Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love) (17 page)

BOOK: Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love)
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It was good that we could be quiet together. It was a comfortable silence rather than an awkward one and both of us were obviously deep in thought. I was, frankly, trying to keep my head together. Even though I prided myself on being tough and independent, I would be lying if I said this weekend hadn’t overwhelmed me. Ironically, it wasn’t my bleeding neighbor, a potential hit man in my building, or meeting with the assistant U.S. attorney, who I had seen naked, that was making me so disconcerted. As usual, it was Adam.

For years, hell, for decades, we had been enemies. Then I had begun to question what my true feelings for him had been all along. I had finally admitted the intense physical attraction I felt for him didn’t just develop this summer. It had been there since Junior High. Now, since last night, though, something much scarier and much more difficult to wrap my head around was starting to play on my mind. What if it wasn’t just physical?

I had been a latch key kid. My parents were also highly critical and largely as emotionally absent as they were physically absent. There’s no way that doesn’t affect a person. Intimacy scared me. Rejection scared me. The idea that I might be in love with Adam, and that I might have been for a very long time, terrified the shit out of me.

He had said ‘just you,’ and I believed that he meant to try. What if I wasn’t enough, though? What if I
enough, but something happened to him? Thoughts of that little exchange at the end of our meeting with Jacob still bothered me. I glanced up at him and felt a twinge in my belly and a strange tightness in my chest. He was so beautiful and so sexy, but also so intelligent, so funny, and so aggravating, so challenging. Adam was the only person I had ever known who made me
so much. He filled me up inside in more ways than one.

We picked up his stuff at his place and he surprised me again by taking me out to dinner. We went to a place in Chinatown with great Moo Shoo.

“Why do we Jews love Chinese food so much?” he asked, dipping into some plum sauce.

“Because it’s a Christmas tradition,” I joked, sipping my tea. “You want to go with me to see that show,
Moo Shoo Jew
that runs every Christmas Eve?’ It was a casual question, but my heart pounded because Christmas was a month away, and I wanted him to reassure me we would still be doing this.

“Sure.” He smiled and I released the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. “You know, once I saw an Asian guy coming out of a deli and I thought I had gone through a wormhole into another dimension,” he said and I giggled.

“You’re very pretty when you laugh,” he said, looking at me intently.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling almost shy. Oh Jesus, I could feel my face getting hot. What the fuck? I was blushing

“Have you noticed that since we started having sex we haven’t fought?” he asked.

“Well, first of all, we started twenty-four hours ago. And secondly, your mouth’s usually full.”

“Yeah well, it’s good to know there’s a better use for that sharp tongue of yours,” he said with a smile.

His question had sounded casual too, but I could hear a little note of something deeper beneath it. I sensed that both of us wanted to say more to each other than we had so far. It would probably take us a while to get there, though. You don’t battle somebody for twenty-three years and then trust them with your heart overnight.

Later, back at my place, I sat down at my desk to write and he sat at my table and went over some of his cases for the next day. When a couple of hours had passed, I sat back and stretched.

“Writing any good sex scenes over there?” he asked, looking up at me.

“Not at the moment,” I answered with a smile.

“Would you like some inspiration?’ he asked, giving me a seductive look.

“What are you going to do, get naked for me?’ I teased.

What I didn’t tell him, was that I was already getting inspired, because I knew what he had on his mind before he even offered. I had noticed the occasional furtive glances in my direction, and after only one night together, I could already identify the look he got in his eyes when he was planning all the ways he was going to have me.

“Anything I can do to get your creative juices flowing.” He stood up, and began slowly walking toward me. My tummy fluttered, probably warning my lady bits that they were about to take another pounding.

juices, huh?” I turned toward him to fully enjoy the view.

“It’s the least I can do. By the way, I’ve heard that sex can improve one’s writing.” He leaned against my desk and looked down at me in a way that let me know that my lady bits had gotten the message.

“I don’t recall ever hearing that,” I said with a laugh. The anticipation was already lighting up my nerve endings like a power grid and I felt myself getting goosebumps.

“Trust me, I have your best interest in mind.” His eyes raked over my body and my pulse rate shot up. I wanted him so much, but I wanted to really blow his mind.

“Tell you what, if you really want to help me with my writing, why don’t you let me do some research about sensuality with you?” I could see his breathing quicken.

“I’m yours to experiment on.” I stood up and took his hand, leading him off to the bedroom, looking back over my shoulder with what I hoped was a sexy smile.

“So, I’ve been doing all this reading about how to stimulate the senses to increase arousal,” I explained as he sat on the bed watching me move around the room. I found some candles, and as I lit them, I spoke in a soft seductive tone. “These candles are scented. I read that scent affects the oldest part of the brain, the limbic system. That controls emotion, memory … desire.” I looked up and saw him watching me with a heat I’d never seen in his eyes before. “The scent of these candles is jasmine,” I went on. “Jasmine is said to have the effect of making men sexually aroused.”

“I think it’s working,” he said thickly.

“I’m not going to rely just on candlelight,” I said dimming the lights just a little, “because I’ve read that men are highly aroused by visual stimuli.”

“Oh, yeah. An entire industry exists for that very reason.”

“Women watch porn too,” I shared with a smirk.

“I think this relationship is going
well,” he said, expelling a rather ragged-sounding breath. I knew I was driving him insane, and I have to admit that I loved every second of it. In fact, it was making
incredibly aroused. I walked over to my music player and searched for what I wanted.

“Sexy music can really help to put you in the mood.” I hit a button and Rihanna’s
started to play.

“For the record, I’m already in the mood, but this song is very hot.” I went to my bedside table, found some massage oil and walked over to stand in front of him.

