The Spawn of Hate

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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The Spawn of Hate

























I would like to thank no one for this book, as I wrote it by myself in a short period of time while deployed to Afghanistan in 2013. Chances are if you are reading this in 2013 I am still there. I edited by myself which explains why it reads like it was written by a monkey with a faulty typewriter. I also do not care if you enjoy my book or not, I wrote it just to prove I could. Mommy I hope you are smiling down on me, I finally did it.
























It all seemed so surreal to me. I was not a kid any longer at least inside anyway, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be hunted by those who were now after me. I must be a high value target, as I was now being chased by the very best. These guys were not the Army Rangers or anything, but they didn’t have to be. This group didn’t need any fancy equipment, they were physically gifted. It was only a team of five after me but this wasn’t any ordinary five, this was Alpha team.

Everyone on this team had some sort of gift that the average person could only dream about.
One on one, the average human didn’t stand a chance. Still I was not going to lie down and make it easy for them, if they wanted to get some, they were going to get some.  I was not without my own gifts and I have an advantage, I am fighting to kill and they are only trying to capture me. If I could help it though I did not want to get into a confrontation so I ran. I knew I would not get very far before at least one of them caught up to me, but it was easier facing them one on one instead of in a group. I was going through my game plan while running, waiting for that first contact. I didn’t have to wait for long.

I heard footsteps behind me and I stopped to meet this foe head on. My opponent was a young werewolf around my age, but she was not one of
the hulking muscle bound figures from the movies, she was a runt. She was still stronger than a normal human her age but her primary skill was speed. She stopped and sized me up. I was at least a head taller than she was and I had length. I figured she would over estimate her speed advantage over me and dart in trying to slowly pick me apart. I saw her back leg twitch and she didn’t disappoint. As soon as I saw her closing the distance I set my feet and threw a straight right.

I put all of
my 166 pounds behind that punch and connected solidly to her chin. Most werewolves were a lot more durable than humans, but I put enough on that blow to make her not fancy getting another one. Her head snapped back and I was on her with a bear hug. As soon as I applied it I felt her try to power her way out of it. I smiled at her and gave her a full jolt of my electricity. Electricity is just one of the tricks I picked up. Handling me was like trying to squeeze and electric eel to death, it wasn’t going to happen.

The werewolf
went catatonic rather quickly, allowing me to get up and continue to run. This one was the runt of her pack, but I knew her alpha would be close behind so I had to high tail it outta there. I was not sure if I could beat the alpha wolf, who in addition to being a part of Alpha team had her own wolfpack. I knew the pack had business to settle with me and I was hoping it was just Alpha team and not the pack also. I found a small stream and decided to take it to mask my smell. I swam over to the other side and continued on my flight. I heard footsteps off in the distance and saw a scared deer running away. I should have watched where I was going as I caught a pretty good punch in the jaw that sent me flying.

Standing over me was a female all of 5’2 and no more than 115 pounds. While I was at least 8 inches taller and 5
0 pounds heavier than she was, she was the powerhouse of the group. This was no ordinary girl, this was a vampire. Much stronger than the wolf I faced and as vicious as can be. I was curious if I could go toe to toe with a vamp but now wasn’t the time to find out. There was only one of me and she had a team she could rely on. She didn’t even have to beat me; she just had to delay me.

I got up and ran at her full speed
feigning an attack. When she crouched low awaiting my tackle I leapt over her and continued to run. Unfortunately she wasn’t fooled for long and started following me. You know the stereotype of the strong guy being slow? Not true. Try out running a bear or a lion. It will not happen. Her strength, was all over her body. Strong legs and light frame means she was one heck of a sprinter. She caught me before long, tackled me to the ground and gave me a head butt for my trouble.  I tried my electrical trick but she already knew my moves. She was off me before I could give her a jolt and ran in to give me a couple of punches before running out of my reach again. I was getting tore up and I needed a plan. The next time I saw her run in, I spit my gum directly in her eye and got off a punch to her nose while she was surprised. Vampires were nowhere near as durable as a werewolf, but I had nothing on the punch and I knew it would not be long until she shook it off. I ran in to give her another blow when she caught my arm and snapped it like a twig. I went down screaming in a bunch of pain.

“You know it doesn’t have to be this way.” The vamp started talking. “Just come back with me and I’
ll fix your arm. Or you can sit there on the ground broken waiting for the rest of Alpha to show up. Hurry up and choose, come with me or face what is coming to you back at the school.”

My arm hurt like hell but I wasn’t going to let her in on my surprise, namely I heal much faster than normal and I doubt it would ta
ke longer than a day or two to heal my arm completely. She picked me up by my collar when I decided to show off another ability of mine, teleportation.

I could not teleport long distances. I could however teleport line of sight distances, giving me the ability to have a type of flight. I was
not keen on flying in these woods however, so I looked for a tall tree to hide. I could see her looking around for me, dumbfounded. She busted me up pretty good and I knew she figured she had the fight won. I was not worried about her locating me, vampires had horrible vision in the daylight and I hid towards the top of the tree, meaning she would have to look towards the sun to spot me. Suddenly I had the feeling in my gut to teleport again quickly even though I suspected no one seen me. Good idea I play my hunches. I teleported to the next tree just as twin rays of green light slammed into the tree I was in right into the space I was in. Now things just got real, the leader of this team joined the fight.

