King Cobra (Hot Rods) (10 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

BOOK: King Cobra (Hot Rods)
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A smug smile crept onto Alanso’s face. He liked having this effect on his boss.

Then Eli’s eyes cleared of the haze of his wicked orgasm. His throat flexed and his Adam’s apple bobbed before he said, “Go easy on me.”

Alanso flung out his arm, preventing Eli from rolling onto his stomach and presenting his ass. “Cobra. No. We both know I was supposed to lose that game.”

“But you didn’t.” Eli sighed. “You deserve it. Earned a hell of a prize too. I’ve never felt like that before. Christ, Alanso.”

He wrapped his hand around Alanso’s neck and brought him close for a kiss. Another shock, as he didn’t seem to give a shit that the mouth he tongue-fucked was dressed in his own release. Alanso found himself fighting against the pressure in his balls again.

“Just get me off. Somehow. I don’t care. It’ll take two strokes of your hand.” Alanso grew desperate, writhing in Eli’s hold. “Touch me. Please.”

“No.” Eli separated them. He smiled softly, then kissed Alanso’s forehead. “Chicken? I’m about as relaxed as I’m ever going to be. Do it.”

He did manage to roll over this time, presenting the full glory of his body to Alanso to do with as he pleased. A man could only argue so much. He didn’t claim to be strong. That was what his Hot Rods were for.

Alanso lunged for his nightstand and took out the bottle of lube he used when he jerked off at night, sometimes to the sounds of Eli fucking a woman in the next room. Though, now that he thought about it, he couldn’t remember the last time Cobra had brought someone home.

Definitely before the incident with the crew. Why hadn’t he noticed that earlier?

“Here.” He yanked a pillow from the head of the bed and slapped it against Eli’s hip. “Lift up.”

When Cobra obeyed, pride and something deeper rushed into Alanso. Eli wouldn’t let just anyone do this. His trust and confidence in Alanso spoke volumes without a single word. Al swore to always deserve what Eli gave him.

After making sure Cobra was comfortable, with his limp cock and balls nestled on the pillow, Alanso spread his cheeks. He popped the lid on the lube and drizzled some in the valley of Eli’s ass. The guy jumped, cursing under his breath because of the chilly goo.

“It’ll warm up in a second.” Alanso rubbed it around where it pooled in the dip of Eli’s ass, making sure to get him good and slippery. With his other hand, he applied a generous amount to his own cock, working it in with several passes over his steely shaft.

! I’ve never been this hard.” Alanso forced himself to let go. He didn’t intend to shut down the party before it had really gotten started.

“Good. Should make this easier.” Eli mumbled against the mattress. He’d rested his head on one bent arm. If it weren’t for his shoulders betraying his elevated respiration, Alanso might have thought him ready to fall asleep.

“I don’t know, Eli.” Alanso hesitated. “I’m not sure you can take me. It’s a lot just going right into this. You heard Links last night. He said I wasn’t ready. That I should play with some toys first.”

“He saw me,” Eli confessed. “He knew you were mine. And that I’m yours. He told you that so no one would fuck you.”

“Seriously?” Something in the neighborhood of Alanso’s heart did back flips at the revelation.

“Yeah. There were lights in the bushes near me—”

“Not that part.” Alanso rubbed his thumb over Eli’s hole, pressing in the slightest bit.

Eli gasped. “Yes. We belong to each other. All of the Hot Rods do. But especially you and me. Always have. Don’t you think so too?”

When he glanced over his shoulder, Eli shot him a look full of concern. Alanso couldn’t bear to see the arrogant
unsure of himself. It just didn’t suit.

“Yeah. I do.” Alanso leaned forward, blanketing his best friend. He covered the guy he would protect always. The proximity allowed him to lay a kiss, similar to the one he could still feel burning on his forehead, on Eli’s cheek. This was so much more than sex to him.

But he was only human. And he needed relief. Badly.

