Knight's Mistress (14 page)

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Authors: C. C. Gibbs

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Knight's Mistress
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Leaning forward, he kissed her rosy cheek and felt such surprising pleasure, he kissed her again – on her lips.

As his mouth lifted from hers, she blushed, looked down, then slowly raised her gaze to his. Innocence waiting to be fucked, he pleasantly thought.
And his
, he decided with the proprietary instincts of a modern princeling. He traced the pale curvature of her breasts with his fingertips. ‘You shouldn’t hide these,’ he softly said. ‘We’ll get you some clothes you can wear for me … in private.’ Capturing her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, he gently squeezed. ‘Something to show these off,’ he said, husky and low, watching the peaks swell with the increasing pressure.

She groaned as the ravishing sensations flowed downward, curled hot in the pit of her stomach, instantly liquefied her body as though she welcomed his casual coercion, as if she were utterly shameless, as if his touch, no matter how wilful, inflamed her lust. Squirming on the marble bar top, she whimpered, ‘Please, please … oh lord—’

‘Easy.’ His voice was low, silken, placating. ‘We have all night.’

She wanted to say, ‘I can’t wait all night’, but her brain was consumed with frenzied lust not speech, her senses in tumult, the ache between her legs relentless. His grip
on her nipples was firm, hard, insistent, his fingers strangely rough, as if he worked with his hands –
Oh God –
with ropes and whips. A terrifying sense of powerlessness ran up her spine at the thought of Dominic Knight with a whip and she shivered.

‘Hey, hey … slow down,’ he whispered, letting his fingers slip from her nipples. ‘Relax.’

His lips brushed hers, his kiss soothing, the warmth of his mouth lingering on hers with such gentleness, she could feel the wildness inside her ease. ‘How do you do it?’ she whispered.

Another benevolent little kiss. ‘It’s better if you don’t move too fast.’

‘And you can make it last?’ Her body was purring in wait mode.

His smile was close, heated. ‘We’ll try.’ Then he slid his palms under her breasts and raised his hands slightly. ‘How does this feel?’

‘Like I want you inside me.’

He grinned. ‘You’re rushing me, babe.’ He adjusted the weight of her breasts in his palms. ‘Maybe I don’t feel like doing that right now. Maybe I want you to wait.’ He spread his long, slender fingers, gently squeezed her soft flesh.

She swallowed hard as another heated surge streaked down from her breasts and a ripple of unbearable longing flared inside her. ‘What if I can’t wait?’

He looked up. ‘You have to.’

A resentful flash in her eyes. ‘Excuse me?’

‘I’m the one with the dick and you’re the one that wants it,’ he gently said. ‘It’s not complicated. Now look. We’re going to go – just a little higher? Like that? More? A little more? Jesus,’ he breathed, his gaze on her large breasts shoved up into towering mounds. ‘I’m going to have to fuck these huge tits.’

Even as she gasped at the discomfort, her body treacherously welcomed Dominic Knight’s coercion in a hot liquid rush of desire. She moaned, shifted slightly on the cool marble bar top, clenched her thighs against her stark craving.

Not yet, he selfishly thought.
‘Too high?’ But he didn’t lower his hands, he pushed her breasts higher.

She cried out in shock or distress or something else entirely.

That something else was too enticing to ignore. She didn’t mind a little pain.
‘No more waiting for you, Miss Hart?’ he pleasantly said.

‘I’d rather not.’

Snappish or randy, he wasn’t sure. ‘So you need a little help?’ But he was already slipping a finger into her slick cleft. ‘Umm, there we are.’ His fingertips tenderly touched her hypersensitive clit. ‘Nice.’ He squeezed delicately, looked up; his voice softened. ‘Did we get that right?’

She softly moaned as a riptide began rising inside, her cheeks flushed.

‘Here – lean back.’ He helped her shift her weight back on her hands. ‘Give me a little room.’ He slid his finger
past her clit, deeper, but not too deep, teasing her. ‘Better now?’

She pressed into his finger, moved her hips, lifted her big-eyed gaze to his.

‘Wound up tight, babe?’

‘Please … I mean it, please …’

A flicker of a smile. ‘You need to come down, don’t you?’ His hand brushed her cheek, slid down to her breast, cupped it gently, found her nipple and squeezed. Her small gasp warmed his cheek as he bent to add another finger to her silky heat. Pushing gently, he slid the second finger alongside the first, thrust both in slowly, lingered on her tingling G-spot, her swollen clit, looked up as she softly sighed. Then he settled into a slow, rhythmic in and out stroke, taking his time, watching her.

