Legacy of Desire (14 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Legacy of Desire
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‘Perhaps you’d care for a drink before you retire?’ suggested Jay.

His expression was perfectly neutral. She tried to read it, tried to tell whether he was as excited as she was, but it was impossible. He was wearing the bland mask of the lawyer and as usual had his feelings well under control. ‘That sounds like a good idea,’ she said after a slight pause, anxious not to sound too eager.

A few minutes later he was handing her a glass of brandy and she sat down in one of the large armchairs, trying hard not to look at the huge bed that dominated the room. Jay, glass in hand, walked around the room and she could tell that he was as restless as she was. ‘Do you remember what I said to you when we were dancing?’ he asked abruptly, turning to face her.
Davina nodded. ‘It was all true. I still want to do those things.’

Davina shivered. ‘I’d like you to do them.’

His expression softened and he took the glass from her, then, drawing her to her feet and reaching behind her, he slowly unfastened the zip of her dress while at the same time his lips brushed against her ear.

Once the dress was off he sat her on the foot of the bed and removed each of her shoes in turn before taking off her right stocking. His hands caressed every inch of her leg, and when the stocking was finally off he lifted her leg into the air and gently nibbled at her toes before repeating the whole exercise again on the other leg.

She was trembling violently now, almost hypnotised by this slow, gentle seduction that was such a contrast to his powerful physical appearance and naturally dominating manner. The contrast only added to the erotic thrill, and when he finally unclipped her bra and eased her panties down before lying her back on the bed she felt as though she’d come at any second.

‘Spread your legs apart a little,’ he murmured, lying down beside her and propping himself up on one elbow
as his eyes lingered on her body. Then, finally, he started to slowly caress her from top to toe, his left hand moving with exquisite lightness over her breasts, belly and thighs until she began to squirm restlessly as the blood coursed through her veins. She felt her clitoris hardening as her sex lips parted in readiness for the touch that her body so urgently needed.

Only then, when she was half out of her mind with need, did he begin to touch her between her thighs, allowing his finger to trail along the moist flesh, massaging her own juices into her and occasionally brushing against the side of her clitoris. Every time he did this her hips jerked and her breathing snagged. She heard herself start to whimper and his eyes softened.

‘Not much longer,’ he murmured. ‘I want to make this good for you.’

He already was. No one had ever made love to her like this before, and although she was desperately in need of release she also wanted the foreplay to go on forever. He moved down the bed and carefully eased a finger inside her, pressing upwards until he touched a spot that was new to her and she felt a delicious heat begin to spread through the whole of her pubic area.
Maintaining the pressure he lowered his head and at last his tongue circled her aching clitoris. The moment it did so she spasmed helplessly in an ecstasy of pleasure as the glorious contractions pulsated through her.

As she climaxed she was aware that he was watching her, and he looked pleased, as though he was taking pleasure from her pleasure. When the last tiny spasms died away she started to sit up but he gently pushed her back again. ‘Keep still,’ he whispered. ‘You can leave it all to me tonight.’

She was aware that he was parting her sex lips, opening her up to him and for a moment she felt ridiculously shy but then she gasped as he eased the head of a vibrator inside her. ‘Relax,’ he urged her. ‘Give yourself over to the pleasure.’ His words reassured her and she closed her eyes as the pulsations from the vibrator started to arouse all her nerve endings, sending jagged flames of pleasure scorching through her body. She’d never been as excited before and now she was crying out, terrified that the ultimate pleasure would elude her. ‘Trust me,’ he reminded her. His free hand wandered over her belly and then caressed the slender curve of her waist, while all the
time the vibrator continued to stimulate her until once more her body trembled as her pleasure spilled.

Jay lay beside her, pulling her onto her side so that they were facing each other and his hands gripped her hips as he lifted her outer leg over his top thigh. She stared deep into his eyes as he carefully eased the tip of his erection inside her. He was far larger than Phil, larger even than her husband had been. For a moment she tensed against the invasion but his mouth closed over hers and his tongue flicked around the inside of her lips and against her gums. As she responded her whole body softened and he was able to thrust fully inside her. It felt incredible. She was so lubricated from all that had gone before that the glorious hot pulsations quickly started again as he moved rhythmically in and out of her. Then, to her astonishment, he reached behind, parted the cheeks of her bottom and started to ease a finger inside her rectum.

