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Authors: Chelsea Dorsette

Legally Tied (10 page)

BOOK: Legally Tied
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It was no surprise that Neal Johnson’s address was in the slums of Providence. On every corner there were small groups of thugs and prostitutes standing around, smoking pot, and sneering at anyone who passed by. Every once in a while a gunshot rang out and Lyndsay cringed. She wasn’t used to hearing gunfire and once again, she was so grateful of Carl’s military training and his ability to keep her as calm as possible. Because Carl knew they were heading into a dangerous part of the city and a potentially dangerous situation, he kept a loaded pistol close at hand. Although the gun scared Lyndsay a bit, secretly she was grateful that Carl had both a gun and a permit to carry a firearm. As they did a slow drive by of the address, they couldn’t believe their luck. Sitting in the dirt driveway outside of a rundown trailer home was a white utility van. Lyndsay and Carl just looked at each other, knowing full well that this was the white van Mrs. Summers saw parked outside of her grocery store that day. Passing by the house, Carl pulled Lyndsay’s car over half a block away and said, “Let’s wait here a while and see what happens.”

Nodding her head in agreement, she asked, “Do you think he’s got Nick in there?”
Shrugging his shoulders in uncertainty, Carl didn’t want to speculate because it was entirely possible that Nick could already be dead. The only hope they both held on to was that there had been no news stories of dead bodies being found. As they sat sifting through some scenarios on what to do next, they saw a young man in ripped jeans and leather jacket walk out of the house holding a baseball bat and head purposefully toward the van.

Turning over the engine, Carl said, “Let’s tail him and see where he goes
. Something tells me he’s not going out to play baseball.” Following the van at a respectful distance, Carl employed all of his military training to make sure they weren’t spotted by the driver. About three miles later, Lyndsay and Carl saw the van pull into an old abandoned warehouse with a dilapidated sign that read Providence Steel. Not wanting to pull into the parking lot and be seen, Carl passed the driveway and proceeded to pull around to the side of the warehouse, just in time for them to see who they believed to be Mike Johnson getting out of his van with the bat and heading to the door of the building. Both Lyndsay and Carl had a bad feeling, and as Carl grabbed his gun and opened the car door, he instructed, “Stay here. I don’t know what or who is inside and I don’t want you getting hurt. Just keep your cell phone handy.” As much as Lyndsay wanted to argue with Carl, she decided to stay put, but not for very long.

Nick awoke to being shoved so hard
that the chair almost fell over with him in it. He had been so passed out that he didn’t hear Mike enter the barren room and once more had to blink his eyes repeatedly to adjust to the light that now filtered in. His eyes were so bruised and swollen from the last beating he had taken that he could barely see at all. Every part of his body was in pain and he could tell he had a raging fever from the infections spreading from his knife wounds. He had no feeling in his arms or legs and all he wanted to do was close his eyes and die to escape the pain.

well, well,” Mike said as he leered down at Nick with a dangerous expression on his face. “How are we enjoying our stay so far at the glorious Fuck You Hotel? I trust you are enjoying all of the lovely amenities and services we have to offer?” As Nick hung his head back down, too weak to keep it raised, it was then that he saw the bat dangling from Mike’s hand and knew he was going to get clubbed to death. Knowing this was the end, tears rolled involuntarily down Nick’s cheeks, stinging the cuts and welts on his face. “I told you before, Mr. Asshole High and Mighty, Big Shit Attorney, that you shouldn’t have messed with my brother. After I kill you, I’m going to cut off your dick and throw it to the rats. I’m sure my brother will love that last little touch. I sure hope you got laid recently, fuck wad, because this is the last time your dick is going to see the light of day.

Then without warning, Mike brought the club crashing down on Nick’s knee
. Nick screamed in pain. “That’s just for you pissing me off,” Mike growled as he raised the bat again. Bringing the bat down again on Nick’s other knee, Nick howled even louder as Mike explained in a steady tone, “That’s for all you attorneys thinking you’re gonna save the world.”