“I’m going to give you a massage with rose-scented oil. Rose …”

“Lily,” he said huskily, reaching out and pulling me toward him. I looked down at him and ran my fingers through his soft, thick hair as he looked up at me hungrily. “I have a secret for you. There’s one scent that turns me on more than anything.”

“What’s that?” I asked in a shaky voice as he pushed my shirt up and began gently nuzzling my belly. My breath caught as I felt the scratch of his beard against my sensitive skin and a bolt of tingling heat shot southward.

“The way that you smell when
aroused makes me so hard it’s almost painful,” he mumbled against me, moving lower. “Your pussy smells absolutely divine.” He pushed my yoga pants down on the side and licked my hip, making me whimper with pleasure.

“And you find that even more arousing than my perfume?” I asked, breathing hard.

“You have no idea,” he answered, pushing my pants lower. “And as for the smell of me on you, that’s more than arousing. That’s primal.” He turned me slightly and gently bit the top of my ass. It was so fucking sexy that my knees almost buckled.

“You don’t like all these sensual things?” I asked throatily.

“Of course I do.” He paused and looked up at me. “I told you that I liked the sensuality in your book and I meant it. But
stimulate my senses more than anything else, and if I don’t get inside you soon, I’m going to go out of my mind.”

“Well, I don’t want that to happen,” I said, swallowing hard and starting to feel lightheaded and shaky as he shifted me back toward him, pulled my pants down even further, and began making delightful little swirls with his tongue along that sensitive place where my leg met my divinely fragrant pussy. Speaking of which, he paused, leaned in and inhaled deeply. With anyone else that would have embarrassed the hell out of me, but with him it drove me wild.

“I promise you, baby, we’ll have that sensual night together soon,” he said thickly, looking up at me again with lust-fogged eyes, “but right now, I want to go down on you until you ‘holler,’ and then I want to hit that sweet ass until you can’t tell me what day it is.”

“Works for me,” I panted, pulling my top over my head and unhooking my bra.

He eased my yoga pants and my panties all the way down over my hips, and switching places with me, he knelt in front of me and pulled them all the way off along with my shoes and socks. Looking up and giving me a naughty smile, he hooked my legs over his shoulders and I laid back as he began gently biting and sucking a trail up my inner thigh, making me gasp and squirm with delight. When he buried his face between my legs, and began working me with his tongue, I said things that would have made a sailor blush.

He went down on me vigorously while I grabbed his head, thrust my hips, whimpered, rambled incoherently and finally came, moaning his name and shaking with pleasure. Then he ran his hands over my legs gently to keep contact between us as I eased down from my orgasm.

When I finally recovered my composure a bit, he stood up, and quickly undressed. Yanking off his briefs, he urged me to sit up and move forward so that I could return the favor. I was happy to comply and I reached around and grabbed his ass, dragging my tongue up the length of his cock.

“Oh fuck,” he bit out. “Love that sharp tongue.”

I brought my hands around to help out as I really got down to work. He buried his fingers in my hair and watched from above, looking drunk, as I enthusiastically gave him the best blow job of my life. I wanted to make it great and I broke out every skill I had been researching for my naughty books, using my tongue, my teeth, my lips and my hands to pleasure him. Truthfully, the experience was probably turning me on almost as much as it was him.

I was rewarded with all of the wonderful sounds that he made, groaning, cursing and telling me how hot I looked and how good I was making him feel. I felt powerful, and giving him that much intense pleasure was amazing. By the time he was ready, he had given up the fight to keep still and his hips were in sync with my mouth and hands. I could feel his muscles tensing and I knew he was right on the edge.

“I’m going to come,” he growled and tried to pull back. The fact that I didn’t let him, may have guaranteed me a place in his heart forever.

I thought we were done, silly me, but he was on his knees again quickly, driving me out of my mind with his tongue again, and after a few minutes, stroking himself back into action. He had more stamina than an eighteen-year-old. I had never seen anything like it, even when I
an eighteen-year-old. He stopped and took my hand, pulling me with him to the top of the bed. Sitting with his back against the headboard, he gave me another one of those lusty looks that made me ache to have him between my legs.

“Come here, cowgirl,” he said in a voice thick with desire, and I crawled over, straddled him, and positioned myself over his cock. He grabbed my waist, pulled me down, and slid home. That sensation of him stretching me was exactly what I had been craving.

“You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good,” I ground out, sliding up and down on him as he guided my hips. Thrusting my clit against him every time I came down was so insanely pleasurable, I almost couldn’t handle it. As I rode him long and hard, the room was filled with the sounds of our heavy breathing, my pleading and his swearing. He watched me slam down on him over and over, looking, frankly, pretty out of it, and told me again and again how incredible I felt wrapped around him. I dug my nails into his shoulders and my rhythm faltered as I felt myself getting closer, pressure building. My skin felt like fire and ice from the sex flush and cooling sweat.

My leg muscles tightened and he knew. He looked up into my eyes intently as I felt the pull over the edge, losing control as I finally came apart explosively, shaking, grasping, crying out and then collapsing against him. I couldn’t think straight. All that I was aware of, was that I could feel our hearts pounding together and that he was rubbing my back and telling me … what? That I was beautiful. He told me I was beautiful.

He rubbed my back until I stopped trembling, and then he eased me up and had me kneel on all fours. Positioning himself behind, he grabbed my hips, and thrust into me. He began moving faster and soon he was hittin’ it so hard I could hear our skin slapping together. He stopped, pulled out, and turned me around again. “Lay down so I can get on top of you. I want to see you when I come,” he explained, breathing hard.

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