Languish for you (My soulmate) (24 page)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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“Hi,” I said, creating a huge grin on my face. He leaned closer to me and planted a short kiss on my lips, although I wished for longer, deeper... “What are you doing here?” I asked, stealing a glance at Avery, who was still sitting. But now her smile reminded me of a cat's, which saw a mouse, which would never escape from her claws.

“You said we will meet today, but you didn't call me. So, I came to check on you, my love,” he said as he rub my back, forcing me to forget one really important fact. I tried to concentrate, to remember it, but his eyes, lips and that wonderful feeling, when his fingers touche
my body, were distracting me.

“Oh,” I winced. “Sorry. I totally forgot that,” and then I remembered why I had to call him. He was cousin.

I stepped back from him. His hands dropped down. I could see on his face confusion and read a question; what's wrong.

I folded my arms over my chest and glanced at Avery. She caught my eyes and sneered. She put her cup on the table and slowly, really slowly that the turtle seemed to move faster, stood up. Tobias noticed where my eyes where pointed. He soon was also staring at Avery, who met his eyes with a smirk.

“I think it's time for me to go and leave lovebirds alone,” I couldn't believe that she called us like that when she knew who we were to each other. “If you need me, I will be in my room,” she gave us a wink and strutted out.

I narrowed my eyes.

“Your aunt is nice,” Tobias said in low voice, taking me back into his embrace. I didn't struggle, because I knew that one way or another my desire to feel him close to me will defeat my sanity.

“Yea, she is okay. Sometimes,” I licked by lips and met his eyes. “I am really sorry for not calling to you. I just forgot.”

“Don't worry,” a quick kiss on my cheek,” I am here now,” a kiss on my nose,” and I won't intend to go soon,” and then on my lips, parting them. Why did his touches, kisses were so affecting me if he was my cousin? After all, I should be disgusted, and not dieing to jump with him in bed.

“Yea,” I murmured.

“Maybe you would like to go to movies?” he asked, his fingers toyed with my hair.

“Movies?” I stole a glance at the corridor, but I couldn't see anyone. “Okay,” I nodded
enthusiastically. „I
really would like to enter into another world,” I grinned.

He kissed me again. How
his kiss
be so good when I knew that they had to be evil? And how managed Christopher pop in my mind when I was with me soulmate?

I really started to question if there wasn't some kind of mistake involved in that odd soulmates' thing.

“Then we go,” he took my hand.

The movie wasn't gripping. The right word to describe it would be dreary and predictable. All the movie I just sat and fought with urge to close my eyes and just drift off. The movie hadn't even played for five minutes, and I already knew how it will end. Really, the film industry didn't change much since my days.

Lucky for me, the movie was really long and it was slit into two parts that viewers could get a short brake to visit a bathroom. I decided to use this break and stretch my legs. I asked Tobias to go and buy some more drink. I wanted not only to use my legs, but also be away from Tobias a bit.
The entire
movie he was holding my hand in his. That was just too much for me, for some reason.

“Okay, we will meet here,” he said as he planted a quick kiss on my lips. I smirked and turned to the toilets' direction.

Before I could even walk inside with other women into the room, I noticed a familiar silhouette of a man. He was standing far away from me, his back at me, but I still knew that it was Christopher. Of course, I could imagine that
could be there, but I knew how to control my wild imagination. Sometimes.

I forgot that toilet thing, and strode straight to Christopher, who pretended not to notice me or some women, who walked pass him, rewarding him with playful eyes. Seeing those looks at him, drove me up to the wall. I felt a rush to go and hit every single woman's face. In my mind was only one word

I clenched my hands in horror. I shouldn't want to do anything to anyone. And Christopher was definitely not mine. Tobias was. What was wrong to me?

But I didn't turn to go back, I walked straight to him, trying to control my body, my emotions which boiled in me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, looking straight to the movie poster, which was in front of me. It was a poor distraction, because that poster advertised not my style movie.

“So, you have a bad time,” it wasn't a question, but I still wanted to reply to it.

“You can say that again. The movie is awful.”

In my eye's corner I noticed him grinning. I like his smile, I had to confess that to myself.

“Who picked it?”

“You won't believe me,” I laughed. “It was me.”

“And you don't like it?” he lifted his eyebrows. I nodded. “About what is that movie?”

I set my eyes on him. He was standing confidently and studying me.

“Maybe next time I will introduce you how terrible movies I can pick up to watch. What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?”

“I am your protector,” he answered shortly.

“And?” I waited for more to hear. I had already known who he was to me. I didn't need to be remembered of that.

“I need to protect you,” he said simply like it was a matter-of-course thing.

I frowned.

“So, you are stalking me?”

“Yea. And how it seems, I managed to blow up my cover.”

The truth hit me; it wasn't the first time when he secretly watched me. At the same time I felt angry and happy. Angry; because Christopher was following me secretly. Happy; because I was safe while he was with me. With me.

I slammed my head in my mind and ordered myself to come back to reality in which Christopher was only a protector, who will leave me at the same minute as his mission be over. I was only a mission to him, nothing more. But that kiss? Was I really only a mission to him?

“You didn't follow me all the time,” I said, lowering my eyes to stare at filthy ground. Oh look, ten cents on the ground was waiting to be picked up.

“Not all the times. But somehow you managed to sense when I was not around you, because every time to you vanished.”

“Oh,” I moaned. He was talking about those times when I got to Eduard. Yea, he was angry with me about those times, but I also had the right to be be touchy; he was stalking me.

