Little Memphis (12 page)

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Authors: Bijou Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Little Memphis
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Cat Scratch Fever

The Reed family room is staged for comfort rather than looks. Couches and chairs everywhere, I find a spot across from Ford who sits with his feet up on the coffee table. He’s close enough for my feet to touch his. Even hanging out, I’m not sure what happens next and I’m too afraid to ask.

We’re eating toasted tortilla chips with fresh guacamole. I imagined Ford and Pax ate shit and their fridge would be empty. Instead, they eat even better than I do at Darby’s. Once again, I’ve misread people.

Downstairs, a grumpy Pax works out with the stereo playing loud. I know he’s grumpy. After all, he announced I should stay the fuck away from him because he’s grumpy. I got his subtle message.

Wheels in the Sky
begins to play, I shiver. “I love this song.”

“Typical chick music.”

“Steve Perry has the voice of an angel.”

“It’s rock and roll, sugar. Guys shouldn’t sound like angels. They should sound like sick bastards who’ll butt fuck your little sister and leave her with herpes.”

Laughing, I roll my eyes. “That might be the most disgusting thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

“Really? You grew up a fairy princess, huh?”

“How dare you mock my childhood growing up in a castle? Besides, a guy once asked to pee on me in the shower, so I’m not a totally sheltered princess.”

Popping a chip in his mouth, Ford mutters, “I promise I’ll never hint that. In or near a shower. Even if you have sissy taste in music.”

Laughing again, I flip him off. “Journey is the best band ever.”

Ford pushes his foot against mine and smiles. “I’ll humor you because you’re so damn pretty.”

“Bullshit. You just can’t defend your crappy choices. First, you try to distract me. Then you get me hot with those compliments.”

“Are you hot?”

“No. I’m pretty fucked out.”

“Give it a few minutes. I’m sending my sexual healing vibes,” he says, waving his fingers at me.

Laughing hard now, I throw a pillow across the table at him. Ford catches it easily and sets it next to him.

“What’s your favorite song?” I ask.

“Like ever?” he mocks, batting his eyes. When he sees my expression change, Ford smiles. “Fragile little princess, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea.”

Ford presses his foot against mine again and I see something different in his eyes. I’m not sure what he’s thinking, but I’m nervous now.

Cat Scratch Fever
is badass,” he says, tapping the balls of our feet together. “Nugent is the man.”

“He’s a man, sure.”

Ford smirks. “I want you to come over here,” he says in a low edgy voice. “Right here.”

I look at where he’s patting the couch. “And if I say no?”

“Why would you?”

“Guys like you want the chase. Should I really make it that easy for you?”

“I already caught you. You’re mine to do with what I please.”

“Oh, really?” I say, struggling against the urge to roll my eyes.

“Are you afraid of staying caught?”

“I’m afraid of getting chewed up and spit out when you’re ready for a new hunt.”

“Why let reality fuck up the fantasy? We’re not people who get many delusions in life. Let’s enjoy this one.”

Considering his words, I nod. “My pussy needs a break.”

“There are other ways to make me smile.”

“I’m eating.”

“True. I’ll be patient. I have a talent for waiting for the perfect time to attack.”

“My pussy thanks you.”

“Keep taking about your pussy and my patience won’t last.”

Laughing at his expression, I press my foot against his and enjoy more chips. We sit silently, eating and listening to the music. Ford looks sleepy and I feel the same way. Since he’s in no hurry for me to leave, I wonder if a nap would be out of the question. If I was at Darby’s, I’d be curled up in bed by now.

“What are you thinking?” he asks, grabbing for his ringing phone.

“I wouldn’t mind a nap.”

Ford grins until he sees the text. All the softness in face disappears and I am faced with the guy who “enforces” for the club. The music downstairs stops and I suspect Pax received the same text. Setting aside my chips, I wait for him to blow me off so he can work.

“I have to go,” he says, standing up. “You should take that nap and I’ll be back later. We’ll go out for dinner.”

Ford is still talking when he walks down the hallway to his bedroom. I follow after him, not wanting him to leave.

“Have you heard of the Elvis cover band that plays at the City by Night club? They’re called Blue Hawaii and they do rock versions of his songs. The band is pretty good and the club serves seafood.”

“I’ve never heard of them,” I say while he tugs on a jersey over his tee.

Ford shoves his feet into boots and straps them tight. Once he’s dressed, he takes my hand and guides me back into the living room.

“Ford!” Pax calls from downstairs.

“I know. I’m coming.”

