KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) (100 page)

BOOK: KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4)
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“I also can’t believe you had this Madonna/whore issue about me going on in your head. I mean, come on! I let you put it anywhere.”

Mason’s shoulders shook with laughter. Seeing him smile relaxed the tension in her shoulders.

“You were the only one I had ever imagined spending my life with. Didn’t you realize that?”

Mason shook his head. Obviously he hadn’t. “I maybe had an idea, but I was too stupid or stubborn to recognize it.”

“Well that helps,” Laura quipped.

Mason gave her a flat look. “Cheeky. Anyway, I was an idiot male college student. I suppose I didn’t have enough sense to come to you and to tell my cock no. Forgive me, please.” He covered her hand with his. “I want to start over. For years I was chasing this ghost, never in a million years thinking I could catch it. You’re here and real to me now – I still don’t believe it – and I’d like you to give us another go.”

“I’ll consider it.” Laura bit her lip in thought. “I do need you to explain to me what you’ve been getting yourself up to in the bedroom, though. Tonight was intense, and I’d like to be a little more prepared. You aren’t going to flog me, are you?”

“Not unless you ask.” He laughed again. He wouldn’t dream of marking up her perfect skin. “Although, yes, I do enjoy that. I am the one in control. I like dictating the pace and the action involved. If you will allow it, I do like to bring out some equipment, anal plugs, paddles, silk ties, nipple clamps, that sort of thing.” He studied her face for a moment. She showed no signs of bolting, so he continued, “I would like you to be submissive to me, and I expect complete obedience, but it has to be something you want as well for it to work. Otherwise, I’ll take you any way you’ll have me.”

She had to admit to herself she was intrigued. She had looked into some kink before, but had been too chicken-shit to try anything. This instance felt different; she trusted Mason would take care of her. Something in her heart told her to give them another try.

“Okay. I’m down,” she finally answered.

Mason’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Yes, really. I’ll let you know if things are being pushed too far, but it can’t hurt to try. Um…” She had to think about how to phrase this next part. “You aren’t going to make me sign some weird NDA or a contract, are you? I mean, you are already a walking romance novel cliché.”

His deep belly laugh echoed off the walls. “Oh, God no. Just because I’m a sexy British billionaire doesn’t mean I’m going to fall into that trap.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “We’ll be in a real and public relationship. I want to take you places outside of the bedroom, and go on dates. I want a commitment, not some goofy faux-promise.”

She leaned in to kiss him, just a swift press of the lips. It was her own sort of promise to him to try, really try, because she knew he was worth it. “I want this, all of it. I’m willing to try again.” She smiled sweetly at him. “I do need to get home though. I have a meeting in the morning, and I have to get to the gym first.”

“Of course. I’ll call a car to take you home.”

“Thank you. Oh, and Mason?”


“You’re not that British. You’ve lived in the States too long,” she teased.

Mason sighed and grinned, “Get out before I ravish you again.”

Laura blew him a kiss and went down to the lobby to wait for the car.

Chapter Five


The next few days went by in a blur. Laura didn’t have the time to see Mason and could barely respond to the cheeky texts he’d been sending her. He had flown out to Seattle that Tuesday for a tech conference and wouldn’t be back until Friday morning.

The following month’s issue of the magazine was set to go to print in two days, so there would be many all-nighters spent with Chinese food and a red pen.

Laura’s phone chimed with a text from Mason:


The article is perfect. I’m sending my sign off by courier this afternoon.

Thank you for not burying me.


She smiled. She really could have done a number on him, but decided on professional integrity instead. Plus, he had a cute butt. She texted back:


It was nothing. ;) You’ve worked hard for your success. Far be it from me to ruin it.

BTW, the issue goes to print in two days then DOBBY IS FREE!!!



The thought of not sleeping under her desk sounded positively luxurious at that point. The crunch before the print date was always the most stressful time for her, but feeling the smooth gloss of the cover and the smell of the fresh ink always made Laura appreciate what she accomplished. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.

She checked for Mason’s reply:


Good. I’ve been imagining you bent over my desk all week.

Drinks after work that night?


Laura snorted. His words pushed her arousal button. She had been fantasizing about him all week in her spare time – which was more or less during her bathroom breaks or in the five minutes before she passed out from exhaustion. Friday she was going to have to heavily caffeinate to keep up with Prince Charming.


