KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) (98 page)

BOOK: KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4)
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              “God, I love you,” he groaned, thrusting harder and faster until he was coming with her.

Chapter Twenty Five



              The next day, Rose and Taylor drove out to the Starlight Energy pipeline in East Bellevue where the rest of One World was scheduled to meet them. Davey Construction, its managers, and its employees had been hard at work assembling the new piping materials in the trench that had been dug along the new route as approved by the city.

              When Taylor pulled the SUV up to the executive trailer, Rose spotted her team getting out of the Jeep and a few other vehicles.

              “I’m going to get them started on taking photos,” she told Taylor as they climbed out of his SUV.

              “I’ll be in the trailer,” he said in response before heading towards it.

              It was great to
Jenny, Hector, and the others. Rose smiled wide at the look of surprise on their faces as she made eye contact with each and every one of them.

              “You can see!” said Jenny, throwing her arms around Rose and giving her a big hug.

              Rose urged her back so she could look at her, then said, “I can. One eye, but it’s better than nothing.”

              “How did you find a donor so easily?” asked Hector.

              “I didn’t. And neither did Taylor.”

              When her team simultaneously cocked their heads with confusion at that, she added, “It’s Taylor’s.”

              “What?” exclaimed Jenny.

              “I couldn’t believe it, either, but it’s true.”

              Carter and Layla stepped forward but hesitated to give her a hug, as though they weren’t sure what she would make of them being here.

              But Rose held no ill will towards them, and the fact that they were here would only support her plan.

              Taking them aside, she said, “If you do this, then I’ll be more than happy to have you back in One World.”

              “Really, Rose?” Layla asked. “You forgive us?”

              “I’ve known you both far too long not to.”

              Rose shot each of them a determined look, then instructed the rest of the team to get started on taking pictures to commemorate the tremendous accomplishment. Jenny had set up some interviews for later in the day, and Hector was equipped to update their website as soon as the photos got uploaded into his laptop.

              One World was in full force, but the fight wasn’t over. It wouldn’t be until Porter Montgomery was exposed and held accountable for everything he had done.

              “Come on,” she said, leading Carter and Layla to the corporate trailer where they ascended the stairs and let themselves in.

              Inside, Porter was seated on the couch. His expression looked severe as he stared up at Taylor. The room felt tense. Even the executive sitting on the other end of the couch appeared agitated.

              She recognized him from the day Carter and Layla had used the Starlight dynamite against them, blowing up a stack of pipes. His name was Lawrence Mathers, and he was Porter’s right-hand man.

              Looking him up and down, Rose noticed his dress shoes, but it wasn’t until he rose from the couch and crossed the room to get a document off the desk that she discovered a slight limp to his gait and realized he was the man who had attacked her.

              “What’s this about?” Porter demanded, getting to his feet as his eyes snapped from Taylor to Rose to Carter and Layla. When his steely gaze returned to Rose, she could see it dawn on him that she now had her sight. She was glaring right at him. “You got him to do everything you wanted. Don’t tell me you have more demands.”

              “We know what you did,” she said firmly. “We know everything you did. And you aren’t going to get away with it.”

              He narrowed his eyes on her. “And what is it you think I’ve done?”

              “You drugged Taylor that night,” she stated, holding her head high.

              Porter whipped his gaze to Taylor, saying, “She’s insane.”

              Carter spoke up without hesitation. “You did the exact same thing to Layla and me.”

              “I’m not paying you two to get in my way,” he threatened.

              But Layla was quick to respond. “You’re not paying us at all. We wired the money back.”

              “This is ludicrous.”

              “You sent Lawrence to have me killed.”

              “You can’t prove that,” he said, trying to laugh it off. Rose could still tell he was rattled, though not as much as Lawrence was.

              “I can’t…but Detective Tavaras can.”

              Just as Porter was advancing on her, Taylor stepped in his path.

              “You believe her?” he yelled at his son. “You believe I would hurt you like that?”

              “Yeah,” he said firmly. “I do.”

