Languish for you (My soulmate) (19 page)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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I took some steps closer to them in order to hear about what they were speaking with a salesgirl. Agnes didn't even notice me moving away from her. She was so focused on labels on food boxes that I doubt if she could notice anything at all.

“All of these cats are brood, calm and friendly. They really like kids and play with them willingly. They could be left alone of several days. Also, these cats don't have a tang.”

“That's good,” the woman said in high voice. “ I don't like smelly animals.”

“What do you think, Ophelia? Do you want to have a kitty?” the mane was asking the little girl. She turned her head to him and nodded arrogantly. I didn't like that little girl.

“Yes, daddy. I want a kitty. Please, buy me one,” she put a puppy's face. I wanted to puke.

The man and his wife smiled coldly.

“Please, choose one that we could leave this place,” the woman said, touching her hair.

“That one,” the girl pointed to a little white kitty, which was sitting and staring at the girl with warning eyes. “The white one.”

The salesgirl smiled and nodded.

“That kitty is a girl,” she said as she quickly took the kitty and gave it to the little girl. But before everyone could even register, what was happening, the little kitty had done her job. With small, but sharp nails, she scratched through the girl face, letting blood to see the daylight.

The girl scream
from pain and dropped the kitty down. The poor animal didn't waste a second. She quickly found with her black eyes what she was looking She ran toward my and soon I found that small animal in my arms, where she sweetly started purring.

I looked at the woman and the man. They were standing in chock while their daughter was crying and salesgirl saying sorry over and over again. Soon another salesgirl came, carrying the first aid box to help the little girl, but her father in angry voice ordered her to stay away. And soon they were out from the shop. But before they left, they told everyone that he will suit this shop for hurting his little child.

“Wow,” I heard Agnes saying next to me. I glanced at her.

“You could say that again,” I touched the little kitty. She purred louder, putting something on her face what reminded me of a smile.

“Sorry, miss,” the salesgirl said in anxious voice. I lifted my head up. “Thank you for catching this little beast,” she extended her arms to take the animal from me, but I shook my head. I knew that maybe I was going out of my mind, but I didn't believe that this kitty will get a good care.

“I would like to buy it,” I said.

“Are you sure. You saw what that cat did.”

I nodded. I was sure. I wanted to safe this kitty from people, who thought that they could do what they wanted and to control everything. Because this kitty didn't obey, she will be punished and that wasn't right. That little girl was evil. Even animals could feel that.

“Yes, I saw.”

I put the cat on the ground. She purred and started touching her head to my leg. She didn't intend to run and that surprised me.

“Okay, then,” the salesgirl said unsure.

“You will buy a cat,” that was Agnes words. I nodded.

“I like cats,” I said like that was the excuse, why I was buying this cat. But maybe it was.

Agnes didn't say anything more and soon I was standing, paying for the cat with money which wasn't mine.

“Thank you very much, Miss Vanessa Stanton,” the salesgirl gave me back my credit card. I smiled and walked with Agnes out from the shop. The little kitty followed us without even glancing around.

“Strange cat,” Agnes said when we decided to take a drink. The little kitty jumped and took a sit on my lap like it was natural thing for her to do.

“Yes,” I said in a voice full of admiration. “I think I should call her Snow because of her white fur,” the cat purred in agreement. “Look, she likes this name.”

“Yea... You know, I have never seen a cat acting like this,” Agnes confessed.

“Me too.”

“She doesn't even run away from you,” she was sincerely amazed by that fact. I was too.

“I think I will be friends with Snow,” I sad, touching her soft fur.

“If you don't call me, I will know what have happened to you,” she joked. I laughed too. And talking about calls, my phone soon started ringing. I pulled it out from my purse and showed the screen to Agnes.

She gave me a wink.

“Someone can't live without you,” she sang as she stood up. “I will go the bathroom,” and she was gone, giving me some privacy to answer this phone call.

I didn't even know how much I longed to hear his voice until the phone rang.

“Hi,” I said as I bit my lower lip.

“Hi, beautiful. Where are you?”

“With Agnes in a super mall,” I answered, looking around the coffee-house. “She introduces me with some awesome places.”

“Really? So why wasn't I invited?”

“Because it's a girl time.”

“I miss you,” he said suddenly. It was really strange to hear these words. After all, we saw each other three hours ago. But it also made me warmer inside; he wanted always to be with me.

“Me too,” I closed my eyes, imagining him standing in front of me. “I would love to see you here, with my new friend.”

“New friend?”

“Yea, I bought a little kitty. Her name is Snow. You will love her.”

“But not as much as I love you.”

He really knew how to force my heart to pound faster in my chest. If he was going to do that so often, my lifetime will be shortened.

“I love you too,” it was so strange to say those words, but I knew that I really loved him. Maybe
that entire
sex thing wasn't so bad thing for me to try. After all, I knew that this guy was the one for me. I didn't need to question that.

“My joy of life, I would love to be with you now.”

“Me too, but this day belongs to Agnes.”

“She is a good friend,” he said.

“The best,” I admitted.

“So, maybe tomorrow. Would you like to spend the evening with me?”

“With you?” I said flirtatiously. I didn't know I could be like that.

“With me. At my flat. Alone. Movies maybe.”

I really liked that idea to be alone with him in his flat, where weren't any unnecessary people, such as, Christopher, Anna or Avery.

“So, you are offering me a Friday night with a ...”

“Your boyfriend,” he ended my sentence. “So, you are in? Or maybe you would like me to come to your home?”

I shook my head instantly, but he couldn't see that. It wasn't a video call.