Yes. Also, I’m wet just thinking about it. <3


She powered her phone off and dropped it in her desk drawer. She had a meeting with her boss, and she could not afford to be distracted by the images in her head. She still had her responsibilities to manage, and no amount of sexy banter would keep her from doing her job.

Although, she did make a mental note to hang out with her battery-operated boyfriend when she got home.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“Jesus!” Laura nearly jumped out of her skin. “Oh, Frank. It’s you.” She pressed her hand to her chest, trying her best to keep it contained.

“But of course,” he grinned at her. “I haven’t seen you in a while. What do you say you and me hit the martini bar after work on Friday and blow off some steam?”

“That sounds lovely,” she lied. She hated martini bars, and all of the pretentious yuppies that flocked to them. “But I have plans that night.”

“Oh.” Frank cocked his head to the side. “With whom?”

It had never dawned on her that she would have to actually have a break-up conversation with her fuck buddy before, but here she actually had to do it. “I’m actually meeting this guy I’ve started seeing. Well, again. Actually, my ex-fiancé and I are trying to work things out.” She cleared her throat. She wanted to make sure her next few words were absolutely clear. “I’m sorry, Frank, but we can’t see each other anymore.”

“Okay. That’s fair.” An emotion shadowed his face for a moment, but Laura couldn’t tell what it was. She blinked and figured she must have imagined it.

“Great! I’m so glad you understand about me and Mason–”

“Well, we didn’t exactly have a relationship, Laura.” He smiled wryly. “At least, not a traditional one, eh?” Frank waggled his eyebrows at her.

“Ha! I suppose you’re right.” She looked down at her watch. “Shit! I am about to be late for a meeting with Daniel. I’ll see you around!” Laura sprinted down the hallway and just made it into Daniel’s office before the door closed.

Laura’s close shave irritated him a little bit.

“Sorry, boss. I got held up on my way here.”

“It’s fine, Miss Ross. Have a seat and let’s get started. We have a long night ahead of us.”

Chapter Six


Participating in an editorial meeting always made Laura want to drive a spike through her eye. There was so much arguing and name-calling, it was like being trapped in a monkey cage while they flung poo at each other. The group would manage to accomplish next to nothing in the hours they were locked up together.

She left the meeting pressing the heel of her hand over her right eye. The stress twitch had started again, and she needed to go lock herself in her office and hide in her coat closet.

She was surprised to open her door and find a huge bouquet of pink hydrangeas and a small brown wrapped package on her desk. In a flash her bad mood vanished as she dashed over to her desk to read the card,


These flowers remind me of the pink of your lips when I kiss you

And the blush in your cheeks when I taste you.


- M


Laura was positively giddy. A huge smile spread across her face, and a jolt of arousal tickled her as she reread the little notecard. The giant, raspberry-colored hydrangeas had been her favorite since she was a kid, and were now delightfully tainted by his dirty little note.

This was like new love all over again, the rush of hearing his voice, the excitement of getting a gift, the sexy and unexpected gesture, they all made her heart race and her feet leave the ground.

Turning her attention to the paper-wrapped package, she worked her thumb under the seam and tore, revealing a nondescript white box underneath. Her brow furrowed in confusion. She wasn’t sure what to expect when she flipped back the lid, and hesitated a moment.

With a quick glance at her office door and windows to make sure no one would sneak up on her, she popped off the lid. Inside were a gorgeous white gold and pearl collar and a roller vial of a rose oil blend.

Laura unscrewed the delicate topper and inhaled the sweet floral fragrance. The effect was instantly calming, so she tested a bit on her wrists. The warmth of her skin amplified the rose notes and released a slightly musky undertone, reminding her of a slightly masculine scent just offsetting the femininity of the rose.

She noticed another notecard in the box.


Wear these and nothing else when you see me again.



Her muscles clenched in anticipation of seeing him again. Friday could not come fast enough. She fished her cell out of her desk drawer and turned it back on.

There were no more messages from Mason received, which disappointed her, but she had to say thank you for the gifts. The collar looked over-the-top expensive. She was almost afraid to wear it.


Thank you so much. You’ve brightened my day. I’ll be thinking of you later when I get home. I’ll be sure to buzz you.  :-P


He quickly responded back,


Skype I.D. MB.Decker84

11pm your time.

I want to be front row.


