Last Hope (13 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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An explosion happens right next to
Soto, he did not get hurt. “What the fuck was that?” Soto ask in
fear of the explosion.

Lets go check it out.” Gary
told him while reloading.

Kato opens a grange door behind a shop,
spots two heavies One heavy try’s to move in the warehouse, Soto
fire at it, kills it. Another heavys gets close to Kato, shoots at
her but miss. Kato falls back, fire at the heavy but miss. Manugn
got shot at, and dies. Soto moves in the warehouse, shot at the
heavy, hit, not kill. Gary fire at the heavy, miss. Kato fire at
the heavy, kills it.

Once that was over the mission was
finish. “Well that was fun kids.” Gary said with laughter as he
looks over to Soto who also laugh as well. Gary spun around to see
Kato just standing up looking at the ground. “What’s wrong Kato?”
As Gary moves closer to Kato he notice Hugo, on the ground with
bullet holes in him. “What?” Gary said with shock as he rush over
to his friend. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.” Gary check
Hugo’s pulse to fine that he was no longer breathing. “HOW!” Gary
starts doing CPR on Hugo but nothing was working. As the aircraft
came back to pick up the soldiers, both Soto and Kato had to pull
Gary off of Hugo.

The ceremony for Gary to becoming a
corporal was very quiet. As Gary got put in Sic-Mad for six days.
Kato was in there with him for two. “Hey Kato.” Gary ask very
blanky. “How did it felt when Soto, the first Soto

Kato did not say anything for a while,
as she thought about the question then let out a long sigh. “It was
mission nine, I wasn't there but Estela told me all about it. She
saw Soto getting gun down so she killed the asswhole who killed
him. When the mission was over, She told me behind scenes that Soto
pass away. The first thing I wanted to do was beat the living crap
out of her. Then my anger went into sadness, knowing that I will
never get to see my brother again. I probably did what you are
thinking about right now. What would had happened if I was there to
keep an eye on him? If he did not go on that mission that day,
would he be alive today? So many things ran through my head I had a
hard time controlling it, nothing but a good bottle of rum to help

So far, all my friends are
either dead or dying. First there was Jordan, then Fredrick, then
Chavez, and now Hugo.”

You can’t blame yourself
for every death Gary. I found out the only thing that leads to is
yourself getting closer to death. What Hugo said on the plane is
true. You have to be strong Gary. During that mission, every single
one of us got scared, we freak out. Hugo was the only one who kept
his cool and he still died. I don’t know how but the three of us
still manage to stay alive. I was certain that we were all going to
die there Gary. You have to be strong for the rest of

I don’t know if I can.”
Gary said with a sigh.

Kato, whose bed was right next to Gary
reach over to put her hand on his. In a soft voice she spoke. “You
can Gary.”

Mission 18 Friendship

Katrina and Song were outside drinking
some tea when Anne came by. “Morning you two!” She says with a
smile. neither one of those two return the smile or a gesture back.
Anne let out a small sigh and sat down. “I haven't been on any
mission here yet, however I am starting to feel that being happy is
a bad thing. Every soldier that I meet is either sad, angry, or
just plain out quiet.” She let out a pause again waiting for a
response but neither Song or Katrina responded back. Anne let out a
sigh and place her head down on the table that the girls were

Juan came walking by the woman with a
warm smile on his face. As he grab the only chair left and sat
down. “Are Mandisa and Sandra still fighting against one another
trying to outdo the other?” He ask with a chuckle.

Anne lifted her head off the table.
“You have no idea. Just a few days ago, the two of them went into a
shooting contest, lets just say that they ran out of targets in
about half of an hour.”

Well if anything, if those
two go on more missions together, at least they will see who can
kill the most Sons so I guess you can look at this competitiveness
as a good thing.”

Anne gave a chuckle and a fake smile.
“I guess you could say that.” Just then all four of their pagers
went off. “Is this when you know you have a mission ready?” Juan
nods his head and all four of them went to the aircraft.

