Kiss of Ice (St. James Family) (7 page)

BOOK: Kiss of Ice (St. James Family)
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Well?” he asked, still not looking at her. “Nothing to say?"

Because the Brazil deal is done?” she asked. She could feel the coldness creeping back into her. The businesswoman was taking over again. He dropped his head and sighed.

Because I'm done with Brazil,” he said.

Does William know?” Annata asked.


So William had nothing to do with this decision?” she asked, not quite believing it. When William said jump, Christophe said 'how high?'

Goddammit, Annie.” He shook his head. “That's all you have to say?” Annata turned back to the window and stared out blindly. She realized that having him in New York would complicate her life infinitely. But her heart was racing. A ridiculous thought occurred to her. Maybe she wouldn't have to give him up. The attraction to Christophe was definitely not fading. And the sex was mind-blowingly, earth-shatteringly good.The more time she spent with him, the greedier she was getting. When she had seen Julie all over Christophe in the office, she had wanted to grab the bitch by her red hair and pull her off of him. But then Christophe had acted so blasé about Julie. He didn't seem to see that Julie was obviously still in love with him. And the most telling thing was he didn't seem to care. Would he someday be that way towards her when he found someone new to fuck? Would it even matter, once she was CEO?

Annata shook her head. So many thoughts ran through her brain, but for once, she didn't know what to say.



Chapter 10


Julie breezed through the entrance of the restaurant, her sable coat drooping off of her bony shoulders. She wore a green strapless dress that showed off her perky tits to perfection. She wrapped an arm around Christophe's neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek, her eyes catching Annie's. “So glad you could make it,” she breathed. She and Annie exchanged air kisses. “Are you ready to have an orgasm in your mouth?” She asked, her eyes now firmly planted on Christophe.

Christophe was pissed.  Annie had been giving him the silent treatment for the last 20 minutes. She didn't want him to move to New York. After everything, she still didn't want him. And now he had to deal with Julie and her elitist bullshit. He wanted to punch a hole in the nearest wall. He wondered how the two ladies he accompanied would react to that? Suppressing a bitter smile, he swept his arm out, motioning for them to precede him into the dining room. The stern maitre'd led them to a quiet nook in the full dining room. The table was small and intimate, lit with a trio of beeswax candles. Great.

He pulled out Julie's chair first and she squeezed his arm in appreciation. He suppressed an eye-roll and then moved to get Annie's chair. She plopped her perfect ass in the seat without so much as a glance. He took a deep breath and worked his jaw. This dinner was obviously going to be hell. He just wanted it over with as soon as possible. Unbuttoning his suit jacket, he sat down.

Is a bottle of red okay?” Julie asked, her eyelashes fluttering.

Red sounds amazing.” Annie answered, fiddling with her earring. He narrowed his eyes at her light tone. She'd rejected him and now she was acting like nothing had happened? He felt hot anger burning in his chest as he stared at her.

Julie ordered a vintage bottle of wine for the table and then smiled at Annie. “So Annata, how long have you and Christy been working together?” She began in French.

“For about
” Annie flicked her wrist and glanced at her gold watch. “Fifty-six hours.”

Oh.” Julie looked surprised. “But you've been with the company for how long?”

Fourteen years,” Annie said, then looked surprised herself. “Christ. Time flies.”

That is very true.” Julie smiled at Christophe. “I almost can't believe how much time has passed since we were in college together.” Christophe didn't answer. Julie could go down memory lane by herself. He wasn't interested in reliving the past. “We lived together. We left the dorms and had an apartment. It was right above a bar, and we would just stay out and drink all night.” She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. Annie laughed along, her eyes cold. “We would go on trips all the time, flying off to the Caribbean, Aspen, or California on a whim.”

Sounds carefree,” Annie said.

I'm glad you're working for International now. You always wanted to work with your father,” Julie said t0 Christophe, patting his knee under the table.

Did I ever really have a choice?” he snorted.

You do have a choice,” Annie said. Christophe took a deep breath. The waiter chose that moment to swoop in with the wine. They sat in silence as he poured their glasses. When the waiter finally left, Julie swirled the wine in her glass.

I heard you were in Brazil, so I was surprised to hear you were in Paris.” She caught his eyes over her glass.

I heard you were married,” he shot back. Julie's smile faltered.

married. Past tense.” She took a deep drink. Annie cleared her throat and glared at Christophe. He turned his attention from the woman who
to drive him mad to focus on the one who was
driving him mad.

You've never been married, have you, Annata?”  He saw the flash of anger behind her eyes and felt an odd sense of satisfaction.

Not that I recall,” she said, her cold voice incongruous with the heat in her eyes.

Hmm. I wonder why that is.” He drummed his fingers on the table.

Because I don't have time for foolishness and temper tantrums,” she shot back. He smiled, taunting her.

I think we should order,” Julie murmured.

Yes, let's.” Annie agreed.

I think we should do the prix-fixe. The courses –
il sont magnifiques.
” She closed her menu and signaled the waiter. Christophe waved his hand dismissively. Annie shot him a look and then nodded.

I trust you, Julie,” Annie said with a smile. Christophe balled up his napkin in his hand. Julie ordered for them in French.

So Julie, how are things going? In your life?”

Well, until Father's sudden illness, fine. I am back in university for my second Master's degree.” Julie took a sip of her wine.

What are you studying?” Annie said, making conversation.

Philosophy.” Julie smiled.

Interesting.” Christophe couldn't help himself. “And what was your philosophy behind choosing philosophy?” Julie blinked at him.

I always liked philosophy in school. Don't you remember?”

Well, you took philosophy, world history, art history, photography, basically any useless subject that could take your mind off of your useless existence.” He shrugged. Julie's smooth brow furrowed. “I was right there with you, skating through, even though I was in the business program.”

