Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love) (13 page)

BOOK: Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love)
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“That’s Sebastian Romano who wrote Paradise Unbound.”

“He’s one of the ‘Fiery Ladies’ who writes hot books?” Adam joked.

“They probably named the event before they realized he was coming. He’s supposedly really reclusive. For the record though, men have written erotic books before. Look at D.H. Lawrence, Nabokov, and Henry Miller …”

“Yeah, well are we talking
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Tropic of Cancer
or are we talking
Fabio, the Pirate Who Ripped My Bodice?”

“Did I write
Fabio, the Pirate Who Ripped My Bodice
? This is a party for modern romance novelists; there are no ‘hot loins or heaving bosoms’ in our books.”

Just then Tony Amato got everyone’s attention. He thanked us, and invited us all to grab a glass of champagne so we could toast before we let the fans in to have their books signed. He explained that he and Roxanne would like to come by and personally say ‘hi’ as well. Cocktail waiters and waitresses dressed in devil costumes, with masks covering their faces, made their way around the room with the booze.

As we got our champagne flutes, Adam put his hand on my bare back and began lightly brushing his fingers up and down. I breathed in quickly and closed my eyes for a second as waves of pleasurable anticipation flowed through me. I looked up at him, with what I was sure was a lust-dazed expression, and I could see the satisfaction it gave him to be able to make me look at him like that. I pulled him down to whisper in his ear.

“Are you bored?” I asked.

“Not at all,” he whispered into mine. “Actually, I was just thinking about all the things I want to do when I finally get you alone.” My heart started tap dancing in my chest and I got pinprick tingles all over my body.

“Well, I’m bored, so tell me,” I whispered back throatily. He put his mouth close to my ear again, and his warm breath made me shiver as he continued lightly tracing paths of hot and cool sensation up and down my spine.

“I’ll start by undressing you slowly, until I can see and touch and taste every inch of you. Then I’ll lay you down on the bed. I’ve imagined so many times how beautiful you’ll look lying there waiting for me.”

“Okay, don’t tell me,” I said, swallowing hard and feeling my skin becoming flushed.

Tony raised his glass and toasted all of the authors who ‘got Roxanne hot and kept them up all night.’ How sweet.

“I’ll bet you didn’t know I got Roxanne hot,” I joked, nervously.

“Roxanne and I have something in common,” he replied in a sultry voice that almost melted my pretty little black lace panties.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to keep you up all night too,” I said with a flirtatious smile.

“I hope you don’t have to walk anywhere tomorrow,” he teased and I felt dizzy.

“I was planning just to stay in bed,” I teased back. Being Lilah Alden was a hell of a lot of fun, incidentally. Sexy flirting was something Lily Adler, law librarian, didn’t get to do all that much. “Did you say your ribs were sensitive?” I slid my hand under his jacket and dragged my fingers along his side.

“Ah! Yes,” he said, taking a deep breath and gently removing my hand. “Okay, I promise that later you can touch me anywhere you want, but for right now let’s not cause me to get into an embarrassing state.”

We were invited to go and find our tables at that point. I saw that someone had made a place card with my author name and the cover to my latest book
. At this party, the fans would be bringing their own copies. I just had to sit and sign them. Adam and I went over and took a seat at my table as the doors were opened to the readers.

For the next hour I greeted people, smiled, and signed books. The atmosphere got much less Transylvania-like as the room filled up. Frankly, I was surprised by how many people came to my table. It still didn’t quite sink in that I had actual fans. Adam, of course, couldn’t just sit there and be quiet.

“Would you mind if I asked you a question, Ms. Alden?” one reader asked hesitantly. She and her friend looked like they were in their early twenties, and they both seemed kind of shy.

“Not at all, go right ahead.”

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing.,” she glanced quickly at Adam and blushed, “but we were wondering, do you actually research the erotic stuff, or do you just make it up?” She giggled a little and blushed even more, glancing at her friend who looked just as uncomfortably curious. Before I could answer, Adam jumped in.