She giggled to herself, and a blush that really did match the flowers bloomed on her cheeks as she agreed to the Skype date. A knock came at her door, pulling her back to reality. She quickly knocked the jewelry, perfume, and notecards into her top drawer and slammed it shut.

“Miss Ross?”

“What is it, Michelle?” Michelle, Daniel’s assistant, was an astute twenty-two-year-old intern who was so eager it was almost oppressive. She was sweet, if a little overenthusiastic. She poked her head into the room to be polite.

“Mr. James was wondering if you received the sign-off from Mr. Decker yet? Oh, those flowers are so pretty!” Michelle flounced in to admire the bouquet and starting chattering away. “Who are they from?”

“A guy I’m seeing.” Laura used to not care so much about who knew the details of her personal life in the past, but Mason was sacred to her. She wasn’t ready to blast her status with him to the entire world just yet.

“Ooh! Is he hot? Wait, of course he is, look at you! How long have you been seeing him? Is he someone we know?” A million miles a minute, Michelle asked her questions, and Laura patiently deflected each one with a smile. She remembered being fresh out of school and not yet broken by life and men.

She hadn’t noticed before, but there was a thin manila envelope underneath the vase. She opened the flap to check and saw it was indeed Mason’s release and handed it off to the twitter bird. “Here’s Mr. Decker’s release, if you can run that back to Daniel, please.” She checked the time and saw it was after eight thirty. “Let him also know that I’ve gone for the day, will you? I’m taking my edits with me, and they’ll be turned in by 9am. Okay?”

“Of course! Have a great night, Miss Ross.” Michelle bounced out the door, letting it shut behind her.

Laura sat in her old leather chair for a moment to decompress before gathering her things to leave. She figured with the three-hour time difference she would have a couple of hours to doll herself up and get down a couple of glasses of wine before show time.

Chapter Seven


The butterflies had taken over Laura’s stomach, so she went ahead and skipped dinner. As hungry as she was, she feared her nerves would get the better of her and she’d puke all over herself. Not exactly the sexy surprise she had in mind.

Instead, she had taken her time grooming. She wanted to tart things up a bit since her computer’s webcam had decent resolution. She tossed her head over and gave her hair a fluff, and then, flipping back, she finger-combed the blonde waves into perfectly arranged bedhead. With five minutes to spare she freshened up her eyeliner and applied her favorite lip color – Clinique Black Honey.

She had only a minute to set up her laptop on her knees before Mason rang.

“Hello, beautiful. How are you?” Mason thought she looked stunning. Had it only been a few days since he had seen her?

His sparkling blue eyes and charming smile made her heart flutter. “I’m great now that I have you in front of me. I miss you.” It sounded strange to her ears, but it hit her suddenly that she really did miss him. A lot.

“My plane will be landing Friday at nine. When is your workday through?”

“If I can get all of my edits in and signed off, my day will be relatively short, hopefully four-ish.”

Mason nodded his approval. “That’s good news. Plan on staying with me until Sunday afternoon then. I have a surprise for you.”

Laura’s stomach lurched, and her heart skipped. The mischievous look on his face told her the weekend would be a sexy one. “Do tell.”

“If I told, then it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it? You bring your collar, and I will bring these.” Je held up a ribbon of black satin fabric and a short, slim rod about as big around as her middle finger.

A shudder ran through her body, and she grew damp between her legs in anticipation. “I can’t wait.”

“We’re not going to.” Mason’s face grew serious and dark. “Unbutton your blouse.”

Laura glanced down as she opened the buttons on her shirt. “No.” Mason called her attention back to him. “Don’t look away. Eyes on me at all times.”

“Okay,” Laura breathed. His command, even from afar, deeply aroused her.

Maintaining eye contact, she finished undoing her blouse and lay it open to expose the black lacey balconette underneath.

“Good girl. Now listen carefully. You will follow every order I give you to the letter and without question. Is that understood?”

Laura licked her upper lip before answering, “Completely.”

“Touch yourself. Top half only.”

Laura rested her hand on her neck and slowly massaged her nape, before drawing her hand down to her chest and fingering the lacy edge of her bra, all the while not breaking eye contact.

“That’s perfect. Pull the fabric down and let me see your tits.”

Laura hooked her fingers under the edge of the lace and pulled down, exposing one breast and then the other. The bra acting as a shelf put her breasts on full display.

“Play with them.” Mason leaned back against the stack of hotel pillows with one arm tucked behind his head.

