Read Lone Heart: Red Hot Weekend Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
“I’ve got no one waiting on me, Charli. Just you, here and now.” His hands moved, cupping her again, then gliding down between her legs, where his fingers played with the sensitive knot swelling harder at the top of her folds.
She whimpered. “I need you to move. Do something. I’m…gettin’ restless again.”
He tongued her ear. “I’m in charge?”
“Do you like a little pain, a little restraint?”
“Why are you askin’?”
“Just making sure you have a clue what’s coming. But right now, I’m about to blow. You get down on your hands and knees again. No more teasing.” He bit her ear, then grasped her shoulders and pushed her torso down.
She landed on her hands and adjusted her stance as he shifted behind her, still connected. The change of angle, the hard grip of his hands as he pulled her bottom back and forced her to tilt a little higher, made her heart race. She felt like a NASCAR racer waiting for the flag to drop, knowing Lonny was getting ready to rev zero to ninety the moment he let go.
Once she was arranged to his satisfaction, his hands roamed her back, cupped her bottom and split it. She groaned, knowing he was looking at her asshole, but not until he touched it did she have a clue he intended so much more.
The first swirl of his thumb over her entrance made her jerk. “Lonny!”
“Daniel never touched you here?”
“Yes, but only after we knew each other really, really well.”
“Did he get inside you, Charli?” he asked silkily while the pad of his finger tapped her.
“With his fingers. And a dildo once. But I didn’t like it.”
“We’re gonna change that. Your little asshole is pure temptation.” His thumb scraped it, then two fingers pressed on either side to open it.
“Jesus,” she whimpered. Moisture fell in the opening, but she didn’t jump, didn’t protest when a finger rubbed the liquid then entered her. The penetrating warmth was foreign, exotic—and this was a new lover, one without filters or censors. Someone who didn’t give a damn about her sensibilities and who’d push her past comfort.
She sensed she needed that. And didn’t feel even a smidgen of concern over the fact she was acting this way. She’d been a different woman with Daniel. A girl learning to be a wife. Lonny would teach her to be a lover.
Lonny pushed deeper and swirled his finger, easing the tightness of her inner muscles.
She burned. “Not sure I like that,” she gritted out.
He chuckled. “Liar. Know how I know you do?
Did she really want to know? “How?”
“Your pussy just gushed all around me.”
“The things you say!” she gasped, but she smiled because he couldn’t see.
His body shifted behind hers again, and his cock shoved deeper. When he scraped his fingertips down the backs of her thighs, then up again, she wriggled and eased him deeper inside.
“Kiss that mattress, baby.”
“Make me.”
He laughed, then leaned over her, thrust his hand into her hair, cupping the back of her head, and forced her down.
Her ass was high, her face was pressed against the bed, and he was still fingering her from behind.
Lonny let go of her hair. A slap landed against her backside. He rubbed the ache, slapped her again and soothed her warming skin. “I’m gonna buy something special, a flogger. It’s like a little whip, and I’m gonna lay stripes on your ass. I think you’ll like it.”
Not knowing how to respond, because the images in her mind were so wicked she was sure she’d go to hell, she remained silent, enduring the sexy swirls of his finger and cock.
His hips moved side to side, and he tunneled deeper and deeper. “’Nough play, I think.”
Her hands bunched into the bedding and gripped it tight.
He pulled his finger pulled free. Then both hands gripped her buttocks, holding them apart while he pushed and pulled his cock, rocking forward then back, building heat with the friction.
Her pussy clenched and opened, small, convulsive swallows she couldn’t control. Ripples teased up and down her channel, and she wriggled again, enjoying his quickening thrusts and the way his hard lower belly beat against her ass.
The sounds they made were lush, raw—so wet and nasty she moaned and rolled her face on the mattress. He was working her sex, fucking her so deliciously, she knew she was going to come again, and that the release he’d given her before wouldn’t soften the explosion even a little bit.
“Christ, baby, I love the way you feel. Your pussy mouth is eating me up.”
She gave a choked laugh, way past being shocked by anything he’d say now.
When he bent and his hands landed on the mattress on either side of her, she knew he was ready to let go.
His thrusts grew stronger, slapping her cunt. “Yeah, I’m spankin’ it now. Next time, I’ll open you up and lay my palm there and tap that sweet cunt.”
His words inflamed her, were nastier than any she could think of herself, and she liked it. So much so she mewled and writhed beneath him. “Fuck me, Lonny. Jesus, give it to me hard.”
Lonny pistoned faster, no longer slapping against her, but pounding, and she began to howl, because the tension inside her was so tight and fierce she was ready to rocket toward the sky.
His hands wrapped around hers bunched in the sheets, and he kissed her shoulder, her neck, and continued thrusting furiously behind her.
Charli inched her knees wider apart, tilted her ass up and rejoiced when his balls bounced against her clit, adding another sensation, one too many, because she stiffened and screamed between her clenched teeth.
“That’s it. That’s it. Oh fuck, fuck,
.” Lonny crashed against her ass, pushing as deep as she could take him. Scalding spurts filled her channel. Once again they’d forgotten something, but not really. This time she’d been happy, needful of pure connection. To hell with the consequences.
He fell against her back and wrapped his arms beneath her, hugging her against his body as he continued to shudder and shoot inside her. “Fucking best ever,” he breathed into her ear.
She grinned, too tired to reply. He’d been mind-blowing, completely different from anything she’d known before, and she was grateful she didn’t have to compare.
Still hugging her close, he brought them both down to the bed, where they rested on their sides, spooned together. With his hands soothing over her skin, he kissed her ear. “There’s no way in hell you can tell me there’s not something happening here.”
