L.A. Dead (21 page)

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Authors: Stuart Woods

Tags: #Thriller, #Suspense, #Mystery

BOOK: L.A. Dead
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He undressed, got into bed, and tried to watch the late news, but finally turned it off. He was still groggy from the sleep upset of taking the red-eye, and the conversation at dinner had depressed him.

He drifted off immediately and fell into a deep sleep. He dreamed, and something was out of place in his dream—a high-pitched squeal, as if from a great distance. Then the squeal stopped.

Stone sat straight up in bed, wide awake. The squeal was the sound the security system made to warn that it was about to go off; it stopped only when the proper four-digit code was entered, and it had stopped. Then he remembered that Dolce knew the code.

He got out of bed as silently as he could and rearranged the pillows under the duvet, to give the impression he was still in bed, then he picked up Dino’s pistol, tiptoed to his dressing room, and stood just inside the door. There was enough light coming through the windows to let him see the bed.

He heard the light footsteps on the stairs, which were now bare of the carpet runner. They approached slowly, quietly, until they reached the bedroom, where they stopped. She was letting her eyes become accustomed to the nearly dark room. Then she began to move forward again, and she came into Stone’s view.

She was wearing a black raincoat with the hood up, so her face was still in darkness, and Stone thought she looked like the angel of death; she carried a short, thick club in her right hand. She reached the bed and stopped, then, holding the club at her side, she reached out with her left hand and began to pull back the covers.

“Freeze!” Stone said. “There’s a gun pointed at your head.”

She turned slowly to face him, but the shadow of the hood still obscured her face.

“Drop what’s in your hand,” he said.

She released the club, and it fell to the bare wood floor with a soft thud.

“Now, reach behind you and turn on the lamp, and keep your hands where I can see them.”

She turned away and switched on the lamp, then turned back toward him, brushing off the hood. Instead of the black, Sicilian coif Stone had expected, honey-colored hair fell around her shoulders.

“Why are you pointing a gun at me, Stone?” she asked.

Stone’s mouth fell open. “Arrington! What the hell are you doing here?”

“Could you point the gun somewhere else before we continue this conversation?”

Stone put the pistol on the dressing room chest of drawers and turned back to her.

She looked down, amused. “You’re still pointing something at me,” she said, unbuckling her belt and shucking off the raincoat. She was wearing black slacks and a soft, gray cashmere sweater. At her feet, on the floor, was the folding umbrella she had dropped.

Stone grabbed a cotton robe from the dressing room and slipped into it.

“Aw,” she said, disappointed, “I liked you as you were. Don’t I get a kiss?”

Stone crossed the room and gave her a small kiss, then held her at arm’s length. “I’ll ask you again: What the hell are you doing here?”

“Aren’t you glad to see me?”

“Of course not! You’ve jumped bail, for God’s sake, don’t you understand that? The judge confined you to your house!”

“Don’t worry—he’ll never miss me.”

“Arrington, let me explain this to you. As of this moment, you’ve forfeited two million dollars in bail.”

“It’s worth it to see you,” she said. “I missed you.”

“You could be arrested at any moment, and if you are, you won’t get bail again; you’ll have to stay in jail until the trial.”

“Nobody’s going to arrest me,” she said. “Nobody knows I’m out of the house, except Manolo and Isabel, and certainly nobody knows I’m in New York. Manolo has instructions to tell anyone who calls that I’m not feeling well, and to take a message. I can return any calls from here.”

Stone sat down on the edge of the bed and put his face in his hands. “I’m an officer of the court,” he moaned. “I’m supposed to call the police or arrest you myself.”

“Oooooo, arrest me,” she purred.

Stone heard the sound of a zipper and looked up. She was stepping out of her slacks, and she had already shucked off the sweater, leaving only her panties.

She looked around, hands on her hips. “Now where are those pesky handcuffs? You must have some around here somewhere, being an ex-cop, and all.”

Stone put his face back in his hands, and a moment later he felt her slip into the bed. Her fingernails moved down his back, and he started to get up, but she grabbed the belt of his robe and pulled him back onto the bed.

