Legacy of Desire (16 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Legacy of Desire
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Todd laughed. ‘Hell, I’d have rather a shock if you
were. You don’t have to be in love with me to let me give you pleasure. You saw us all the other night, you know how the game’s played.’

‘But I need to feel something for you, otherwise it won’t work.’

‘Give it a try,’ Todd urged her. ‘Wouldn’t you like to enjoy yourself for an hour?’

He watched her struggle with herself and then, probably remembering Phil, she nodded. ‘All right,’ she agreed and he felt a surge of triumph as they sped up the stairs and along the first floor landing.

Later Todd was to realise just how lucky he’d been, because despite Tanya’s plotting nobody could have planned for things to work out as well as they did. At the exact moment that he was leading Davina into his and Tanya’s bedroom Jay came out of one of the bathrooms and saw the pair of them. He stood stock still and for a moment his usual mask of indifference slipped. Todd saw anger flare in his eyes and his full mouth tightened, while his hands clenched at his sides, his whole body rigid. Next to him Todd could feel Davina’s reaction as she too grew tense and gazed at Jay.

‘Hi!’ said Todd as casually as he could manage. ‘Great party.’

‘Glad you think so,’ said Jay, clearly forcing himself to relax. ‘Enjoy yourselves you two.’ He gave Davina a tight smile and then brushed past the pair of them, hurrying down the staircase and into the mass of people below as though anxious to turn his back on them. At that moment Todd knew that Tanya had been right. Jay did care for Davina, he cared for her more than he wanted to admit, which was astonishing. Just the same, it wasn’t going to stop Todd from having a good time with her.

‘In we go then,’ he said briskly, opening the bedroom door. ‘I’ll lock the door to make sure we’re not interrupted.’

‘No, don’t lock the door,’ exclaimed Davina. ‘I don’t want to feel trapped.’

‘I thought you might be on edge if people could get in,’ explained Todd.

‘I’ll be more relaxed if I know I can get out quickly,’ said Davina apologetically.

Todd felt a bit surprised. ‘I didn’t realise I was that frightening. But, if that’s what you want I’ll leave it
unlocked.’ And with that he reached out and began to remove Davina’s clothes.

When they were both undressed Davina stood hesitantly by the bed. She wasn’t quite sure how all this had happened. She liked Todd, in fact there was more warmth about him than there was about Jay, but she’d never considered him as a sexual partner. Yet somehow here she was, standing naked in a bedroom with him, and there was no point in denying that she was excited.

‘Come here,’ said Todd, patting the bed before lying flat on his back on the bedspread with his knees drawn up. ‘Kneel over my face, honey,’ he said urgently. ‘You can lean back against my knees to make yourself comfortable.’

Davina did as he suggested but as she knelt over his face her legs were stretched wide apart and she realised that her vulva was directly over his mouth. He reached up with one hand and lightly tugged on her pubic hair. ‘Now relax,’ he reminded her, and as she obeyed, moving herself until his knees were supporting her back, her vulva was opened wide for him and he pushed his tongue deep inside her vagina while at the
same time parting her sex lips with one hand and sucking on her rapidly hardening clitoris.

Davina’s body started to quake. Every muscle in her belly seemed to be moving, slithering in excited anticipation as her pleasure grew. She felt her nipples start to ache and her breasts begin to swell. Todd’s tongue was flicking in and out of her moist entrance, occasionally swirling around inside, touching the sensitive nerve endings near the entrance, which made her lower body jump as her pleasure deepened.

‘Rub your own breasts,’ he murmured, lifting his head for a moment. ‘Play with your nipples. Stretch them out as far as you can.’

Davina’s fingers were shaking as she grasped the rigid tips. Immediately sparks of heat shot through her and the aching deepened. With a soft cry she cupped her breasts with her hands, rubbing her palms over the whole area, her fingers tightening and releasing the burgeoning flesh in a rhythm that she quickly discovered suited her.

Todd sucked harder on her clitoris and she tensed in anticipation of an orgasm, but just as she was about to come he removed his mouth and she uttered a tiny wail
of disappointment as the sensations started to die away. ‘I was coming then,’ she cried.

‘Yeah, I know, that’s why I stopped. We don’t want it over too soon, do we, honey?’