Gently rocking against his fingers, eyes shut against the building bliss, Kate finally gave in to her on-again-off-again burning hot craving for Dominic Knight. She didn’t care any more about kinkiness or control freak issues. He could be Bluebeard for all she cared, so long as he didn’t stop doing what he was doing. He was worlds better than any vibrator and a universe better than any of her former fumbling sexual partners. Really, with them the phrase ‘Lie back and think of England’ was totally appropriate. But with Dominic she groaned in a little musical exhalation of heavenly rapture. His selfless attentions to her GSspot were awesome.

‘You like that?’

She could hear the smile in his voice, the satisfaction, and on some perversely primal level it gave her pleasure to satisfy him. Not that the quid pro quo wasn’t unbelievable. Breathtaking. Seriously worth the wait.

Unhurried, focused, he massaged her clit, around and around, slowly, gently, perfectly on target, then stroked her G-spot with equal thoughtfulness, watching her from under his lashes, waiting for her to catch that perfect wave.

Her body suddenly went still, her breath caught.

‘Look at me or I’ll stop.’

She heard his soft growl through a red-hot, pre-orgasmic haze. Then the exquisite pressure on her clit disappeared. A fraction of a second passed before the significance of the two actions registered in her fevered brain and another second before her eyelids flew up.

She met Dominic’s smile.

‘Good girl. I want you to look at me when you come. Can you do that?’

‘Do I have a choice?’ A tight-lipped hiss.

Another smile, fainter. ‘I’ll take that as a yes.’

He waited briefly, saw she was in no position to argue, and resumed his gentle stroking.

She saw the flicker of amusement in his gaze, but she was beyond resistance, needing what he could give her, already feeling the sumptuous pleasure rekindle inside her. Her greedy clit quivered in delight, the throbbing between her legs matched the racing beat of her heart,
and forced to meet his hard, blue gaze, she yielded to his authority and to the rising frenzy of an imminent orgasm.

‘I want you to understand who’s in charge of your climax the next few days,’ he coolly said. ‘So there’s no misunderstandings.’

While a teeny, tiny part of her brain was telling him to fuck off, the rest of her mind was lit up like a Christmas tree, every pleasure centre blazing bright with feel-good colour, and right now she was willing to promise him anything. ‘Got it,’ she whispered, then gasped, ‘Oh God!’ and began to tremble.

‘Don’t shut your eyes.’

The sharp command coupled with a tap on her clit made her wince.

Made her take notice.

Dominic recognized the effort it took for her to raise her lashes, decided it was time to end this little game. ‘Just so we’re clear. I’m going to be fucking you all night, Miss Hart. If you please me, we’ll make some decisions after that on how to make further use of your skills. We’ll have a job evaluation in the morning, so do your best.’

She felt the first orgasmic ripples surge as she thought of Dominic Knight, cool-eyed and all business in that navy blue pinstripe suit evaluating her sexual competence in the morning. Sucking in her breath, she felt the next powerful wave slam through her body and nervously glanced up at Dominic.

‘You have my permission, Miss Hart,’ he gently said, his
fingers buried deep inside her. ‘You may come now.’

As if her body was his to command, as though she had no will, as though she was a slave to raging lust, she uttered a breathless sob and instantly climaxed. For stark moments, the world disappeared, her senses overwhelmed by orgasmic spasms so intense she felt as though she’d been swallowed up in a tidal wave.

Literally gasping, still half dazed, she broke through the surface of illusion, jerked back to reality by a mouth on her nipple. ‘No, no, don’t!’ Swinging her hand up, she tried to push Dominic away, every nerve still shell-shocked.

He brushed her hand down, held her gaze, lifted his brows fractionally – his message clear. Then he bent his head.

She went rigid, not quite sure whether she was fearful or pissed.

Looking up just before his mouth touched her nipple, he grinned. ‘Come on, Miss Hart. Another orgasm can’t be that bad.’

She sniffed. ‘How would you know?’

‘All in good time,’ he murmured, and bent his head.

