Languish for you (My soulmate) (16 page)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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“With many others,” Christopher ended my sentence. “But only because they didn't find that one special person. You think it is easy for someone to found a soulmate, his other half?” I didn't dare to answer. Something in his voice sounded not right, giving me a sign that he was about to explode.

“Christopher,” Avery noticed the same thing and decided to prevent Christopher from release his emotions.

He primed his lips and turned his eyes to see his food, which wasn't interesting for him.

I waited patiently for someone to start talking again, but neither Christopher nor Avery hurried to do that. So, the silence greeted us while we ate our food, which now seemed tasteless in my mouth.

I had many questions for Avery and Christopher. Did they want me to get into bed with Tobias? Because, how I had understood, the only way for their mission to be done, was for me to lose my virginity. At the same time this fact trilled and scared me. Trilled- because it would be a new experience for me. Scared – because it meant losing of something, what was really important
me. Before I was dead, I used to think that I had such a wild imagination because I didn't want to become a grown-up; I played games, didn't give anything prominence. I wasn't scared to be mocked of, because I knew that deep inside, those people were jealous because they couldn't do what I was doing. Our bodies changed, that was true, but not our soul.

So, because I thought that my virginity guaranteed me my imagination, I didn't want ever to lose it, although I wondered what it felt to be with a man.

“It's time to go,” Avery said as she pushed her plate away from her.

I lifted my eyes to her and nodded slowly. Christopher decided to be in silence.

“He doesn't like to talk about that,” Avery informed me as we were in the the car, moving forward.

“Why?” I asked, looking through the window. I was curious to know the reason, why he got so mad suddenly.

“I don't know really,” she said honestly. “He keeps his life before becoming a protector in secrecy. What I know from that part of life of
is that her soulmate's name was Vanessa and she was pretty much the same as you. I mean she liked writing, was rebel. Nothing more.”

“Huh,” I moved away a lock of hair from my face.

“I believe that he blames himself what happened to her and him. You know, sometimes bodiless come into your dreams to warn that you need to do something because you could lose your soulmate,” she said, suddenly turning the wheel to the right. Some disgruntled drivers started waving something to her.

“So, your soulmate isn't taken from you without a warning?”

She nodded.

“For two weeks I had the same dream every night. In that dream I was alone and sad. Really sad. My husband...he was nowhere to be seen. I asked some people in that dream if they saw my husband. They lowered their heads and always told the same words
he was stolen from you because you were blind.

“That harsh,” I said.

“But that's how the world spins around, little one. My husband was a bad person. I knew that, but I still loved him so much that I ignored that. Now, I am cursed to live forever alone and help souls, like you, to find your other half and keep it with you.”

“You wouldn't have told me that if I had lost my memory?” I decided to ask if the same speech I would have heard if I was a doll in hers and Christopher's hands.

She nodded, confirming my suspicions. The reason, why she was telling me all this, was because to help me to understand how important their job was and what I should do. Don't fight, I heard her words in my mind.

“There are rules about keeping all soulmates' thing in secret. But in this case... well, you understand.”

She didn't want to talk about that anymore and I decided to let her do whatever she liked, because I had a plan in my head how I could get more information about all this. I patter on my purse.

“When will you come to take me?” I asked when the university's buildings started to show in front of us.

“Whenever you will call me,” she smirked as she pulled the car over.

“Okay,” I said, returning a smile back. That was better than I had expected.

I closed the door behind me and walked forward to the building. Officially it was the first of my days in university. Before all this could have happened, I would be thrilled, but right now I wasn't, because it only will wast
my time to find the truth.

I stopped and turned over my shoulder when I head that someone had shouted my name. It wasn't surprise to see Tobias,
huge smile appeared on his face when our eyes locked with each other's. I felt butterflies in my stomach suddenly.

“Hi, beautiful,” he said and put his lips where they belonged; against mine. I instantly returned his kiss without even giving a second thought about that.

All night I was thinking how I should act in front of him. Really, I didn't believe that he would pretend that those kisses didn't exist. So, I just decided to avoid him. I guess my plan didn't work.

He broke our kiss and I felt sad about that. I was eager for more kisses, for more opportunities to feel him against me.

“Are you ready for your first day?” he asked, snaking his hands around my hips.

I bit my lip and nodded, too afraid to talk. His blue eyes seemed even more bluer if that was even possible.

He lowered his face closer to mine, that our foreheads could touched each others. I knew that there were other people around us, that there were birds, dogs... to make long short, that there were more living beings around us, but seeing his eyes, I forgot about them all. Only Tobias existed to me.

“I missed you,” he whispered.

“Me too,” I put my hands around his neck and brought his face even closer to mine that our lips could meet again, but right then the even of this morning crossed my mind; naked Christopher's chest.

I pulled away aghast. Christopher? Really? Why did he come into my mind when I was seeking for another breath taking kiss from Tobias?

“Is everything okay?” Tobias asked me, toughing my face with his warm fingers.

I didn't know what to say. I felt guilty for even stealing a kiss from him and from myself because Christopher's image came into my mind. But why him? He wasn't my soulmate. Not even a friend with whom I could chat. He was just a protector.

“I think we should go inside,” I said instead of answering to his question. Lucky for me, he didn't notice that I was avoiding
to his it.