Christophe,” Annata said again, on red alert. The waiter served them three matching bowls of something green and leafy, with a yellow sauce. As soon as the waiter left them, Christophe swooped in again.

What do you think of philosophy as a life calling, Annata?” He turned to Annie. “Don't you have a Master's degree in both business and economics?” Annie ignored him, spearing some greens on her fork.

Are you saying philosophy is not worthy of study, Christophe?” Julie asked, her green doe-eyes wide and innocent. That look could undo men, he knew from experience.

What do you plan on doing with your Master's in Philosophy?” Christophe asked, before emptying his glass. “What kind of work will you pursue?”

Work?” Julie laughed, pressing her manicured nails to her lips. “Why must there be a reason to further one's studies? There's joy in learning, is there not?”

Of course,” Christophe said.

You shouldn't be so American, Christy. A little bit more time in Paris, and you'll remember what's really important,” Julie smiled smugly. Christophe refilled his wine glass.

Funny you should say that.” He took a gulp. “That's exactly why I came to Paris. To remember what's important.”

Oh?” Julie leaned in, her fingertips clamping onto his thigh under the table. “Are you playing games with me

with us?” She asked, seeming to remember that Annie was also sitting at the table. Julie sent a quick smile to Annie, who smiled back. Christophe caught Annie's eyes above the candle. Her look was ambivalent, as if she were above the fray. Damn woman.

No games.” He smiled. “Annie was coming to Paris. So I came to Paris.” He felt Julie stiffen beside him, her hand dropping from his thigh. Annie crossed her legs under the table, rolling her eyes.

Bullshit.” Annie finally spoke. “William asked you to come and he says jump

And I say how high.” Christophe sat back in his seat, lacing his fingers in front of him. The waiter drifted around them again, clearing dishes and bringing more. Christophe didn't break Annie's gaze. She narrowed her golden-brown eyes at him and he waited. Waited for her to go for the jugular. Prayed for it. “Like Brazil,” he said, nudging.

Precisely.” She nodded slowly, not taking the bait.

And it was a huge success. Put me in the running. And I've got stamina, I can keep this race going for however long it takes.” He licked his lips.  She blinked, her mouth twitching. Beside him, Julie cleared her throat.

The running for what? I don't understand,” Julie said, her voice dripping honey again.

It's always been my company, I suppose. I just didn't realize it. But my eyes have been opened as of late. I think mahogany and black leather will work in my New York office.” Christophe couldn't suppress a smile at Annie's deadly look. “What do you think, Julie?”

Tres jolie
.” Julie murmured, taking a sip of her wine. Annie scoffed,her elbow on the table as she leaned toward him.

You're so full of shit, Christophe Van der Kind. And as far as an office in New York, it's never going to happen. I'll make sure of it.” Annie purred. He leaned toward her, snapping his fingers.

It's done. Like that. It's done. One call. That's all it'll take.”

You.” Annie pointed her perfect finger in his face. “You can go straight to hell.”

Only if I can follow you down.” He wrapped his fingers around her wrist, turning it out. Then he pressed a kiss to the perfumed skin, her veins pumping blood beneath his lips. She opened her mouth, then closed it again.

Excuse me,” Julie said, standing so abruptly that the table shook. Then she turned and hurried away.

You're an asshole.” Annie pulled her hand free and stood to follow.




Annata closed the bathroom door behind her. She heard retching in the far stall, the sound echoing through the marble room. Julie was throwing up the little bit of dinner she had. Annata sighed and went to the sink. She turned on the faucet, the running water drowning out the noise. She spruced up her lipstick with a shaking hand. What the hell was he thinking? She froze, remembering the feel of his lips on her wrist. He was angry with her. Pushing all the right buttons and getting her all worked up. And Julie too, apparently.

The stall door slammed and Julie clacked out in her stilettos, stopping short when she saw Annata. She mumbled something to herself in French that Annata didn't quite catch. Then she moved around Annata to the sink.

“You must think I'm
” she said, her English trailing off.

I think Christophe is acting like a child. But he's very sleep deprived. Jet lag.” Annata said, annoyed that she was even attempting to explain away Christophe's dickish actions.

I know him.” Julie waved her hand. Annata noticed Julie's mascara was smudged under her eyes. “He's unhappy. So he takes it out on everyone.” Julie dipped and splashed her mouth with water.

No excuse,” Annata murmured to herself.

He's in love with you.” Julie stood, opening her bag and pulling out her lipstick. Annata smoothed her lips, spreading the creamy lipstick to cover.

I don't think so.” She shook her head. The thought was ridiculous. Christophe wanted to fuck her, in more ways than one. But love? She felt a hysterical laugh bubbling to the surface but she suppressed it.

Why did he agree to dinner, if he was going to flaunt it like that in front of me?” she said, in fast French.

Because he's an idiot.” Annata answered back, in French.

No. He's a lover. A wanderer, searching for happiness.” Julie paused in front of the mirror. “Tonight I wanted to take him home and make love to him. And then he would vanish, and this night would forever be beautiful.” Julie sighed. A tear traced its way down her cheek. Annata stared at her, completely speechless for the second time that night. “I wished for a magic night. But it is not to be. I accept that.”

Annata felt herself nodding, watching the beautiful French woman clean up the smudged mascara under her eyes.

“I want him to be happy. But I want happiness for myself. Don't I deserve happiness? The loneliness is stifling.” Julie reached into her bag, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and matches. She lit one, letting out a stream of smoke.  She offered one to Annata, who shook her head no. Julie sighed, taking another puff. “Americans. Always letting life's pleasures past you by,” she said, sadly.


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