As Mike then raised the bat
high over his head, Nick knew it was the end as he heard Mike say with a dreadful finality in his voice, “And this one, my friend, is for my brother.” A second later a shot rang out and Nick thought he was hallucinating. Immediately after the crack of gunfire, Nick heard the bat drop to the floor as the sound echoed throughout the room, followed by a dull, heavy thud. Nick was almost unconscious and he couldn’t fathom what had happened. The next thing he heard before everything went dark was what sounded like the faraway cry of a woman screaming his name.










Chapter Eleven



our weeks after the ambulance took Nick to Rhode Island Hospital, Mike Johnson and the rest of the gang members were convicted of numerous crimes and were reunited with Neal in State Prison. In exchange for a lesser sentence, Mike testified against the other members who helped in Nick’s abduction and other crimes they had committed. When Carl shot Mike in the warehouse, he knew that if he killed Mike, the rest of the gang members would want to seek revenge on that killing and the cycle would start all over again. Instead, Carl shot him in the leg, incapacitating him until the police and ambulance arrived. Now all of the members were behind bars and Nick was safe from any further retaliation.

Lyndsay saw Nick bound and beaten, she barely recognized him and collapsed at his feet, sobbing uncontrollably. There was blood everywhere and the room was cold and smelled rancid. When the ambulance showed up quickly after Carl’s 911 call, EMTs could barely find Nick’s pulse. As they quickly untied the unconscious Nick from the chair, Carl just held Lyndsay tightly in his arms with her head on his shoulder, sheltering her from the scene that was unfolding. As the EMT rescue team worked quickly, Carl could see their somber expressions and knew they were deeply upset seeing the condition of this man, imagining what he must have gone through.

By the grace of God, Nick was transported to the hospital and arrived alive
, but with a shallow pulse and barely breathing. Now one month later, Nick was very much on the mend. It had taken days for the hospital to get the infection under control and there were a few times when it was touch and go. But with the love of Lyndsay by his side every moment she could spare, talented doctors and devoted nurses, Nick quickly turned the corner to recovery. The attack with the bat left one of Nick’s knees fractured, but the other knee, thankfully, was badly bruised but not broken. The swelling on his face and body had reduced significantly and although his ribs were still tender, he was able to hobble around pretty well. The burns that Nick received on his arms and neck were starting to heal over with proper medical treatment. With around the clock intravenous fluids and food, his dehydration was all but gone and he was starting to feel like his old self.

Nick was going to be released from the hospital, and as he sat reading a magazine in bed, feeling in pretty good spirits, he was overjoyed when he looked up and saw Lyndsay peek her head into the room. Nick knew he couldn’t have made it through his tough recovery without her and every day that went by in the hospital, they grew closer and closer. Today was the day Lyndsay wanted Nick to finally meet her brother. Nick had been told how Carl had saved him from certain death and he was anxious to meet the man who saved his life. “Come in, woman!” Nick invited in a happy tone.

As she stepped
through the door, she gave him a big smile and said, “There’s someone who’s been wanting to meet you for a long time.” As Carl stepped into the room, Lyndsay said, “Nick, meet my brother Carl.” The minute the men’s eyes met each other, a silent bond was forged immediately. Very quietly, Carl approached Nick’s hospital bed, first he shook his hand and then bent over and gave him a warm embrace.

Trying to lighten the intense mood, Carl said as he stood back up, “Well, man, you look a hell of a lot better than when I first saw you!” His light brevity made everyone laugh and
Lyndsay knew immediately that these two men would be bonded for life due to the trauma they’d shared.

No words could express how grateful Nick was for his good fortune of
having Carl there. Lyndsay had explained to Nick in detail about how Carl had taken control and investigated leads that the police were dragging their feet on. She explained how if it wasn’t for the help of Gracey, the staff at Rosen’s Deli, and especially Mrs. Summers for her eyewitness account, they may never have found him. Nick knew he could never repay Lyndsay and Carl for all they did on his behalf. All he could do was one day return the favor, but hopefully under much less traumatic circumstances.

