Learning to Let Go (7 page)

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Authors: Cynthia P. O'Neill

BOOK: Learning to Let Go
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I hung my head and hastily brushed my tears away. “I hate to admit it, but you’re right. I guess I should wait until sometime tomorrow or the next day.” Wait—Grace had said that “they” were getting ready for bed. “Is something going on with you and Jonathan?”

Her face light up like a kid on Christmas morning. “Oh, Laurel!” she exclaimed, beaming like a dreamy adolescent. “He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of and then some. We really hit it off on our date, then Dillon came to tell us that you’d been hurt and he was there for Garrett and me.” She went on and on about how Garrett insisted she leave the apartment for her safety while Chase was on the loose and how Jonathan offered up his place to stay. “After a couple days, we couldn’t fight the feelings we had for one another and decided to take things to the next level.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, as a smile crept across her face, indicating exactly what she meant by “the next level.”

“I’m so happy for you!” I cried, the loudness of my voice surprising me. I truly was. Grace had been through a lot of heartache and had her own bad experiences with men. She needed someone warm and caring like Jonathan. “I’m glad Garrett had the foresight to keep you from the apartment, too,” I continued. “Chase knows we’re related and best friends. I’m sure he’d stop at nothing to try and get to me, especially now.”

I looked over to Grace, needing to focus on something other than my own life. Forcing a smile, I asked, “So, give me all the details about you and Jonathan. Spill the beans, cuz!”

Grace’s face broke out in a smile that stretched ear to ear. I automatically knew she was smitten. “As you know, Jonathan and I hit it off talking at his bistro that day we had lunch together. That night was like a dream come true. He was every bit the gentleman, romancing me with flowers, candy, a candlelit dinner at his place and talks of seeing a movie.” She paused as a blush lit her face. “Dinner was fabulous; he really is an amazing cook. But, we never made it out to a movie, instead opting to curl up in each other’s arms on his sofa to talk and watch one of his DVDs. I feel like I could talk to him about anything and everything, Laurel,” she gushed. “I don’t even remember what we were watching because our lips locked as soon as the movie came on. Before things went any further, we found out you’d been hurt. Dillon offered to drive me to the hospital, with Jonathan insisting on coming with us, wanting to be there for all of us.”

I was so pleased that everything appeared to be working out for Grace. It sounded like she had found her true love, someone who could see her for the wonderful woman she is, not just as an amputee.

“Don’t go getting that starry-eyed look on your face, Laurel.” Grace raised her hands up in a halting motion. “Jonathan and I are moving way too fast and while it feels right, it scares me. I haven’t told him anything about my past other than what happened to my hand. He knows I’m a bit jumpy and independent as hell, but he’s willing to wait for me to open up. He insists he’s going nowhere and that wherever I am is where he wants to be.”

“How bad was the apartment messed up?” I changed the subject, though not sure I really wanted to know. “I remember the flower vase breaking on the floor, but that’s about it.”

Grace just patted my arm. “Garrett had the police and his team gather evidence and then had a cleaning crew in there before I even stepped foot inside. Neither Garrett nor Jonathan would allow me back into the apartment without a member of security or Jonathan himself. Garrett offered up the option of a hotel, his penthouse, or one of his family’s homes to stay at, but Jonathan insisted I stay with him, even before Garrett mentioned it. He went with me to the apartment to pick up a few things, too. Both of them have our best interests at heart, really.” She sighed, looking dreamily into space. “The man makes me swoon, Laurel.”

I motioned for Grace to hand me back the cup of water. I needed to cool off from all the heat she was describing between her and Jonathan. I managed to finish the rest of it without incident. I wanted to guzzle another five cups, but that probably wasn’t wise.

“You do realize that Garrett’s crazy about you?” she went on to add. “He hasn’t left your side for a minute unless Jonathan or I were there watching you so he could take a shower and change clothes—and usually we have to force him to do that. He’s been the one bathing you and dressing you; he won’t allow anyone else to do those things for you. He even demanded the hospital provide him a reclining chair so he could take short naps next to you. He didn’t want to let go of your hand.”