Once inside the aircraft neither
Mandisa or Sandra spoke or look at each other. Anne was sitting
next to Juan. “I know you said you can look at the good thing to
those two fighting against one another, it still creeps me out.”
Anne told Juan in a whisper.

Yea, me too.” Juan said
back in the same tone.

As the air-craft landed and all six of
them went outside. Song move up ahead, she could see the aircraft
and five heavys that were all on a little smoke break. The heavys
also notice Song and ran to cover. Song toss a grenade at one, hit
but not kill. Mandisa rapid fire one one of them, does not kill the
heavy. Anne toss a smoke grenade near Sandra. Sandra was confuse at
the smoke grenade. “I got plenty of them, plus you look like you
are out in the open a little!”

Song got shot at twice, some more and
dies. Katrina who was in the back, looking through her rifle was
shock at just how fast Song died. What was even more to a surprise
was that Song was out in the open more then Sandra was. She was
also the closest to the enemy. Juan got shot at, not feeling so
hot. Mandisa got shot at, light damage. Sandra took aim at one
heavy, the heavy ran and she fire at him but miss. Katrina shot at
the heavy that Sandra miss and kills it, with a headshot. Mandisa
rush ahead, shot and kills a heavy. Two more heavys came out from
the aircraft, Juan fire at one but miss. A heavy surprises fire on
Mandisa. “You know what will be great right about now! A smoke
grenade thank you very much!”

Anne rusle around her pouch but forgot
to bring extras. “I’m out!” She told Mandisa with a fake smile and
laughter. Katrina was noticing the whole thing from afar, and could
not keep her eye off of Anne. Katrina found a heavy in the open,
fire at it but did not kill it.

A tank comes from the side with two
Sons. Anne fire at Katrina’s target, miss. Mandisa retreats back,
got shot at but miss. “How the fuck did I escape that?” She ask
herself out of breath. She fires back, miss the heavy.

Anne got fire at, Juan so did Juan.
Anne is doing ok but Juan got wounded and starts to bleed out.
“Fuck!” He scream in pain.

Juan!” Anne shouts back.
She was the medic in the group so she had to get over to him, but
the battle ground is under too much heat at the moment.

The tank moves right in front of
Mandisa. Mandisa eyes opens wide as she was staring at death
itself. Katrina fire at the tank to distract it, which gave Mandisa
enough time to run away to reload her gun. “Oh thank you Katrina, I
love you.” She told her out of breath. “That’s the second time I
escape death, I really don’t think I can do it a third

With the tank being distracted Anne
rushes over to Juan. “How you doing handsome?” She ask when she got
over to him.

Heaven.” Juan told her as
his eyes barely stay open. “I never seen such a preter

Sorry to say this, but I am
going to need to bring you back down to Hell.” Anne told him as she
prepares to heal him.

Sandra fires at the tank. “Fuck, why
did Song had to die? She was the fucking heavy in our

A heavy moves, fire at Anne but miss.
“Christ!” She said as the bullets went past her. She return fire to
kill the heavy that tried to kill her.

Sandra fire at the tank some more but
was way off. Katarina also fire on the tank. Mandisa rapid fire on
tank, kills it. As Sandra reloads her weapon Mandisa walk over to
her with a smirk smile. “What’s the matter Sandy, sand got in your
eye for a while?” Sandra said nothing as the two of them carry on
their mission.

Mandisa found a Son and was able to
kill it with ease.While Mandisa was killing a Son Anne just finish
healing Juan. “That’s should do it, don’t move for the rest of the
mission, we will be back to pick you up. One Heavy runs inside of
the aircraft. While another heavy shot at Anne but miss. “Fuck me.”
She said with agony.