Laura obeyed and began to palm and cup the malleable flesh. She gently pinched and pulled her nipples, drawing out the firm nubs to full attention.

“Like this?” The words came out breathy and broken. The way his eyes were devouring her was unbelievably erotic. She grazed one hand down her taut stomach as the other continued to toy with her breasts, and slipped her fingertips into the waistband of her skirt.

“I said top half only. If you won’t listen, you naughty girl, I’ll just have to discipline you next time I see you. Eyes on me,” he growled.

“Yes, sir,” she gasped. She was completely turned on now and wanted so badly to touch herself elsewhere. She felt the tingle as the blood rushed to between her legs.

Mason unzipped his pants and slipped his hand under the fabric to slowly stroke himself. “Take your skirt off.”

Leaning forward, she reached behind her back to unzip her pencil skirt, giving Mason a close-up shot of her bare chest.

Mason moaned at the intimate view on his screen. “That is wonderful. I wish I could be there to suck on them.”

Laura slid her skirt down, baring the matching black thong and her long, smooth limbs. She lay back against her headboard, positioned her laptop by her feet, and spread her legs, offering up the full view of herself to him.

“You are so beautiful, Laura. Show me what gets you off.”

Laura sighed with relief as she shifted the crotch of her underwear out of the way. The fabric was soaked through, and the draft from the air conditioner was near enough to send her over the edge.

She slipped her finger between her folds and stroked herself while watching Mason do the same. “Pull it out, Mason. I want to watch you.”

He did as she asked. Watching him slowly rub himself drove her crazy. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, moaning as the pleasure grew. “I want you inside me so bad!”

Slipping two fingers into herself, she teased her g-spot and tried to imagine he was the one doing it. She whimpered and moaned as she drew close to coming.

“Go on then. I want to see you come.”

Mason moaned himself as he picked his pace up. Watching her rocking hips and hearing her cries of pleasure as she orgasmed quickly pushed him over into his own.

Laura lay still to catch her breath for a moment before shifting her underwear back into place.

They both took the time to rearrange themselves before speaking again.

“How was that? I can’t say I’ve ever video-boned before,” Laura asked while she tossed her wrinkled blouse to the floor.

“You were unbelievably sexy. I love how you just went for it. However…”

“Aw, hell. What did I do wrong?”

“You looked away. I told you to follow my directions completely, and you didn’t listen.” Mason smiled like a kid on Christmas. “I suppose when I get back I’m going to have to teach you how to behave.”

“Ooh.” A delicious thrill tightened her belly. “For the first time in my life I’m so looking forward getting punished.” The glaring digital numbers on her bedside clock flipped to midnight. “Baby, I have to let you go. It’s late, and I have to get to the office by like seven thirty.”

“Okay. Call me on your lunch tomorrow?”

“I will.” Laura blew him a kiss. “I love you. Talk to you then.”

She clicked her laptop closed and then panicked. She didn’t mean to tell him that! The words just slipped out. What if he bolted? Or what if he wasn’t ready? Laura wasn’t even sure she meant it. Maybe it was just an old habit resurfacing.

She tucked the computer under the bed and huddled under the covers. She could try and rationalize letting her slip of the “L” word all she wanted, but she couldn’t hide. The reality was she truly did love him. It dawned on her then that she’d never really stopped.

Since they’d split she had had one failed relationship after another. With each one she talked herself into dumping them because of some stupid reason she cooked up. One was too short, one only had and entry-level job, one got too close.

With each one she sought out a flaw of some kind that made her deem them unworthy, and then she’d bail.

If it wasn’t a short-term relationship, she bed-hopped with a close guy friend, or, as she had been doing the last two years, called on dear, dependable Frank. Each failure was used as a way to mask how she really felt. They weren’t unworthy. They just weren’t Mason.

The tears started streaming; the emotion welling up in her chest had completely overwhelmed her. Loving him was a truth she had been running from for years. Mason was the specter that lingered over every relationship she attempted to have.

The sobs came a little harder then. The tears were the last of her pent-up anger and bitterness leaving her heart.

What was worse, she missed him so bad that week it almost hurt. The distraction of work all day kept her mind busy, but when the sun went down and the email didn’t need answering, her mind would wander, almost obsessively, to thoughts of him.

She rolled over, turning her back to the alarm clock, and cried herself to sleep.




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