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Authors: Chelsea Dorsette

Legally Tied (8 page)

BOOK: Legally Tied
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Taking the scar
f from her hand, Nick instructed, “Sit down on the bed.” As Lyndsay sat down per his request, he began to undress her. The corset outfit was a lot of fun but right now he wanted her to be naked without anything interfering with their sex play. As Nick slipped off the last piece of her outfit, he could see Lyndsay’s nipples puckered and standing at attention. He couldn’t wait to cover his mouth over her rosy pink nubs and suck on them. Grabbing the scarf, Nick decided he was going to tie her up in a way she probably never would have imagined. Asking her to stand back up and turn around, Nick brought her wrists together behind her back and tied them together with one end of the scarf. Placing his hands on her shoulders he turned her back around until she was facing him again and said, “Follow me.” With just a couple of short strides across the room, they were at her bedroom door. Instead of walking through the door, Nick stopped and firmly shut the door with both of them still inside her bedroom. Smiling at her with mischief in his eyes, he instructed, “Stand with your back facing the door.” As Lyndsay got in place, she could see him reach around to where her wrists were tied and listened as he tied the other end of the scarf to the door handle. With the bedroom door firmly shut and her wrists tied to the knob, there was nowhere Lyndsay could go. Looking at her tied up and at his complete mercy, Nick could feel his cock responding. As he whipped his head around looking for a chair or stool, he was rewarded when he saw the perfect stool sitting in front of her makeup table in the bathroom. Placing it in front of her, he sat down on it facing her. The stool was the perfect height for him to sit comfortably in front of her and be able to touch and tease any part of her body that he wanted to. As Nick took a few moments just cherishing her body with his eyes, he couldn’t hold back any longer and reached up to her breasts and began pinching and twisting her nipples as she writhed in place. Taking his sweet, tortuous time, Nick fondled and cupped the weight of her breasts while teasing her nipples with his fingers. Every so often, Nick would lick his thumb and forefinger before squeezing her erect nubs. He could hear the door rattle in its place as Lyndsay’s head fell from side to side as he pleasured her breasts.

“Oh Nick,” was all
Lyndsay could manage to breathe as he took her to a level of sexual excitement she had never experienced. She could feel her clit getting more and more tense every time he twisted her nipples, so much so that she wouldn’t have been surprised if she had an orgasm just by him playing with her breasts.

Wanting to explore her
body further, Nick slowly slid his hands down her slim waist and caressed her stomach. Moving his hand down further, he rested it on her bare triangle and ran his fingers over her silky, waxed skin. Nick didn’t mind a woman with pubic hair, but he loved the bare look so much better. There was something so innocent looking about a woman who was bare in that area that Nick couldn’t take his eyes off it. As he stroked it numerous times, his hand lowered yet again and Lyndsay could feel him caressing and squeezing her lower lips. “Spread your legs for me,” Nick whispered in a gentle voice.

Lyndsay complied, Nick ran his hand the whole length of her slit and then spread her lips apart so he could gain access to her wet womanhood. As Nick penetrated her walls with his finger, the door shook again as Lyndsay writhed and cried out at the sensations he was making her feel. “You like this, don’t you?” Nick asked in a low drawl. “Well, I like it, too. So much so that I think I’m going to have a taste. As I recall, I have not had dessert yet.”

In an automatic response to hearing what Nick was about to do,
Lyndsay involuntarily spread her legs even wider. Nick dropped down onto his knees and Lyndsay felt his tongue rolling over her sweet spot to the point where she thought she might pass out from pleasure. As he continued to run his tongue over and over her clit, his finger probed her internally in a regular seductive rhythm. The sensation was so overwhelming and she was so over stimulated that tears started to fill her eyes. She had never let go and given herself to a man so completely as she was giving herself to Nick tonight and the feelings overwhelmed her. All at once and without warning, an orgasm blew up inside her and she couldn’t hold it back even if she wanted to. Screaming out his name, Lyndsay came with such force that it took her breath away as she thrashed against her bondage that had her tied to the door. Her skin was gleaming with perspiration and her eyes fluttered as the orgasm rocked through her entire body.

Lyndsay finally opened her eyes and looked down at Nick, she could see him smiling up at her with tenderness and satisfaction. Unable to clear her head enough to speak, she just watched as Nick untied her from the door and ran his hands up and down her arms for a few minutes while giving her gentle kisses on her cheeks. “Come on, baby,” Nick said in a gentle tone as he lead her to the bed.

As they both climbed
in under the sheets, Lyndsay laid her head on his shoulder, rubbed his chest and stomach, and finally able to speak, said, “I have never done any of the things we did tonight before.”

her hair away from her forehead Nick asked, “Was it too much?”

As Lyndsay reviewed the evening of her
seducing a man in sexy lingerie for the first time, getting spanked with his hand and his belt, and then being tied up, she could feel herself starting to get aroused again. Never in a million years did she think she would ever have sex play like she had tonight and she had to admit that she loved it, even though it embarrassed her a bit to admit it. Looking up into his eyes, Lyndsay replied, “I loved all of it. Does this mean I’m a slut?”