Sandra fire at the heavy that shot at
Anne, she hit but then the heavy move to another location. Katrina
was able to kill it. The other Son move around in the woods,
everyone fire at it but miss. Anne gets close to the aircraft,
found three elites Sons. When Anne found the elites, in her headset
she heard a voice. “Do it.” Anne turn around to face her weapon at

Mandisa look behind her, but saw no one
for Mandisa to kill. “What’s going on Anny?” Mandisa

I’m sorry, but I have to do
this.” Before Anne could do anything Sandra quickly kills

Mandisa was in shock. “A

Sandra shook her head. “I don’t know,
all I know is that at least you never pointed a gun in my face
Wednesday.” Sandra told her.

The Son that everyone miss try to sneak
on Sandra and Mandisa, Sandra quickly kills the Son. Katrina fire
inside, hit an elite Son with pistol, not killed it. Katrina swap
to her rifle this time, and was able to kill the elite Son with a
headshot. Mandisa ran to cover, rapid fire on a elite Son, did not
kill it. Sandra has to reload. An elite Son hits Mandisa, she
starts to freak out. Both Sandra and Katrina was confused, at how a
veteran like Mandisa would start to freak out in battle now.
Katrina hit the elite Son that hit Mandisa, no kill. Sandra hit the
same elite Son, still did not kill the Son. The elite hit Katrina,
she freaks out, blindly fires and kills the elite Son that hit her.
Sandra pause. Two soldiers, both veterans, are freaking out in
battle for no reason. “OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!” Mandisa shouts as she
blindly fires and shoots at the other elite Son.

Sandra rush inside the aircraft, kill
an elite Son, mandisa and Katrina are too frighten to move. A heavy
comes rushing back inside, Sandra has to reload her gun. “Oh fuck
me.” Sandra told herself as she hurries to reload her weapon.
Katrina and Mandisa has to do the same. When Sandra finish
reloading the heavy move to get a better shot at Sandra, but miss.
Katrina snaps out of it, kills the heavy. Mandisa rushes inside.
One heavy tries to come in from the side, both Mandisa and Sandra
kill it together. That was the last Son in the area. When it was
over Sandra let out a sigh, Mandisa did the same and when the two
of them look at one another they both just laugh it off.

On the airplane heading back Sandra
couldn't help but to ask Mandisa and Katrina a question. “What
happen back there? Why did you two start to freak out? The two of
you have been here since mission one so shouldn't the two of you, I
don’t know, not freak out?”

Both Mandisa and Katrina look at each
other, as they to were confuse on what happen as well. “We, don’t
know.” Mandisa said at last. “To be honest, we really should not
freak out like we did, but when we got hit, the first thing I felt
was death.”


It’s hard to describe, but
when I got hit, I felt as if I saw death.”

They say that life flash
before your eyes when you are about to die, but let me take a
closer look at you.” Sandra begins to undress Mandisa upon which
she found the place where Mandisa got shot at. “You got hit in on
the back of your shoulder blade, two days in Sic-Mad

Juan woke up slowly to see Mandisa with
her shirt almost off. “If this is hell then I fucking love it
here.” He look around to find Anne, but once he found out that she
was not on board his happy face went away. Mandisa, Sandra and
Katrina did not told him that Anne pulled her gun on

While everyone was celebrating Mandisa
become a Major. Commander was having a private discussion with
Sandra. “So, you are telling me that one of my soldier, tried to
kill another one so you did it to save the rest. Not only that, but
Mandisa and Katrina, my two best got freak out after getting hit
would not move?”

Yes sir.”

Are you trying to fuck me
Miss Jones?”


This is a secret
organization, and you are telling me that we may have people who
are trying to betray us? For what cause? Not only that, but my top
soldiers are starting to break down and they don’t even know

That is correct

The Sons of Liberty is just
a very big terrorist organization group. They don’t have the
technology to create fear bullets.” Commander told himself as he
pace around the room.

Excuse me sir?”

Fear weapons. Its sci-fi
crap. The thought of putting some sort of surm into a bullet that
dissolves once inside the human body to make the target, go into
fear. It’s never going to happen because that is not possible. I
never once heard of a bullet, or anything that makes a target goes
into fear.”

What about fear gas

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