Davina wasn’t sure that he was right. Every part of her was ready for an orgasm and she pinched harshly at her nipples, occasionally running her hands over her ribcage and down her belly while Todd once more began to suck on her hard clitoris. Again the incredible sensations mounted and her whole body stiffened. ‘Don’t stop this time,’ she begged as she increased the pressure of her hands on her swollen breasts. ‘It feels so good.’

‘That’s right, don’t keep the lady waiting,’ drawled Jay from the bedroom doorway and Davina stared at him in horror as he walked over to the bed, standing at the head so that he could watch her. ‘Keep going,’ he urged her. ‘Let me see you come. You’ve no idea how exciting you look.’

Davina was stunned to realise that his presence was increasing her excitement. She felt as though she would go out of her mind with pleasure. Seeming to sense this, Todd opened her sex lips even wider and flicked the
point of his tongue up and down her soaking inner channel before suddenly stabbing it down on the highly sensitive clitoris. Immediately her body spasmed furiously and she threw her head back with a scream of ecstasy as every nerve ending in her body sent flashing messages of glorious sensual pleasure to her brain, and her muscles tightened and released in almost painfully sharp contractions.

When the last delicious flickers of pleasure were fading Davina pulled herself upright, but to her surprise Todd’s mouth returned to her highly sensitive flesh and he began to re-arouse her.

‘No, I can’t come again,’ she cried.

‘Sure you can,’ said Jay, never taking his eyes off her. ‘Let’s see how quickly you manage it.’

To her shame Jay was proved right because within seconds she felt her juices start to flow again. This time Todd allowed his teeth to graze the side of the stem of her clitoris, which caused her to jerk forward as an almost painfully sharp orgasm ripped through her, an orgasm that went on and on until she heard herself groan with a mixture of delight and despair.

‘That’s better,’ murmured Jay as she straightened up
and their eyes met. ‘That’s what I like to see, people enjoying themselves at my parties.’ Davina couldn’t think what to say and before she had a chance to respond he was gone, leaving her and Todd alone in the room.

Todd gently moved Davina around so that she was beneath him and then he put his hands beneath her buttocks, helping her to take her weight on her arms and toes so that he could use his mouth and tongue on the whole of the area between her thighs, re-exciting her wanton flesh for a third time. Finally he eased her down onto the bed and, taking his weight on his elbows, thrust slowly inside her, working his hips steadily and watching her carefully. It wasn’t until she came again that he allowed his own pleasure to spill.

When it was over Davina lay motionless, her body covered in perspiration, her limbs weak. She felt utterly sated and was delighted when, unlike Jay in London, Todd wrapped his arms around her, cradling her against him while her body slowly recovered from the excitement. ‘You were great,’ he whispered against her ear. ‘It turned you on, didn’t it, having Jay walk in on us?’

‘I suppose so,’ she conceded.

‘Hell, that’s nothing to be ashamed about. It shows that you’d fit in with our games.’

‘But it’s wrong,’ protested Davina.

Todd chuckled quietly. ‘What do you mean, “wrong”?’

‘It’s not what sex is meant to be about.’

‘Says who?’

‘I don’t know,’ she admitted helplessly. ‘I suppose what I mean is, it isn’t what I’ve always believed sex was about.’

‘Yeah, well maybe you should think again,’ suggested Todd.

Davina wondered if he was right. Certainly if anyone had told her a few weeks earlier that she’d have been behaving like this she’d never have believed them. It was amazing how skilful a lover Todd had been, but even more amazing was the way she’d reacted to having Jay watch. Never in her wildest dreams would she have considered herself an exhibitionist, but despite this she’d enjoyed having him there, knowing that he was being turned on by her excitement.

‘I don’t understand what’s happening to me,’ she confessed to Todd as she began to dress.

‘Don’t think about it,’ said Todd firmly. ‘Just go with it, sugar. If it feels right for you that’s fine. The only rule is never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.’

‘Never?’ she asked with interest.

Todd looked thoughtful. ‘I guess sometimes it’s good to push the envelope a bit.’

‘Push the envelope?’

‘Yeah, you know, extend the boundaries, discover more about yourself.’

‘I can’t believe there’s much more to discover.’

Todd smiled at her. ‘Hang around with us a while longer and you’ll learn differently,’ he assured her.