Bursting out laughing, Nick replied, “
No, that doesn’t mean you’re a slut, you silly girl. It means that you’re comfortable enough with yourself and with me to try something new. That’s a sign of intelligence!”

Upon hearing that, it was now
Lyndsay’s turn to break out laughing as she replied, “Who knew that being spanked and tied up was a sign of intelligence! You are a crazy man, you know that? But I know what you mean, and thank you for not making me feel like a wanton hussy.”

As Nick rolled her over on her back, he said with
a devilish grin, “Not so fast, my pet! You’re going to have to be wanton just a little bit longer while I make sweet love to you.” Nick took matters into his hands one more time that evening and with tenderness and skill, brought them both to the brink, and over. The last thing Lyndsay heard as she drifted off to sleep was Nick’s voice whispering “I love you.”









Chapter Nine



Mike Johnson was absolutely seething. He had just visited his brother Neal in jail and he had never seen his older brother looking so beaten down and depressed. Mike was now the leader of the Johnson gang since Neal’s incarceration but what he wanted more than anything was to exact revenge on the asshole attorney who put his brother away. The Johnson brothers had had a lifetime of taking care of each other and avenging any wrong that was perpetrated on the other. This time would be no different. Mike had a plan. And like any good plan, it was going to take patience, timing, and attention to detail. With the plan about 90% in place, all Mike had to do now was hide in the shadows while following Nick Olson’s every move until he could figure out the best time to strike.




Lyndsay was so excited she could barely contain herself. Nick’s new home was finally completed and she had spent the morning taking care of all the details so when they met this afternoon, he would be seeing his new home for the first time with all of the furniture and accessories in place. As she had planned, she made him a casserole, bought him a bottle of champagne, and had them waiting in his refrigerator. She had taken numerous before and after pictures for her portfolio and she had also invited her boss, Allison Deacon, to see her handiwork first hand. She was thrilled at the genuine praise her boss gave her and everything seemed to be going great. Even her brother Carl was coming home on leave from Iraq in a couple of days. There was no doubt in Lyndsay’s mind that she had fallen head over heels in love with Nick and to have been given this opportunity to make his house a home warmed her heart to the core.

With five minutes to go until their 3
p.m. planned meeting time at his house for the big reveal, Lyndsay paced his living room, making sure even the smallest details were perfect. She wanted so much for him to love everything she had done to his house that she was both nervous and excited. Last night when they spoke briefly on the phone, Nick had told her he was all packed and that he was excited to finally be living in his own home instead of the rented condo. As the clock struck ten minutes after three, Lyndsay began to wonder where he was but figured he was running a bit late due to his hectic schedule.

Trying to calm her nerves, she turned on the TV and watched it mindlessly while listening for his car to pull into the driveway. At 3:30, Lyndsay was starting to get really worried and called his cell
phone, but it went right to voice mail. Concerned thoughts raced through her head, wondering if he had gotten into a car accident. She knew he hadn’t forgotten this appointment because they talked about it just last night. Not knowing what else to do, Lyndsay called his office and when his personal line went to voice mail, she called the main line to see if Gracey knew what was up.

When Gracey answered on the second ring,
Lyndsay said breathlessly, “Thank goodness I got you. Nick was supposed to meet me here at his house today at 3 and he still hasn’t shown up. His cell phone is going to voice mail and he hasn’t been in touch with me. Do you know where he is?”

Just minutes before
Lyndsay’s call, Gracey had been wondering why Nick had never come back from lunch and she had been hiding her worries, hoping he was okay. Nick was always punctual and that particular day he had a 1 p.m. client appointment at the office that Gracey had to reschedule after the client waited for 30 minutes for Nick to show up. She had also tried to call Nick and had gotten the same voice mail response from his cell phone. Now that Lyndsay was calling, the hairs on the back of her neck prickled and she had a very bad feeling. Nick was always good about calling her if he was delayed and he would never keep a client waiting. For the next five minutes, the women dissected the chain of events and filled each other in on Nick’s sudden absence. By the end of the conversation, they were both frightened and promised to keep in touch with each other. Lyndsay said she would call the police station to see if there were any reported accidents and Gracey was going to call the local hospital and explore that angle. As they both hung up, Lyndsay didn’t know what to think. The silence was deafening and only served to increase her anxiety even more.

At 10
p.m. that night, Lyndsay had still not heard from Nick and she was downright frantic. Gracey had texted her around 9 p.m. inquiring about Nick, as she too, was in desperate straits because Nick was supposed to be in court the next day starting a new trial. Both of their phone calls to the police station and the hospital had turned up nothing. Lyndsay didn’t know which way to turn. All of a sudden a terrifying thought struck her. What if he had suffered an accident in his condo and he was lying dead or injured and unable to move? Throwing on a sweatshirt, Lyndsay grabbed her purse and raced out the door. She could feel her heart pounding a mile a minute and her imagination was getting the better of her. Upon reaching his condo development ten minutes later, the first thing Lyndsay noticed was that his car wasn’t there and that made her more perplexed than ever. Had he already moved out? Or was his stuff still there? As she peered into the first floor window, everything was dark and she couldn’t make out a thing. Lyndsay had met Ted Brown, the condo manager, a handful of times when she was over at Nick’s because he lived in the condo next door. Even though it was late, Lyndsay didn’t care as she purposefully headed to Ted’s front door. She could see that a light was still on and hoped he was still awake.