              Outside, a few guards started yelling, and then Detective Tavaras barreled through the door with two police officers in tow. When he locked eyes with Porter, he stated, “Porter Montgomery, you’re under arrest for drugging Carter Simmons and Layla Hosier, and for the attempted murder of Rose Cole.”

              Immediately, the police officers grabbed Porter and cuffed his hands behind his back, as Porter objected, “On what grounds? What proof do you have?”

              “I spoke with the security guards at the Escala. You excused them from their post that night.”

              “That doesn’t prove anything!”

              “I also spoke with Lawrence Mathers.”

              “What?” Shocked, Porter stared at Lawrence, who seemed to shrink and couldn’t meet his gaze.

              “That’s right,” said the detective. “He cut a deal. One we’re pleased with. Take him away.”

              The police officers hauled Porter out of the trailer, and then Detective Tavaras took Lawrence by the arm but directed his next statement to Rose.

              “Mathers isn’t getting away with it, but we let him plead down and his sentence will be lenient.”

              “I’m fine with that,” she said. “Thanks.”

              “No, thank you,” he said, giving her a curt nod before pulling Lawrence out of the trailer.

              When she turned around, Taylor was already near her. He wrapped his arms around her and they kissed, while Carter and Layla looked on, every last one of them relieved it was finally over.

              “Come on,” said Rose. “Let’s get a picture outside.”

              They gathered with all the team members of One World in front of the trench, with bulldozers and construction workers in the background.

              Hector set the camera on a tripod and pressed a button, and the timer began flashing as he jogged towards them and put his arm around Jenny. Rose was standing next to Taylor in the center, and Carter and Layla were to her right amongst the twelve members of One World.

              She shouted, “Smile!”

              And everyone did just in time for the click.

              When she turned to Taylor, he kissed her, then said, “I think we made history.”

              She smiled up at him. “We certainly did.”             



Chapter One


“Come on, boss. You have got to be kidding me!” Laura Ross was pissed. Daniel, her editor at
Small Business Ink,
had just slapped that month’s issue of
on her desk. Staring back at her from the cover was the arrogant mug of her college ex-boyfriend, Mason Decker.

“Nope. You have a scheduled interview with this Decker guy scheduled for noon tomorrow.” Daniel crossed his arms over his chest. “So I suggest you get to researching. This was the only time he had available for the next six months.” He turned to leave her office. Research would have been redundant; Laura could already write a book on Mr. Decker.

“There is nobody else in the entire building who could take this story?” Laura pleaded with her boss to pass this on to someone else. “Why me?”

“Because you are the best interviewer I’ve got, that’s why.” He let go of the knob and strolled back to her desk. “Of course, if you’d rather not, I can bump you back down to writing about the newest celebrity-owned restaurants again.” Daniel remained composed, but Laura didn’t dare push the issue. She winced at the thought of yet another interview with Scott Disick.

“Fine. You got me. I’ll do the stupid interview. Where am I meeting him?” Laura conceded.

“There’s the can-do attitude I know and love!” Daniel headed again for the door. “Be at Aureole before noon tomorrow. It’s on the Upper East Side. Oh, and Laura, this story is a big deal for the magazine, so don’t fuck it up,” he warned before letting himself out.

Laura dropped her head on her desk. She wanted this interview as much as she wanted to have all the hairs plucked from her head one at a time. She gave the
cover another look.

She hadn’t seen Mason in eight years, but he looked exactly the same as he did at twenty-two. Even on paper the man oozed charm and polish. That sweet smile and his boyish good looks leapt off the page and tugged at her the same way they used to.

“Ugh!” She tossed the magazine off her desk as if it burned her. She was disgusted to discover that even his picture still held power over her.

“You are not a stupid co-ed anymore. Get your shit together!” She got up to get a coffee refill from the break room. It might be a good day to use a few personal hours. Just sitting in her office was making her itchy and anxious after that. She had no idea how she was going to maintain her professionalism and be in the same room as Mason. How do you interview someone you’ve had sex with?

She could still feel his hands laced in her long blonde hair and his stubble scratching her neck. His baby blues flashed in her memory looking up at her from between her legs. Oh yeah, tomorrow was going to be real awkward.