His cock rode the furrow of Eli’s ass. Every time the leaking head probed against Eli’s entrance, they both groaned. “Last chance, Cobra. I’d gladly take the rest of that blowjob. You have a really talented mouth.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. Fuck me, Alanso.” Eli barked the command. He growled, “You had your finger in my ass a minute ago—I think that’s enough warming up. Just get your cock in there before I do change my mind.”

“If you’re not sure…”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Eli rolled his eyes, making Alanso laugh.

“Fine.” He spanked the ass on display before him, not feeling the need to be gentle like when he played with a chick. “But for the record, I barely touched you before you went off like a rocket. This is going to be a lot different,

“Seriously? Your finger felt pretty enormous and deep to me.” Eli looked over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised.

Alanso shook his head, giving him yet another chance to change his mind.

He didn’t take it.

“Inside me. Now.” And though Eli might be the one beneath Alanso, he had all the power. By submitting to this thing between them, he proved just how strong he was and how seriously he took their test. “You’re not going to last anyway. I give you five strokes before you pump your load in my ass.”

“Keep talking like that and it’ll be three.” Alanso wrapped his fist around his cock, aimed the tip at Eli’s ass and splayed his free hand on his best friend’s lower back. He let Eli brace his weight as he shifted forward.

At first he thought it wasn’t going to work. No way could the tiny opening accommodate his epic hard-on. He started to retreat.

“Don’t you dare,” Eli panted. “Try again. Push harder.”

“You’ve got to relax, Cobra.” Alanso petted the boss’s flank. Rock-hard muscles were drawn tight. At the soothing strokes, they began to loosen. He positioned himself at the gateway to Eli’s body once more.

And this time he sank inside, bit by bit.

Hijo de puta
!” Alanso shouted. When he paused, Eli seemed to groan louder, so he forged on. Soon the pressure on the head of his cock abated a tiny bit and he plunged in several inches at once. He froze, rubbing Eli’s back and mumbling all kinds of Spanish—endearments, curses and reassurances.

He tried desperately to focus on helping his friend accept him in his ass instead of ruminating on losing his male-on-male anal virginity. Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to keep from rutting like an animal for the two and a half seconds it would take to explode.

“I’m good now.” Eli’s promise sounded strained. “Jesus, you’re fucking thick. What do you have, a tree trunk back there?”

Alanso laughed. They both moaned at the friction.

“Just little old me.” He took the opportunity to smear more lube around the circumference of his erection, impressed at the chubbiness of his cock. It stretched Eli until the ring of muscle was thin and tight where it hugged Alanso.

“Fuck. You.” Eli grunted. “No. Better. Fuck me. I don’t know how long I can take it this time. Hurry.”

“Damn. Sorry, Cobra.” Alanso started to retreat. He didn’t want to hurt this man. Ever.

“Don’t you dare pull out. That’ll be worse. Come on. At least let me feel what it’s like when it gets good. I want you to come in me. I want to walk around with you inside me today and wonder if anyone else can tell. I hope they can.” He sounded like he might be getting horny again.

And no way could Alanso resist that siren song.

He worked his way forward and back until the flat pad of muscle over his pelvis fit tight to Eli’s ass. He couldn’t stop staring at the juncture of their bodies, where he and Eli became one. Fusing them tighter, he bottomed out.

“That’s right. I have all of you, don’t I?” Eli already knew the answer to that question. They both did.

“Hell yes.” Alanso nuzzled Eli’s neck until the man tipped his head, making more room. Al applied his lips to the spot just below his friend’s ear and began to suck in time to the rocking of his hips.

“Fuck yeah.” Eli didn’t try to run, not that he could have. “Leave a mark. Let them all know I’m yours.”

Alanso couldn’t help himself. He fucked Eli. Not delicately, but as he needed. He rode Cobra while running his hands over the other man’s arms, down his sides and through his hair. Never once did he stop feasting on the slightly salty flesh of Cobra’s neck. Not when he could feel Eli’s heart pounding in the vein there and knew he loved every moment of this as much as Alanso did.

A lifetime of doubt and the fear of rejection flew from his soul. This man would take him, however he was. This friend would never shy away. He accepted Alanso and loved him enough to let him have this.

In fact, it was better than that.