When Ted opened the door, he looked surprised to see h
er but then with a big smile said, “Hi, Lyndsay. I wasn’t expecting to see you at my door. Is everything all right?”

Shaking her head w
hile trying to keep from crying, Lyndsay explained, “Nick has gone missing this afternoon. Neither his office nor I have heard from him and all of his phones are going to voice mail. We’re terribly worried. It’s not like Nick to just disappear without a word. I’m worried that maybe he fell and hurt himself in the condo, although his car isn’t here.

Not wasting another moment
, Ted said, “Wait here. I’ll get the key and let’s see what we can find out.” Breathing a sigh of relief, Lyndsay waited until Ted appeared again with a key and they walked the few short steps to Nick’s condo door. Standing behind Ted, Lyndsay waited while he opened it, stepped inside, and put on a light. As they glanced around the living room, they immediately saw his luggage bags neatly arranged and waiting in the hallway entrance. Moving cautiously from room to room, they could see the condo had been cleaned and everything was in perfect order. Nick was supposed to move out of the condo today and she figured he was probably going to do it after work. With his car not here and his bags packed and ready to go, Lyndsay and Ted couldn’t fathom what was going on. As much as they were grateful they didn’t find him lying hurt or incapacitated, it only made the situation even more frightening. Knowing that Ted had a new tenant moving in tomorrow, Lyndsay offered to get Nick’s bags out of there so the new tenant could move in on schedule. Promising to contact one another if there were any new developments, Ted put the last of Nick’s suitcases in her car, gave her a big hug, and said, “Call me if you need anything. I hope by tomorrow this mystery will all be solved and that everything is okay.”

Lyndsay drove back to her apartment, she had a sick feeling in her stomach that things were only going to get worse.




Two days later as Lyndsay sat at the airport waiting for Carl’s flight to land, she couldn’t stop wringing her hands. There had still been no word from Nick and both Lyndsay and Gracey continued to call the police and hospital every day. Lyndsay couldn’t eat or sleep and she could barely keep her mind on her work. She had told her boss and Jodi what was going on and they were both extremely concerned for both of them. The fact that Jodi had stopped referring to Nick as Mr. Hottie Pants let Lyndsay know she understood the gravity of what was transpiring and that this wasn’t the time for jokes.

The moment she saw Carl walking toward her in baggage claim,
Lyndsay raced into his arms and couldn’t stop crying. Because of changing flights over the past few days trying to get home from Iraq, Carl had no idea what was going on. It was obvious, however, that her tears were not from joy at seeing him again. He knew instinctively that they were tears of pain and heart ache. His first thought was that something had happened to their dad. Since she was crying too hard to talk, Carl just held her as passengers walked around them to get their bags from the carousels. When he could finally hear her sobbing slow a bit, he lifted her chin up to see her face and asked, “Is it Dad? Did something happen to Dad?” Carl loved his father deeply and had always felt bad that he had never remarried after their mom died. Momentarily relieved when Lyndsay shook her head, Carl was then even more confused. He just couldn’t imagine what had his sister so distraught and hysterical. “Lyndsay,” Carl said in a stern tone, more because he was scared rather than mad. “Tell me right now what has happened.”

Hearing his sharp tone snapped
Lyndsay momentarily out of her grief. “Let’s get your bags and I’ll tell you on the way to Dad’s house.” Fortunately by that time, Carl’s bags had shown up on the carousel so they didn’t have to wait, and immediately headed to her car.

“Give me the keys
,” Carl said in a brotherly tone. “I’ll drive and you can tell me what the hell’s going on.”

For the next 45 minutes Lyndsay explained what had happened over the past three days. Carl knew about Nick and had even seen pictures of him because he and
Lyndsay stayed in touch regularly by email and Skype. From everything Lyndsay had told him about Nick, Carl knew he’d like him. He was actually looking forward to finally meeting the guy. Lyndsay had told Carl that she had fallen in love with Nick and that they had an amazing relationship, even though it was still fairly new. Carl was genuinely happy for his sister because he too had grown close with a woman from his Marine platoon and was beginning to get serious with her as well. As the story unfolded, Lyndsay left no detail out about the mysterious disappearance and it was clear that his sister was in desperate need of his help. The Providence police had been called once Nick had been missing for 24 hours but Carl knew how strapped the police were for resources and time. As he sat listening to his sister’s heart breaking as she told the story, Carl made a vow to himself that he was going to try to get to the bottom of this before returning to Iraq.


BOOK: Legally Tied
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