I was taken aback by her revelations. “Why would he go to all the trouble?”

She shook her head and looked me straight in the eyes. “He won’t admit it, but I think he loves you.”

I took a deep breath in at her words.
Could he really love me?

“He feels responsible for everything that happened,” she explained. “He thinks if he’d just listened to his instincts and followed you downstairs after your fight, that he could’ve taken Chase and had him arrested for stalking. As it is, there’s an APB out for Chase’s arrest for assault and battery and attempted rape. There are other charges pending an investigation and your willingness to talk to the cops and press charges.”

Grace went on to detail how he managed to get in the building and even avoid the security cameras. “Garrett had all of his older security systems upgraded to the latest technology, which was released only a couple months ago. He’s afraid, since Chase designs some of these systems, that he’ll be able to break into any of your residence and work locations. All of his security teams now have orders to dispatch to any area where it “appears” a camera is down, thanks to Chase’s scrambling device.”

I gasped for air, startled by all that had happened. I took a deep breath in and finally let it out, calming my nerves. “Did I imagine things or did Chase attempt to come at me in the hospital?”

Grace looked shocked. “You heard that?” When I nodded, she continued. “He did come to the hospital, but quickly retreated when the hospital went into lockdown and he had no way to get to you. The police, hospital security, and part of Garrett’s team were hot on his tail. That’s why you’re here now.”

“Where is here?” I wondered aloud.

“Garrett didn’t feel comfortable leaving you in the ICU, especially since Chase had already managed to get into the hospital once. You were showing signs of waking and your condition had stabilized, so he asked his dad to call in some favors and had you moved to his beach house here in Daytona Beach Shores. He hired Dr. Givens and his nurse to help watch over you until you’re well enough to not need round the clock treatment.”

I couldn’t believe he went to all the trouble and expense for me. Just when I thought I heard it all, there was more.

“His house is huge and impenetrable, almost like a fortress,” Grace said, sounding impressed, “but with a spectacular view of the beach. We’re right on the water.”

“Did Chase try to follow us over?”

She rubbed my back with her hand. “Not a chance! Garrett had his team arrange a decoy.”

The details of the decoy were mind-blowing, but I was happy to hear that Chase was now on his way to Ohio on a wild goose chase. I still couldn’t quite believe the lengths that Garrett had gone to in order to keep me safe.

“Thompson has his buddies from the CIA and the FBI trying to intercept Chase,” Grace said. “For some reason, he keeps eluding them and doesn’t leave any paper trail—no credit cards or anything in his name.”

“I doubt he’ll be easy to find,” I said sadly. “He has the technology to slip by security systems since he and his father designed most of them. His father has a nice bank account and access to people who can get falsified documentation, too. Unless they know what name he’s currently using or by some miracle manage to catch him on security camera, he’ll be hard to get.”

The door creaked open and Garrett leaned in. “How do you know about falsified documentation?” He blushed a little at admitting to overhearing our conversation.

Leave it to him to be listening in on things to make sure I was okay. “A few years back, prior to his first attack,” I began, “he tried to offer me a fake ID so I could get into night clubs and drink. I told him I wasn’t interested and he said if I changed my mind, his father knows people, for a small fee, of course.”

He stuck his head out the door and called for Thompson, who was there in no time. “I need you to run a background check on Chase’s father and see who his business contacts are, including the under the table ones. Laurel thinks he’s getting falsified documents and credit cards to use. Maybe we can track down the supplier and find out his alias.”

“I’ll get right on it, sir,” Thompson assured Garrett and then turned to me. “It’s good to see you awake, Ms. Laurel. I hope you’ll be feeling better in no time. We’ll get this guy, I promise.” He smiled warmly and then left to attend to business.
It’s one in the morning—did the man ever sleep?

Grace started yawning. “If it’s okay with you, cuz, I think I’m going to turn in for tonight. I’m right next door so if you need anything, okay? Just let me know.” She gave me another gentle hug before heading towards the door.

Garrett stepped aside to let Grace out and then took her place on the bed. “Are you feeling up to some broth? I noticed you’ve eaten quite of bit of your ice and drank all your water.”