“I know Marc Blumberg said we couldn’t be alone together in my house, but now we’re alone together in
house, aren’t we? So we’re playing by the rules.” She reached around him and tugged the belt loose, then pulled the robe off his shoulders. She dug her fingers into his hair, pulled him back onto the bed, and ran a fingernail along his penis, which responded with a jerk. “I
you’d be glad to see me!” she said, then she pulled his face to hers and kissed him softly.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Stone said, when he could free his lips for a moment.

She pulled his body toward hers. “Well, if I’m going to be arrested and carted off to jail, it seems only fair that I should have a last meal.” She bent over him and kissed the tip of his penis. “I believe I’m entitled to have anything I want to eat, isn’t that the tradition?” Then she began to concentrate on her repast.

Stone stood it for as long as he could, which was a little while; then he pulled her up beside him. She curled a leg over his body, opening herself to him. He slid inside her and, lying face-to-face, they began to make love, slowly.

“It’s been way, way too long,” Arrington said, moving with him and kissing his face.

“You’re right,” Stone breathed, admitting it as much to himself as to her.

“Tell me you’ve missed me.”

“I’ve missed you.”

“Tell me you’ve missed

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed this,” he moaned. “There are no words.”

me,” she said.

And he did.







TONE LAY, NAKED, ON HIS BACK, DRAINED AND WEIRDLY happy, for a lawyer whose client seemed to be trying to go to jail. It was a little after ten A.M., and they had made love twice since sunup. He heard the shower go on in his bathroom and the sound of the glass door closing. He wanted to enjoy the moment, but he couldn’t; he was faced with the problem of how to get Arrington back into the Los Angeles jurisdiction without getting her arrested and himself into very deep trouble.

A moment later, she came back, wearing his robe and rubbing her wet hair with a towel. “Good morning!” she said, as happy as if she were a free woman.

“Good morning.” He managed a smile.

She sat down on the bed, took his wilted penis in her hand, and kissed it. “Aw,” she said. “Did it die?”

“For the moment,” he admitted. “Tell me, how did you get here? Exactly, I mean; I want a blow-by-blow account.”

“Well, let’s see: First I called the airline and made a reservation, then I put a few things into that little bag over there,” she said, pointing to the top of the stairs, where she had left it, “then I left a note for Manolo, got into my car, left the house by the utility gate, which you have come to know and love, and I drove to the airport. I parked the car, walked into the terminal, gave the young lady at the ticket counter my credit card—the one that’s still in my maiden name—and she gave me a ticket. Then I got on the plane, and when I arrived in New York, I took a cab here. Did I leave out anything?”

“Yes; your picture has been all over the L.A. and New York papers and
magazine, for Christ’s sake; why didn’t anyone recognize you?”

“I wore a disguise,” she said. She went to her bag, unzipped it, and took out a silk Hermes scarf and a pair of dark glasses; she wrapped the scarf tightly around her head and put on the shades. “With this and no makeup, my own mother wouldn’t recognize me.”

“Why so few clothes?” he asked.

“I have a wardrobe in our apartment at the Carlyle,” she said. “I was going to send you up there to get me a few things. I thought it would be foolish to dally in baggage claim, so I traveled light.”

Stone sat up and put his feet on the floor. “Well, you were certainly right not to do anything foolish.”

“Was that sarcasm I heard?”


“Oh. Shall I fix you some breakfast?”

“Oh, no; Helene will be downstairs by now; she can fix it. I don’t want
to see you.”

“Then I shall be served in bed,” she said, sitting cross-legged among the pillows.

The phone rang, and Stone picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hi, it’s Betty.”

“Good morning; you’re up early.”

“Yep. When I got into the office, there was a message from someone named Brandy Garcia; ring a bell?”

“Yes; what was the message?”

“He said he’d found what you wanted, and he’d call again.”

“If he does, tell him to call me at this number.”

“Will do. How’s New York?”

“It is as ever.”

“Good; when are you coming back?”

“As soon as …” he stopped. The Centurion airplane, he thought. “Can you switch me to Lou Regenstein’s office?”

“I could, but he wouldn’t be in this early, and anyway, he’s in New York.”

“He is? Where?”

“I don’t know, but I could ask his secretary when she gets in.”

