’t do that to me. Be sure. I can’t handle you changing your mind.”

“Can’t we take this one step at a time?” Eli shuffled closer, insinuating one of his thighs between Alanso’s legs. The other trapped him in place. “We don’t even know if I’m any good at this. What if you don’t like it?”

“Don’t think that’s going to be a problem.” Alanso slithered against him, spreading the soapy foam between their bodies. It felt so good. Hot, slick and soft on top of Alanso’s hardness. “But I’m willing to test that theory.”

“I hate fighting with you. No one’s yelled at me for eating at the drive-thru for the past three days or photobombed my portfolio shots of the last two finished projects or changed the letters on the daily special sign into dirty offers when I wasn’t looking. The last couple months have sucked.” Eli closed his eyes as he said what he’d been thinking for quite a while. “I’ve missed you.”

“Same goes. So let’s make up.” Alanso used some of his lady-killer Latin dance moves to undulate his abs and hips against Eli’s wet body. Seems they were just as effective on guys. He almost came right then, shooting all over Alanso’s thigh.

“Shouldn’t that be
and make up?” Eli leaned in and nipped Alanso’s lip before he could lose all semblance of control. But he couldn’t stop at just one nibble. He sealed their lips together and devoured the full mouth that seldom stayed this quiet or this serious in his company.

He reached out with one hand, grabbing the bottle of gel. He flipped open the cap and squished a dollop into his palms, then retreated from the temptation of Alanso’s kisses before he let the seduction steal all his rationality.

“Turn around.”

Alanso obeyed instantly, showing him the array of artwork gracing the bunched muscles of his back, ass, thighs and calves.

“Good idea. I think I’d prefer
and make up.” Alanso braced his hands on the tiles and shoved his ass in Eli’s direction.

“Not so fast.” Eli smacked that bubble butt hard enough to leave a red imprint of his palm. The spank echoed through their bathroom, tempting him to do it again. And once more. Then he proceeded to massage the soap into Alanso’s blushing cheeks before cleaning the rest of his skin.

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