Last Hope (11 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Kato shook her head up as her name was
being called. “I’m sorry, did you call my name?”

Would you like to explain
to us how your dead brother is not really dead?” Katrina told

Oh, you know?” Kato said
with a sigh.

The whole B.A.S.E knows,
ghost stories are coming from the left and the right. Would you
like to share some light on this story?”

TWINS!” Every guy over at
the guy barracks said back in shock and fear.

Stoto nodded his head up and down.
“Kato took my blood and her blood and gave it to the scientist.
Since we have some of the best technology in the world, this was a
no brainer. This was also the only way that I could think of to get
this crazy girl off of my back as well. Turns out our mother. The
other Soto guy, we got separated, don’t know how. Don’t really care
how. Kato is my long lost half sister.”

Small world.” Prezz said as
he was still laughing. “Does that mean that Kato is now off

No!” Soto quickly spit out.
“I mean, yes, I mean...ah fuck it.” Soto sighs. “None of this
changes a thing. I am glad I got a sister now however, I have
always been an only child. Sure I am going to look at Kato a little
bit differently now, other then that nothing really

Roman gave Soto a pat on his back.
“That sucks.” He said chuckling a bit. “At least you know now,
instead of marrying her and having kids.”

You are a sick fuck.” Soto
told Roman.

I’m just saying, that is
possible. not knowing you have a sister, marrying her, and her
giving birth. I don’t know how rare that is, and I can’t think of
any stories about that as well, however I am certain, that had

Hugo interrupts the conversation. “Not
to get off topic here about kids, marriages and sex. Sara is having
a birthday coming up. I have a daughter at home so I am thinking of
a teddy bear.”

Prezz just laugh at Hugo’s idea for a
gift. “You can give her a bear if you want to be boring and
unoriginal.” Prezz said with laughter.

Hugo let out a fake laugh. “Ha ha fuck
you too.”

Prezz quiet down room his laughter. “To
be honest, I don’t know what to do for Sara, she mostly hangs
around with the girls all the time. How about this? We throw her a
giant party? On Sara’s birthday, in the middle of the bse, we
blindfold Sara until she is right there. take the blindfold off and
ta-da, thousands of balloons fall from the ceiling and

That sounds good, however
helium will just make the balloons float, so each of us are going
to have to fill up the balloons ourselves.”

No biggy.” Prezz pause for
a moment. “How do you know that Sara is having a

Sandra told me.” Hugo

Fair enough.” Prezz told
him as the men all have a sip of their beer.

Commander was having some fun
waterboarding the elite pilot that Roman brought in. The elite
cough and gag when Commander was finish. “You can’t do

Sorry about that, you see,
this is not really a war. Just like the Vietnam War was never
really a war. Since we are a secret organization, we can do
whatever we want and get away with it.” Commander said with a

I will never tell you
anything!” The terrorist told Commander.

That’s fine, not only do
you not have to tell us anything, we can throw you in

The terrorist just chuckle. “That is
the best punishment you can give me? Making me not see

Commander move closer to the terrorist
face and in a soft voice he spoke. “You have no idea just how much
you will be begging to let out in just four months.”

The terrorist spit all over Commanders
face. “Do it.”

Commander just wipe his face clean then
sucker punch the terrorist face. “I must say, you are a very tough
guy to break. We have been doing this for how many weeks now? I
don’t know what else I can throw at you? Chinese water torture?
that takes a little longer, but still just as fun as being water
boarded. Or, you can pick what is behind curtain number

What’s behind curtain
number two?” The terrorist ask.

I am so glad you ask. Lets
show the terrorist what he won today. It’s not a new bomb, it’s not
drugs, it’s the chance to save your family!” The terrorist eyes
widen as Commander toss an Ipad on the table that was in front of
the terrorist as he saw a live cam of his house. “Now you get to
chose, do you want a uav to drop a bomb and blow that place up? Or
do you want us to storm in and just kill everyone? You see, the joy
of being a secret organization. We can do whatever we want. You
killed so many innocent people, why am I going to be the bad guy,
if I kill a family of terrorist people?”

You monster.”

What was that? your
military base is where again?”

I’ll tell you everything,
if you promise to not harm my family.”

No promises, if you do give
us the wrong address, then I am afraid that someone is going to
have to die.”

Commander came out of interrogation,
with his assistant quickly following him. “I want you to page me my
five best soldiers, we got a base to destroy.”

Sir, why don’t we just blow
up the base?”

We need files from inside,
and according to our little friend in the interrogation room, it’s
deep underground so no missiles would hurt it.”

Back over with Mandisa and the others.
Her pager went off. The same thing with Katrina, Song, and Sandra
who just came back. Sandra let out a light sigh. “Perfect, after
getting beat up by a seven year old, now it is time to get shot

You got beat up?” Mandisa
ask surprise.

It appears, all of those
lessons that Katrina has been giving her on where the pin points on
your body are payed off.” Sandra explain in pain.

Over at the war Room, Commander was
explaining what was going on. “After many weeks, the terrorist
finally broke and gave us acordents of where one of these bases
are. I am going to send you five to go in, kill everyone, and take
all the files that you can and get out. Before you head out, I want
you five to plant explosives all throughout the base. Once you
leave blow it up. You only got one chance with this so dont mess it
up. Head to the hanger, and may God be with you all on this

As they were all on the aircraft and
taking off to the base, knowing that this is a one way trip.
Commander assistant ask the commander if he just pick the top five,
or if there was some planning on who he chose. “Katarina
Chepurnova, sniper. If she can see you, then you are already dead.
She hardly misses with her sniper rifle and gets headshots eight
out of ten times. Mandisa Dubazana, assault. She is calm when she
is off the battlefield. However once she is on the battlefield. She
is not going to stop until she kills every last one of her targets.
Sandra Jones, assault. The fastest in town. She is a very tough
woman. She can be a little cocky, however it’s only because she
knows how good she is. She can beat you in a race, in a shooting
contest. The Sons will not be able to run away from her. Juan
Prezz, assault. He may still be new. However the fact that he has
seen hell and is still breathing on earth means a lot. Jiang Li
Song, Heavy. This girl loves to blow stuff up, and nothing is going
to get in her way. Weather it be a wall, a tank, she will blow it
up to keep moving if she has to.”