When they rejoined the party and Davina went in search of Phil, Todd’s words echoed in her head. They excited her because she had a feeling that she was going to hang around with them for a few more weeks and in the process would discover a lot more about herself. She had no doubt that Jay would expect this, and if he imagined for one moment that she was going to refuse to do anything and vacate the cottage he had another think coming.

‘There you are,’ said Phil, catching sight of her. ‘Where have you been?’

‘Here and there,’ she said vaguely. ‘What about you? The last I saw of you, you were disappearing into the billiard room with Pattie.’

She wanted to laugh at the expression on Phil’s face. Clearly he hadn’t noticed her in there and didn’t quite know how to reply. ‘We went out through the French windows and into the garden for some air,’ he mumbled.

‘It looks as though it did you good. Your colour’s excellent,’ said Davina dryly.

‘So’s yours,’ retorted Phil.

‘Then you were right and I was wrong,’ said Davina sweetly. ‘The party seems to have been good for both of us.’

‘I think we’d better go now,’ said Phil firmly, and when Davina glanced over her shoulder for one last look, she caught Jay’s eye. He and Tanya were dancing together, Jay’s hands roaming over her in a manner that made it clear that they would probably be heading upstairs soon, but the look that he gave Davina made her heart race. He might as well have shouted
across the room to her because the message was very clear. Now that he’d seen her and Todd together and had watched, he was going to expect more, much more.

Chapter Nine

By mid-afternoon on the following Monday, Davina had decided that Jay wasn’t going to visit her. In a way she was quite relieved. The memory of him standing watching her as she writhed in ecstasy beneath Todd’s expert ministrations was highly embarrassing, but she was also disappointed. The truth was she’d become hooked on his visits and the excited anticipation that she always felt as she waited to hear how her rent was to be paid.

Determinedly she picked up her pencil and began her third attempt at a jacket for the book of children’s fairy stories. In her mind she could see how it should look but the practicalities of it were eluding her. ‘You look
busy,’ said Jay, and Davina spun round in astonishment, her pencil flying out of her hand.

‘How did you get in here?’

‘Your back door was unlocked so I walked in. You should be more careful. There are all kinds of perverts out there, you know.’

‘I’m very well aware of that.’

‘You sure as hell are.’

‘Is there something I can do for you?’ she asked.

‘Naturally. Letting Todd give you endless orgasms doesn’t count as rent money I’m afraid.’

‘I might have known you’d bring that up at the first opportunity. I’m surprised it made any impression on you. I thought that sort of thing was commonplace in your life.’

‘What sort of thing?’

‘Having sex with comparative strangers.’

‘Is that how it seemed to you? That you were having sex with a comparative stranger? No wonder you were so excited. Take it from me, honey, I don’t go in for sex with strangers. Sex with my friends, yeah, for sure, but strangers, that can be dangerous.’

Davina was immediately thrown on the defensive.
‘You know perfectly well Todd’s not a complete stranger. That wasn’t what I meant.’

‘Then what did you mean?’ He looked at her keenly.

‘I meant that there’s no feeling between us, that … ‘

‘That it was just a fuck, huh?’

‘That’s not how I’d put it.’

‘It’s what it seemed like, and good luck to you. You were sure having a great time. Here, you might need this later.’ Bending down he retrieved her pencil.

Davina snatched it out of his hand. ‘As you can see, I am busy. What did you want to tell me?’

‘The landlord doesn’t even get offered a cup of coffee any more?’

Davina sighed. ‘All right, I give in. Would you like a coffee?’

Jay shook his head. ‘I’ve just had one.’

She was livid. ‘Then why did you say you wanted one?’

‘I didn’t, I pointed out that I hadn’t been offered one. You should listen more carefully to what I say.’

‘You’re always playing games, aren’t you?’ said Davina, thoroughly exasperated. ‘Either word games or sex games. Don’t you take anything seriously?’

‘My work,’ he said shortly.

‘Now that we’ve established you don’t want coffee, what is it you do want?’

‘I’ve come to invite you over to the house tonight. Tanya and Pattie are having a girls’ evening. I want you to join them.’

‘You want me to spend an evening with Pattie and Tanya in payment for the cottage?’ she asked incredulously. Jay nodded. ‘How will that benefit you?’

‘I’ll be there.’

Suddenly Davina began to understand what he really meant. ‘You’re not talking about an evening spent discussing clothes, boyfriends and knitting patterns, are you?’

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