‘No!’ she cried, trying to twist away from him.

‘Keep still,’ he urged her. ‘It will feel good, I promise. Just breathe through your mouth for a few seconds, let your muscles get used to it. You’ll have your best climax ever.’

Davina wanted to refuse, but as soon as she did as he suggested she felt an extraordinary excitement build deep within her as incredibly sensitive nerve endings, endings that had never been touched before, were stimulated by his forbidden caress.

She felt as though she were going out of her mind. He was moving hard inside her now, and at the same time moving the finger, tapping lightly against the walls of her forbidden entrance. The combination of sensations was shattering. She squirmed, helpless in this new-found world of sensuality and her nipples rubbed against his hard, muscular chest. She felt the tension within her building rapidly, fast approaching the point of no return and her body began to arch into a bow so that Jay had to pull her against him. ‘That’s it, honey,’ he murmured against her mouth. ‘This is the big one.’

His words drove her over-stimulated body to fever pitch and with a scream of delight she climaxed once more, and this time the pleasure was so intense that it felt as though it was going to tear her apart. She was still whimpering as the delicious final flickers travelled through her when Jay’s climax came. She felt him
pumping inside her, spilling himself deep within her, groaning loudly and shuddering from head to foot.

For a few minutes they remained closely entwined and Davina could tell that he, like her, was surprised by the intensity of his orgasm. He looked confused now, as though this wasn’t what he’d expected. To her surprise he gripped her head with his hands and kissed her savagely for several minutes before sliding out of her and moving onto his back. She lay quietly. Her body felt so light that she was surprised she wasn’t floating and she was just about to tell him how wonderful it had been when he spoke. ‘You sure as hell must value that cottage. You pulled out all the stops for me tonight, didn’t you?’

She was stunned. He’d seemed so tender, so caring, that the words were like a slap in the face. She’d felt safe with him, certain that there was more than just sex involved, and she wondered how she could have been such a fool. Not that she regretted it, it was still the best sex she’d ever had, but his words had changed everything.

‘I like to pay for everything in full,’ she said calmly, determined that he would never know how much he’d
hurt her. ‘I wouldn’t want you to feel that I wasn’t paying you the full amount.’

‘Nope, I reckon that was about fair,’ he said agreeably. ‘Guess you’d better get back to your own room now. Unless you want to pay for the whole week in one night?’

Davina suddenly felt horribly aware of the fact that she was naked and her skin had turned cold. ‘No, I don’t think so.’

‘I didn’t think you would. You enjoyed it though, didn’t you?’

She was trying desperately to dress herself but the clothes were far more reluctant to go on than they had been to come off. ‘Of course I did. You’re very expert.’

‘Is there something wrong?’ he demanded.

Davina shook her head. ‘What could be wrong?’

‘Search me. You know, Todd would enjoy watching you. Come to that, Todd would enjoy taking you. Do you like Todd?’

Davina’s mouth went dry. ‘I like him as a person,’ she said carefully.

Jay laughed. ‘You know damn well that’s not what I meant. Never mind, we can talk about it another time. I’m tired. Sleep well, Davina.’

Back in her room Davina quickly undressed, showered and got into bed. She still didn’t understand what had happened. On reflection she was certain that she hadn’t been wrong. Jay had cared at the beginning, and even afterwards, but then everything had changed and she didn’t understand why. The only thing that she could think of was that he’d expected her to refuse him at some stage, and that by going along with everything she’d disappointed him. Not physically, clearly in that direction she’d been more than satisfactory, but if he was wanting to get her out of the cottage then he must be feeling very disappointed.

‘I’m not going to be that easy to get rid of, Jay Prescott,’ she murmured. ‘No matter what you ask of me, I’ll do it. It’s my cottage. You’ll be back in America in a year’s time but I’ll still be in Oxford no matter how hard you try to get rid of me.’

It was only in the last seconds before she fell asleep that Davina realised exactly what this might cost her. After tonight there was no knowing what price Jay would demand in lieu of rent, and that this might be why he’d been so anxious for her to witness him and his friends as they indulged in group sex. Even so, if
that was what she had to do then she’d do it. He might be stubborn and used to getting what he wanted but in a different way she knew that she could be stubborn too, especially where her home was concerned.

