Legacy of Desire (17 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Legacy of Desire
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‘Perhaps you’d like to tell me what you are talking about?’


‘Do I have to wear anything special?’

‘Wear what you like, as long as it comes off easily.’

Davina frowned. ‘You say it’s a girls’ evening, what exactly do you mean by that, Jay?’

‘Can’t you guess?’

Davina remembered watching Pattie and Tanya together after that unforgettable dinner a couple of weeks earlier. She remembered that she’d been excited by what she’d seen, but at the same time she wasn’t certain that she could let other women see her naked or bring her to a climax, especially if Jay was present.

‘What’s the matter?’ His voice was sharp.

‘I’m not very good at girls’ evenings.’

‘I’m not asking you to be good at it. Truth to tell, I’d prefer you to be bad!’

‘Please, don’t ask this of me,’ said Davina quietly. ‘It’s not something that I’m comfortable with.’

‘That’s too bad.’ He sounded genuinely regretful. As Davina watched, he walked slowly around the studio. ‘I don’t think I’d have any trouble letting this place out. You can’t be the only artist around here and this is a great studio. How long would it take you to find somewhere else to live?’

‘You’d really do that, wouldn’t you?’ she said bitterly. ‘If my uncle had known the truth about you he’d never have left me in this situation. How did you manage to fool him?’

‘He knew all about me,’ Jay assured her. ‘Maybe it was you he didn’t know so well.’

Suddenly Davina was determined Jay wasn’t going to get his way. ‘All right,’ she said shortly. ‘If that’s what you want, I’ll come.’

‘I don’t want you doing anything you’re not comfortable with.’

Davina glared at him. ‘Yes you do. That’s precisely what you enjoy, watching me do things that aren’t in my nature.’

‘When I watched you with Todd it looked as though it was very much in your nature. He didn’t coerce you, did he? After all, what kind of hold has he got over you?’

‘That was different!’

‘In what way?’ he asked curiously.

‘It just happened.’

‘Is that a fact? Hardly an excuse in a court of law.’

‘I’m not in a court of law,’ Davina reminded him. ‘I’m in my own cottage and …’

‘You’re in my cottage, Davina. You’re my tenant.’

‘A fact that you never let me forget. Look, now that I’ve said I’ll come over tonight do you think you could go? I’d really like to get on with my work.’

‘Sure, suits me fine. I’ll tell Pattie and Tanya to expect you around eight. You’d better eat first, there’ll be plenty of wine but we’ll have eaten earlier.’

Davina nodded, certain that she would have very little appetite by the evening. ‘Perhaps you’d care to leave the way you came in, like some kind of sneak-thief,’ she suggested sweetly.

‘Make sure you lock up after me or someone even worse might creep in.’

‘I find that difficult to imagine,’ replied Davina. All the same, when he’d gone she carefully locked the back door and checked the windows before settling back to work.

Unfortunately Jay’s orders had left her mind in turmoil and she found it impossible to concentrate on her work. More and more he was intruding on her thoughts. Ever since he’d made love to her in London she’d found it impossible to get him out of her mind. She wondered why it was that after such an incredible and tender session of lovemaking he hadn’t attempted to touch her again, and neither had he referred to it. It was as though it had never happened, yet it had and she was sure it had meant as much to him as to her.

‘You’re fooling yourself, Davina,’ she said aloud. ‘If it had really meant anything to him he’d have taken you to bed again by now, and he’d have been annoyed when he saw you with Todd.’ Hard as it was to accept this, she knew that she must. For Jay she was simply someone to toy with, someone to confuse and trick with his strange brand of eroticism that expressed itself in sexual and mental games.

When it was time for her to leave for the girls’ evening she was in a state of turmoil. In the end she settled for wearing a button-through dress with soft pleating and short sleeves. The tan and cream check suited her and as her legs were brown from the summer sun she didn’t bother with stockings. Also, aware of what probably lay ahead, she wore her most attractive silk bra and pantie set, determined that the other two women wouldn’t make her look unsophisticated.

She was surprised by the warmth with which Pattie and Tanya welcomed her to the house. Pattie smiled broadly and gestured towards the stairs. ‘Would you like to come up? We’re all in the master bedroom.’

‘All?’ asked Davina.

‘That’s right,’ said Tanya calmly. ‘I thought Jay had explained to you that the two men will watch us.’

