Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3 (16 page)

BOOK: Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3
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Chapter 24


“You’re firing me?” The disbelief in Zumei’s voice came out as outrage.

Zadal considered Lindsey’s admission the impetus he needed to end the vicious cycle between him and Zumei. “I think we both agree this was long overdue.”

Zumei’s eyes narrowed. “I worked for Senate Leader Darvis for years. I’m a valued first assistant.”

True enough. “Yes, but we don’t work well together. You’re talented and I can give you a reference but after what happened with Lindsey I’m not comfortable having you work for me. I can’t trust you to make good decisions.”

Zumei jumped to his feet, glaring. “This is because of
? After all I’ve dealt with.”

“What exactly have you dealt with?” Zadal’s ire began to increase.

“I knew she was trouble. Pretending to be innocent. Senate Leader Baruk should be smarter but you’re both blinded.”

He’d had enough. Zadal rose to his feet. “Gather your things, Zumei. We’re done.”

Zumei turned to leave his office but angled back. He pointed a shaking finger at Zadal. “You’ll regret this Senate Leader. I’ll make sure you and your alien wife pay.”

Fear and anger clashed. “If you harm Lindsey in anyway, you’ll face my wrath.”

Zadal would rely on his roots and crush Zumei if he touched a hair on his wife’s head.

“I’m not afraid of a
!” Zumei slammed the door on his exit.

Zadal cursed and banged a fist on his desk. He didn’t need to worry about Zumei. His gaze trailed over the work on his desk. Forms awaited his signature, votes needed his review and an assessment he promised to get to High Councilor Jakil was due.

Not the best time to be without an assistant but no way could he let this pass. Zadal took his seat on a heavy exhale and played his first message. Listening, Zadal’s day went from bad to worst. 




“You’re always out here.”

Lindsey looked up from the sofilia blooms growing in surplus throughout the garden. Baruk’s favorite as evident by the number of blossoms he kept on his desk, replacing them whenever the petals browned. She braced her hands behind her on the bench to see Zadal approaching.

“I like it out here.” The garden Baruk had created was peaceful. Plus, it gave her a chance to feed her growing duck babies without anyone the wiser.

“Do you long for your world?”

She tensed and tried a teasing smile. “Are you asking if I’m home sick, Z?”

He didn’t smile, but stopped directly in front of her, his fingers feathering over her brow. “I wanted to resist you. To avoid growing attached but everything about you is like a drug to an addict.”

That hurt. “Should I apologize?”

Lindsey thought of all the earlier trouble she’d caused, the failed parties, the snobby friends and her inability to fit in.

“No.” He stared into her eyes and heat kindled in her belly. “Don’t apologize for being you.”

To her surprise, Zadal dropped his hand from her face and sat beside her, their hips brushing. She waited for him to speak but he said nothing merely leaned back on the stone bench and closed his eyes. Lindsey sensed the strain emanating from him. She wasn’t sure what was bothering him but Zadal’s closed off manner kept her from encroaching.

They sat in silence until Lindsey couldn’t take the rising tension anymore. She slid across the seat and cuddled into his side.

He stiffened instantly and asked in a gruff voice, “What are you doing?”

“Loving you.”

If possible, his body became as hard as the stone they sat upon. Pain flashed across his dark eyes. “I don’t need love. Save your tender feelings for Baruk.”

They words meant to push her away had Lindsey leaning closer. Vibrations trembled along his torso as he held himself rigid, resisting her affections. Her gaze fell to his lap. Zadal’s large fingers curled on his thighs and his heavy exhales stirred her hair. Taking a leap of faith, Lindsey eased her hips over his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

His hands gripped her waist and she worried he’d toss her aside. Instead, Zadal cursed and leaned forward to take her mouth in a rough kiss as sensual as the tongue sliding between her lips and nibbling at her tongue. He made a feast of her mouth and the hungry sounds coming from his throat softened her heart.

Zadal’s actions said louder than words that he did enjoy her attentions. Perhaps more so than Baruk. Her fingers raked the taut muscles extended from his neck, loving the feel of him. His palm shifted to cup her butt and shoved frantically at her dress until he exposed her to the waist.

Lindsey gasped and pulled back. “Z.”

Dark flames of passion gazed at her from the deep caramel depths of his eyes. “You’re not going to stop with that name are you?”

Lindsey bit her inner cheek, not wanting him to guess how pleased his disgruntled tone made her.

 He licked her neck in lazy strokes and patterns. Her flesh pebbled and Lindsey shivered.

Controlled and steady, Zadal’s lovemaking had a methodology to it. Lindsey wanted to break through the rigid reign he held on to. If only he would let go like Baruk. Her dark haired husband with his smooth urbane mannerisms acted like a wild animal at an old-fashioned rodeo back on Earth.

Zadal was different. Fire burned beneath his tight lipped control. A fierce rhythm dictated his strokes when they came together. But Lindsey wanted more. His fingers slid beneath the edge of her panties. Back and forth he rubbed, never quite adding enough pressure despite her wiggles.