The next day,
Lyndsay returned to the hospital to finally take Nick to his new home. She had invited her brother and father over for dinner at Nick’s house that night so she could show off her handiwork. Because Nick was still moving around slowly on a cane, Lyndsay was going to cook a feast while the men got to know each other. Carl was going to be returning to Iraq the next morning and she wanted all three of her men together before Carl left. Lyndsay had since brought over Nick’s suitcases to his house and unpacked them in his bedroom so he could easily find what he wanted until he had the strength to organize his drawers the way he wanted them. Making sure to hang up all his suits and dress shirts, the only thing really left were the items that didn’t need to be hung and could wait until he had the strength to put them away. When Boyd and Carl rang the doorbell, Lyndsay raced to let them in with a big smile on her face. As she cooked dinner and the men drank beer, the mood was festive and there was a lot of laughter amongst the group. Nick had met Boyd once before but it had been brief, so he was thrilled to get to know the father of the woman he loved even better. The evening went without a hitch and when 11 p.m. came around, her father and brother gave their heartfelt thanks for a wonderful dinner and evening. As Carl and Boyd stood at the front door, Lyndsay captured her brother in a long hug, as this was another goodbye for a while. If it weren’t for the brother she loved so dearly, the man that she hoped would be her future would not be standing here today. Goodbyes were hard enough when Carl went back overseas, but this goodbye felt more bittersweet from what they had experienced together this time while he was home. “Take good care of my little sis,” Carl said to Nick. “She’s one in a million and the only sister I’ll ever have.”

Giving Carl a salute, Nick nodded his head
. “I will do everything in my power to take care of her and keep her safe.” Witnessing the love that Lyndsay’s father and brother had for her, Nick was deeply touched and his eyes started to tear up. After giving them one more final hug, Lyndsay waved goodbye and watched them drive away.

Lyndsay returned to the living room, she could easily see that as fun as the evening had been, Nick was really tired. Walking over to him, she reached for his hand and very quietly said, “Come with me.” Turning off the lights as they headed to Nick’s bedroom, they didn’t say a thing until they reached his room and Lyndsay let go of his hand and began to slowly undress him. Nick was too tired to help her, so he let her take control as he just relaxed under her care. As she finished taking off his pants, she whispered, “Lay on your stomach. I’m going to give you a nice massage until you fall asleep.”

Nick had never had a woman give him a massage and he was overcome by how she knew exactly what he needed. As Nick lay exhausted on the bed,
Lyndsay pulled out some massage lubricant from his bedside drawer which she had secretly put in there earlier, and rubbed her hands together to warm up the fluid. For the next 45 minutes, Lyndsay didn’t say a word as she slowly massaged his entire body, starting with his shoulders and working her way down to his feet. She could tell from the gentle sighs he was making and by the way his muscles were relaxing that he was enjoying her relaxing touch. After about five more minutes, she could hear Nick start to gently snore and she knew he would be sound asleep within minutes. Quietly getting off the bed, Lyndsay pulled the covers up over him, kissed his cheek, and after doing a few things in the bathroom, she climbed in beside him and fell asleep.




As the morning sunshine peeked through the blinds, Lyndsay woke up feeling refreshed. As she opened her eyes and remembered where she was, she couldn’t help but smile. Turning over in bed to face Nick, she could see he was still asleep. Feeling aroused from being so close to him with very little on, Lyndsay decided that she was going to wake him up the same way she put him to sleep, but with a little twist. At this point, Nick was sleeping on his back and she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Reaching for the lubricant again, Lyndsay poured some in her hand, and like last night, she warmed it between her hands before touching his body. Ever so gently, she pulled back the covers, sat cross-legged next to him and began to softly massage his penis. She could see that he was flaccid and the warm skin of his shaft felt good against her lubricated hand. She knew it wouldn’t be long until subconsciously his body would start to react to being pleasured, but she wanted her touch to be soft and sexy, not wake him up harshly. She loved teasing him this way, and as she stroked his member with one hand, she also massaged his balls with the other. It didn’t take long for Lyndsay to know he was slowly waking up because his penis started growing and twitching in her hand. Seeing that, she couldn’t wipe a naughty smile from her face. Increasing her touch a bit more, she continued to stroke him in the quiet of the morning.