Why no support class for

Roman Gary is the best one
we have so far, however he is still to green for this

I am surprise that you know
so many soldier Commander.”

You have to. What kind of
leader are you, if you don’t know who is following you and who is
dying for you?”

As the team touch the ground, they all
awe at the size of the place. “This place is massive.” Mandisa told
herself. She quickly spot Song placing C4 on the ground already.
“Song! why are you planting C4 already?”

Boom.” Song simply

Mandisa let out a small sigh. “Yes
boom, but no boom now.”

Sandra moves forward a little bit and
spots two men. She fires at one, light damage. “Honestly, did you
thought this was going to be a stealth mission?” Juan moves near
Sandra, killed a target Sandra's target moves. Two more appear,
Mandisa fire but miss. Juan fire at one of them, miss. Mandisa
rapid fire on the other one, hit but not kill. Song got shot at
twice, hit once, she is doing fine. “Are you done planting those
stupid bombs Song, you are getting shot at!” Mandisa told

Sandra fire at a target, hit, not kill.
Juan shot at same target, kill it. Mandisa shot. at her target
again, kill it. The target that Sandra fire earlier, came out
running, Song kills it. Song goes through a door, found two of the
sword people and two normal people. One of the sword people rush
over to song, everybody shot at it, kills it. Another sword guy
runs right next to Sandra Katrina fire but miss. Mandisa eyes widen
as she remembers the same thing happening to Igor as she had a
quick flashback.

Swords?” Igor told himself
as he was yet to face against a son with a sword. “Thank you. You
see that pathway over there? That is a safe path, if you go over
there, you will see a plane. Get inside the plane. I will be back,
I am going to defeat all the monsters for you.” The little girl
gave Igor a big hug and gave him a dog tag. On the dog tag was the
name Sara Rosemary.

As the girl left, Steve moves next to
Igor, near to a window when he spots the monsters. “Contact!” Steve
fires at one of the Sons but he barely hurt them.

Let’s end this quick!” Igor
toss a grenade inside the building but it did not kill the Sons.
“These really are monsters.” He said astonish that they were still

The two Sons comes running out of the
building. Igor quickly got stab in his heart. The sword pierce
straight through Igor’s heavy armor. Steve was trying to fight off
the other attack but can’t escape. Katarina steadies her aim and
kills the Son that killed Igor. Mandisa tries to save Steve by
firing at the other Son. The Son got hit but was still able to kill

Coming out of the flashback one enemy
fire at Song but miss. Sandra fre at her target, target flee a bit
and got hit but light damage. Juan fire at sword guy but miss.”Not
again.” Mandisa told herself as she rushes over to the sword guy
and rapid fire on him, killing him. Song moves back to cover as
Sandra reloads. “Are you ok Madnisa?” Sandra ask.

I’m fine.” Madnisa said
back in a cold tone as she reloads her weapon.

Hey!” Sandra yell back
shoving Mandisa. “Dont lose your head here understood?

Sandra rushes out the door that song
came back from, got shot at but miss. Juan moves forward, shot at
Sandra attacker, miss. Mandisa rapid fire on Sandra's attacker,
killed it. She turn her head back at Sandra and said. “At least I
kill my targets.”

One target fell back Juan fell back to
reload his gun. So does mandisa. Once Mandisa was done with that
she rush outside, found the target that ran away, fire and killed
it then reloads again. Everyone was stun at how Mandisa was acting
and how reckless as well.

Two men appear and a tank Juan fire but
miss. Sandra move to cover, shot at target, hit not kill. Juan fire
at same target but miss. Mandisa ran to cover up some stairs,
killed the target that Sandra hit. “Fuck Mandisa.” Sandra said
under breath. Katrina fire at target with sniper rifle, hit but not
kill. The tank fire a rocket at Song and Sandra, both are not doing
ok. “Song!” Sandra cried out. “Got a shot at that tank?”

Negative Sandra!” Song
shouts back.

Katrina fire at same target again,
still not killing it. Mandisa was able to kill Katrina target. Juan
fire at the tank. “Lets fall back then!” Sandra told Song as they
both fell back to cover. Sandra fire at the tank when she got to
cover. Tank moves, song fires but miss. Sandra, Mandisa, and Juan
and Katrina all had to reload. Tank moves some more, Song fires
some more but still miss. Mandisa rapid fire on the tank. Tank
moves, both Katrina and Sandra miss. Mandisa rapid fire on the tank
again and destroys it. Once the tank was gone and the room was
clear, before they advance to the next room Sandra quickly got into
Mandisa face. “What the fuck is with you Wednesday?”

What do you mean? Our job
is to kill everyone in sight and that is what I am

You are doing it the worst
way I can think of. By running out there, and nearly dying each
time! Do you got something to prove or something?”

I am not trying to prove
anything Sandra!”

I know how it must had felt
when Igor died Mandisa but I am not going to say this again, don’t
you fucking lose your head!” Mandisa reloads her weapon without
saying anything and carry on her way.

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