Last Hope (9 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Everyone at B.A.S.E
remembers that Jordan, I swear you are going to die as the drunken
idiot.” Jordan ignore Frederick comments as all five of them got on
the plane together.

As they reach their destination, David
scouts ahead and spot three Sons inside the school. One target ran
around inside the school, David and Long fire at target, Long kills
it, then the other two came bursting around inside, found cover.
One fire at Long but miss. Two more shows up, both Frederick and
Jake fire at them, both miss. “Why are they at the school?” Jake

Shoot first, ask questions
later Jake, that is the rules in this war.” Frederick told

David fell back a little, fire at his
target inside the building to the left, hit but not a lot of
damage. Long moves close to the school wall to get a better shot
inside, from the left when he found five more. “Hey guys!” Long
shots. “There are a lot of Sons in this school, get ready for an
all out firefight!”

That’s our cue, get ready
guys!” Frederick told everyone. Long fire inside the building, but
miss his target. Frederick took aim with his sniper, and also miss
his target. Song toss a grenade at her target, to the right, hurt
but not kill. Jake saw the explosion and was able to kill the
target. David, Long, and Frederick all got shot at, David got hit,
barely alive and is being pin down by enemy fire, Long and
Frederick did not got hit. “Davy, you all right!?” Frederick ask
out of concern.

Never better, just get this
asswhole off of me!” David told Fredrick. Frederick took aim at the
target that is pinning down David but miss. “FOR CHRIST SAKE
Jake toss a grenade at the same target enemy, almost killed him.
The Son stop laying fire at David. “Thank you Jake, you are my new
best friend.” Song fire a rocket inside the school at the heavy,
did not kill him. Long took aim and was able to kill the heavy.
David ran to cover, killed the target that was pinning him down.
“Eat led you piece of shit.” David told the Son after he shot the
Son dead.

Fredrick got shot at, hit but is doing
fine. David fire at a heavy but miss. Frederick took aim to the
right, killed another target. Song moves ahead a little, miss her
target. Long fire inside kill another target. A heavy shot at Long,
he is hurt but is doing ok. “Jordan, are you ok?” Jake

I’m fine other Jordan, it
is going to take more than that to get rid of me.” Jordan told Jake
as he moves away from the fight to reload his gun. Frederick took
aim at a heavy, miss. One Son shot at long from afar, the bullet
hit Long and now Long is not doing so well. “You can die for your
cause, I am staying alive for mine.” Long frie back, killed the
target that shot at him. Song miss her target. Jake also miss as

David moves forward, shot at a heavy,
barely left a dent. That heavy killed David. Song saw what happen
to David, before she could do anything a Son opens a door behind
her, fires and miss. Song rush to cover, fire at enemy but also
miss. Heavy shot at Jake, killed him. “He was so young!” Jordan
said out in anger as he saw his friend got gun down before

Song get shot at, but the bullets miss
her, as she has to reload her LMG. Long quickly put some bandages
on his wound. Heavy shot at Fredrick but miss. Another enemy is in
the same room as Song. Song got shot at but doing ok. “Help!” Song
cries out. Once Fredrick hear Son speak, he knew that she was
really in trouble.

Song retreats further back. Frederick
took a shot inside the building where song is, killed a target.
Heavy shot at Fredrick again, miss. “Long!” Frederick call out.
Can’t you do anything about this fucking heavy!?”

I’ll see what I can do!”
Long moves close to the heavy, shot at the heavy. did some damage
but the heavy still stands. Frederick took aim at heavy, still
miss. Heavy shot at long, but miss Long took aim again and took out
the heavy. “Lets go save Song.” Long told Fredrick, out of breath.
Despite being in complete pain, Long rushes inside the building
were Song was at and kill the last Son. As Long stood over his
kill, Song came rushing to him and gave him a giant hug. “It’s over
now Song, it’s finally over.” Song said in a calm voice.