I teleported around a bit in t
he tree tops, but sooner or later I was going to get tagged and it was a long way down. I still could not see where ever the wizard was, but I could see the vampire. If I charged her, maybe I could put her in the line of fire.

I teleported down and gave
her a perfect roundhouse kick a la Cluck Dorris the famous cartoon Kung Fu hero. It staggered the Vampire a bit but I knew it wouldn’t keep her dazed for long. When she turned to face me, I poked her in the eye and started raining blows on her. I knew the wizard was behind me somewhere and I was hoping the wizard would try for a shot in the back. I had my back to him for at least three seconds, perfect time for him to line up a shot. I teleported back up the tree just as one of his bolts slammed into the vampire, neutralizing her. Unfortunately I was knocked out of my perch by another wizard, this one with the power of flight.

I hit the ground hard and was sure I broke something
, well broke something else. Normally I could take this chick in a straight up battle, but I did not have the time to waste. I could feel that my ribs were broken and I was having difficulty breathing, let alone fighting. Still, I wasn’t an easy fight. I jumped up quickly and hoped that she would try to fly to gain some distance from me and she did. I teleported away just as that familiar green light slammed into me.

The place I teleported into
was inside a cave behind a waterfall I had spotted. Yosemite had plenty of hiding areas; I just wished I found this one earlier. I was paralyzed for the time being but I had bigger worries. I under estimated this team and I should have just teleported away as fast as possible instead of getting into any fisticuffs. I didn’t count on the Vamp being so hard of a fight, I figured the Alpha wolf would be my main foe in a straight up hand to hand throw down and she had yet to show up. I knew taking the wizard with the lights would be tough as I have seen him take down both Vamp and wolf with little problems. We can’t help but be their enemy though, as me and their employer have a lot of bad blood between us. Not to mention I am sure I intrigue his scientific mind, as I am the last known demon on earth. Still it is hard to believe not long ago I considered some of them friends…


















In the Beginning

My name is Cory, Cory Price.
I will start this off at the beginning; I am a child of rape. My father, whoever he is, attacked my mother one night when she was returning from selling popcorn at the Oakland Ravers football game. He attacked her just as she was getting off the BART train in full view of the camera. Although my mother was already in a relationship, she decided to keep me even if there was a chance I wasn’t my fathers. My dad ended up marrying her anyway. Needless to say when I can vote, I’m Pro Life, probably the only pro-life democrat you know.

My childhood was one of stares and taunts. I was much darker than the other little kids. I was
as dark as an albino is white. They told me it was called melanism and it was normally only found in animals. Whatever the case it made me the butt of a lot of jokes. If people did not make fun of me for that, then they made fun of the fact that I was dressed like a kid who bought his clothes from a second hand store. I dressed the way I did because that’s where I got my clothes from.

My parents, Rebecca and Dave Price, were hard working people, just poor. My mother had me while she was just beginn
ing college. My grandparents were not keen on having an unmarried 18 year old daughter with a baby and told her to abort me or lose her college money. My mother chose the latter and my dad got odd jobs trying to support her. They just never seemed to get ahead. I didn’t help out their piece of mind at all, as I was a troubled kid to say the least.

Since I was always teased, I either used comedy or my fist to get out of a situation. When I couldn’t joke my way out or someone was being particularly nasty, I would answer with my fists. I was not a large kid but if you were fighting me, win or lo
se you knew you were in a fight, a fight that you’d rather not have again. I was suspended more times than I could count and was threatened with expulsion once or twice. I will not say I was an angel and society made me this way. I take all the blame for my actions, I knew people didn’t pick on or make fun of someone they knew would bust you in the chops. After my last stint in juvenile hall at 15, I decided to clean up my act after being subjected to one of those scared straight programs.

I started up school
again and this time decided to put my all into it. I really didn’t hang out with anyone, just focused on my school work. Although I was down for a year, other kids left me alone because I had a well deserved reputation of fighting anywhere any time. I wasn’t trying to get into any fights this time around and people just let me be. Life had got a little easier for me and my parents became proud of the effort I was showing. They eventually came into a little money and told me they could afford for me to play a sport if I wanted. I was a fan of football, my parents not so much.

Football started out great, although my team, the Castlemont Knights never won anything. It was still good to get out on the field and run about. I wasn’t going to get into a college based on my skill, but I had plenty of get up and go. I
played from whistle to whistle. My hussle got me an okay following after some big games we had. Of course we lost them all horribly, but some coaches were impressed about how much energy I brought to the field. After one of our games, a coach from a private school approached my parents asking them for their permission for me to play for his team. My school tuition would be covered and so would the cost of public transportation and my school uniforms. All I had to do was keep my GPA above a 3.0. Most kids would have dreaded wearing a school uniform but for me I was looking at it as a godsend, no more sticking out. When the coach mention 95% of his players go on to graduate college, my parents sent me off to Bishop O Dowd Boys Prepatory School.

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