Ford turns to me and cradles my face in his powerful hands. “This thing will take a few hours at least. When I get back, we’ll go out and eat. Sound good?”

Tugging at his shirt, I smile. “Be careful.”

“No one in this fucking place can touch me and Pax,” he says, kissing me softly before nipping at my lip playfully. “Don’t worry. Just relax. Eat or watch TV or sleep. Whatever you want. Folgers will keep you safe.”

“Keep me safe?” I say, losing my smile.

Ford shrugs. “You never know.” After giving me another kiss, Ford steps back. “I’m sorry. I gotta work.”

I watch him disappear downstairs. A few minutes later, the front door closes and Harleys roar to life. I watch the brothers disappear down the road. Once I’m truly alone, I enjoy how Ford wants to spend the evening with me. I’ve never had a boyfriend and don’t know what’s normal. No matter how long this thing with Ford lasts, I plan to enjoy the ride.




Back Page News

The west side of Little Memphis is a wasteland of failed businesses and abandoned homes. After a rat infestation, one of the elementary schools was temporarily closed and the kids shuttled off to another nearby school. Apparently the paperwork for the extermination process got lost, so the temporary closing was going on two years now. Typical west side bullshit.

Big Dick is one of Trigger’s high school buddies. They busted a lot of heads together during the Little Memphis Motorcycle Club’s rise to power. Big Dick like Trigger always felt untouchable. For thirty years, they were, but not anymore.

Tiny Dick was probably a funny nickname for a little boy. Once he hit his teen, Big Dick’s son hated the fucking thing. Tiny whined to me a few weeks ago about how nothing on him was small. I told him to get over it. He shrugged and walked off. That was the last time I saw him alive.

Studying the wounds on his body, I realize none of them are tiny either. Whoever brought him out to the quarry tore him apart.

“We’re looking at more than one fucker,” I say as Pax walks around nearby, searching for clues to the assholes.

Joker nods. “Normally, I might think this was the kind of normal fucked up shit that happens when egos collide. We both know Tiny had a big ego. Except dumping him here and fucking him up so much feels personal. I’m thinking this is an attack on the club, not Tiny.”

“The west side bastards going after Tiny means they’re cowards. He wasn’t in the club yet. The kid was big, but he couldn’t fight for shit. Usually, he just fell on people to win.”

Joker gives me a little nod. Despite his cool demeanor, he’s nervous. While not the first time someone’s hit the club, the blood spilled was never from a club family member before. Joker has two women, two kids, and a mom to worry about getting targeted. I just have Pax who can handle himself.

Standing out there in the gravel pit, I feel like the old Ford. I don’t think about the last few days and forget about Shay. Out of nowhere, I see her face.

Shay’s my responsibility. My shiny toy. Fuck it, she’s my woman. That makes her a target too. Now I’m not just angry, but nervous too.

“Big Dick claimed fuckers were making a move,” Pax says, joining us. “We need to burn their shit down. Scare them and see who rats out who.”

“Not yet,” I mutter. “These fuckers are pissing their pants right now. They killed Big Dick’s only son, so they’ll be expecting payback. Walking into their playground with their rules is going to get more of us killed. Instead, let’s give them a few days to relax and think they’ve won.”

Joker sighs. “Big Dick wants blood now.”

“This isn’t just about him,” I say, glancing at Trigger and Big Dick at the top of the quarry. “The whole club is on the line. We can’t walk into an ambush to make one guy feel better. You remind him that he has more kids and an old lady. He better keep his head down until we’re ready to get his payback.”

Joker sizes up Pax and me then walks off to play nice guy with Big Dick. I can’t fake the buddy shit. That’s not my talent. Pax and I are enforcers. We don’t do soft or smooth. We are blunt objects meant for destruction, but that doesn’t fucking mean I plan to sign up for a suicide mission.

“If Paro is the one making moves, he didn’t kill Tiny himself,” Pax says. “The idiot’s a pimp and has one fucking guy as muscle. Not even a big guy either. This feels like something else.”

“Paro has a mouth on him and his girls are snitching. I’m guessing the asshole behind him is a dealer. The meth guys have bitched about Big Dick screwing them. You know the bald guy with the weird tat on his head?” I ask and Pax nods. “He’s a psycho fuck and he got out of prison a few months ago. That’s the kind of fucker who would eviscerate a kid like Tiny. I say he’s the one we kill first.”

“If he ain’t the guy, it’ll be no skin off anyone’s ass. I bet his mom won’t even shed a tear for the creep.”

“We’ll need to make it messy.”

“Public too.”