‘I knew Jay was going to, but not Todd.’

‘Does it make a difference?’ asked Tanya.

‘I suppose not,’ admitted Davina. Her stomach felt tight with apprehension but she knew that she had to go on with this. The walk up two flights of stairs seemed an incredibly long one, and when she entered the master bedroom and saw Jay and Todd seated on a high-backed, two-seater settee on the far side of the room she almost bolted. Tanya, who seemed to sense her unease, hastily closed the door and turned the key in the lock.

‘We don’t want Clive walking in on us, do we?’ she said sweetly.

‘No,’ said Davina, remembering the way Jay had walked in on her and Todd.

‘Here, would you like a sherry?’ asked Pattie, holding out a glass, and Davina took it gratefully, her hand shaking a little.

‘There’s nothing to be nervous about, honey,’ remarked Pattie, stepping out of her skin-tight jeans and pulling off her figure-hugging halter top so that she
was left standing in a satin bra and G-string. ‘We girls always have great fun, ain’t that a fact, Tanya?’

Tanya nodded and when she removed her shift dress Davina was surprised to see that she was totally naked beneath it. ‘Take off your clothes,’ Tanya urged her. ‘Then we’ll all lie on the bed and relax.’

A few minutes later Davina found herself sitting self-consciously on the bed between the other two women while they kissed over the top of her body. She could tell that they were at ease with each other; the kiss was gentle yet erotic and despite her nerves she felt her body begin to stir. While continuing to kiss Pattie, Tanya started to lightly finger Davina’s breasts, her hands playing over the small mounds until the nipples stiffened beneath her caress.

Soon the two American girls broke away from each other and while Tanya continued playing with Davina’s upper body, Pattie positioned herself lower down the bed and pressed lightly against the inner creases at the top of Davina’s thighs.

Immediately her body responded, sparks of excitement flared in her and her belly tightened. Her breasts were beginning to ache and she gave a soft moan of
pleasure when Tanya started to use her mouth on them, licking delicately around the areolae. Then, as Pattie’s fingers began to creep inexorably nearer to Davina’s swelling clitoris, Tanya suddenly nipped on the rigid tip of Davina’s left nipple causing her to cry out with shock.

At the sound of her cry Pattie’s fingers moved more rapidly, rubbing against the damp flesh and circling round and round the pulsating clitoris as Davina’s body began to arch up off the bed. She felt her toes curling upwards, a sure sign that her climax was imminent.

She was so lost in the delicious sensations that she didn’t realise Tanya was moving until the dark-haired girl knelt over Davina’s head, lowering herself so that Davina could caress her with her tongue. ‘Touch me exactly as Pattie’s touching you,’ she urged her. ‘Imitate every move she makes.’

Davina groaned. She’d been so lost in the pleasure the two young women were giving her that she didn’t want to be distracted, but at the same time she was unexpectedly excited by the realisation that she could give Tanya the same kind of pleasure she was receiving herself.

Pattie, who’d paused for a moment while Tanya explained what she wanted Davina to do, now inserted the tip of her tongue into Davina’s damp entrance and Davina immediately did the same to Tanya. Then, as Pattie’s tongue swirled lightly over the delicate skin between the inner lips she copied that too. Suddenly Tanya began to whimper and her body trembled delicately.

For several minutes Pattie continued to lick and suck at Davina and Davina reciprocated on Tanya until the pair of them were both on the brink of orgasm. Finally, Pattie closed her mouth over Davina’s clitoris and the surrounding flesh and at exactly that moment Tanya lowered herself, so that Davina could do the same to her. As Davina’s body spasmed helplessly, racked by waves of delicious pleasure, Tanya too shook and cried in ecstatic relief.

‘My turn now,’ cried Pattie excitedly, sliding herself up the bed, and Tanya put two cushions beneath Pattie’s stomach before walking across the room to fetch some items from a small case on the dressing table. When she returned she handed a soft jelly-like vibrator to Davina. ‘I’m going to put these vibrating
love-balls inside Pattie,’ she whispered. ‘They always drive her mad. At the same time I’ll finger her and when I give you the nod, part the cheeks of her bottom and slide that inside her. Here, you’ll need to lubricate it first.’

Davina stared at the strange contraption. ‘Won’t it hurt her?’ she asked nervously.