“Hang on.” He covered the phone and turned to Arrington. “Do you have any idea where Lou Regenstein stays when he’s in the city?”

“At the Carlyle,” she said. “He has an apartment there, too.”

“Never mind,” he said to Betty. “I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up.

“You want to call Lou?”

“Yes; what’s the number of the Carlyle?”

She found her handbag and her address book. “Here’s the private line to his apartment.” She read it to him as he dialed.

“Hello,” Lou Regenstein’s voice said.

“Lou, it’s Stone.”

“Hi, Stone, what’s up?”

“How long are you in New York for?”

“About thirty seconds; I was on the way out the door to Teterboro Airport when you called.”

“You going back to L.A.?”

“Yep. Where are you?”

“I’m in New York. Can you give, ah, a friend and me a lift?”

“Sure; how fast can you get to Teterboro?”

“Is an hour fast enough?”

“That’s fine; see you there.”

“Lou, will there be anyone else on the airplane?”

“Nope, just you and me—and your friend. Anybody I know?”

“I’ll surprise you,” Stone said. “See you in an hour.” He hung up and turned to Arrington. “Get dressed,” he said, “and put on your disguise.”

“I’ll have to dry my hair,” she said.

“Then do it fast.” He picked up the phone and buzzed Joan Robertson. “Morning.”

“Good morning.”

“I’ve got to leave for L.A. in half an hour; I want to drive, so will you come along and drive the car back?”

“Sure; I’ll put the answering machine on.”

“See you downstairs in a few minutes.”

While Arrington dried her hair, Stone packed, put his bags in the elevator, and pressed the down button. Then he grabbed a quick shower and shave and threw on some casual clothes. “Ready?” he asked Arrington.

“Ready,” she said, getting into her raincoat, wrapping the scarf around her head and slipping on her dark glasses.

They took the stairs to the ground floor. Stone led her through the door to the garage, put their bags into the trunk of the car, and opened a rear door for her. “You wait here while I get Joan, and don’t talk on the way to the airport; I don’t want her to know who you are.”

Arrington shrugged. “Whatever you say.” She got into the car and closed the door.

Stone went to his office, signed a couple of letters, and brought Joan back to the car. “There’s someone in the backseat,” he said. “Please don’t look, and please don’t ask any questions.”

“Okay,” Joan replied.

He opened the passenger door. “You sit up here; I’ll drive.”

Stone pressed the remote button on the sun visor and started the car, all in one motion. He had visions of Dolce waiting for him in the street, and he wasn’t going to give her time to react. He reversed out of the garage, across the sidewalk, and into the street, causing a cabby to slam on his brakes and blow his horn. He pressed the remote button again, put the car into gear and was off, checking his mirrors. He thought for a moment that he saw a dark-haired woman across the street from his house, but he wasn’t sure it was Dolce. He made the light and crossed Third Avenue. He would take the tunnel.

The car was something special—a Mercedes E55, which was an E-Class sedan with a souped-up big V-8, a special suspension, and the acceleration of an aircraft carrier catapult launcher. Something else for which he was grateful, at the moment: The car had been manufactured with a level of armor that would repel small-arms fire. He had been car shopping when it was delivered to the show-room and had bought it in five minutes, on a whim, at another time in his life when he feared that somebody might be shooting at him.

Rush hour was over, and he made it to the Atlantic Aviation terminal in twenty-five minutes, without getting arrested, all the while dictating a stream of instructions to Joan about what had to be done in the way of repairing the house.

At the chain-link gate to the ramp, he buzzed the intercom and gave the tail number of the Centurion jet. The gate slid open and he drove onto the ramp and to the big Gulfstream Four. He parked at the bottom of the airstair door, gave the bags to the second officer, who was waiting for them, and gave Joan a peck on the cheek. “Thanks for not asking any questions,” he said. “One of these days, I’ll explain.”

Joan leaned forward and whispered, “She’s just as beautiful as her pictures.” Then she took the keys, got into the car, and headed for the gate.

Stone led Arrington up the stairs and into the airplane. Lou Regenstein was sitting on a couch, reading
The New York Times
. He looked up as Arrington took off her glasses and scarf. “Holy shit,” he said. “What are you …”

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