Her very breath stilled as she waited on the precipice. She hung on the edge of the razor sharp pleasure. The promise of fulfillment gleamed with dark entreaty in his golden brown stare.

“Melted caramel,” she gasped in wonderment.

His finger paused. “What?”

Lindsey squirmed in his lap. “Your eyes. They’re like a treat on Earth. Melted caramel.”

This time his cheeks flagged red. His fingers returned to their teasing as he lowered his voice to a rumbling growl. “Would you like to consume me, Lindsey?”

Lindsey tried to choke out an answer but his talented thumb finally pressed against the sensitive spot.

She came.

Her hips arched away, back bowled as she whimpered and let go of the amassing sensations coiled between her legs. Zadal gave her little time to catch her breath when she came down from the dazed high. Shuddering, Lindsey grasped his shoulders as he put her on her feet.

Light headed, she could only stare as he stretched out on the bench seat and pulled her over him. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you when you come in my arms.”

The deep timber of his voice left her shivering. Lindsey relaxed into him as he locked an arm about her waist. Pleasure had her dozing lightly, his fingers playing in the tangled strands of her hair.

“My mother, Aiella Gatar, was not a pleasant woman.”

Zadal’s words broke the peaceful silence between them. Lindsey strained to keep every muscle from tensing at his shift in conversation.

After a deep breath, he continued. “Today I received news that she died. Drugs played a part and her life as a sex worker didn’t help. And…and I’m not saddened. My life with her was a difficult one made more so by her hatred of me. She should never have had a child.”

Lindsey leaned up to see his face but he stared at the sky, face pensive. “I’m sorry, Zadal.”

He focused on her and she wanted to cry at the pain in his eyes. “Why? I’m not.”

“I’m sorry she wasn’t the parent you needed her to be.” Lindsey rested her head on his chest and held him.

“I don’t deserve you.” She thought he mumbled.




Zadal held his wife on his lap as she curled into his arms. Being in her presence went a long way to calming his raging emotions at the news he’d received today. He wanted to think he was stronger than the child Aiella kicked around their small apartment but deep inside a part of that little boy still existed and mourned the woman who’d given birth to him.

Her death snuffed the small kernel of emotion he refused to acknowledge. Hope that she’d change her ways. Acknowledge him. Reveal his parentage. Anything as a sign she cared. But those things would never come to be now.


Chapter 25


After the day in the garden, Zadal worked hard to put distance between himself and Lindsey. Without Zumei to handle the day-to-day tasks, Zadal used the excuse of being busy when she questioned his absences.

Yet, he was a fool, because avoiding his wife did nothing to stop his heart from pounding in her presence or the breath from freezing in his chest if he heard her voice.

Giving in to the need, Zadal decided to look for her. It didn’t take much effort since his wife made no secret of her desire to be around him or Baruk if they were home. He found them in the media room wrapped around one another. Zadal started to back away when he interrupted the intimate scene. Lindsey wore her hair in a fussy mess atop her head, strands wisping about her face. She looked cozy nestled in the plump cushions with Baruk’s arm around her shoulders, her feet tucked beneath her hips.

Seeing the two of them together reminded him of how different he was and emphasized the ease with which they spent time together. Baruk and Lindsey worked perfect together and Zadal represented the odd man out except when they came together in sex. He didn’t belong in a Triad with these two.

Lindsey turned as Zadal started to back away from the doorway. Delight crossed her features and held his feet in place.

“Join us,” she invited as the strings of the music on the holo crashed in the background then softened to muted applause.

Zadal studied her expression for sincerity, his gaze drifting to Baruk who stared from his seat at her side. Zadal started to decline, the words on the tip of his tongue until Baruk smirked. The man continued to challenge him at work and home. His smug assurance that Zadal would refuse was written all over his face.

Annoyance replaced his reluctance. “Thank you.”

Zadal approached the curved lounger with caution. Lindsey bounced over on the tan pillows, displacing Baruk’s arm and patted the seat beside her.

“Sit here.” Her legs lay stretched over Baruk’s thighs, the man’s large palm coming to rest on the skirt of her blue dress.

He wanted to. He couldn’t remember wanting anything more.

 Zadal sat, ignoring the relief from his tired muscles. Searching for a new first assistant and a second assistant while staying on top of his work exhausted him. Baruk shared Mala and Kimsha when possible but Zadal didn’t want to overburden their already heavy loads.

“This is great,” Lindsey chirped and promptly placed her head in his lap while the concert on the holo screen resumed.

Zadal glanced at Baruk but his senate peer’s gaze had strayed to the tiny woman relaxing over them as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Zadal leaned back on the cushions letting the thunderous music wash over him. His eyes drifted closed and he dozed.

Low, muffled moans woke him. His lids lifted to a different concert than the one on the holo screen with the sound turned off. Another moan came from the vicinity of his lap. Lindsey’s head thrashed about as Baruk’s hand shifted beneath the skirts which were pushed to her waist.