When they came back home, no one was
greeting them. The United States and China are in a giant panic
with the terrorist attack. Long becomes a corporal while he gets
put on Sic-Mad for eight days. Frederick is wounded for four while
Song is wounded or three. Long fell into a small coma from the
amount of blood that he had lost on the battlefield while he was on
the airplane. When he woke up in the hospital, he found some
flowers, with a note that says “Thanks for saving me, with love,

Mission 14 Charlie

While some of the soldiers were
resting, the air force was seeing some action. From time to time
the airplanes in B.A.S.E would go out to fight. It does not happen
a lot because the Sons does not really have access to airplanes,
but every now and then, the Sons will get their hands in one.
“Airplane intercepted, preparing to engage.” The pilot told command
over at X.

The pilot got shot down and command
lost communication. “A Son destroy one of our elite aircrafts?”
Commander told himself. “We know they had pilots for a long time
but the pilots were never any threat. Where are these pilots coming

A few weeks went by, United States and
China fell into some really bad Sons attack and they left the X
project. Everyone at X who came from the states was freaking out.
Two american soldiers were talking to each other about the
incident. “Did you hear the news? United States government is shut
down. They pull out of the X project.”

How could they do that,
what about us? Americans that are still in the fight?”

Did you forget that we are
a secret organization? This is it man. You got no life after this,
no home, no families, this is it man.”

I got a family, and a kid!
What do you mean that I am never going to see them

I mean that when you sign
up for this, you sign your name on the dotted line. You sign your
soul away to the devil.”

Man this is bullshit, i’m
out.” The soldier left in a fury with his friend closing close

Katrina and Son were in the distance,
eating some lunch as they overheard the conversation between the
two men. Katrina couldn't help but to let out a sigh as she gave
Son her words of thoughts. “Seems that we are losing soldiers
everyday, not just be death but there will as well. These soldiers
just don’t have the strength to go on anymore.”

Good, soldiers that are too
weak in war should not be fighting in it anyway. If these men are
having doubts, I would rather have them be doubting here then on
the battlefield.

Hey, Song, you are still
new around here right?”

I am one rank away from
becoming a Sergeant.”

Then tell me, is there
someone that you like?”

Song was a bit off guard by the
question. “Love is pointless on the battlefield.” She

I never said anything about
love, I said like.” Katrina made a small pause before she
continues. “Since I am such a high level, I don’t get to go out on
mission with other soldiers besides Mandisa, Sandra, and who ever
is at our level. Nothing is wrong with that. Working with the same
people, you get a feel for one another. You see what they see,
before they do. However, if I do have to train these new soldiers
for whatever reason, then I would like to know who I can trust, and
who is going to be stabbing me in the back.”

Song gave it some thought. She does not
talk to a lot of soldiers besides Katarina. One soldier does come
in mind though. “Well, Jordan Long is a good soldier.”

Jordan Long? What makes him
so special? Isn't he the soldier that gets drunk?”

Only that one time!” Song
quickly objects,, then pause as she was suprise at her sudden
outburst. “In the last mission, we were at a school. A Son had me
pin down, I cried for someone to save me. Then out of nowhere
Jordan come bursting through the window. He was severely wounded,
he was still able to kill the Son. Before that he also killed a
Heavy that Frederick was having a hard time dealing

Sounds like a soldier who
is willing to sacrifice everything for his teammates. I’ll take a
look at him.” The two of them continue to talk some more as The
Commander was talking with the councils.

Commander, it is the end of
the month and we are not at all please with your results. While
your actions are not the worst we see there could be much
improvement. We are giving you a C ranking. If you continue to get
any lower grades then we will be force to take matters into more
extreme measures. There is an enemy plane that we had found using
one of our satellites. Large scouts has also been reported as well.
We want you to not send in your strongest team. Instead one of your
weakest. If you're new team can’t handle a mission like this, then
we will be in touch Commander.”

Katrina and Song were still talking
when Song’s pager went off. “Looks like I have to get going
Katrina. We will talk more when I get back.” Katrina gave a slight
nod and Song went to the hangar. Once she arrived at the hanger she
ran into Fredrick, Juan a new soldier and Jordan again.

There she is, the most
talkative person in all B.A.S.E” Jordan says with a smile. Song
just ignore what Jordan told her and kept moving forward into the

As Everyone else got inside, Fredrick
was the one who was giving out orders. “Alright kids, the commander
told me that this is a very important mission. So watch your six
and your partner’s six as well.” Jordan raises his hand. “Yes Mr.