“I’m Ms. Alden’s research assistant, and I can assure you that hours and hours of in-depth study go into the making of each and every erotic scene in her books. We spare no detail. For example, every sexual position is thoroughly tested and approved for such factors as balance, flexibility, and pleasure potential.”

I kicked him under the table as my shy fans looked at each other and giggled hysterically, both turning a shade sort of resembling puce. That was just the beginning, though. Ten minutes later, a crowd was gathered around my table.

“Yeah, the shower scenes are
tricky. You have to make sure that you have the positioning just right, or you could be injured,” he explained to the ten women or so, who were listening raptly as I sat there, caught between being amused and pissed off. “And you know, it’s hard for her to get the details down, because obviously, you can’t have electronics in there, and the paper gets wet, you know?” I rolled my eyes.

“You’re such a bullshitter.” I laughed when there was finally a lull at what had become the most popular table in the place.

“Hey, I fully intend to help you make sure that all of the sexual details in your books are accurate. It’s the least I can do.”

“How kind of you.”

“I can see how important your books are to you by how you light up when you talk about them.” His comment took me by surprise and I was even more pleased when he reached out and took my hand, gently rubbing it with his thumb.

“I love writing. It’s one of the most important things in the world to me. You were an English major in college, weren’t you?” I looked up at him through my lashes, feeling almost bashful myself for a moment, although I’m not really sure why.

“Yeah, I figured I spoke it pretty well,” he joked.

“Quote something you like for me and I’ll see if I can guess what it’s from.”

He looked up for a minute and I could see he was thinking. Then he looked back at me and stared deeply into my eyes.

“Here I am back and still smoldering with passion, like wine smoking. Not a passion any longer for flesh, but a complete hunger for you, a devouring hunger,” he said without hesitation.

“Letter from Henry Miller to Anais Nin,” I said, feeling a lump form in my throat. Even though I knew Adam was a lot deeper than he let on, it always surprised me when he let me see it. Just then Tony and Roxanne made their way to our table.

“Ms. Alden, I’m huge fan,” Roxanne gushed. Up close I could see she was probably in her mid to late thirties, but her make-up was very skillfully applied, so you would never know it if you just glanced at her. I noticed because she was staring at me intently. Actually, she was staring so intently it was kind of making me uncomfortable. I tried to make conversation so I would feel less awkward.

“Did you have a favorite book of mine?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly, looking excited. “I liked your second book,
. The one where the girl in her twenties is seduced by the older woman.” She gave me a significant look. I had to wonder … nah … she was a gangster’s moll. The gangster in question was busy checking out one of the waitresses.

, huh? What a shocker,” I muttered. “I could mail you a signed copy of …”

“I have it at my place. Maybe you could come by sometime,” she said in a husky voice and ran her tongue over her lips suggestively. Uh huh. Alrighty then.

“Well, uh, I don’t know if that would be possible, but I could send you another one if you want to, um, give me your address.” I had no intention of stopping by, but I would send her a signed copy. What the hell. No pun intended.

“I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward,” Roxanne said, placing her hands on the table and leaning down closer to me. “I just found the idea, intriguing. I’ve never done anything like that myself … before. I like your perfume, by the way.”

“Thanks,” I said with a nervous smile.

It wasn’t having a woman hit on me that was freaking me out, it was having a woman hit on me while her Mafioso boyfriend stood two feet away looking oblivious. I wondered if he would see me as a rival and I didn’t want to wind up floating in the Delaware. For the first time all evening, motor mouth beside me actually sat there silently. He was no dummy. Thankfully, Tony grabbed Roxanne’s arm and led her off and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I think you really do make Roxanne hot,” Adam said with a smile when they left.

“Don’t be jealous. I won’t be doing any research with her.”

All of my fans were very sweet and lovely people, who complimented me kindly, making me all warm and fuzzy. As is typical with society in general, though, there were a few odd birds in the nest.