With her legs splayed, it was easy to discern the moisture soaking the front silk panel of her red panties. Two fingers twisted beneath the tiny triangle barely covering her mound as Baruk stroked her to a loud climax. Zadal caught her about the shoulders as she wailed her release, keeping her from tumbling to the floor.

Baruk shot him a grin. “My thanks.”

He pulled his hand free, fingers glistening with Lindsey’s juices. Zadal shifted on the cushions, unsure how to respond but hard as an iron rod after watching.

“Z?” Lindsey’s eyes opened, dazed but satiated. “Sorry we woke you. You looked really tired.”

Baruk muffled a laugh.

Zadal ignored him and trailed his hand through Lindsey’s hair spread about his thighs. “I’ve asked you not to call me Z.”

His heart lurched from her mischievous grin. “But I like it. Reminds me of my favorite romance hero.”

Zadal grunted at the same answer Lindsey always gave and eased her head from his lap to rise to his feet. His next words were to Baruk. “My turn.”

His spouse partner slid Lindsey’s legs across the length of the sofa and went to his knees. “Let me undress her for you.”

Baruk made quick work of the printed gown and the silk trailed to the floor. Zadal removed his clothing and climbed onto the lounger, his body hovering over Lindsey’s. She watched with eyes widened.

He was rough, lacking his usual smooth ease. Try as he might Zadal couldn’t stop his next actions. He grasped Lindsey’s wrists and pinned them to the cushions by her head. “Don’t move.”

She stared, lips parted.

Would she protest? Cry?

Zadal growled. If she cried, he’d leave the room so fast both their heads would spin.

Lindsey licked her bottom lip, sucking the plump flesh between her teeth. “Give me a reason to hold still.”

Zadal’s heart crashed to his knees. Such unreserved giving. He wouldn’t abuse the gift. Sliding over the soft curves beneath him, Zadal forgot Baruk. Forgot there was anyone else in the room but the two of them.

“I’m going to make you scream my
name, Lindsey.”

Her lips quirked. “Like this…give it to me, Z. Make me hot, Z. I want it bad, Z.”

His balls swelled from her teasing and he ached. Zadal tuned out the erotic whispers and probed her damp entrance. Her swollen lower folds parted, wetness from her recent climax slickening his path. Lindsey’s hands smoothed up his chest as she gasped.

“You will call me Zadal.”

Her cheeky grin warned that his wife had no intention of listening to him. Zadal resisted returning her grin. Lowering his head, he thrust forward. Lindsey gasped, hands trying to break free of his grip. She wrapped her legs around his waist and swiveled her hips, attempting to drag him deeper.

 “Slow,” Zadal ordered, nipping her throat. “You don’t get to rush me like you do Baruk.”

Her body quivered but she held his gaze. Zadal released one of her hands to trace his knuckles over her cheek, calming the mild fear he sensed. He wouldn’t hurt her.

In and out he pumped, her core a vice on his throbbing shaft but Zadal kept his climax at bay. A flush warmed her cheeks, the rims of her blue eyes darkened but her whimpers and slight cries reassured him.

“Zadal,” she moaned.

Exactly what he wanted to hear.

Her tiny feet kicked at his back as she twisted beneath him, her body rocking fiercely trying to increase his pace.

“Slow, Lindsey,” he said again as he continued the sensual glide against his own desire to race.

“I need you. Please move faster, I want to come.”

“You’re going to come,” he whispered and raked his teeth down the exposed length of her neck.

Then because she began a rhythmic clenching on him he couldn’t resist, Zadal leaned forward and slammed harder, closer. When her nails sunk into his flesh, Zadal’s tortured groan ripped free and he lost control. Powering forward, he drove them both higher and higher.

She screamed and her lower half locked on him as the orgasm ripped through her delicate body. A harsh growl followed his own release. Shaking in the aftermath, he collapsed on top of Lindsey. To his amazement and deep satisfaction, she held him fiercely against her curves. When Zadal was able to move, Lindsey’s body turned limp on the cushions and her arms went slack.


Her eyes remained closed and fear gripped him. Zadal leaped to his feet, frantic something was wrong. He’d been too rough. An animal.

Baruk came over, glanced at Lindsey and shook his head with a half-chuckle. “
, Zadal, you fucked her unconscious.”


“I suggest you put her to bed because she’s out.”

Zadal backed away from the sofa as disgust and remorse curled through him. His mother’s blood ran true. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

“Hurt?” Baruk looked at him oddly. “She’s not hurt. Pleasured, yes. And tired. I think all this change is finally catching up to her. Or else.”

The significant pause pulled Zadal from his panic. “Or else?”

Baruk shrugged. “She’s pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” Zadal choked.

“I think she might be. A week at the most.” Baruk’s gaze drifted to a slumbering Lindsey. “Her breasts are fuller and she doesn’t know I heard her vomiting in the bathroom right before breakfast this morning.”

Her breasts had seemed more sensitive.

Was he ready for a child?



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