“Hey, kid. How’s things?” Laura jumped when she heard Frank behind her. Her sometime office fling grabbed her hips from behind and pressed his mouth to her neck. She reciprocated by rubbing her behind against his crotch. She decided maybe getting laid would calm her nerves and put the thought of sex with the ex out of her head.

Why not? Frank was hot, and the fifteen-year age gap between them made no difference to Laura. With his age came plenty of experience, and their romps never left her disappointed. “Mmm, that feels amazing, Frank.” She moved one of his hands to cup her breast. “What do you say we both take a half day and get in a workout?” She reached behind her and slid her hand between them and rubbed the front of his pants.

“I’ll get a cab,” Frank whispered. He nipped her neck before he left. She smirked to herself and adjusted her skirt. A half-day was just what the doctor ordered.

Chapter Two


Frank had spent the night. After three rounds, he was tanked. Laura appreciated the effort he put into making sure her needs were met; she could definitely never accuse him of being a selfish lover. Their relationship was open, with no strings and no commitment. They were free to see and sleep with other people, and often did, but would end up back together when they got bored or found themselves single for too long. The arrangement was perfect.

Laura had sent him out the door at nine with a kiss and a pat on the ass before getting ready. Her head was back in the game now that she was sated.

She took her time getting ready. She conditioned her hair, shaved her legs, and took the time to rub body oil over every inch of herself. She applied her makeup with care. She wanted to keep her look soft and natural, with shades of peach on her lids and a watermelon lip stain.

She styled her pale blonde hair into loose waves. She had laid out a high-waisted pinstriped pencil skirt and a navy button down. She left the top two buttons undone. She slipped on her leopard print Manolos and felt battle-ready. She wasn’t just getting dressed: she felt like she was putting on her armor and steeling herself against the enemy. She wanted Mason to take one look at her and eat his heart out.

Her watch read 11:10. The car her boss was sending would be at her apartment any minute. After one last makeup check she grabbed her purse, equipment, and keys and headed out the door.

The car pulled up to the curb as Laura hit the sidewalk. Daniel was punctual and made sure all of his employees were the same, including the drivers.

“West 42
Street, please.” She laid her head back against the seat and tamped down the snakes that were wrestling in her belly. As a distraction she fired up her laptop to review all of her questions.

Laura fancied herself a confident and competent journalist. She had moved quickly through the ranks at
Small Business Ink
after she was hired as an assistant seven years prior. Daniel was a mentor to her. He saw something in the weird twenty-three-year-old that no other employer had and molded her into one of the top business writers in New York. Their little magazine had tripled in readership since she had started, a fact she was rather proud of.

“We’re here, ma’am.” The driver got out and walked around to open her door. The remodeled brownstone loomed in front of her. It was now or never. Laura tucked her hair behind her ear, took a deep breath, and went in.

The restaurant had ambiance. The lights were dimmed, so even in the middle of the day the room gave off a candlelit feel. She couldn’t help but think the whole thing was rather pretentious and contrived. “Can I help you?” The hostess snapped her out of her haze.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I’m meeting Mason Decker here at noon.”

The hostess gave Laura an approving onceover and grinned, “Right this way, miss. Mr. Decker isn’t here just yet, but feel free to sit and look over the menu.” She led Laura back to one of the private dining rooms.

“Oh hell,” Laura whispered under her breath. The room had a sleek, modern feel with huge teardrop shaped sconces on the wall and was big enough to hold fifty people. There were also no windows and only one exit.

“Make yourself comfortable at any of the tables. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?” The hostess gestured to the nearest table and handed her a menu. “Perhaps a glass of wine or Champagne? Our wine selection is extensive.” The hostess was eager to go back and gossip with the other employees about Mason Decker’s private room with a woman.

“No thanks. I’m going to be plebian and just have water for now. Maybe when I order my food.” There was no way in hell she was going to get even the slightest bit tipsy. She was on a professional assignment with very explicit instructions to not fuck it up. Getting liquored up around her smoking hot ex-boyfriend would be the shortest route to doing just that.