Chapter Eight

Pattie drew back the bedroom curtains and as she stared out blearily across the garden she saw that it was going to be another scorching day. She felt exhausted. She, Todd and Tanya had enjoyed a very energetic evening the previous night and today her muscles ached slightly, but she smiled at the memory of her pleasure. Then a frown creased her forehead. It would have been even more pleasurable had Jay been there. Unfortu nately Jay had decided to stay overnight in London with Davina, and despite his assurances that nothing would happen between them Pattie wasn’t convinced.

Although she thought it unlikely that they’d have
had sex she was certain Jay would have taken the opportunity to exert some kind of spell over the English girl in order for her to be willing to participate in one of his sexual games, and she wasn’t certain that she entirely approved. At that moment the telephone began to ring and she picked up the receiver beside the bed. ‘Hello?’

‘Is that Pattie?’ asked a male voice. After a few seconds’ delay she placed it as belonging to Phil Burnett.

‘Sure is, or was when I last looked in the mirror.’

‘I saw Jay and Davina dancing together in London last night,’ he blurted out.

‘He took her to a business dinner. Guess I was too American, seeing as how he was dining with Brits. He kinda thought Davina would make a better impression.’

‘She was certainly making a good impression on him,’ said Phil angrily. ‘They were dancing so closely you’d have thought they were stuck together with Superglue.’

Pattie’s hand gripped the receiver tightly. ‘Where was this?’

‘The Place, I don’t know if you know it but …’

‘Yeah, I know it. He told me they were eating there. It’s the new “in” restaurant.’

‘Are they back yet? I’ve been trying to ring Davina at the cottage but there’s no answer.’

‘That’s because they’re still in London,’ explained Pattie. ‘Jay likes a drink or two when he’s entertaining. He’d never risk drinking and driving.’

‘But Davina can drive.’

‘Seems like she drank too.’

‘Don’t you care?’ shouted Phil, and Pattie moved the receiver slightly away from her ear. ‘You would if you’d seen them.’

‘Gee, it was just Jay being friendly. He’s heard that Englishmen like to get on with their tenants.’

‘Well, it might not trouble you but it infuriates me,’ said Phil.

Secretly Pattie was livid. She’d never for one moment imagined the pair of them dancing intimately together, particularly since she knew that with Jay this was usually a prelude to sex. Her mind raced as she tried to think how best to deal with the situation. ‘Well, you know what they say, don’t get mad get even.’

‘What does that mean?’ Phil’s tone was surly.

‘Exactly what it says. We’re having a little party here on Saturday. Davina isn’t involved. It’s just a few of our friends who are in England for a week or so and they’re coming here for the Saturday night, so the wine will flow, if you get my meaning. Why don’t you and Davina come too?’

‘How can we if Jay doesn’t invite us?’

‘I’ll tell him I invited you,’ said Pattie. ‘I am the hostess.’

‘What difference will that make?’

‘You can confront Jay about what you saw,’ suggested Pattie.

‘He’s not likely to tell me what happened, is he?’

‘Maybe not, but I don’t think you should get too worried. Davina looks a faithful kind of girl to me. Don’t forget, Phil, you’ve already had some fun with me. If anything has happened you can hardly complain, and nor can I.’

‘She’s changed since he arrived,’ muttered Phil.

Pattie felt a chill run through her. This wasn’t good news. ‘Well, you can always dance with me the way you saw him dancing with Davina,’ she suggested.

‘Would you like that?’ Suddenly Phil sounded more cheerful.

‘Honey, I’d adore it,’ murmured Pattie huskily. ‘You were just great on the summerhouse steps. I’ve been thinking about it ever since.’ It was a complete lie; until that moment she’d totally forgotten it since its prime purpose, to make Jay jealous, had failed, but right now it seemed the best thing to say.

‘Okay then, we’ll come,’ agreed Phil enthusiastically.

Pattie replaced the receiver and sat on the edge of the large bed. It’d been bad enough sleeping there alone. Despite all that had gone on between her, Todd and Tanya she’d still missed Jay. As soon as she’d woken she’d rolled over, reaching automatically for his morning erection. He often started the day with sex and although it wasn’t a long drawn out session he made certain she was satisfied before it finished. She hoped that he hadn’t reached for Davina this morning instead of her.

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