Pax gives me a nod then glances at where the coroner covers Tiny’s body. The club’s allies in local government will keep the murder quiet. The paper will barely mention it. That’s how life works in Little Memphis. An old lady dying with her little poodle is front page news. A guy tortured and killed in a growing turf war gets buried in the back of the paper.

Leaving behind Joker to calm a raging Big Dick, Pax and I return home. We get to the house when the sun is low in the sky. I’m thinking about dinner, but Pax grabs a six pack of beer with the intention of downing it all.

“Don’t,” I say, taking the beer from him. “I want to go to the City by Night.”

“Take dumpling with you. She’ll bat her eyes and talk about her pussy. What do you need me for?”

Patting his cheek, I smile. “Someone needs to pay the check.”


“Getting drunk and pouting won’t make you feel better about Tiny Dick. Come out with me and show our enemies we never flinch. Let them believe we’re heartless bastards unable to feel a fucking thing. Those rumors about us being soulless monsters won’t spread themselves. We need to do the legwork, brother.”

Pax smiles. “Your speech warms my heart, asshole.”

“Get cleaned up and meet me in an hour.”

As I walk towards my room, Pax growls, “If she giggles, I’m punching her.”

“You touch her and I’m slicing off the top layer of your dick.”

Always a fan of crotch violence, Pax laughs. I slow my steps when I near my bedroom. Shay is likely asleep and I don’t want to startle her. She slept like shit the night before. I also know she’s thinking of running back to Georgia. No way is that happening on my watch.

My cock hardens at the sight of Shay spread out on her stomach across my bed.  Her little ass is tilted up slightly and she’s only wearing those thin pink panties. My cock’s reaction doesn’t surprise me, but my chest aches at the sight of her relaxed face. My shirt’s sleeves are bunched up around her hands, making Shay look delicate and irresistible.

As the TV plays quietly, she fell asleep with her head at the foot of the bed. I can picture Shay feeling vulnerable alone at the house. Pax was right about her being young when it came to innocence and experience. Yet he was wrong about her being too young to keep up with me.

Shay has courage and I love watching her push herself. Everything is new, making it both exciting and scary. She hasn’t run so far and I plan on keeping her from making the mistake of ditching Little Memphis.

Resting in the corner chair, I watch her for fifteen minutes. She’s sleeping deeply, comfortable in a way that feels fucked up to disturb. I have to get her up before Pax arrives, making a lot of noise. His version of an alarm clock isn’t nearly as fun as Shay’s.

Leaning down on the bed, I kiss the birthmark on the back of her left thigh. My lips leave soft kisses over her thighs then each butt cheek. Her ass wiggles as she wakes and I hear her sigh. Turning over, she blinks a few times then smiles.

“Are you okay?” she asks, caressing my cheek.

Kissing her, I want a quickie, but she’s still half asleep and my brother is making a lot of noise in the kitchen. My dick will have to wait.

“Will you ever tell me where you go when you leave?” she asks.

“No and you don’t want to know anyway. Let’s enjoy the fantasy.”

Shay smiles in a way that makes my chest hurt again. “I know it’s a mistake, but I’m falling for you.”

“I know and it’s fucking beautiful.”

I scoop her into my arms and kiss her awake. By the time she’s moaning into my mouth, I am thinking quickie again.

“Can you do it fast?” Shay whispers against my cheek.

“Is someone feeding you the perfect things to say? You know, like with that movie where the guy had a big nose?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I think Chevy Chase was in it.”

Shaking her head, Shay tugs her shirt over her head. “I don’t need to come. My pussy isn’t in the mood.”

“There you go again,” I say, leaning her back and sucking her left nipple into my mouth.

Shay wiggles her ass on my lap and I’m about done with foreplay. She makes me hard like when I was a teenager. Back then, I got boners from breezes, clocks chiming, or even taking a deep breath.

I quickly have Shay resting back on the bed while her panties land on the dresser. My jeans are around my knees as I press into her surprisingly wet pussy.

“When Pax gets on your nerves tonight,” I whisper, sighing at the feel of her wrapped around my cock, “think about how much fun we’ll have tonight. Think about how I’m going to take my time later and make you beg.”

Shay smiles casually until I play with the dark, wet curls between her legs. Her breathing shifts immediately and she looks at me like I’m the only thing in the world keeping her sane. I love how her hips buck when the orgasm hits her. When I see her eyes widen then close from the pleasure, I fuck her harder, faster. Watching her come is the sexiest shit and I can’t hold back once her pussy sucks hard at my cock. Relief never felt so sweet.

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