The hostess left just as Mason came strolling in. His handsome face paled as though he had seen a ghost. He had no idea Laura was in New York, let alone his interviewer.

Laura met his gaze and desperately clung to her composure; her heart felt like it was going to beat right out of her ribcage. He looked even better than his picture. It was as though James Bond had just entered the room in an expensive, well-tailored suit.

Laura stood up to shake his hand. The tension between them was palpable, and she really wanted him to hurry up so they could get this over with.

“Laura Ross. It’s… It’s been a long time.” His voiced was tinged with a British accent despite his having moved to the States when he was six. Mason’s face softened as he drew closer to her. He took her hand.

Laura could swear an electric shock passed between them. The sex the night before didn’t help as well as she had hoped. She smiled nervously and quickly extracted her hand. Mason pulled out a chair for her, but she hesitated.

“Come now, Laura, I won’t bite.” He waved a hand to encourage her to sit down.

“You couldn’t just do a burger joint, could you, Mase?”

“They do have a burger,” he grinned. And just like that, the tension dissipated.

The easy banter between them came back, and nearly half an hour went by before they started the interview or even ordered their food. The server had come back several times to take an order; she was beginning to get annoyed.

“I’m sorry, we’ve been catching up.” Mason flashed his famous smolder at the server in a mea culpa. She melted and was back to wanting to please. “We will both start with the Kabocha squash soup followed by the rabbit for me and the burger for her,” he smirked at Laura, “cooked medium please.” He handed the googly eyed server the menus and turned his attention back to the beautiful woman in front of him.

“You haven’t changed, have you?” Laura crossed her arms over her chest and slouched back in her chair.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He sipped his water while maintaining eye contact.

Smug bastard,
Laura thought before rifling through her bag, “All right, Prince Charming, let’s get down to business.” She withdrew her laptop and microphones. She noticed Mason watching her work, but didn’t dare make eye contact while she was setting up.

“You’re right, I have been naughty. Let’s get started.” He adjusted his body to appear less relaxed. He had a mischievous gleam in his eye.

“Stop that!” Laura snapped.

“Stop what?” His face went innocent.

“Stop being you. You’re doing that ‘look how cute and coy I am’ thing.”
And it’s distracting.

Mason removed his arms from the table as the server returned with their soup. He nodded his thanks and dismissed her. All the while he didn’t stop smiling at Laura. He was enjoying getting a reaction out of her and wanted to see where it would go.

“Let’s eat first. Save the questions for after. I have nowhere to be this afternoon.” That was a lie. Under the table he quickly shot off a text to his assistant to reschedule his afternoon meetings. He had been wondering about Laura since they broke up, and he was in no hurry to be rid of her now.

“Sure.” Laura snapped her laptop closed. The pair ate in silence until their entrées arrived. Laura could swear the server felt the air crackle between her and Mason. She kept giving them a weird look every time she came in.

“How long have you been in New York?” Mason asked. Laura paused with her spoon halfway to her mouth. She knew he’d been here the entire time she had, but she wasn’t so sure she wanted him to know she’d been here the whole time as well.

“Seven years. I moved here six months after graduation, when I got the job at the magazine.”

“You’ve been here that long and I had no idea? How did we not run into each other?” Mason was taken aback. He had been nearly obsessing over Laura for years, and she had been right under his nose the whole time.

“Well, in a city of nearly nine million people, and considering the huge income gap between us, you would have to be slumming it in Brooklyn to find me.” Her face grew dark. She wasn’t comfortable anymore and pushed her food away. She wanted this interview to be over with immediately.

“Fair enough.” He watched Laura open her laptop again. She slipped easily into business mode, but her sullen look bothered him.

Laura started off with the standard magazine questions about his schooling, history, where he’d lived, and so on. Mason answered each one honestly and politely without a trace of irony in his voice. She was glad he had started taking this more seriously.

“In my research I found out that your tech company has given funds to some questionable places, including a couple of crooked politicians. Care to comment?” Laura locked in eye contact.