I didn't have any idea what kind of life was waiting for me in this university. For some reason, I was waiting for the worst scenario. Unfortunately, I quite liked what I found in this university. It was a pity that I decided in the end to vanish. I had more important things to do than to listen about literature right now.

But before I could leave the building, I needed to do something with phone. I really didn't want to see Christopher running to me and yelling that I was a bad
girl that
I should be where was safe for me and so on. That Eduard could have answers to my questions.

But what if he is a hunter? A week voice asked me in my mind. Yea, there was a change for that. And leaving my phone... I hit my hand to my forehead. What should I do?

In the end I still decided to risk. Be that as it may, I said in my mind as I asked Tobias to keep my phone in his backpack. Of course, he asked me why he should do that. He seemed suddenly alarmed and I didn't need him to be like that.

“Please,” I begged and give him a soft kiss on his lips. He nodded reluctantly. I grinned and told him that I had to go to administration and do...something. He believed me. Sucker, I said in my mind.

So, I had the address and some time. It wasn't difficult to find the right building. And lucky for me, or maybe not, it wasn't some kind of abandon place as I had imagined. The building was almost in the centre of the city and it was very luxurious.

“Can I help you?” a young doorman asked me when I approached closer to the door.

I hesitated. I didn't know what to do. I only had the card, nothing more.

“I came to meet Eduard,” I said. “he gave me this card,” and I showed it to him.

He took a good look at it before he nodded and let me inside. I was confused suddenly.

“He is waiting for you, miss. The third flour, miss,” he smiled. I returned his smile and entered inside. In a dash I could smell roses. I also could hear a calming melody.

I took a deep breath and walked forward. A young girl, somewhere around my age, met me and order to follow her. I nodded and did what she said.

Soon I found myself in really exclusive flat. I had never had an opportunity to be in one. I only saw this kind of luxurious flats in TV.

“Please, take a seat. Mr. Eduard will soon come and join you,” she said as she lowered her head a bit. Then, she turned on her heels and walked away. I did what she had said. Again. I put my purse next to me. I wasn't so afraid as I was when I was going here. Did the hunters live in this kind of flats? For some reason I imagined them as recluses which lived everywhere except this kind of buildings.

I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly stood up and turned my eyes to see Eduard, slowly approaching me. His eyes saw only me, reminding me our first meeting, when his eyes were like glued to my face.

He was wearing a grey costume with red like blood tie. This time his eyes were hidden by glasses with black frames. He didn't seem surprised seeing me here, in front of him. That only let me guess that he was waiting for me.

“You came,” he said, slowly coming to another sofa on which soon he sat. “Was it easy to escape from your protector?” he didn't ask if it was easy to escape from Avery. He just wanted to find out if Christopher was a bad protector.

“Not really. I don't have much time,” I sat back as I narrowed my eyes into two small splits. I also tried to put a serious person's mask on my face. I didn't have time to play games.

“Of course you don't have it. If you had, you wouldn't be here now. So, what do you want to know?” he spoke slowly, carefully measured every word of his.

“I didn't come here to give questions,” I replied. I knew better that to give questions. The only thing to find out something was to ask him to tell me everything, because in other way he will just give me half of what I needed.

“Of course, not. Trinity, you came here to understand why are you special,” he grinned.

“So, please tell me what I should know.”

He slowly shook his head.

“ I will tell you one story, Trinity. Listen carefully, because maybe it could explain you many things. So, how you know now, everyone tries to find his soulmate in order to be all, finished and happy. “

“Yea, I know that. Tell me something I don't know,” I crossed my arms against my chest. I was really feeling brave right now.

“Our world is much older that anyone thinks, Trinity. There were people, who were different, who liked creating things. One of them decided to create something similar to them, but these creatures should have what they didn't have – feelings. In their society feelings were things which could destroy their world, but he wanted to make sure if he was told truth. So, he created humans with souls. But one soul without another was worthless and only few of them could actually find another one. So, he created the bodiless,
had to make sure that souls could find each other. But creator did one tiny mistake; his created souls not all were good and
soon started to destroy his created world and ignore their mission for which they were created. You see, every soul has its own destiny. For example, yours is to change the world. But coming back to our story. So, the creator decided to... help his creatures; he took bad souls away from this world and never let them come back. But here was the
one soul was left without a chance to be happy. So, he let them to be protectors and tutors, who could help souls to find their happiness or faint hope that there will appear a soul one day who could be his soulmate.”

I lowered my eyes down, trying to remember what Christopher and Avery had said about souls, which lost their another half. Yea, they told me about possibility to become a protector or a tutor. They also mentioned that the soul could come back over and over again, but he will never be happy. But they didn't tell me that those souls had some kind of hope to have a soulmate one day.

“Ah, I see that your tutor didn't tell you something important,” Eduard noticed my face. “Well, it shouldn't surprise me. Souls shouldn't know anything about the real world. Even you, who
her previous life, should be kept in the darkness.”

“Why can I remember my previous life?” I lifted my eyes to meet his. He smirked.

“Let me finish my story first, Trinity. So, many souls decided to become protectors and tutors and live forever, while another cherished hopes that maybe one day they will have their soulmate. The creator was pleased with himself. He solved one problem, but it soon created only more problems. The hunters were created. Some protectors and tutors decided that everyone should feel empty and sad like them. So, they become stealers' of souls. The creator had to find another solution how to illuminate this problem, but he didn't find it. He even now tries to create some kind of a plan.”

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