I nodded. He called for Lynne and asked her to bring in some broth and anything else she might recommend. I looked at him in amazement, my cheeks warming.

“What?” he finally asked.

“Have you really not left my side since the attack?”

He shook his head. “I failed you. I lost your trust and I feel responsible for what happened.” It was a shock to see how he was carrying himself—shoulders slumped and eyes staring toward the floor like he was defeated. I had never seen him look so weary. He’d always held a huge mask of control.

I reached my hand up to his face and forced him to look at me. He leaned into my touch, placing his hand over mine and sighing in content. My heart was breaking seeing him like this; I had to reassure him. “My faith in you was lost because you didn’t trust me enough to know your secret. After all that’s happened, I think I understand why you pretend to be Mr. Andrews.” I paused and narrowed my eyes. “You
are not
responsible for what Chase did. He has some sick idea of us ending up together. I don’t think he’s ever heard the word ‘no’ in his life and he can’t deal with rejection. He’s nothing but a spoiled brat lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth.”

Garrett started to turn his head away from me, so I brought him back until our eyes met.

“He would have come after me no matter where I was, what city I was in or who I hung around with,” I reminded him, my voice surprisingly even. “He’d try to get me any chance he had. He had already sent me several threatening notes warning me that he was coming for me before he actually did.”

Oh boy, did I just stick my foot in my mouth.

Garrett’s skin turned a bright red and his fists clenched by his side, the muscles in his jaw beginning to spasm. He was fighting the urge to react to what I’d admitted. His only words were measured. “How many notes? Where are they? For how long?”

I took a deep breath in, realizing this needed to come out at some point for the police. “They started a couple days after I walked out of your office at Waters Medical Industries. I only received three over the course of a few weeks. They’re in my top dresser drawer at the apartment.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was pained, his face full of confusion, like he didn’t know if he wanted to be upset or if he lost his best friend.

“Because we broke whatever we had and I didn’t figure you needed to know.”

Garrett leaned his forehead against mine. “You’re a part of my life, Laurel, of course I need to know. Whether we’re together or not, I still want to protect you, like I do all my employees.”

I let my hand drop at his remark and pulled back from him. I think he realized what he’d said as he quickly corrected himself.

“Know that you are not just an employee to me,” he rushed on. “If I’m being truthful, you never have been. Something about you calls to me on a level that I just don’t know how to put into words. I’m dealing with emotions I’ve never felt before and to be honest, I’m not quite sure how to tell you what I’m feeling.” He leaned forward, cupping my face with his hands and brushing his lips gently across mine.

The slightest contact brought goosebumps to my skin. He pulled back to gauge my reaction before intensifying the kiss and nipping at my bottom lip, where his tongue found entrance into my mouth. I felt a rush of heat spread through my body. He elicited such passion within me. I still craved him; all of him.

“God, I’ve missed you, baby.” His voice was heavy, his breathing altered and his eyes hooded with desire as he perused my mouth.

A throat cleared from the doorway and we quickly pulled away from one another. “I’m sorry to intrude a private moment,” a female voice said, “but you should try to eat a little, Laurel. It will help you regain some of your strength.”

Lynne stepped forward with a breakfast tray in hand and placed it over my lap in bed. She helped me raise the bed to a comfortable upright position to eat.

“I’ll check back on you in about thirty minutes, before retiring for the night. Did you want me to get your pallet ready to sleep on, Mr. Waters?”

I looked at him in confusion. “Where exactly have you been sleeping?”

“Sometimes I fall asleep in the chair holding your hand. Other times I’ve used a blow up mattress and some sheets to sleep next to you on the floor.” He looked me in the eyes. “I was serious about never letting you out of my sight again.”

I didn’t know whether to be thankful for the devotion or to be annoyed over the stalking tendencies. He looked exhausted, so he couldn’t have slept well under the circumstances.

“Where’s your bedroom?” I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

He pointed to the wall in front of us. “Just there.”

“You need your sleep,” I insisted. “I’m starting to tire and will probably sleep through the rest of the night. Why don’t you sleep in your own bed tonight? You look like you haven’t slept much in weeks.”

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