She cuddled closer, letting him fold her against him. “I won’t lie. I’m a little scared, but now I’m more worried we
do this again.”
His sharp grunt jerked against her. “One weekend’s not gonna be nearly enough.”
By the time Drew’s rig pulled in to the drive beside the house Monday morning, Charli was so used to Lonny’s touch that she barely registered his arm was slung low around her waist. She didn’t notice until Drew stepped onto the gravel and narrowed his gaze on the two of them.
“Don’t need to guess what you two’ve been doin’ all weekend,” he drawled.
She blushed, but smiled because there was an answering sparkle in his eyes. Things must have gone well with the feisty redhead. “We didn’t let the cattle starve.”
“Finished up that last little bit of fencing on the north pasture too,” Lonny said, his tone wry. “She helped.”
She bit her lips to hide her smile. She’d helped by spreading a blanket for their lunch, then lying on her back while he’d helped himself to piles of potato salad and sandwiches served on her bare breasts and belly. Only the cows would ever know.
Lonny wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her close for a hug before letting her go. “Go rustle up a meal. I’ll help him drop the trailer.”
She watched as Lonny walked toward Drew and the two men faced off. Drew raised a brow and gave her a pointed stare, which made her hurry back inside the house. She guessed they had things to talk about, like how the sleeping arrangements were about to change.
When the trailer was stowed behind the barn, Lonny wiped his hands on the sides of his jeans.
Drew stood with his hands in his pockets, his expression neutral. “She happy?”
Lonny nodded. “We both are. You okay with that?”
“Guess I need to air out a bed in the bunkhouse.”
Lonny took a deep breath. He’d worried about how to broach the topic, but Drew deserved straight-up honesty. “No need. I have a couple of hands coming in tomorrow. Charli and I are taking a little trip.”
Drew’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh?”
“I want to take her to my home. Introduce her to my family.”
Drew nodded his head, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he squinted at the sun overhead. “Gonna be away long?”
“Maybe. We haven’t made plans yet. Long term. But I wouldn’t leave you stuck.”
The other man’s mouth quirked up at one side. “Guess I should have been more specific when I asked if you’d stick through winter.”
“I have a ranch out there. One I left in my brother’s hands. We have options, Drew. I just need to figure out where she’ll be happiest. If she likes it there, we’ll make sure you’re set. Don’t you worry about that. I have the cash to put into this place to keep up Charli’s end.”
Drew blew out a deep breath. “How much does she know about you?”
Lonny studied the other man’s expression. Drew wasn’t a bit surprised he had money. “Guess not as much as you.”
“I checked you out before I hired you. You aren’t just a rodeo cowboy. You could buy us out a couple of times over. Wondered why you’d bother hiring on.”
“So you know I can take care of her.”
Drew nailed Lonny with a hard stare. “I just need to know she comes first—that this is more than just a passing fancy for you, boy.”
Lonny didn’t mind Drew’s harsh tone. He loved Charli. He couldn’t blame the man for wanting to be sure about him. “I’m not a boy. I know what I want. And she’s right inside that house.”
Drew held his gaze for a long moment, searching Lonny’s expression. Then the tautness of his features eased. “Change might do her good. She’s had a world of worry on her shoulders for much too long.”
“She wouldn’t feel right about going unless you were gonna be okay.”
“I won’t be alone long, if that’s what she’s worried about.”
Lonny watched Drew’s mouth stretch with his slow smile. “You and that girl in Abilene?”
“We’ve come to an understandin’. No more dickin’ around for me. I’m ready for some roots. I was just worried about what Charli might think.”
“House might get crowded, two women under the same roof.”
Drew’s smile got bigger. “I was thinkin’ about buildin’ another one. Something small.”
Lonny grinned. “I’d hold off on that if I were you.”
“I’ll do that.”
Lonny held out his hand and Drew accepted the shake, then pulled him close for a manly hug. “You ever hurt her…” he said, his voice rasping.
“You’ve got my permission to kick my ass,” Lonny said, his own throat tight.
They stood apart, hands still clasped, both with wide grins on their faces.
“Was gettin’ worried you were tryin’ to steal my beau, Drew.”
The men dropped their hands and laughed as they turned to watch Charli stride toward them, a question in her eyes.
Drew picked her up for a big bear hug.
Lonny watched, seeing the relief in Charli’s face, the joy that glittered in her eyes.
Yeah, taking her home to Colorado would be a good thing for them all.
Chapter Seven
There’d been some changes on the mountain since Lonny last visited.
First and foremost was the lovely swell of Honey’s belly. This morning, she’d managed to rise without running to the bathroom to vomit. She held a cup of tea between her hands. Crumbles from crackers glazed with apple jelly remained on the small plate in front of her.
She and Lonny sat alone at the table, enjoying the afternoon sun and the majestic view of the mountains in the distance.
“I like this patio,” he said, glancing around at the wide, flagstone-cobbled area and the iron table and chairs. When the new addition True was having built was completed, the patio would be more of courtyard, framed on three sides by covered porches.
Honey shrugged. “Won’t be much use come winter, but I like the view.”
“So do I,” he murmured.
Honey blushed. “Stop that.”
“Worried True might get jealous if he catches us flirting?”
“Not so much,” she said, shaking her head. “He knows he’s my one and only. However, I wouldn’t want your girl to get any ideas.” Honey’s expression grew worried. “Does she know…about us?”
Lonny took a deep breath. “Yes.”
“How’d she take it?”
“I think she was confused about how we could all be friends after something like that, but I reminded her I accept Drew just fine—and True and I are brothers. The fact that we all had had a little thing—well, she’s all right with that.”