But he was super-gentle, his tongue soothing her nipple with little tender butterfly licks, his fingertips resting quiescent on her clit, the pressure feather-light. Her spine eased, then her constraint, and short moments later she surrendered to lush sensation, squirmed against the rising heat coursing through her body, uttered a small sigh as Dominic drew the taut peak into his mouth and nibbled
lightly. Just nips at first, then little bites and as her breathing began to change, he clasped the tender tip between his teeth and exerted enough force to leave marks.

Her shocked cry quickly altered to a low throaty groan as hot pleasure nullified the sting.

‘Don’t move.’ His strong fingers sank into the soft, pliant flesh of her breast, held her prisoner as he drew her entire jewel-hard nipple into his mouth and began to suck. Hard, deliberately hard, sharply, punishingly, ignoring her whimpers – a predator taking what he wanted by force.

Her protest died in her throat – a casualty of a hot, spiking lust that left her speechless and disturbed. She shouldn’t be responding to such flagrant force.
Or such flagrant sensation
, a little voice pointed out. Then she heard him whisper, ‘You’re really wet, Miss Hart. Does that mean you like me?’ And she felt her face turn hot.

Even while mortified at her willing response, each authoritative bite of her nipple intensified the decadent, riveting sensations. ‘Damn you,’ she panted in blanket grievance against his authority and her breathless need. Then she sat up, shoved her fingers through his dark, silken hair, dragged his head closer, arched her back and strained against the unspeakable ecstasy.

Forceful and firm, ungentle and methodical, he first sucked the nipple in his mouth at length, then transferred his expertise to the other breast. His fingers also fully engaged.

Priming her for the night ahead.

She no longer felt the full impact of his brutal assault on her nipples. She only felt a volatile, white-hot lust: analgesic, incandescent, melting away reason and intellect, preference or choice.

As her breathing escalated, Dominic jerked his head from her grasp and leaned back slightly. ‘Ready, Miss Hart?’

No longer moored in reality, she didn’t hear him. Her eyes were half closed, her swollen nipples were throbbing in time to her heartbeat and skittish pre-orgasmic flutters were beginning to spin out of control.

He smiled. Was six days enough to fully explore his new employee’s hot-blooded passions? Should he change his plans, bring her along? He frowned. That meant moving outside his comfort zone. Not that he wouldn’t be well compensated. Sex on demand didn’t look like it would be a problem for Miss Hart.

A soft whimper interrupted his musing.

Recapturing her nipple in his mouth, he gripped the soft, elastic tissue with his teeth, grasped her other nipple with his free hand and eased his head and hand back by slow degrees until both nipples were stretched and distended. Intensified his focus on her G-spot as well for sure-fire results.

Whimpering in a ragged little cadence, Kate no longer knew if it was pleasure or pain bombarding her brain, the raw sensations overwhelmed by a raging hysteria. Whether it was torment or bliss she was feeling, the result was drenching her sex, stealing her reason, shattering her
nerve endings, driving her with churning force towards orgasm.

‘Oh God,’ she panted. ‘Oh God, oh God, oh—’

Her explosive scream shattered the stillness, an all-encompassing, soul-stirring ecstasy invaded her soul.
I never knew, I never knew, I never knew it could be this unbelievably good …
And she willingly gave herself up to the awesome, can-you-die-from-such-acute-pleasure orgasm that streamed, gushed, poured through her body for so long she ran out of breath to scream.

And was reduced at the end to a purr of contentment.

Then silence.

When she finally opened her eyes, she whispered, ‘I love the whole, entire, indescribably
world …’

Easing his fingers from her body, Dominic stood upright and smiled. ‘A dynamite orgasm will do that for you.’

‘You really
good,’ she breathed.

‘You’re really easy to please,’ he pleasantly said. ‘There’s more when you’ve recovered.’

She languorously stretched, smiled. ‘Because you haven’t come.’

‘No. I was thinking of you.’ His blue gaze was benevolent, his voice mild. ‘You’re a natural. We’re going to get along.’

‘Did you think we wouldn’t?’ How could we not after
, she naively thought.

He shrugged. ‘You never know. Although,’ he said with a warm smile, ‘I’m looking forward to the night.’

Maybe it was the look in his eyes rather than his words that caused her alarm. ‘I may not last a
night,’ she nervously said.

‘I don’t think we have to worry about that.’ He reached out, ran his fingertip leisurely across the underside of one breast, his gaze assessing. ‘I’ve noticed you never wear a bra. You should,’ he said as if they’d been discussing her wardrobe rather than a night of sex.

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