Mason returned her glare. “The politicians in question claimed to be for green energy solutions. They were very good at hiding the fact that they were lobbying for the oil companies and Monsanto. We have since withdrawn our support. Next question,” he answered curtly. If Laura wanted to play hardball, he was down.

“Fine.” Without glancing at her notes, she asked her next question. “You’ve been photographed with a few heiresses who shall remain nameless. Were you just in bed with them, or were you also trying to get in with their rich parents?”

Mason was getting visibly pissed, and Laura was fine with that. “Go on, Mase. Answer the question.”

“That is none of your business, but I will tell you that the shags were lovely. Next.”

“At twenty-two you had a fiancée walk in on you on your knees, bound and gagged, with a dark-haired mistress flogging you.” The look on Mason’s face was priceless. She could finally get the answers to all of the questions she ran away from. “Clearly, you have a few skeletons and fetishes. Care to elaborate?”

“Enough!” Mason slammed his hands on the table. Laura had hit a nerve. “Now you’re just being spiteful. Do you have any more legitimate questions to ask me, or are you set on pursuing this witch hunt?” He stood, staring her down.

A wry smile spread across Laura’s face. “Of course, sir. Have a seat.” She had never seen Captain Cool, Calm, and Collected all riled up like that before. She was having fun. “I’ve heard you’re a control freak. Care to answer to the rumors?”

Mason had had enough. If she wanted to screw with him, he would dish it right back. He knelt down in front of Laura. He ran his hands up her calves to her knees. He would show her control freak.

“What are you doing?” Her pulse raced, and she wanted to climb the wall to get away.

Mason didn’t answer. His hands slid higher, to the hem of her skirt, and teased around the edge. He watched her face, waiting for her to say no. “Eyes on me, Laura.”

She was riveted. Her breath hitched as his hand slithered under her skirt. She remembered how good those hands made her feel… and what he could do with his mouth.

Moving higher, he traced the lacy edge of her panties. He crooked a finger and began to slide them off.

“Stop,” she commanded.

At once Mason removed his hands and adjusted her skirt back into place. He rose and smoothed the line of his trousers and adjusted his jacket to hide his bulge.

“I think I have everything I need, Mason. Thank you.” Laura began tossing her things back in her bag, spilling her wallet in the process. Credit cards, business cards, and cash scattered across the room. Mason stooped to help her clean up the mess, pocketing one of her business cards in the process. Laura was on the verge of tears at that point; she just wanted to get out.

“Sit,” Mason ordered. Laura obeyed, plopping down in the chair with her purse in her lap.

              “No games, Laura. We need to talk.” He pulled a chair around to sit facing her, their knees almost touching. “What you saw that day, it’s hard to explain.” He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. “I have some tastes that run to the left of center, shall we say.”

Laura snorted. “I’ll say. My mind will sometimes wander back to that day, and seeing you trussed up with your ass in the air isn’t really my fondest memory of you.”

Mason didn’t laugh. “I didn’t want to hurt you, I swear. I wanted to try a few things I was curious about, but I wasn’t sure how you’d take it, so I went to seek it out.”

“That’s bullshit, Mason, and you know it. You cheated on me, and now you’re insinuating you’ve been into some even freakier shit than what I saw? You could have talked to me about experimenting. I would have listened. You had to have wanted out, admit it.”

Mason mulled over Laura’s words for a moment. “You have a point. I was terrified of marriage–”

“Ha! I knew it,” Laura interrupted.

“Clearly there is nothing I can say to you to make you understand. I have nothing else to offer you except my deepest and sincerest apology. I’ve regretted how I behaved every day of the last eight years.”

He wanted so badly to touch her again. Her legs were so nice, smooth and well-muscled, and he wondered if the rest of her was as he remembered her. He restrained himself from touching her again; she wasn’t in the mood to be pawed at.

Laura didn’t have a response. She had imagined him being an arrogant son of a bitch, not getting an apology.

“Anytime now. You have me sweating in a very expensive suit, Laura.” Mason had to sit on his hands to keep from fidgeting. Her silence freaked him out.

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