“Your home,” I said, biting my lip harder to keep myself calm.

Snow lifted her little head up in curiosity.

“So, until tomorrow, my love.”

“Yea. Buy,” the call was ended. And maybe just in time, because Agnes returned from the bathroom pause. But before she could take her place next to me, my eyes were caught by a woman's stare. She was standing in the other side of the room, wearing a red dress. Her short hair were falling in spirals. From her face, I guessed that she was maybe thirty years old. But I could be mistaken.

When our stares met, she stood up and walked out, giving me chills. She didn't glance at me; just walked forward, taking her phone into her hands to call to someone.

“Is everything okay?” Agnes asked worried.

I looked at her and smiled.

“Yea. Everything is fine, although I doubted if it was fine. That woman.... For some reason, I didn't like how she stared at me, how her eyes provoked my body to be alarmed. Was she just a simple woman or...a hunter, about which I was warned? “I think we should go,” I said as I put the cat on the ground. Snow wasn't very pleased by that, but I didn't care. She had her opinion and I had mine.

“Okay,” Agnes said hesitating. “But why? What did Tobias say to you?”

She thought that it was his words, but she was under a delusion. It wasn't him, who turned on a self-defense regime in my body. It was that woman's eyes, but I didn't want to tell her that.

“I just want to bring Snow home,” I lied. I broke my own rule, but at that moment I didn't care. I just wanted to be at home, where nothing bad could happen to me.

Chapter sixteen

“A cat?” Christopher said as he saw Snow wondering around her new home.

“Well, yea,” I nodded, crossing my arms against my chest, coping his stance. “How I see, you can recognize animals.”

“Cha cha,” he said sarcastically. “What is the cat doing here?”

I glance at Snow. She was licking her front right leg.

“She is taking a shower,” I said, controlling myself. This was absurdity. When I came back come, I found Christopher next to his laptop. On the screen I could see a map and a red spot in it which had to be me. He was making sure that I was doing what he had ordered me. I knew it was his job and all, but still, that made me feel...well, I wasn't used to this kind of things. I had never thought that one day there would be a person, who would become my shadow.

Christopher instantly noticed Snow behind me. He narrowed his eyes and lifted his head that I could see a question in it.

“You hate cats?” I asked and Snow stopped doing what she was doing. Her dark little eyes turned to Christopher.

“No. I am afraid of idea of opening the zoo in this flat.”

“What?” I frowned.

“If you save every animal, which could be killed, there won't be a free spot left.”

“You were... You bastard...” I didn't know what to say. He wasn't only looking at that map, he was also ...

“Cameras? Yes,” he confirmed. “I saw what happened, Vanessa.”

“Trinity,” I said in a small voice as I turned my face away from his eyes.

“Vanessa,” he used that name on purpose to provoke me, but I decided to pretend that I didn't hear that,” can you tell me why you brought that cat here?”

“Really, you can't tolerate one small kitty?” I lifted my eyebrows up.

“I asked a question, Vanessa,” he said in a grim voice. That should have scared me, but it didn't.

“And I decided not to answer to it, my dear protector. And if you let me, I will go to my royal bedroom and write some chapters about a terrible guardian, who didn't let for a girl bring a small kitty into the castle,” I lifted my chin up and lifted my foot up to take a huge step...back.

Christopher pulled me back, closer to him. I could feel his body's warm, which forced my heart pound faster.

“You won't leave until you give me answers, Vanessa.”

“And your question was?” I looked at him. Dammit, we were too close to each other. I could easily touch his lips with mine if I wanted to. Did I? I bit my lower lip. His eyes lingered on my lips for some second before they lifter up.

“You are impossible.”

“And you are sweet,” I lifted my hand up to touch his cheek playfully, but he caught it before I could even do, what I had planned. I caught my breath, seeing only his sky blue eyes.

For some minutes we just stood like this, staring at each other. I didn't know how his heart was doing, but mine was working harder than usually. The thought about kissing him was echoing in my mind until it became one of my desires, which I couldn't truly understand. He wasn't my soulmate. Tobias was. So, why did I suddenly want to kiss my protector?

I tried to pull away from him, feeling guilty for wanting what I shouldn't, but Christopher didn't let me go. He hold me firmly against his chest, letting me feel how his heart tried to escape from his chest.

And then, his warm and soft lips touched me, creating a fantastic sensation in my body, almost similar to Tobias'. I leaned forward, deepening our kiss. Soon I felt his tongue, trying to open my lips and feel me even better. I grinned in my mind and gave him entrance into my mouth.

When our tongues met, I groaned. It felt so good that I didn't want ever to end this crazy kiss. I wanted to feel him more against my body, taste him, feel my hot body and so on. The same desire I felt from him too. His arms hold me only tighter, like he was afraid that I soon will decided to walked back and end this kiss.

You wish, I said in my mind, letting my hands to touch his neck, his hair.

Snow mewed and that was all we both needed to remember, who we were and what kind of destinies were waiting for us. I sprang back, away from him. We both were out of breath, hot and wanting more that a simple kiss. At least I wanted that. I couldn't be one hundred percent sure if he was in the same boat as I was. But still, that shouldn't have happened. So, why it felt so good, so familiar, like being at home after a long travel.

Something wasn't right with me. I knew that. How could I wish another kiss from my protector if I had a soulmate?

“Vanessa,” he said my name carefully.

I looked at him astonished. I didn't need to be a physic to know what he was going to tell me, because I had written these
of scenes many times in my stories. But at least in them there wasn't a soulmates' thing. In them there was only a forbidden love.

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