If this is such an
important mission, how come the Alpha team is not taking care of

Perhaps he want’s to see just what we
are made of. So let’s show him just what we can do. The three of us
had already been on a mission together, so I am looking forward to
be working with you Prezz and and Ronan, Gary.

Prezz moves forward and quickly spot
three Sons. “I see three of them.” One of the enemy tries to flee
but not before Prezz got a few shots in. “One is wounded!” Prezz
shouts. Another enemy ran to cover, Jordan fire but miss, Jordan
target shot at Prezz but miss. Two more shows up, plus a tank. “A
tank, they got a fucking tank? WHEN DID THEY GOT A FUCKING

Don’t worry about it Prezz,
it can be destroy just like any other thing!” Frederick told Prezz.
Prezz moves to cover, spot two more inside the airplane. Prezz fire
at the target that shot at him, hit but no kill. Three more comes
from the other end of the aircraft. Almost every enemy shot at
Prezz, one hit, not doing a lot of damage, one tries to move,
Jordan fires but miss, then the target went behind the

Jordan took aim at his target and
killed it. “Don’t fuck with my squad.” Jordan told the Son that he
just kill. Prezz moves while getting fire at, they miss. “You ox
Mr. Prezz?” Jordan ask.

Just fine and dandy. No I
am not ok, I got every mother fucking fuck on my ass right now, I
need backup!” Frederick moves up ahead, shot at enemy with pistol,
light damage. The enemy that Frederick hit move’s, Song fires back,
miss, song got shot at, but they miss as well. Frederick took aim
again at same target and was able to kill it with a sniper rifle.
Roanan fire from afar, shot at target, light damage. The enemy that
Roman hit ran behind the squad, people shot at him but

Frederick ends up getting poison.
“Can’t see.” Frederick said to himself as he started to choke. Song
moves near the enemy that ran behind the squad, killed it with a
grenade. One target ran out of the aircraft, pin down Fredrick.
“Shit, can someone get that guy?” Another one tried to move but
Ronan killed it.The tank slowly moves closer. “Song, can you do
anything about that tank? You are the heavy!” Frederick ask

Prezz shot at the target that had Prezz
pinned down not to long ago and was able to kill him. “Not to much
fun when you got a face full of led now is it?” Prezz told the dead
Son. Jordan shot at a Son but miss Tank fire at Frederick, killed
him. Almost everyone quickly stop when they saw Frederick body
exploded. Their leader, gone right before their eyes. Prezz starts
to panic. “Oh god, we can’t destroy this tank. We are all going to
die over here!” Prezz, blindly fire and killed an enemy. Jordan
panics as well, blindly fire and shot at the tank.

After seeing Jordan panic on the
battlefield, she remember Katrina words. Katrina does not want to
go on the battlefield with a soldier if that soldier is just going
to freak out. All the feelings that Song had for Jordan quickly
went away. Song pulls out her rocket but can’t get a good shot at
the tank with her rocket. Knowing that, Song falls back.The tank
moves closer. Roman fire at it, but miss. Prezz got a hold of
himself and fire at the tank. Jordan try to get a hold on himself.
He fire at the tank but miss. Song still can't get a clear shot, so
she moves closer. Roman also fire at the tank. Tank fire bullets at
Jordan, he is hit, not doing ok. Jordan falls back, fires at tank.
“You are not going to kill me like you did Fredrick you piece of
shit!” Jordan told the tank. Shot is still block for Song. Prezz
fires at tank again. Tank fires at Song but miss. “You ok Song?”
Song did not respond back, not because she is always quite but
because she was still piss at Jordan for freaking out on the
battlefield. Both Prezz and Jordan has to reload their guns, Song
rush forward and was able to put enough bullets into the tank and
destroy it. “YEA!” Jordan shouts. “That’s my girl!” The victory did
not last long for when Prezz got shot at but the bullets miss.
Prezz moves to cover, fires back, hit the target that almost hit
him but did not kill him. Song follows Prezz, kills target. Quiet
for a bit. “That was some nice shooting you did there Song.” Jordan
told her as he got closer. as he got next Song she slap him in his
face and storm off to the aircraft.

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