I lifted my eyes up.

“Great times,” I said sarcastically. “So, how are you doing, nanny? Aren't you bored to stay and see so many women staring at you like you are some kind of candy?” I tried to said that in teasing voice, but it sounded more like I was a jealous little girl.

He didn't say anything to my words. He just turned his eyes to see his watch.

“I think it's time for you to go. The movie will start soon and you didn't go to the bathroom yet. I wouldn't want you to piss yourself during that so interesting movie, which you have chosen.”

He was ironic. I scowled and, without telling him a word, leaded back to the bathrooms. All the way to them, I felt his eyes on me, and that only made me feel butterflies in my stomach and remember that first and, for now, the only kiss we had shared. Why did I give so much credit for it? It was just a kiss.

I really needed to talk with someone, who knew about all this soulmates' thing and ask him in what kind of mess I was in. I had the same feelings to two boys: one was my cousin and soulmate, another was my protector and without chance to have a soulmate.

“You are just in time,” Tobias words greeted me. I met his warm eyes and nodded. Just in time to be more confused that I was already.

Chapter nineteen

The Sunday was quiet. I stayed all day in my room, writing. Only at night all fun started. I had my nightmare again. But this time it changed a bit. In the end I didn't try to remove the blindfold. I kept it on my face. I just stood still, letting everyone's fingers to touch me and theirs pleas to reach my ears. And in the end, someone grabbed me from behind and pulled away from all those fingers. The voices all hushed except one; the person's in whose arms I was.

“I was waiting for you so long,” he whispered.

I tried to lean closer to him, but a strange noise pulled me out from that dream and those comfortable arms. I opened my eyes. I quickly scanned the area, but it was still dark, so I couldn't see anything. In the end I told myself that maybe it was Snow making some fuss. Animals liked to do that.

I was about to close my eyes when something flashed next to the window. It was similar to a human profile. My heart was in my mouth. Someone was on the roof. On the roof!

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I couldn't even move. I was paralyzed from fear. In the real world I always could move, only in my nightmares I knew this feeling when you couldn't do anything, just look. Sometimes I found myself laughing from that, saying that in reality I would never be palsied. Yea, right. Never.

A shadow crossed the window again and then a gride. Somebody really was on the roof. I needed to get out from my room and find Christopher or Avery and tell them that. But really, I couldn't move. I repeated over and over in my mind commands to move, run, but nothing worked. I was still in my bed paralyzed.

And what you know, the window smashed and that shadow came to visit me. Only then I found my voice and screamed as loud as my lungs let me.

The shadow came tearing to me like greased lighting and put something on my mouth to kill my scream. But it was too late. I was heard. Christopher with Avery burst into my room. In my protector's hands I saw the same gun, which I had stared once. It was now aimed straight to the intruder. He let an angry sound and put something cold next to my neck now. I squirmed.

“Let her go,” Avery ordered to the intruder. He shook his head and pulled me out from the bed, closer to him and the normal window in my room.

“Then die,” Christopher said in cold voice. He totally ignored the knife against my neck and that it soon cut my skin, letting red liquid play on my body.

Christopher pull
himself towards me and the intruder. His face was confident and determinate to win. The intruder maybe noticed the same thing that he won't win, because soon he removed the knife and pushed me straight to his embrace. Christopher caught me while the intruder made a bolt for the window.

“Avery,” I heard Christopher saying. Avery nodded and quickly jumped through the window, too.

I closed my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening around me. It couldn't be real. It had to be just a nightmare, but when I opened my eyes, I still could see Christopher in my room, glass on the floor. No, it really was reality.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, lifting my face to meet his eyes. Then he noticed a dark liquid on my neck. Anger crossed his face.

“What...what was that?” my voice was trembling as my body.

He primed his lips and locked his hand on mine.

“The hunters,” he answered and pulled me out from the room. I felt something cold against my body. Christopher was still holding the gun, ready to use it momently if the enemy decides to appear in his way.

“The hunters,” I bit my lip. “Why?”

He didn't answer. He just pulled me after him into his room. He put me on his bed and turned the light on. Only now I noticed that he wore his usual clothes for the night; only pants. His chest was naked and that turned almost instantly my wild imagination on. I was really stunned; I was attacked just few minutes ago. I should be scared, crying and so on. But no, I was thinking about my protector's naked chest. Something really wasn't right with me.

I turned my eyes away from him before he could even notice where I was staring. And lucky for me, he was thinking about something so intensively, that my thoughts to him was nothing.

I lifted my legs on the bed and curled up into a ball. My body was trembling, heart was racing. It was exactly how I had always imagined that my characters would feel after an attack, but I had never wished for myself to be attacked by anyone.

Christopher moved closer to me and sat on the bed. His eyes turned to me. In his face I could see sympathetic.
These things
were his daily bread. Nothing special. But to me... it was new and frightening.

“Will Avery catch him?” I asked in tiny voice. My hands on my chest, feeling my restless heart.

He didn't hurry to answer to my question, and when he did, he didn't sound happy.

“No. She won't catch him. They are quick.”

He stood up and walked out from the room for some minutes. When he returned, I could see a medicine chest in his hands. He sat back on the bed and started acting like a doctor; sit, lift you chin up, don't move,
and stop
acting like a baby...

“You know, it burns,” I said as he gently touched my little wound on the neck with medicine.

“Like it is my fault that you don't know how to fight,” he snapped.

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