It seemed Eli needed it too. His grunts turned from those of a guy enduring rough treatment to one who reveled in it. The muscles of his ass began to clench rhythmically as he fucked against the pillow beneath him.

When Alanso applied the barest hint of teeth to Eli’s neck, he roared. “Oh shit. Al. You’re going to make me come again. Fuck. Ahhh.”

Alanso might not have believed it, but there was no faking how stiff Eli got beneath him or the way his ass nearly squeezed Alanso’s cock in two. He had to ram his hips forward to penetrate the nearly impossible pressure.

Then it relented, becoming intermittent as Eli spilled what little his balls had left to give directly onto Alanso’s pillow. The power of that surrender combined with the tailor-made caresses of Eli’s body on his.

Alanso shoved up on straight-locked arms, his back arching impossibly as he roared into the quiet morning air. Come jettisoned from his cock, flying up from the very bottom of his balls. It launched inside Eli, splattering as far and deep inside the man as he was capable of sending it.

Still his orgasm continued, lingering until the clamping of his muscles became almost painful and he was sure he had not a drop left to deliver. He tried not to collapse and crush Eli in the process, but it was no use. Every atom in his body turned to jelly. He counted on his best friend to catch him, cradle him, while he recovered from the storm of passion they’d invoked together.

When his cock softened enough to slip from Eli’s body, he shifted, snuggling beside the man who’d trusted him so completely. Sweat adhered their bodies, making him sad as they peeled apart once more. So much for that shower.

“Are you okay?” Alanso traced one of Eli’s brows above his closed eyes.

“Mmm.” He sounded like more of a pussycat than a poisonous snake at the moment. “Think I’ll just take a nap, if you don’t mind.”

Alanso chuckled. “I could go for one too. Do you need me to go get a cloth or something? Clean you up?”

“Nah. Just want to lay here for a minute. I’m pretty sure you’re going to need a new pillow, though.” Eli cracked open one eye. It glinted with mischief that was reflected in his crooked grin.

Alanso felt something shift in the space between them. The bond he thought was already indestructible grew and strengthened. From this moment on, he knew they’d never let anything come between them again.

“Thank you.” He didn’t bother to hide the sheen of tears in his eyes. How could he when Eli had ripped himself open and put his soul on display?

“Anytime.” Eli shifted until he could engulf Alanso’s hand in his. “Well, except next time. That’s my turn to see what had you making all that racket back there.”

Alanso coughed. Because he had a pretty good idea what had caused all the noise from beneath him. And he couldn’t wait to experience it for himself.

They drifted in utter peace for several minutes.


“Yeah? What do you need, Alanso?” It sounded as if even those few coherent words took a lot of effort to produce.

“Quit talking to me in your voicemail voice.” Al swallowed hard. The sexy rumble made it hard to concentrate.

“What does that even mean?” Eli smiled. He loved it when Alanso made words up.

“You know, like when you recorded your message for the shop. Slow, clear, serious… I admit some of the hang-ups we got at first were me listening to it. It’s sexy as hell, and—oh, shit… I just thought of something. It’s Friday, right? Don’t you have to be to work in…” He glanced at the clock. “…five minutes? Unless you talked someone else into accepting the tanker delivery this morning.”

“Son of a bitch!” Eli slapped his palm on the bed. “You’re right. I have to get down there. Unless…”

“I love you and all, but not enough to get out of this bed anytime soon,
.” When Eli slapped his ass—hard—Alanso full-out laughed for the first time since their trip to help the crew.

Eli leapt from bed and jogged to his room. Alanso rolled onto his side, braced on one arm so he could watch his
white ass in motion. Never in a million years would he have imagined Cobra would welcome him in there.

Or places even more well guarded.

Like his heart.

Chapter Eight

Eli kicked back in his office chair. It was the passenger seat of a Ferrari F360 Challenge the guys had salvaged and mounted on a swivel base. They’d surprised him with it for Christmas a few years back. Holden was a genius when it came to reupholstering and the interior work of their restorations. He’d done a great job on this and they used it as part of their portfolio when seducing upscale customers.

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