Tanya shook her head. ‘I told you, she loves it. Be sure to turn it onto the fastest setting.’

‘What are you two plotting?’ asked Pattie, her voice muffled in the duvet.

‘You’ll have to wait and see,’ Tanya teased her, and as Davina watched, Todd’s wife slid her hands skilfully beneath the Californian girl’s lower body. After briefly caressing her belly and hips her hands moved, and Davina realised that she was inserting the vibrating balls.

‘Oh God, that’s delicious,’ groaned Pattie as she started to shake.

Despite the fact that she’d already come Davina was aroused again. The sight of the blonde girl’s taut buttocks and slender hips trembling with every pulsation was making her want further satisfaction. Without
thinking she began to stroke her own breasts, sighing with pleasure as she did so.

‘Greedy!’ said Tanya as she laughed softly. ‘Remember now, watch me for the signal.’

Ashamed of her own wantonness, Davina watched closely. As Pattie’s groans increased she began to wriggle frantically, pressing herself down on the bed for further stimulation while Tanya’s nimble fingers worked between her thighs. Suddenly Tanya nodded at Davina. Davina hesitated for a second, but when Tanya shot her a glance of puzzled impatience she parted Pattie’s buttocks and carefully eased the tip of the strange vibrator inside the tiny puckered opening that seemed far too small for it.

‘Oh yes!’ screamed Pattie, and encouraged by this Davina turned the switch to the highest setting. Immediately she felt the vibrator shaking in her hand and she realised that the blonde was being stimulated in every possible way, with the vibrating balls deep inside her vagina and this squirming, probing vibrator titillating the walls of her rectum.

Davina could imagine the delicious hot tightness that Pattie must be feeling and as her cheeks flushed she
realised that she was going to come too. Just at that moment, Pattie gave an ear-splitting scream of satisfaction as her tormented body finally found relief. Immediately Davina used her fingers to pinch her own nipples hard, one after the other, triggering the climax that she’d sensed was so near.

As Pattie remained slumped face down on the bed Tanya looked at Davina and smiled. ‘That really turned you on, didn’t it?’

‘Yes,’ whispered Davina.

‘Girls’ nights are always fun.’

Davina didn’t answer because she couldn’t believe what had happened. Never, for one moment, had she expected to be so turned on by the sight of another woman coming but that, coupled with all the divine things that the two Americans had done to her, had provided her with incredible pleasure.

‘What now?’ she asked.

Jay got to his feet. ‘Now you leave,’ he said, his voice deeper and thicker than usual.

‘Leave?’ Davina felt stunned.

‘Yeah, the girls’ night’s over. It’s time for mixed doubles and I’m afraid there aren’t enough men to go
round. You’d better get back to your little cottage, Davina. At least you know it’s yours for another few days.’

Pattie and Tanya were both sitting up now, leaning back against piles of pillows and idly stroking each other’s bodies as they watched Davina through half-closed eyes, their sexual satisfaction evident. Despite this, Davina knew that they would soon be enjoying yet more pleasure, pleasure given to them by Jay and Todd. It was a pleasure that she wished she could stay and share.

‘Your clothes are there,’ said Jay helpfully, pointing to where they lay in a heap on the floor.

‘I know,’ muttered Davina and reluctantly began to dress.

Finally, when every button on her dress had been done up, she started for the door and as she looked back to say goodbye she saw Jay reaching out for Tanya. There was a look on his face that she’d never seen before, domi nating, almost frightening and yet incredibly sexual.

‘You’d better go,’ he said curtly. ‘I’m about to take Tanya to my room.’

Confused, her mind still reeling from all that had
happened, Davina fled, but once back at the cottage all she could do was wonder what was going on between Jay and Tanya.

As Jay dragged Tanya into his bedroom she felt a frisson of fear run through her. He was handling her far more roughly than usual and although she was excited she was also surprised. It wasn’t the way he normally behaved when they were alone together.

Without a word to her he shut the bedroom door, pulled her arms behind her back and fastened her wrists with the cord of his dressing gown. She made a mild sound of protest but he ignored her, pushing her across the carpet and up against one of the four wooden bedposts that supported the rich brocade canopy. Swiftly he fastened a belt around her waist so that she was completely helpless and she looked at him in astonishment.

‘What are you doing, Jay?’

‘We’ve done this before,’ he muttered thickly.

‘Only when we’re all together,’ she protested.

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