| sexuality of men. See gay men; gender role socialization; heterosexuality
 | sexuality of women
 | and beauty, 24-25, 28
 | challenges to philosophizing about, 7-8, 23, 218-19
 | as contextual relation, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25-26
 | as dialectical relation between gender and sexuality, 5-6, 8, 11-14, 20, 22, 25, 73, 97, 117, 137, 148, 149, 204-10, 215
 | as dirt and defilement, 139, 147, 166
 | economic and erotic power of women in, 113-14, 135-44, 195-96, 205
 | feminist disagreements about, summarized, 3-6, 11, 41-43, 68-70, 110-17, 156-58, 216-17
 | feminist versus traditional philosophical inquiries into, 10, 12-13
 | "good" sex versus "bad" sex for women, 23-24, 39, 41, 50, 51, 82, 83, 107
 | knowledge of, under patriarchy, 12, 43, 101, 152
 | and personal identity, 56, 58