“Hi, I’m Margie Peterman and I’m your biggest fan,” said the intense-looking young woman with a picture of me on her T-shirt. Where in the hell did she get that? Seeing me looking, she offered up the information. “I had it made from your author picture on Goodreads. Do you like it?” she asked, sounding like she would throw herself into traffic if I said ‘no.’

“Um, yeah. It’s very nice,” I said reassuringly.

“I can quote every line of dialogue from every one of your books,” Margie said excitedly.

“That’s really cool,” I said with a smile. “I’m happy you liked them so much.”

“I’ve read each one of them sixty-three times.”

“Really? Wow.”

“I sleep with them under my pillow.”

“I see.”

“Can I touch you?”

Margie did eventually move on. Apparently, she was also a huge fan of Sebastian Romano. I wondered if she had a picture of him on her underwear. As Margie left, a small smiling man stepped up to my table.

“I am Pavel. I saw your picture on Facebook and I fell in love with you instantly.”

“I’m sorry Pavel, but she’s already spoken for,” Adam said, putting an arm around me.

“I’m very flattered Pavel,” I broke in, “but I’m afraid I’m not interested.”

“I see. Well, then, if you are in need of a top quality septic tank cleaning, I hope that you will consider giving me a call.” He handed me a card that said ‘Pavel’s Septic Services.
Take the stank out of your tank
.’ “Will you sign my bookmark?”

“Uh, sure.” I smiled and signed his bookmark, which happened to be for another author’s book, but oh well. Pavel left. “Do you see now why I have a pen name?” I asked Adam. I heard Pavel tell the writer at the next table the exact same thing, incidentally.

A few minutes later, we were all released to the main club area. We were given a special roped off VIP section to sit in, but I had other ideas. I grabbed Adam’s hand and led him off to the dance floor.

We got out under the lights where the Latin beat of the Pitbull song
I Know You Want Me
was just beginning. What perfect timing. Adam grabbed my hips and pulled me tightly against him. I put my arms around his neck and followed his lead. I found that I was able to read his body easily. I could sense how he was going to move the second he began, and I was right there with him. In these shoes I was much closer to his height, and our bodies lined up nicely.

He really did know how to move his hips, and he definitely had rhythm. The heat of the lights, the beat of the music, and the sensation of his hips pushing against mine, was intensely sexual. The lyrics of the song captured my naughty mood, and I sang the chorus to him flirtatiously as we danced. I think he liked it. He was looking at me like he wanted to rip my panties off with his teeth. As the song ended and Rihanna started signing,
appropriately enough, he leaned down and
kissed me.

It was sweet and gentle at first, the lightest brush of his lips on mine, and then a little more, like he was waiting to see if I would push him away. Instead though, I completely surrendered, and melted against him. He gave it more ‘oomph’ and I opened my mouth to let him in. He immediately accepted my invitation, and his tongue slid over mine and began to explore languidly. He tasted like warm, wet cinnamon. It began as a slow and sensuous kiss, and built in intensity, as our tongues tangled together and our lips became needier.

I quickly found myself getting highly aroused, my skin hyper-sensitized and a throbbing ache developing between my legs. The feeling was clearly mutual. Believe me, it would have been difficult to miss the fact that Adam was quickly moving toward that embarrassing state he had wanted to avoid. He broke away and began kissing my neck, giving me chills.

“Maybe you should start thinking about baseball soon,” I teased.

“Or maybe we should go back to my place and take care of it another way.”

“I like your idea better,” I answered, and before the final consonant was out of my mouth, we were off the dance floor and headed toward the coat check. “Adam, I just realized that I left my purse back in that other room.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked, but I knew that he was in as much of a hurry to get out of here as I was, so I figured we should split up.

“No, I can get it. You just get our coats.”

“I’ll meet you back just inside those double doors,” he replied, heading off.

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