When he finally groaned, she knew he was awake even though his eyes were still closed. Wanting to drive him even more crazy now that he was mostly awake, Lyndsay got out of her sitting position, kneeled beside him
, and took his now very aroused length into her warm, wet mouth. As Nick reached his hand out to caress her hair, Lyndsay sucked and licked his shaft while continuing to stroke his sac with her lubricated hand. As she worked his penis into a fully fledged hard on, the only thing Nick could do was groan and stroke her hair as his breathing became harder and faster. Knowing he was about to have an orgasm, Lyndsay threw one leg over his chest and sat down on his erect cock reverse cowboy. As she lowered her now very aching sex down on his slick, lubricated member, he slid into her like water on glass.

Setting the tempo
, Lyndsay rode him slowly and deeply. As Nick’s hands lowered to her hips, he guided her to the rhythm and speed that he desired and she followed his lead. Lyndsay had gotten so turned on massaging his manhood and watching it get rock hard that she could feel how slick she was inside as she rode him up and down. It wasn’t much longer until she heard the familiar gasp he usually made right before coming. Seconds later he moaned loudly and shattered inside her, filling her completely with his fluids and his love.

As they cuddled together, Nick asked, “
Do you have any plans today? I have somewhere I’d like to take you.” Telling him she was free, Nick looked pleased as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

After relaxing a few minutes in the warmth of his bed and the afterglow of their intimacy,
Lyndsay threw the covers back and joined him. As she climbed into his large walk-in shower, she took the washcloth from his hands and proceeded to run the soapy cloth over every part of his body. Because Nick was still a little unsteady on his feet without the cane, he gratefully let her tend to him while he held onto one of the built in support bars that was installed in the shower. When she finished getting him thoroughly scrubbed and clean, Nick moved her under the shower head until she was thoroughly wet, and proceeded to gently lather her up with one hand while holding onto the support bar with the other. As he finished washing her front side, he gently turned her around so he could attend to her back and bottom. When he was done, her back was still facing him. Nick put aside the wash cloth, reached his right arm around her waist, pulled her tightly up against his chest, and slid his hand down her soapy body until it reached the apex of her thighs. Holding her warm, wet body against his, he slid his finger between her lower lips and immediately found her very aroused and hardened nub. As Nick rotated his finger in a circular motion around and around over her clit, Lyndsay thought her knees were going to give way. The warmth of the water caressing her skin in tandem with the sensation of Nick’s finger relentlessly teasing her sweet spot made her feel uncontrollable waves of intense pleasure course between her legs. As the tension began to really mount, all Lyndsay could do was lean back against his strong, hard chest and lay her head back on his shoulder. Whispering sexy things into her ear and kissing her cheek, it wasn’t more than a few more moments when he heard Lyndsay cry out as he felt her body shake and shudder against him as her orgasm erupted.




After being cooped up in the hospital for a month, Nick was ready to get out of town for the day and enjoy the fresh air and some wonderful sights. Asking Lyndsay if she had good walking shoes, he probed, “How about getting away to Newport for the day?” Lyndsay loved the idea.

Newport was a beautiful upscale seaside town just 30 minutes south of Providence filled with wonderf
ul shops, restaurants, hikes, Gilded Age mansions, coastal forts, and lighthouses. In years gone by, Newport was the summer playground for American socialite families like the Astors and Vanderbilts and the homes were now open for tourists. Newport was also the yachting capital of the world and for many years, home of The America’s Cup. There were three wonderful wineries in the immediate area that Nick knew about and he was also familiar with the fact that Newport was home to the tennis hall of fame.

His two favorite places in Newport were
the Brick Market Historic District, a part of town that was right on the water and had wonderful quaint shops and restaurants. The other thing he loved was the cliff walk, a beautiful trail that had the ocean on one side and all of the Gilded Age mansions on the other.

BOOK: Legally Tied
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